View Full Version : People with hook noses/long noses dominate this planet

09-25-2015, 11:59 PM
(this isn't a rant about Jews lol, or a rant at all actually, more of a complimentary thread)

Namely, Western European Keltid-Nordids, Norics, Keltids, Atlanto-Dinarids, and of course Jews(although I won't get into Jewish dominance in this thread, this is about dominance within pure European phenotypes, so I'm not posting Jewish scientists as that's already well known, as well as the lone eastern European in Tesla). This dominance I have found does not include other heavily long nosed but more/different hook nosed populations such as Balkan people, southern Mediterannids, Middle-Eastern people, central Asians, northern Indians, people unrelated to them, simply just Western Europeans with these types of noses(which differ in their own ways from the other long/hook nosed people anyway).

Firstly, I'd like to say people who hate racial science(and/or pseudo-science)/people who try to put behavior and looks together, you can feck off and go cry about it on www.officialfansiteofthecarebears.com. This thread is not about arguing whether looks and behavior can be put together, go argue about that or bark about how horrible people like me are to some liberals or something.

Secondly, I do not have a hook nose/long nose. I am not any of those phenotypes listed above. I am completely unbiased and I am just stating an observation I have recently made, what I care about whether it's true or not. I have no bias here and I'm not trying to prove any personal point. It does not benefit me if hook/long nosed people are smarter. I have a typical, straight common nose found mostly in Atlantids, Nordids and Indians, as seen here:


Thirdly, I make this thread with the impression that people with hook/long noses are not over 50% of the population in Western Europe, if they are, my point is absolutely irrelevant as I'm trying to point out that they're overpresented in scientists/etc compared to their population size.

Let's take a look at the first results I get when looking for lists of top significant inventors and scientists of the world:
Thomas Edison(American)

Benjamin Franklin(American)


Da Vinci(Italian)

Johannes Gutenberg(German, printing press)

Tim Berners-Lee(English, world wide web)

Eli Whitney(American, mechanical parts)

Alfred Nobel(Swedish, dynamite)

Samuel Morse(American, telegraph)

James Watt(Scotland)

John Logie Baird(Scotland, both the TV and colour TV)

Bill Gates(American)

Henry Ford(American)


Stephen Hawking(England)

Isaac Newton(England)

Johannes Kepler(Germany)

Max Planck(Germany, quantum physics)

09-26-2015, 12:00 AM

Alessandro Volta(Italy)

Robert Hooke(English, microscope)

From the lists of top scientists/inventors of the world I've seen, the only scientists regularly shown in the top 10-20 with non-hook/long noses are a tiny minority, such as:

Alexander Graham Bell(Scotland, telephone)

George Westinghouse(America)


Tycho Brahe(Denmark)

Charles Darwin(England)

James Clerk Maxwell(Scotland)

The difference is huge, and that's only looking at the very top historically important scientists/inventors. I noticed the same pattern when looking at top philosophers, as well as music artists/guitarists/song writers that had their albums in the top 100 albums of all time list on www.rateyourmusic.com Only 1 out of the top 5 artists that had albums in the top 5 was not one of these phenotypes, and that was Pink Floyd's David Gilmour(North Atlantid with a straight nose), the album in question being Dark side of the Moon of course. The best album in the world is Radiohead's Kid A, and the guitarist/songwriter is one of the phenotypes.


Let's look at Monarchs now. The majority of European Monarchs had long/hook noses, although I don't think being a Monarch is exactly an accomplishment given so many were corrupt assholes, so let's look at the ones considered the best Monarchs in history:

King Louis XIV of France - Under his reign, France became the most powerful country in Europe. Louis ended feudalism in France and modernized the country. During his rule, the military and fine arts flourished.

Frederick II of Prussia - During his reign, the borders of Prussia expanded to encompass West Prussia and Silesia. Under his reign, the infrastructure, military and bureaucratic process of Prussia was greatly improved.

Gustav II Adolf of Sweden - During his reign, Sweden became a major European power. Gustav II Adolf led his Protestant army against the Catholic armies of France and Spain. After his death in battle, Sweden became known as a military powerhouse.

Augustus of Rome - Augustus improved the infrastructure and military of Rome. He also reformed the taxation process. His reign is known as Pax Romana, or Roman Peace, because during his reign diplomacy flourished.

John III Sobieski - John III, also known as the Lion of Lehistan, was a military and political genius. Under his rule, Poland-Lithuania became a stable, flourishing state. John became known as the Lion of Lehistan after his victory against the Turks in the Battle of Vienna.

James I of England - James I, also known as “the wisest fool in Christendom”, was the fist king of both England and Scotland. Under his rule, the two kingdoms were united. Literature and the fine arts flourished under his reign, he himself writing many books and poems. During his rule, international trade through the British East India Company increased dramatically.(before friggen' Oliver Cromwell came in and ruined England)

Queen Victoria - During her reign, the British Empire expanded to encompass one quarter of the land on the Earth, making it the largest empire ever. The United Kingdom flourished under her reign, with the Industrial Revolution taking place. Victoria lent her name to the Victorian Era, a time when the United Kingdom’s power was at its zenith.

I was also watching a lot of Shark Tank/Dragon's Den recently and all the inventors/businessmen usually had hook/long noses.

I really wonder why this is. Is this some Celtic Indo-European upper class? We know Celts came from the Switzerland/Austria/Bohemia area where there are a lot of both Norics and Keltid-Nordids, we know the people who kickstarted Rome migrated south from this area, we know the Celts migrated pretty much everywhere. Perhaps even before the Celts this upper class was created, with Yamnaya who also had noses like these according to Russian reconstructions.

How some people think the first Celts looked:


Unrelated: Previous scientific study - http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?172278-XenophobicPrussian-s-Race-Ladder

and.. there you have it. If you're a Western European phenotype and you have a hook/long nose, you should be proud.

This is Tywin Lannister and his Keltid-Nordid ass' world, we just live in it.

Cristiano viejo
09-26-2015, 12:10 AM
I noticed this too.
The power of nose.

09-26-2015, 12:12 AM
I have no knowledge about this, but I guess it would be interesting if they are overrepresented

09-26-2015, 12:14 AM
well, hook nosed middle easterners are dominating the 'migrating to europe' aspect...so I guess you're right in a sense

09-26-2015, 12:14 AM

spanish catalan
09-26-2015, 12:15 AM

09-26-2015, 12:20 AM
Testosterone increases nose length.
"Big noses are linked to high testosterone and virility, according to research published in the journal Evolution and Human Behaviour."

09-26-2015, 12:22 AM
well, hook nosed middle easterners are dominating the 'migrating to europe' aspect...so I guess you're right in a sense
Wadaad, someone has to get this information so its atleast out there before the Muslims switch the history books to saying the Statue of Liberty, the CN Tower, Notre Dame and the Burj Khalifa were built by Somalians instead of white people with hook noses.

I did forget to give other hook/long nosed people credit, the first people who started civilization in Sumeria were almost certainly hooked nosed Arabs instead of the straight nosed Arabs, but yeah, in recorded history, it seems hook nosed Western Europeans dominate(although who knows, maybe hook noses only exist in Europeans because of ENF admixture).

spanish catalan
09-26-2015, 12:24 AM
Testosterone increases nose length.
"Big noses are linked to high testosterone and virility, according to research published in the journal Evolution and Human Behaviour."

I am proof that this is false :)

09-26-2015, 12:25 AM
Wadaad, someone has to get this information so its atleast out there before the Muslims switch the history books to saying the Statue of Liberty, the CN Tower, Notre Dame and the Burj Khalifa were built by Somalians instead of white people with hook noses.

I did forget to give other hook/long nosed people credit, the first people who started civilization in Sumeria were almost certainly hooked nosed Arabs instead of the straight nosed Arabs, but yeah, in recorded history, it seems hook nosed Western Europeans dominate(although who knows, maybe hook noses only exist in Europeans because of ENF admixture).

But we are a hook nosed people too?


And no, Somalis are Muslims so we wont claim Phallic symbols like the CN tower

Sumerians portrayed themselves with straight noses, not hooked ones like the Akkadians


09-26-2015, 12:27 AM
You did put some effort into this.I somewhat agree with you.

09-26-2015, 12:32 AM
I am proof that this is false :)

I am proof that it is correct :)

09-26-2015, 12:33 AM



spanish catalan
09-26-2015, 12:33 AM
I am proof that it is correct :)

long nose is one simple adaptation of mountains life :ranger:

Grab the Gauge
09-26-2015, 12:38 AM
Testosterone increases nose length.
"Big noses are linked to high testosterone and virility, according to research published in the journal Evolution and Human Behaviour."

Big nose in this case means broad; not long. Posting in a long nose coping thread.

09-26-2015, 12:42 AM
This.Big does not = long.

Grab the Gauge
09-26-2015, 12:42 AM



Hey look its those guys who got garroted by a couple dozen Spaniards from the lowest rung of European society.

09-26-2015, 12:45 AM
Big nose in this case means broad; not long. Posting in a long nose coping thread.

yeah because those broad nosed Filipinos are the epitome of masculinity


09-26-2015, 01:14 AM
Hey look its those guys who got garroted by a couple dozen Spaniards from the lowest rung of European society.

Man, it looks like your knowledge in History leaves too much to be desired.



300,000 (Women, children and elderly included)


90–100 cavalry

900–1,300 infantry

6 guns

13 brigantines

Tlaxcala: 80,000–200,000

Cempoala: 400

Lest highlight that the spaniards and their allies were only soldiers and warriors.


Cortés was born in 1485 in the town of Medellín, in modern-day Extremadura, Spain. His father, Martín Cortés de Monroy, born in 1449 to Rodrigo or Ruy Fernández de Monroy and his wife María Cortés, was an infantry captain of distinguished ancestry but slender means. Hernán's mother was Catalina Pizarro Altamirano.[2]


09-26-2015, 01:15 AM



Also Cherchen man

Also found in ancient art from Russia-Shigir 11000 years+/-.

Also North America, Kenniwick man 9000+/-

Grab the Gauge
09-26-2015, 01:26 AM
Also Neanderthal man 50,000+/-


Also Homo Erectus man 700,000+/-


09-26-2015, 01:41 AM
If long noses are superior, then the Baskid type is superior over all others:
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9b/KLM_Open_2009_Olazabal.JPG/800px-KLM_Open_2009_Olazabal.JPG http://www.cadenaser.com/recorte/20130821csrcsrdep_4/LCO668/Ies/Raul-Gonzalez-vuelve-Madrid.jpg

09-26-2015, 01:44 AM
the typical Aztec face was broad with a prominent, and often hooked, nose. eyes were black or brown almond-shaped, and frequently with epic anthic folds at the outer corners, one indication that the ancestors of the Mexicans had migrated into the New World from Asia in the long-distant past.





Seth MacFarlane
09-26-2015, 01:48 AM
Proud syrid nose here ;)

09-26-2015, 01:50 AM
If long noses are superior, then the Baskid type is superior over all others:
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9b/KLM_Open_2009_Olazabal.JPG/800px-KLM_Open_2009_Olazabal.JPG http://www.cadenaser.com/recorte/20130821csrcsrdep_4/LCO668/Ies/Raul-Gonzalez-vuelve-Madrid.jpg
I clearly stated it doesn't include unrelated to Western Europe types like pure southern Mediterranean types(although the second guy could be superior).

I don't know why one guy is posting all these Native American hook noses, I didn't even see a single native American in any top philosopher/scientist/inventor/musician lists, let alone many people outside Europe/North America.

09-26-2015, 01:53 AM
Big nose in this case means broad; not long. Posting in a long nose coping thread.
Yes, precisely. Black people have the broadest noses and also have the most testosterone. While, people with lower amounts have higher IQs.

yeah because those broad nosed Filipinos are the epitome of masculinity

Filipinos do have a lot of masculinity(aka stupidity/archaic behavior based on lack of self control), rape is a pretty big problem there.

Grab the Gauge
09-26-2015, 01:53 AM
I clearly stated it doesn't include unrelated to Western Europe types like pure southern Mediterranean types(although the second guy could be superior).

WhiCh one of these would you say is superior?


09-26-2015, 01:55 AM
WhiCh one of these would you say is superior?


The skull with an actual progressive forehead

09-26-2015, 01:57 AM
Man, it looks like your knowledge in History leaves too much to be desired.

Lest highlight that the spaniards and their allies were only soldiers and warriors.


Speaking of Hernan Cortes


He had to be smart considering what he did.

Grab the Gauge
09-26-2015, 01:58 AM
The skull with an actual progressive forehead

Progressive forehead?

I'm not seeing a whole lot of difference between the two foreheads. One is taller than the other and has less of a brow ridge... But what really strikes me is the contrast in nasal height between the two specimens.

09-26-2015, 02:00 AM
hyperleptorrhine nasal types look the most masculine.

but either way, this is pseudoscience.

spanish catalan
09-26-2015, 02:02 AM
hyperleptorrhine nasal types look the most masculine.
https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ6t5_wgxqbLrtuVgclPhssSi_Ad_9Yk OB3-4KlMY79tKs6xQFO-h4uNQ

but either way, this is pseudoscience.

for me is the opposite, hyperleptorrhine nasal types look very feminine

Grab the Gauge
09-26-2015, 02:03 AM
hyperleptorrhine nasal types look the most masculine.
https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ6t5_wgxqbLrtuVgclPhssSi_Ad_9Yk OB3-4KlMY79tKs6xQFO-h4uNQ

I am sure most women will agree that guy is more masculine than:


09-26-2015, 02:04 AM
hyperleptorrhine nasal types look the most masculine.

but either way, this is pseudoscience.

Why? actually women notice things like this.

09-26-2015, 02:04 AM
Why? actually women notice things like this.

not at all, but it is relevant to this thread.

09-26-2015, 02:31 AM
Big nose in this case means broad; not long. Posting in a long nose coping thread.

Testosterone has an influence on bone mass. It is a well known fact. If your bones are bigger, the bridge of your nose is bigger.
In some cases the shape of the nose is inherited from parents.
In some cases, prominent nose is a sign of high level of testosterone.
On the other hand, the female sex hormone estrogen prevents the growth of facial bone, reduces the size of the nose and chin. Source: link (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1502002/Attractive-women-are-more-than-just-a-pretty-face.html)
Men's noses are, on average, larger than women's noses.

09-26-2015, 02:36 AM
Wadaad, someone has to get this information so its atleast out there before the Muslims switch the history books to saying the Statue of Liberty, the CN Tower, Notre Dame and the Burj Khalifa were built by Somalians instead of white people with hook noses.

I did forget to give other hook/long nosed people credit, the first people who started civilization in Sumeria were almost certainly hooked nosed Arabs instead of the straight nosed Arabs, but yeah, in recorded history, it seems hook nosed Western Europeans dominate(although who knows, maybe hook noses only exist in Europeans because of ENF admixture).

excuse you, Sumerians were not Arabic, not everyone non-European Caucasoid is Arab, Sumerians weren't even Afro-Asiatic.

Grab the Gauge
09-26-2015, 02:38 AM
Men's noses are, on average, larger than women's noses.

Just about everything on a man is bigger, Einstein. Prominent nasal bridges are most commonly found in MENA, central-West Asians, Native Americans and Europeans, populations known for having the lowest bone and lean body mass on Earth.

08-16-2016, 09:06 PM
This thread caught my eye just now. I kinda agree in that I also notice the preponderance of people with long noses. They give a stately impression in some cases.

King Claus
08-16-2016, 10:19 PM
I call it neanderthal tenacity.