Brzezinski: EU can be a world power with victory in Ukraine
German Economic News | 5:03:14, 00:03
Former U.S. National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski advises the EU massively to engage in the Ukraine. Then they have a chance to attain the status of a world power. This motivation could be behind the policy of the EU, which has been the trigger for the current crisis.

Maybe is the EU's claim to be a world power after the previous engagement in Ukraine. The current crisis and the subsequent confrontation with Russia was in any event triggered by the planned far-reaching agreement, which was driven by Brussels to bind Ukraine to the EU.

Former U.S. National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski recommends that the EU now, do not stop but to increase their involvement in the Ukarine.

Not only large-scale grants will be made, but also massive direct investment are important.

The Ukrainian parliament has ratified the EU a credit agreement in the amount of 610 million euros (more here ).

"If the EU wants to play a serious role in the world, then they can begin in Ukraine it," says Brzezinski in an interview with The W orld post.

The World Post is a new newspaper of the Karstadt Saviour Nicolas Berggruen, with which the powerful want a stronger voice in the world ( more about this project here ).

The 85-year-old Zbigniew Brzezinski applies in the U.S. as Kremlin opponents. His proposed for decades Eurasia strategy is based on the destabilization of the border regions of Russia. These include the Caucasus, the Russian-Chinese border region and Ukraine.

In his book "The Grand Chessboard: America's strategy of domination" from 1999, Brzezinski writes:

"Ukraine, a new and important space on the Eurasian chessboard, is a geopolitical focal point, because their very existence as an independent state contributes to the conversion of Russia. Without Ukraine, Russia is no longer Eurasian empire. It may still seek an imperial status, but then would a predominantly Asiatic empire will, which would in all probability drawn into debilitating conflicts with rebellious Central Asians, not accept the loss of their recently acquired statehood and of the other Islamic states in the south support would receive. "

The Stratfor CEO George Friedman writes in his book "The Next 100 Years" from 2008 that Russia would not grow as a global power. It will remain a regional power. This will inevitably draw a clash with the EU after themselves. At least that is the desire of the U.S. private security service Stratfor.

For the Russian-European border will be a line of dislocation. But Europeans are not able to confront the common. There would be no unity. The EU could it even change anything. Europe consists of a number of sovereign and belligerent nation states, as Friedman.

At this point, you can not contradict a U.S. intelligence.