
Hate Speech Laws and the dilemma of being a Canadian

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What is my view on Hate Speech Laws? I ask myself this question given that I actively participate in a free-speech forum touching on all kinds of issues from a life well lived and yet I do live in a country with such laws. I feel a need to at least work through some of this antitheticalness in my being.

I readily admit to wavering lately on the issue of the appropriateness of Hate Speech Laws inasmuch as I do recognise the slippery slope of censorship: Today I cannot say something idiotically ignorant such as "I think Jews have ruined the world" (which I don't believe by the way but am [I]solely[/I] using as a [I]crass[/I] and [I]exaggerated[/I] example). Tomorrow I will perhaps be much less permitted to say "I disagree with my country's immigration policies; close our borders to all and sundry--no exceptions!" (which is as un-Canadian as one can get I suppose). I can see where limiting the freedom of speech can be seen as a type of para-fascism in and of itself, leading to nothing better than some horrors as described by Orwell in his [I]1984[/I] (the Ministry of Truth and everything Newspeak come to mind). Yet my country has been built on values of respect for others and a communal spirit which is inclusive as opposed to exclusive. If anything, I think that it can be argued that Trudeau's push towards a Just Society reinforced this notion of communalism which, coupled with today's politically-correct environment, only seeks to feed a set loop of very well entrenched PC rhetoric.

I am deeply Canadian. And my Canadianness if you will is not something I take lightly. Yet there's this unease sitting deep in my gut which seems to have the effect of questioning what I thought was one of my truths as a Canadian. In the end I don't wish for a Ministry of Truth to exist in my country yet I also don't wish to lose that sense of communal responsibility and respect towards others as well as self.

I guess I'm at some kind of crossroads.

We'll see where I turn up....

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  1. 2DREZQ's Avatar
    I've been troubled by the thought of where such laws might lead as well. Canada is just to great a country, and great a neighbor, to wind up being a place where your words are not allowed to express your feelings without fear. We (on both sides of the border) paid to much for that freedom to let it slip away.
  2. BeerBaron's Avatar
    I am totally against this unelected body of nannies, and the entire idea of hate speech in general. There have been many issues where this has been abused. Ezra Levant's fight with the hate speech board is on youtube, it is funny to watch.