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Thread: Only germanic people are white.

  1. #291
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    01-09-2021 @ 01:02 AM
    Garden of Eden/Hesperia."Spain in that day was the land of the Iberians, the Basques; that is to say, the Atlanteans"- Ignatius Donnelly
    True Greco-Roman.
    Basque/Minoan=Goths/Phoenicians/Trojans/Sumerians / Scythians/Stuarts/Bavarian Kings=Cromagnons
    Research on Wielbark Culture shows Goths were not nordics
    United States
    Real cherokees were racially Basque.Top secret tho
    Spanish=supplanted Navarro Romance
    "Navarre shall be the wonder of the world" -Shakespeare.
    I. Donnelly:Iberians(Basques) were the original settlers of Italy
    R1b Celtic Tudors shaped Great Britain & USA
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    "According(many years later DNA,etc proved this man was right) to Giuseppe Sergi, the original Mediterranean race was the "greatest race of the world" and was singularly responsible for the most accomplished civilizations of antiquity, including those of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Persia, Ancient Rome, Carthage, Hittite Anatolia, Land of Punt, Mesopotamia and Phoenicia. The four great branches of the Mediterranean stock were the Libyans(proto iberians=basques), the Ligurians(proto iberians=basques), the Pelasgians(proto iberians=basques)and the Iberians"

    "In 1920(many years later DNA,etc proved this man was right), H. G. Wells referred to the original Mediterranean race as the original Iberian(basque/catalan) race.He stated that the main ethnic group that most purely represented the racial stock of the Iberian race was the Basques, and that the Basques were the descendants of the Cro-Magnons. In 1994, in his book The History and Geography of Human Genes, population geneticist L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza stated that "there is support from many sides"(many years later DNA,etc proved this man was right as well) for the hypothesis that the Basques are the descendants of the original Cro-Magnons"

    Les Européens viennent du Pays basque
    En étudiant la répartition géographique de deux mutations observées au niveau de l'ADN mitochondrial, plusieurs équipes de généticiens ont supposé en 2001 que 75% des Européens seraient les descendants d'une population qui s'était réfugiée au Pays basque durant le dernier maximum glaciaire.

    L'ADN mitochondrial est un ensemble de gènes que tout individu hérite uniquement de sa mère. Trente trois chercheurs d'une vingtaine de laboratoires, dont Antonio Torroni, Bryan Sykes et Ornella Semino, ont étudié une portion d'ADN mitochondrial de 10 365 personnes (dont 97 Basques) provenant de 56 zones d'Europe, du Moyen-Orient et d'Afrique du Nord.

    Une première mutation, notée pré-V, a été mise en évidence. Elle est relativement rare actuellement puisqu'elle n'a été retrouvée que chez 73 personnes de l'étude. Elle occupe cependant plusieurs foyers de l'Europe entière : Allemagne, Sicile, Andalousie, Maghreb et Ouest du Sahara, Yougoslavie et à l'est de la Mer Noire (carte A). Cette mutation serait apparue il y a 26000 à 15000 ans.

    La seconde mutation, appelée V pour Vascones, du nom donné par les Romains aux habitants de l'actuel Pays basque, est mise en évidence au niveau de l'ADN mitochondrial de 214 personnes de l'étude. Elle est quasiment absente dans le sud des Balkans, la Turquie, le Caucase et le Proche-Orient. On la retrouve dans les populations de tout le reste de l'Europe, avec une fréquence maximale au niveau du Pays basque (12% : 12 des 97 Basques de l'étude sont porteurs de ce gène), cette fréquence décroissant au fur et à mesure qu'on s'éloigne des Pyrénées (carte B). Le gène V serait apparu il y a 16000 ans dans la partie occidentale de l'Europe. A l'est du Rhin et de l'Adriatique, le gène V n'est apparu qu'il y a 8000 ans, ce qui suggère l'existence d'un mouvement migratoire de l'ouest vers l'est.

    Les chercheurs en concluent que le gène V serait apparu au sein d'une population refugiée dans le Pays basque lors du dernier maximum glaciaire qui s'est abattu sur l'Europe il y a environ 20000 ans et a obligé les hommes à migrer vers le sud au climat moins rigoureux. Après cette glaciation, ces "Vascons" se seraient étendus peu à peu à toute l'Europe, d'abord dans la partie occidentale de l'Europe il y a 16000 ans, puis vers l'est et la Scandinavie il y a moins de 10000 ans.

    Quant au gène pré-V, plus ancien que le gène V, il a dû apparaître il y a plus de 20000 ans, avant le dernier maximum glaciaire, quand les hommes occupaient encore toute l'Europe.

    L'essentiel du repeuplement de l'Ouest et du Nord de l'Europe aurait ainsi eu lieu il y a 10000 à 15000 ans à partir d'un foyer franco-cantabrique selon ces données génétiques, qui suggèrent également que 75% des Européens actuels descendent en ligne maternelle directe d'Européens primitifs arrivés en Europe il y a plus de 20000 ans et réfugiés dans le Sud-Ouest de la France et le Nord-Est de l'Espagne durant le dernier maximum glaciaire.

    Cette étude est intéressante, mais le maniement statistique d'aussi faibles fréquences reste délicat et les conclusions demeurent hypothétiques. Aussi la confrontation de ces données avec les conclusions d'autres sciences est-elle nécessaire.

    Le rapport entre deux isotopes naturels de l'oxygène, l'oxygène 16 et l'oxygène 18, naturellement présents dans l'eau, dans la glace et dans les coquilles d'organismes aquatiques, varie en fonction de la quantité de glace bloquée sur les continents. En effet, la vapeur d'eau des nuages (et donc l'eau de la pluie et des glaciers) est plus riche en oxygène 16 (plus léger que l'oxygène 18) que l'eau de mer. Lors d'une glaciation, une partie de l'eau de pluie est emprisonnée sous forme de glace, diminuant ainsi la quantité totale d'oxygène 16 des océans. Au contraire, pendant une période interglaciaire, la fonte des glaces permet le retour à l'océan de cette eau plus riche en oxygène 16, et le rapport oxygène 16/oxygène 18 augmente à nouveau. L'étude des carottes de sédiments marins et de glace a permis de mettre en évidence une succession de phases appelées stades isotopiques qui ont été datées par différentes méthodes. Nous sommes actuellement dans le stade isotopique 1. Les stades pairs correspondent à des phases froides et les stades impairs à des périodes chaudes.

    Le stade isotopique 2 (32000 à 13000 BP) caractérise l'avancée maximale de la calotte glaciaire en Eurasie. Lors du maximum glaciaire (25000 à 16500, avec un pic de 22000 à 20000 BP), au climat très froid et très sec, semblable à celui du centre-est de la Sibérie, la densité de population d'Europe centrale et du Nord a fortement chuté. Dolukhanov a établi en 2000 que seules deux zones ont constitué des refuges avec une population importante : à l'ouest la zone franco-cantabrique (Sud-Ouest de la France et Nord-Est de l'Espagne) au climat adouci par la présence de l'Atlantique, et à l'est la zone périglaciaire (Ukraine et Plaine de Russie centrale) qui bénéficiait de la présence de vallées fluviales et de lacs glacés aux ressources variées. D'autres refuges mineurs ont pu exister entre ces deux zones principales. Dolukhanov suppose qu'à ces deux refuges principaux correspondaient deux des plus anciennes langues non indo-européennes connues en Europe, le proto-ouralique dans la zone périglaciaire, et le basque-caucasien dans la zone franco-cantabrique. Sur la base des styles d'outils en pierre, Dolukhanov, Allain et Housley ont situé une première vague de recolonisation du nord de l'Europe à partir du refuge occidental via le Bassin parisien et la vallée du Rhin jusqu'en Lituanie et en Ukraine (carte D).

    Des centaines de noms de villes, de lieux-dits ou de fleuves d'Europe et d'Afrique du Nord contiennent des éléments linguistiques ressemblant à des racines basques. Ces toponymes sont localisés dans toute l'Europe et suggèrent qu'une population parlant une langue ressemblant au basque s'était étendue à toute l'Europe. Puis cette langue fut supplantée par celle, indo-européenne, des premiers agriculteurs néolithiques, mais laissa son empreinte dans certains noms de lieux.

    Des arguments génétiques, archéologiques et linguistiques convergents semblent donc suggérer que l'Europe postglaciaire fut recolonisée par une population apparentée aux Basques actuels.

    La langue basque n'appartient pas à la famille linguistique indo-européenne, mais ferait partie selon certains linguistes du groupe déné-caucasien qui comprend six branches géographiquement isolées les unes des autres. Quatre de ces branches sont des isolats linguistiques, c'est-à-dire des langues qui ne sont pas apparentées avec les langues géographiquement voisines et qui semblaient n'appartenir à aucune famille de langues connues. Ce sont le basque, les langues caucasiennes, le bourouchaski (Pakistan) et le ket (Sibérie). Ces quatre familles linguistiques sont parlées par des populations longtemps isolées dans des régions montagneuses, comme si elles y avaient trouvé refuge lors d'invasions. Les deux dernières branches du groupe déné-caucasien sont la famille na-déné (regroupant des langues d'Amérique comme l'apache, le navajo et le tlingit) et la famille sino-tibétaine qui a connu un développement considérable en relation avec celui de l'agriculture.

    Un autre élément suggère que les Basques auraient conservé les caractères d'une population européenne primitive : le pourcentage d'individus du groupe sanguin Rhésus négatif est bien plus élevé dans la population basque que dans la plupart des autres populations du monde.

    "The Basques descend from the Trojan branch of the Thracians, who after the sacking of Troy, fled into parts of Europe, the vicinity of Rome, for one, where they were instrumental in the founding of the city"- American researcher and geneticist Tim Osterholm.

    "The Etruscans dominated central Italy, and had already founded many cities, having arrived some 500 years earlier after leaving the city of Troy around 1260 B.C. The Romans called Etruscans the Tusci, and Tuscany still bears the name. The Etruscan language, once thought lost, is still spoken by the Basques, called Euskara. The first two centuries of Rome's growth was dominated by the Etruscans"- Tim Osterholm

    "This was the Etruscan civilization, a vanished culture whose achievements set the stage not only for the development of ancient Roman art and culture but for the Italian Renaissance as well."

    "Though you may not have heard of them, the Etruscans were the first 'superpower' of the Western Mediterranean who, developed the earliest true cities in Europe. They were so successful, in fact, that the most important cities in modern Tuscany (Florence, Pisa, and Siena to name a few) were first established by the Etruscans and have been continuously inhabited since then"

    "Yet the labels 'mysterious' or 'enigmatic' are often attached to the Etruscans since none of their own histories or literature survives. This is particularly ironic as it was the Etruscans who were responsible for teaching the Romans the alphabet and for spreading literacy throughout the Italian peninsula" The Etruscans were the Rus people/Varangians/true Vikings that founded Russia not the nordics of today, but the envied basques.

    "One of the most debated topics in stone-age archaeology is the date of the earliest human occupation of Europe. This has been frustratingly hard to establish, because the ages of the oldest-known occupation sites are hard to pin down with precision, and the sites contain stone tools rather than human remains. Now there is something more solid to go on, with the discovery of a human lower jaw associated with stone tools and animal bones from the Sima del Elefante cave deposit at the famous complex of fossil-human-bearing sites at Atapuerca in northern Spain. The finds have been dated to between 1.1 and 1.2 million years old using a variety of dating techniques.This site is certainly the oldest and most accurately dated record of human occupation in western Europe"

    Youd think a geographer like Strabo would know where the land of the true ancient Greek gods is at.

    "Hesperia, is the garden of Hera, queen of the gods of the Greek Olympus, which is protected and guarded by the Iberian god Ladon, and which is situated in the western Mediterranean area or point and where the sun sets (evening star), from where Herákleas columns (Hera and Hercules) are raised, i.e. Iberia. Iberia was also known as vera hesperia because in navigation you should follow the Western Star or Hespero (Venus) at sunset to reach its shores. The phonetic mutation formed the word Hispania from Hesperia or Citrus, ie land of Venus. Other classical authors also referred to Iberia as Celtaria , Keltiké, Celtiberia, Vera Hesperia or the Hesperian Peninsula". "The first country of all to the west is Iberia. She is like an ox's skin, the parts corresponding to the neck fall to the Celtica (Strabo)

    (To expunge the MacGregors) Although most Highland Clans have a history of bloodshed and struggle for survival, only the MacGregors have experienced a systematic determined effort by the Scottish and British Governments to exterminate their race, as well as the outlawing of their very name. Letters of Fire and Sword* were granted against the Clan Gregor in 1488, again in 1563, 1588, 1590, 1597, and were renewed at intervals over 130 years.This government policy was pure Genocide. Never before or since had such an ugly persecution been applied so persistently to any race of people in Britain since the "Germanic" hordes submerged the Celts.We have nothing to do with that fake conor mcgregor the boxer.

    "We, the most distant dwellers upon the earth, the last of the free, have been our remoteness and by the obscurity which has shrouded our name...Beyond us lies no nation, nothing but waves and rocks"

    " The above words by the Pictish chief Calgacus are recorded by the Roman enemy in the words of Tacitus and are a perfect example of the obscurity and legendary status held by the Picts almost 2,000 years ago" 

    Anthropological research on Wielbark Culture’s cemeteries also shows, that Goths were not people of Scandinavian-Nordic look.The Goths were us and we are the original germanics that created the english language.

    “Vasken” in ancient Armenian means “majestic, august, royal, with nobility.” The name “vaskenes, vaskones” refers to a people with pride of being of noble origin

    Iberia was known as armenia(cartographically documented) because the original armenia is our iberia thats why they say the bavarian kings came from armenia/iberia.

    Thanks to the genotypic, phylogenetic, philological, paleontological, archaeological, anthropological, etc studies,we know what the trail and where the great people, who raised the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean and Western civilization is located at.

    "In Roman times, the (true) Iberians were known to the Italians as Atlanteans" "They live on today in the form of the Basque people of the Pyrenees region of the Peninsula"
    Last edited by BarcelonaAtlantis; 05-19-2017 at 10:55 PM.

  2. #292
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    01-09-2021 @ 01:02 AM
    Garden of Eden/Hesperia."Spain in that day was the land of the Iberians, the Basques; that is to say, the Atlanteans"- Ignatius Donnelly
    True Greco-Roman.
    Basque/Minoan=Goths/Phoenicians/Trojans/Sumerians / Scythians/Stuarts/Bavarian Kings=Cromagnons
    Research on Wielbark Culture shows Goths were not nordics
    United States
    Real cherokees were racially Basque.Top secret tho
    Spanish=supplanted Navarro Romance
    "Navarre shall be the wonder of the world" -Shakespeare.
    I. Donnelly:Iberians(Basques) were the original settlers of Italy
    R1b Celtic Tudors shaped Great Britain & USA
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    If Germans have a higher % of haplogroup R1b than scandinavians it is because unlike scandinavians,Germans(especially western and southern germans...bavarians) have a lot of Basque/Catalan(R1b celtic/germanic) ancestry.Mock the fooled dummies and wannabes that have the nerve to say scandinavians are the origin of germans and royalty.If R1b was scandinavian scandinavians would have a much higher % of R1b....

    Emperor Nicholas I & II, Russia, House of Oldenburg, ancient and descendant Y-DNA

    Y-STR extracted from a bloodstained shirt of Nicholas II of Russia (1868–1918) has been predicted as having an R1b haplotype. Testing of descendants of the great great grandfather Nicholas I of Russia (1796–1855) has confirmed the haplotype. Possible Y-DNA ancestor is Christian I of Denmark (1426-1481) from the influential Royal House of Oldenburg with many branches that rule or have ruled in Denmark, Russia, Greece, Norway, Schleswig, Holstein, Oldenburg and Sweden

  3. #293
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    Garden of Eden/Hesperia."Spain in that day was the land of the Iberians, the Basques; that is to say, the Atlanteans"- Ignatius Donnelly
    True Greco-Roman.
    Basque/Minoan=Goths/Phoenicians/Trojans/Sumerians / Scythians/Stuarts/Bavarian Kings=Cromagnons
    Research on Wielbark Culture shows Goths were not nordics
    United States
    Real cherokees were racially Basque.Top secret tho
    Spanish=supplanted Navarro Romance
    "Navarre shall be the wonder of the world" -Shakespeare.
    I. Donnelly:Iberians(Basques) were the original settlers of Italy
    R1b Celtic Tudors shaped Great Britain & USA
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    Damian Corless. "DNA blueprint of the Irish revealed." Irish Independent (September 11, 2010). This article is based on research by Brendan Loftus of University College Dublin, whose "research team [...] mapped the complete genetic code of an Irish person for the first time." Researchers hope that analysis of the Irish genome will help to explain why Irish people are susceptible to particular disorders and try to find preventative measures and cures for those disorders. Excerpts from the article:

    "[...] Ireland's geography has had a huge part to play in shaping the nature of our society and our closest family ties. According to Loftus: 'The geographic isolation of Ireland over generations would affect the size of the gene pool by limiting the type and number of potential mating partners.' Major genetic surveys of Ireland and Britain have established that the gene pool of both islands is amongst the least diluted in Europe. The genetic evidence shows that three quarters of the ancestors of the Irish and British people were the pioneering settlers who arrived at the end of the last ice age between 17,000 and 8,000 years ago. The inescapable upshot of this is that the Irish are not Celts, any more than the English are Anglo-Saxons. In fact, both the Irish and the British are Basques, with the Irish significantly more Basque than our neighbours across the pond, who've absorbed more migrations from Europe over the centuries. Scientists estimate that Ireland's gene pool has changed remarkably little since the first hunter-gatherers from Iberia followed the retreating ice cap, beachcombing northwards and settling this newly exposed and empty land. The dilution rate for Ireland is estimated at a tiny 12%, against 20% for Wales and Cornwall, 30% for Scotland and 33% for England. [...] Ancient Irish legends say that there were six invasions or migrations from the south many generations before the Celts arrived around 300BC. The evidence suggests that the Celtic language, fashions and technologies which are supposed to define our Irish heritage, were acquired as cultural accessories [...] The Irish and Basques share by far the highest incidence of the R1b gene in Europe, which has a frequency of over 90% in Basque country and almost 100% along parts of Ireland's western seaboard. If further proof were needed, there's the physical fact that the Basques are distinguished by a very high incidence of fair (and some reddish) hair, pale skin, blue eyes, and, apparently, sticky-out ears. Sound like anyone you know? [...]"

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    Germanic countries should expel all non-Germanic people especially Southern Europeans and Slavs.

    Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Netherlands, Belgium.

  5. #295
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ross.Beaumont View Post
    Germanic countries should expel all non-Germanic people especially Southern Europeans and Slavs.

    Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Netherlands, Belgium.
    To be realistic slavs and southern europeans aren't Germanic countries' biggest problem

  6. #296
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    01-09-2021 @ 01:02 AM
    Garden of Eden/Hesperia."Spain in that day was the land of the Iberians, the Basques; that is to say, the Atlanteans"- Ignatius Donnelly
    True Greco-Roman.
    Basque/Minoan=Goths/Phoenicians/Trojans/Sumerians / Scythians/Stuarts/Bavarian Kings=Cromagnons
    Research on Wielbark Culture shows Goths were not nordics
    United States
    Real cherokees were racially Basque.Top secret tho
    Spanish=supplanted Navarro Romance
    "Navarre shall be the wonder of the world" -Shakespeare.
    I. Donnelly:Iberians(Basques) were the original settlers of Italy
    R1b Celtic Tudors shaped Great Britain & USA
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    The old belief of a Basque(high irish kings and founders)-Irish connection has been confirmed by DNA.To know whether the official history was real or not we just had to confirm this Basque-Irish connection.The official history is a lie because this proven by DNA Basque-Irish connection proves the Basque country is the true promised land. In "mythology" the Garden of Eden is in our land and myths are based on real history as DNA has proven.

    Spread the motherfucking word like there is no tomorrow for your own sake.

  7. #297
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    Germanic is literally just a language group. British Islanders all genetically cluster together. Somehow Austria is white but Ireland isn't cause its a traditionally Celtic nation? How is northern France Germanic when it never spoke Germanic? There was genetic influence from Germanics in northern France but also in Ireland, Poland, Czechia, etc.

  8. #298
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    01-09-2021 @ 01:02 AM
    Garden of Eden/Hesperia."Spain in that day was the land of the Iberians, the Basques; that is to say, the Atlanteans"- Ignatius Donnelly
    True Greco-Roman.
    Basque/Minoan=Goths/Phoenicians/Trojans/Sumerians / Scythians/Stuarts/Bavarian Kings=Cromagnons
    Research on Wielbark Culture shows Goths were not nordics
    United States
    Real cherokees were racially Basque.Top secret tho
    Spanish=supplanted Navarro Romance
    "Navarre shall be the wonder of the world" -Shakespeare.
    I. Donnelly:Iberians(Basques) were the original settlers of Italy
    R1b Celtic Tudors shaped Great Britain & USA
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    Ferrari lastname

    An occupational surname from the Italian word ferraro(ferrer=catalan), meaning "blacksmith" - derived from ferrum meaning "iron." Ferrari is the Italian equivalent of the surname smith.The 1st people in Italy were the Ausci(Basques).Words with a double r are of basque origin.The original smith/ferrari were the basques/catalans thats why the basques and catalans can roll our tongue and others cant. Baschi=Basques in italian.
    The Baschi family, among the most powerful in central Italy, had dominion over more than 60 castles in the area and had founded, about 3 km away from the castle of the Basque Teverina, a large fortress with a castle, as pompous and imposing residential home of the noble family . This stronghold, privately owned and in ruins, is located in the resort Carnano , in the hamlet Tongs in the town of Montecchio

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bahaman View Post
    Including Northern France and Southern Scotland.

    Only these people can be considered white because they fit the image of white people. Other europids are simply too admixed to be taken seriously as white nationalists due to their non-white characterestics. Slavics are too underdeveloped(mostly due to their mongoloid admixture) and Southern europeans are too swarthy to be considered white.

    Here is the map: White people are in blue.

    The nations in blue are the one who responsible for modern world. Unsurprisingly it's also the the most developed region of europe.

    Geographic location means nothing in terms of social/ethnic/racial group.So, living in Europe does not mean you are a white.

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