joe blowe

  1. motorcycles & such

    It is almost spring in Canada now....
    Went over to the garage and looked at the motorcycles (2) thinking that soon we'll be able to have some fun together again.
  2. Austrian School of Economics

    Just got back from the Scholars conference at the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama.
    The 'Austrian School' promotes small government, laisser-faire capitalism and freedom. (being repetitive here)
    Very interesting conference, especially in light of the current state of affairs with so much fake money flooding the world.
    They offer (von Mises) the only explanation I find credible for the problems we are facing now.
    Check it out
  3. current affairs - thoughts

    What follows if the result of putting together some of my observations on the current state of the world. I hope to stir up some further thoughts. Always learning...

    1. Printing money out of control since 2003 – when everything is fake
    • There is plenty of evidence that not only the US but also the entire world has been engaged in some nasty money creation. It appears as the governments of the world have printed as much money as there existed originally, doubling the money ...
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