Utterly Jaded

I can't say that I believe in the supernatural any more. Sure, I'll still go to church, partake in the sacraments and try to grow as a person in the community that I've chosen, but I don't believe in any kind of personal God as I did before. I believe that all life is sacred and that matter deserves respect. I believe in evolution as a valid explanation for human existence.
I think that death is the dissolution of our physical form into the elements that have composed it. I don't think that knowledge is to be feared. Quantum physics and the Theory of General Relativity do not rely on faith to work. They are postulated after several experiments have been performed.
Death is not humanity's fault. To blame death and extinction on the thoughtless actions of a single human couple is the height of hubris. People age, their bodies run down and if God is merciful, they lose their lives before they lose their minds. They lose consciousness and they never wake up. Do I believe in the life and example of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Bible? I think that he and his disciples had a lot of good points to make. In a sense, you could say that Jesus is " bodily resurrected" in the Church that His disciples founded. Maybe a random burst of radiation transformed Jesus' body so he could rise and appear to his disciples, then He would somehow ascend to some entrance into another dimension. I can't explain the volcano at Mt. Sinai, either. Maybe we're just talking about faith- building stories that were told to prove a point, such as a particular teacher showed Providence's authority over nature, or a religious person's status could cost a king his kingdom if that person were crossed ( I always pitied poor King Saul. He didn't murder somebody, so he has a kingdom taken away from him and the Being he worshipped never talked to him again? Really?), or things like that.

  1. Andy's Rant

    Okay.I go to school with these people and most of my classes are made up primarily of them.They are nice to my face and say disparaging things about my people in Spanish.When I have to work with them, they make no bones about wasting my time when I've got other deliveries to make.There are far too many of them here and they're changing the demographic of the United States.Because of them, I am now a member of a minority in the same town I grew up in.Many come here illegally.I rented a room from ...
  2. What A Lot of Research!

    Well, today I was inspired to search the net for things related to ancient Germanic tribes and elements of old Heathen religion.The position of the fairies in the Wild Hunt, led by Odin, the Bear Cult, the Heruli, neo-tribalism..I learned quite a bit today..
  3. Yet Another Alteration!

    I'm trying to condense my ancestry from smaller countries such as England,Scotland and Northern Ireland to larger political designations such as British..at least, as Wikipedia would define it..www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Americans
    Remembering my French Creole ancestry as well, I can just refer to www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louisiana_French
    As research has shown, I've elements of German and German Swiss via both the British and French Creole minglings in my family.I ...
  4. Adoption and Second Tale

    Adoption.My wife has her heart set on it and my heart is set on us having our own kids.We had a minor altercation about this.It's not that I don't want to adopt, which I don't, but I do want to raise those of my own blood.I simply can't let it end with Kiersten.I just can't.
    I told the stories that were told to me of my father's mother, Elna Thorne-Gooding.
    There wasn't really a lot to tell.She was of Scotch-Irish descent, she didn't know who her father was, she never really said ...
  5. First Tale

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  6. Ancestor Veneration

    Well, I've previously mentioned on these fora how what I do is essentially ancestor worship and now I'm going to get into where in these various places my personal Folk actually do come from and how I propose to integrate various pagan/heathen ideals into my life.In Britain and Northern Ireland, they tended to be from the north, the northwest, the west and the south, indicative of Anglo-Saxon,Norse,Norman and Celtic blood, which is reflected in various degrees by myself and my family.As the German ...
  7. Raising A Little Girl In 4 Trads

    My mother takes my daughter to church on Sunday.My daughter sees me holding devotions to the Aesir and ancestors and I tell her some of the stories.My wife tells her of the ancient Fae and the Egyptian gods after I give her "Asa-time" on Friday night.My daughter's biological mother is Celtic Wiccan and as they live together, she's more exposed to that than anything else.Mostly, though, with us she's a little girl who is also my daughter.We encourage her to be a little girl and only later ...
  8. Keltic Nordid+Bruenn Reflections

    So, the Bruenn are the Upper Paleolithic inhabitants of Britain that probably appeared in the British Isles from the Iberian peninsula millenia ago.Their phenotype form a large part of the present day British and Irish populace, but this type is at times mixed with other subraces, such as the Keltic Nordids, Anglo-Saxons,Hallstatts Borreby,Tronder and Atlanto-Mediterranids that also settled the British Isles.
    The Keltic Nordid phenotype arrived from Gaul and Iberia a few centuries later.Naturally, ...
  9. Feeling My Way Around Forums

    I've been spending the last couple of days around the Skadi Forum, while lurking around The Apricity.I really don't see much difference between the two, except that Skadi seems geared toward a younger audience, therefore I see more confrontations.Natural, I suppose, but I give this forum two thumbs up for the more balanced views.I reckon that there must be a great deal of cross pollination between Skadi and the Apricity.Psychonaut, thanks for your welcome, I'd really like to discuss French matters ...
  10. Drifting Around and Loving It!

    Ever since I received my second cousin Allen's DNA email and my classification here, I've been studying Celtic forms of reconstructionism and I've learned quite a lot.Although my troth is pledged to the Aesir, it is very interesting to learn about different aspects of Celtic life in ancient times.It's not too unlike ancient Norse culture, but unlike enough to be intriguing.
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