View Full Version : There Are 181,000 Social Media 'Gurus,' 'Ninjas,' 'Masters,' and 'Mavens' on Twitter

01-09-2013, 04:17 PM
There Are 181,000 Social Media 'Gurus,' 'Ninjas,' 'Masters,' and 'Mavens' on Twitter

A Growth Industry: That's Up From Just 16,000 In 2009

As a public service, I like to periodically check in on the number of self-proclaimed social media "gurus," "ninjas," "masters" and "mavens" on Twitter. Why? Well, it seems like an important metric, an indicator of something.

Whatever it means, this is one indicator that is most definitely on the rise. In January 2013, the number of Twitter users with "social media" as part of their bio has grown to epic proportions. The list now tops 181,000 – up from a mere 16,000 when we first started tracking them in 2009 (http://www.whatsnextblog.com/2009/12/self-proclaimed_social_media_gurus_on_twitter_multiplyi ng_like_rabbits/), according to FollowerWonk (http://followerwonk.com/).

There Are 181,000 Social Media 'Gurus,' 'Ninjas,' 'Masters,' and 'Mavens' on Twitter | DigitalNext: A Blog on Emerging Media and Technology - Advertising Age (http://adage.com/article/digitalnext/181-000-social-media-gurus-ninjas-masters-mavens-twitter/239026/)