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Thread: The Creeping Sharia & the Islamisation Of Western Schools Thread

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    Not only do Islamists want to censure the handling of Islamic topics at U.S. universities, as I noted in "Islamists Police the Classroom [at the University of South Florida]," but they also wish to do the same at grammar schools. More ominously yet, they wish to transform public schools at all levels into venues for spreading Islam.

    Ramadan in America
    Ramadan in America - 2004. From Council on American-Islamic Relations web site

    An undated posting at posts a page titled "18 Tips for Imams and Community Leaders." The 15th tip, "Establish a parents' committee to monitor public schools," has special interest. It starts by asking if the local public school is teaching 10-year-olds that Muslims are terrorists and misogynists? If so, parents are advised to set up a committee "to monitor public school curriculum and developments" and arrange for Muslims to deliver talks about Islam and Muslims. For instance, as Ramadan approaches, a parent should explain the holiday to the school or in a social studies class. When a high-profile "incident of terrorism where Muslims are the perpetrators" takes place, the committee should ask to discuss Islam and terrorism. More broadly, the committee should lobby on behalf of Muslim concerns.

    Another website points to a far deeper agenda, that of da'wa, or using taxpayer-funded schools to proselytize for Islam.'s goals are summed up by an article it hosts: "How to Make America an Islamic Nation." But what concerns us is a page, "Dawa in public schools," that portrays public schools as "fertile grounds where the seeds of Islam can be sowed inside the hearts of non-Muslim students. Muslim students should take ample advantage of this opportunity and present to their schoolmates the beautiful beliefs of Islam." This, the website asserts, is best achieved through both direct and indirect steps. Direct means overt da'wa:

    • Host Islamic exhibitions.

    • Start an Islamic newsletter.

    • Set up "Dawa tables" offering Islamic literature.

    • Carry "Dawa flyers" from the Islamic Circle of North America and pass them out to non-Muslims.

    • Place advertisements in the school paper with a toll-free telephone number for non-Muslims to call to learn more about Islam.

    • Establish one-to-one contacts with non-Muslim students (along gender lines: "It is advised that brothers work with non-Muslim boys and sisters work with non-Muslim girls").

    Indirect partially means creating a good image for Islam:

    • Found Muslim groups that portray Islam "in a positive way," such as a Muslim Students Association, Islamic Circle, or Quran Study Group.

    • Engage in "simple actions that reflect living Islam," such as saying "Insha Allah" (God willing), praying, and wearing Islamic-style clothing.

    • Take advantage of disasters to set up a disaster relief assistance booth to give "a very positive picture of Islam and Muslims."

    Or indirect means increasing consciousness of Islam:

    • Make use of the school newspaper: "Being a writer will give you ample opportunity to provide Islamically oriented articles which will Insha Allah [if God wishes] open the hearts and minds of readers." Ideally, an article on Islam should appear in each issue. If the school does not allow overt preaching, "Alhamdu lillah, there are ways to circumvent this problem,' such as reporting on Islamic events or writing about Islamic holidays. "This way, you are still presenting an aspect of Islam without coming across as a preacher." also coyly instructs its adepts "to have a good rapport with the editor and the writing staff of the paper."

    • Lobby to include Islamic dates on the school calendar.

    • Add books and magazines on Islam written by Muslims to the school library; if the library does not purchase them, raise the money to donate them.

    • Incorporate Islam into class projects. For example, "for a speech class, if there is freedom to choose a topic, an Islamic topic should be selected. Similar opportunities can be created in history, social science, writing and other classes." concludes by reminding Muslims that the will of Allah, faith, and Muslim creativity combined to win victories in the past and can again in the future:

    Schools and campuses are no exceptions as places where Islam can be victorious. ... We should use every opportunity to sensitize non-Muslim peers and school staff to Islam and to establish an environment in which everywhere a non-Muslim turns, he notices Islam portrayed in a positive way, is influenced by it and eventually accepts Islam.


    (1) This is a total perversion of the American public space, a blatant effort to suborn it to serve Islamic missionary purposes.

    (2) Such an attempt by Islamists hardly comes as a surprise but rather complements their already in-place campaign to exploit textbooks and curricula supplements for da'wa purposes.

    (3) The "multikulti" spirit so prevalent in American schools today means that too many parents, teachers, and administrators find themselves virtually helpless to stand up to this assault on the traditional values of the public school.

    Daniel Pipes ( is director of the Middle East Forum and author of Miniatures (Transaction Publishers).

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    Norwin administrators are defending a middle school social studies textbook that a local pastor called "an Islamic Trojan horse" in requesting that the district revise its curriculum involving the religion.

    In an administrative report this week, Superintendent William Kerr said the textbook is "an acceptable reference for the seventh-grade global studies course of study."

    The book, "myWorld History: Early Ages," is one of several used in seventh-grade social studies "to teach comparative religions in a nondevotional, instructional manner," according to the district.

    In March, The Rev. Bruce Leonatti of Zion Lutheran Church in Circleville told the school board that the book "promotes Islam over Christianity and Judaism" and "denigrates Christians."

    Leonatti said he plans to present a second report to the district about two textbooks under consideration for purchase because he disagrees with how they describe the Muslim aspect of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

    "This is not a done deal in terms of what we're looking at," Leonatti said. "We're still exploring this. And they seem to kind of want to put it away and get rid of the whole issue, but it's still there."

    Leonatti, who formerly taught history at Duquesne High School and in Ohio, contends the social studies text is riddled with errors. He said he's involved with "ACT! For America," whose mission is to "give Americans concerned about national security, terrorism, and the threat of radical Islam, a powerful, organized, informed and mobilized voice," according to its website.

    The book's publisher, Pearson Education, "reaffirmed its commitment to a balanced and accurate coverage of world religions." The "myWorld History" program is used in thousands of classrooms nationwide, a spokeswoman said.

    Kerr states in the report that "there are no errors or misrepresentations in the textbook at issue which are significant enough to render it unusable as a curricular resource."

    "I believe the board has been very supportive of our teachers and administrators and concur that the administrative report brings closure to this topic," Kerr said.

    As part of the administrative review, the district asked a second pastor, the Rev. Clifton J. Suehr, to review the book. Suehr is pastor of Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity in Irwin and president of the Norwin Ministerium.

    In his report to the district, Suehr called the book "well-written and enriching" and "well-suited for middle school-aged youth."

    "Without using inflammatory language, a historical overview is presented in an even-handed manner," Suehr wrote.

    Leonatti said he believes a conflict of interest exists because Tracy McNelly, assistant superintendent of secondary education, is a member of Suehr's church and helped to review the book for the district.

    But Kerr said there is no conflict of interest and "no validity to any conspiracy theory."

    "(Suehr's) credentials are exceptional," he said. "Why not reach out to a very well-respected and well-known community member here in Norwin?"

    Kerr said the district will address curriculum issues as they arise.

    "Whatever time it takes, we'll take the necessary time to do any comprehensive review," he said.

    The district's focus should remain on teacher quality and the effectiveness of how they instruct, he said.

    "Norwin isn't going to have any curriculum or textbook that's going to be harmful to students," Kerr said. "We are here in this case to teach about cultures. Part of culture is religion and tradition. We have made every effort to teach comparative religion in a nonbiased, nondevotional way."
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    The Christian Action Network has sent 500 school superintendents a report showing that many textbooks are biased against Israel and the West while whitewashing radical Islam. The report, authored by Citizens for National Security, examines 200 quotes from 30 textbooks used in Florida.

    “[Students] aren’t being taught about the theological motivations behind radical Islam,” said Martin Mawyer, President of the Christian Action Network.

    “The impression students are given is that terrorists are misguided fighters against Western imperialism and aggression, who are only wrong in their approach. It was amazing how many times the word ‘Palestine’ was used, making it sound like Israel was built on top of a conquered country,” he said.

    The report lists several quotes from textbooks teaching students that the 9/11 attacks were a response to U.S. foreign policy. For example, one book says, “What were the sources of Muslim anger?…bin Laden declared that the attacks were a response to the ‘humiliation and disgrace’ that have afflicted the Islamic world for over eighty years.”

    Another teaches that Bin Laden was motivated by the “military presence of the sacred soil of the Arabian peninsula and its support for Israel’s hostility to Palestinian nationalism.” The ideology of radical Islam is not discussed. While Bin Laden’s statements about the West’s foreign policies are mentioned, quotes about his ideology are not. For example, Raymond Ibrahim in “The Al-Qaeda Reader” brings to light this quote from Osama Bin Laden:

    “In fact, Muslims are obligated to raid the lands of the infidels, occupy them, and exchange their systems of governance for an Islamic system, barring any practice that contradicts the sharia from being publicly voiced among the people, as was the case at the dawn of Islam.”

    The texts also are also unfavorable to Israel. One textbook states, “Angered over the loss of their territory to Israel, some militant Palestinians responded with a policy of terrorist attacks.” In discussing the 1948 war, one textbook just says that “war soon broke out” without explaining that the Arabs invaded Israel with the objective of destroying it.

    It then says, “By the end of the 1948 war, Israel controlled almost three fourths of Palestine, including land in the Negev Desert and half of Jerusalem. Jordan and Egypt divided the rest of Palestine between them.” Coupled together, it sounds if the war was one of conquest by Israel.

    The report documents numerous instances where Islam is treated more favorably than Christianity. For example, one textbook states, “The Quran permitted fair, defensive war as jihad, or ‘struggle in the way of God,” and says that is how Islam expanded. Another selected quote is that Jews and Christians “have historically enjoyed religious freedom in many Muslim societies.”

    “[Islamic forces] rarely imposed their religion by force on the local population…By contrast, Christian monks motivated by missionary fervor, converted many of the peoples of central and eastern Europe,” is another textbook excerpt included in the report.

    Some textbooks took a blatantly skeptical stance towards the historical accuracy of Judaism and Christianity.

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    In a crushing blow to academic freedom, Harvard University has censored and fired a prominent professor because university administrators didn't like what he said about Islam. The tenured professors at Harvard, who cannot be fired in order to protect their freedom to express themselves, have failed to rally to the cause of the fired professor -- and worse, the expulsion was occasioned in part by a faculty vote:

    At a meeting of Harvard's Faculty of Arts and Sciences, faculty members voted with an "overwhelming majority" to remove two economics courses - 'Quantitative Methods in Economics and Business' and 'Economic Development in India and East Asia' - that Mr Swamy teaches at the three-month Harvard Summer School session.

    Harvard has dropped economics courses taught by a Hindu professor, Subramanian Swamy, president of the Janata Party of India and a former Union Cabinet minister, because of something that had nothing to do with economics: he wrote an editorial that Muslims find offensive. And now the Harvard Crimson has added insult to injury by applauding this decision and declaring a barbarian's war on the founding principle of this great nation -- our unalienable individual rights.

    The protection of academic freedom on campus, of which political free speech is the most protected, has been tossed away, weakly, meekly, cravenly, at Harvard -- pointing to the initial stage of the postmodern Dark Ages.

    Free speech protects all speech, not just the ideas that we like (that's the easy part). It particularly protects those ideas that we don't like. Because who would decide what ideas are good and acceptable and what ideas are forbidden? The elitists at Harvard? The Crimson thinks so. An editorial attributed to "the Crimson Staff" said that Swamy's op-ed was "inflammatory" and complained that he "calls for the destruction of mosques as retaliation for terrorist attacks in India, as well as the disenfranchisement of Indian Muslims who refuse to acknowledge Hindu ancestry." The Crimson claimed that "Swamy's op-ed clearly constitutes hate speech, by even the most lenient definition. As a matter of principle, there is no place for hate speech in the Harvard community. ... The faculty's decision to remove Swamy from the teaching roster was wise, just, and reasonable."

    "Wise, just, and reasonable." It is to laugh, it is to cry. Harvard's cowardice in the face of Islamic supremacism contains no element of wisdom or justice or reason. It is devoid of rational thinking, objective reality, and any knowledge of Indian history. These urbane savages cover for the unimaginable slaughter of almost 100 million Hindus in jihadi wars and enslavements.

    The history of India is teeming with Muslim monsters such as Timur the Terrible, who paraphrased the Koran: "'O prophet make war against the infidels and treat them severely.' My great object in invading Hindustan (India) had been to wage a religious war against the infidel Hindus." And he did. Hundreds of thousands of Hindus were beheaded and towers made of their skulls. The warrior Babur was particularly fond of raising higher and higher towers of Hindu heads that the Muslims had cut off during and after every battle. He loved to sit in his royal tent and watch this spectacle. On one such occasion, the ground flowed with so much blood "and became so filled with quivering carcasses that his tent had to be moved thrice to a higher level." (That's from The Koran and the Kafir, by A. Ghosh.) He only missed the "merit" of demolishing temples and breaking symbols and images because his predecessor Firuz Tughlak hardly left any for him in the territories he traversed.

    The record of jihad in India is extremely and unimaginably bloody. Mahmud of Ghazni, Mohammed Ghori, Firuz Tughlak, Timur, Muzaffar Shah, Mahmud Begarha, Mahmud Khalji, Ilyas Shah, Babur, Sher Shah Suri, Akbar the Great, Jahangir, Shah Jahan, Aurangzib, Abdali, Tipu Sultan, Siraj-ud-Daula, and so many others all persecuted, humiliated, tortured, terrorized, and slaughtered the Hindus throughout Islamic history in India.

    The war against the infidel in India is monstrous, unremitting, and constant to the present day. From Mumbai to Kashmir, all over India north and south, the jihad rages.

    But Harvard is embarrassed and critical of Swamy's op-ed on how to save his people who today suffer from resurgent jihad. They stand behind their firing of Swamy. The Harvard Crimson says: "Although Swamy's words alone would be reason enough to revoke his permission to teach, there is the further concern that his publications may incite religious violence." They don't have a word to say about the religious violence that Muslims have waged against Hindus for centuries and are still waging in the present day. They're worried that if someone listens to Swamy and some Hindus start defending themselves, some Islamic jihadists might get hurt.

    Instead of looking to Harvard as the beacon of intellectual enlightenment and the standard-bearer of Western civilizational values, we are forced to hide our shame and make excuses for the crazy aunt in attic.

    Whether consciously or not, Professor Swamy is following proud Hindu tradition. For centuries, Hindus would rather fight this sinister creed than submit to it -- which vexed centuries of inhumane Muslim rulers. The thumb-suckers and effetes at Harvard, on the other hand, lay down without so much as a whimper.

    These intellectual jackbooted thugs fired a brilliant and brave thinker who is deeply committed to defending his country from the brutality and repression of Islamic law. But these intellectual terrorists at the Harvard Crimson, and in the Harvard administration, do wither not in the face of brutality -- just in the face of brutal truth.

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    Many of us have been calling out and exposing the destructive propaganda war that is being waged in our nation's classrooms. Time and time again, we find extensive lessons on Islam in the public schools, extolling Islamic misogyny and waxing poetic on sharia and the brutal oppression of non-Muslims and apostates.

    Last week, we found that schools across Georgia were Islamizing the curriculum by selling misogyny to children. They were using a lesson plan that glorifies the cloth coffin that Muslims dress women in, as well as polygamy:

    My name is Ahlima and I live in Saudi Arabia. ... Perhaps two differences Westerners would notice are that women here do not drive cars and they wear abuyah. An abuyah is a loose-fitting black cloth that covers a woman from head to toe. I like wearing the abuyah since it is very comfortable, and I am protected from blowing sand. ... I have seen pictures of women in the West and find their dress to be horribly immodest. ... Women in the West do not have the protection of the Sharia as we do here. If our marriage has problems, my husband can take another wife rather than divorce me, and I would still be cared for. ... I feel very fortunate that we have the Sharia.

    A parent, Hal Medlin, complained: "I thought this was absurd. [The teacher] was trying to compare Islamic rules of dress and how they compared to school uniforms, which I thought was a stretch. The principal and the [superintendent] agreed with me ... but they wouldn't agree with my premise that it put Islam in a positive light because of the [statements]."

    Of course it put Islam in a positive light. This is not education; this is proselytizing. Bear in mind that these letters are fictitious -- propaganda created to soft sell misogyny. It is time our children were taught about the 270 million victims of over a millennium of jihadi wars, land appropriations, cultural annihilations, and enslavements. And the systematic dehumanization of women: honor killings, clitorectomies, and so much more. Where is the caning? Where is the prohibition of women leaving the house without a male family member? Where is the prohibition of women driving?

    This document was hosted on a public school district's official website. When we called attention to it, the lesson was quickly pulled and scrubbed from the web. But I have screenshots of everything, because I knew that as soon as I exposed this dawah (Islamic proselytizing), the school official quislings would scrub this material. And they did -- so they know that what they are promoting is wrong.

    We are watching the situation closely. We found more ugly lessons. And the school is copping a plea to local media.

    Laura Armstrong, a columnist for the Marietta (Georgia) Daily Journal, informed me that Hal Medlin is in Cobb County, a northern suburb of Atlanta, while the lesson plan was on the website of Henry County, a southern suburb of Atlanta. So this lesson is or was being used in at least two of the most populous suburban counties in Georgia.

    Then there was another incident at another school in Georgia just last week. Armstrong wrote me:

    According to parents, a coach from a nearby high school, a Muslim American, was invited to at least one class to talk about his trip to Mecca. A parent complained to the principal and a school board member with no result. The excuse is "we're studying the culture of the Middle East." But the visitor/lecturer is an American high school coach. His culture is obviously American. So the argument that it's a "cultural study" and not a religious study holds no water. He was obviously there in the public school classroom to promote and teach about his religion.

    This is dawah, a religious mandate in Islam. It is proselytizing. If this is happening in any way in your schools, do not sit idly by. As I describe in my new book, Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance, you must take action. For this is a concerted effort, as I explain in the book. Islamic supremacist groups have for quite some time consulted with public-school textbook publishers and made sure that material presented on Islam is heavily slanted, even to the point of proselytizing. Combine that with the anti-Western multiculturalist bias of the publishers themselves, and the result is a large number of public-school textbooks that denigrate Judeo-Christian Western civilization and portray Islam in a glowingly positive light.

    Serious pushback is required. Do it. What parents need to do every time the school gives a Muslim, or an imam, an opportunity for dawah is demand that the same accommodation be made for a priest, a rabbi, a Hindu holy man. This must be the knee-jerk reaction. A priest should be invited to speak about his trip to the Vatican and the beauty of Christianity; a Rabbi should discuss his life-changing experience at the Kotel, and how Judaism is the mother of monotheism.

    Schools do not want to become religious battlegrounds, but they put themselves in that position when they allow themselves to be used in this way. You are the freedom cop on the beat in your neighborhood. Where you see freedom threatened, fight back. You must shine the light on this indoctrination and raise a ruckus. If we don't fight for freedom, we will surely lose it.

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    Frontpage Interview’s guests today are Karen Holgate and Steve Baldwin, the co-editors of the new book From Crayons to Condoms.

    Karen Holgate is a nationally known advocate for education reform. Her articles and policy reports have appeared in publications including the Congressional Quarterly, Investors Business Daily, the Washington Times, and Insight Magazine. She has appeared on CBS, NBC and Fox news shows.

    Steve Baldwin is currently the Executive Director of the Council for National Policy and is formerly the chairman of the California Legislature's Education Committee.

    FP: Karen Holgate and Steve Baldwin, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

    Holgate: Thank you.

    Baldwin: Thanks for interviewing us.

    FP: Give us a brief overview of what is taking place in public schools today. Why is this happening?

    Holgate: We are seeing a dramatic shift in education from “effective” education, meaning concrete academics, to “affective” education, meaning the teaching of attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors. One of the reasons for this “shift” is that activist legislators are mandating that teachers divert valuable classroom time from solid academics to the promotion of personal agendas.

    Baldwin: Our schools have become laboratories for social engineering and are no longer places where knowledge is transmitted.

    FP: What are some ways that valuable classroom time is wasted in our public schools? Tell us some of the more bizarre examples.

    Baldwin: Whole language, death education, New Math, cooperative learning, inventive spelling and many other fads that have little to do with education.

    Holgate: Under the guise of “tolerance” and reducing “hate crimes,” students are often indoctrinated with the idea that there is no difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality even though what is being taught may violate the personal or religious beliefs of many of the students and their families. Homosexual, bi-sexual, and transgendered panels are often brought in to discuss their lifestyles. However, heterosexuals are not usually a part of any discussion.

    Certainly no student should ever be bullied, harassed, or ridiculed. However, classes are not needed for that; any student who harms or bullies another child for any reason should be disciplined. If we really want to address tolerance then we need to respect – and yes, tolerate -- differences of opinion. Unfortunately, that is not being done in many classrooms across America. Far too often, students who voice any opinion different than that being taught are labeled “intolerant.”

    FP: What are some examples of the explicit and graphic information about sex that is being taught in public schools?

    Holgate: Before I answer that I want to explain that Steve and I had long discussions about whether to include some of the actual language and material that is used in classrooms. We finally decided that we would include some examples with both a disclaimer and a warning. Our decision was based on the fact that if the material is too explicit and crude for parents to see then it is that much worse for our children. Some of the examples include references to performing oral sex or using saran wrap as an alternative to an “oral dam.” Other examples show how core academics are infiltrated with sexual references. For instance, an American history class invited the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Speaker’s Bureau to address the class about Civil Rights. The same class included a handout that said that students don’t receive enough information about safe-sex including male-to-male sex in the teen population.

    Baldwin: Current sex ed programs are based upon the bogus Kinsey theory that children are sexual creatures and thus should be taught early on how to be sexual. Perversity and pornography are rampant in sex ed today.

    FP: Describe the required courses in "death education" that now actually encourage teen depression and suicide. Also tell us about the math classes in which students are instructed to write about how they "feel" about math rather than actually doing math.

    Baldwin: Death ed is when children are exposed to games and literature that focus on morbid themes, the result being that some kids are pushed over the line. New Math is commonplace today and that is when teaching feelings trumps computational skills.

    Holgate: It isn’t unusual for children – as young as elementary school age – to be asked to write their own epitaphs on their tombstones. One teacher asked students to write about being “done in by someone they loved.” In other words, have the child write about someone they loved murdering them. Psychologists who reviewed the material were concerned that teachers not trained in psychology could generate real conflict in a child’s life and not be aware of it. One told us that these types of exercises are not necessary for healthy children but could be disastrous for a troubled child.

    The idea of integrated curricula drives much of today’s education. Death ed is just one area. Another is integrated math in which teachers are instructed to engage children’s emotions. One third grade math curriculum instructed teachers to use examples such as “Freddie Kruger, my death brother, maggots, monsters with big eyes,” etc. The parents of one of those students reported that their daughter was having nightmares and started coming into their room at night because she was so scared. They finally traced it to her math class.

    FP: Can you talk a little bit about how schools too often promote “self-esteem” at the expense of other things and why this is harmful?

    Holgate: Too often we hear that a student’s work is not corrected or a higher grade is given so that the child’s “self-esteem” is not damaged. For instance, creative or inventive spelling is discussed in the book. The idea is that correcting a student’s bad spelling will in some way harm the child. Yet the reality is that self-esteem cannot be awarded, it is earned through accomplishment.

    Baldwin: Self esteem has now taken the place of real work in our schools so it’s really a fake self esteem that ends up doing more harm than good. Children are being praised for lousy work and even work they didn't do.

    FP: The liberal-Left was up in arms for a long time to shut down prayer in public schools, but now praying to Allah has become an everyday thing and the lib-Left says nothing about it. Tell us about this phenomenon and why the Left is silent.

    Baldwin: The movement to eliminate religion from schools was essentially a movement to eliminate Christianity; other religions -- especially Islam and new age -- are being promoted in schools throughout the nation.

    Holgate: We’ve all heard stories about teachers and students not being allowed to pray in schools or bring their Bibles to school. But unfortunately, when it comes to Islam there is a new standard. As the stories in From Crayons to Condoms show, Islam is not always being taught just as a comparative religion class but actually involves students in Islamic religious rituals. One teacher reported that while she was substitute teaching she was instructed to leave the classroom for an hour while another school employee came to the classroom to lead the students in their prayers to Allah. Certainly the ACLU would file a lawsuit if a public school led children in prayers to God.

    FP: Can our schools be saved? How?

    Holgate: I’m not sure the public school system as a whole can be saved. However, there is a lot that parents can do that will help protect their own children. For that reason, we included a chapter designed to give parents some practical steps they can take that can help. And for those who want to make a broader impact, we have also included information about ways to do that.

    Baldwin: Vouchers might help since the current public education monopoly has no incentive to reform.

    FP: Karen Holgate and Steve Baldwin, thank you for joining Frontpage Interview.

    Holgate: Thank you. Steve and I would love to hear from your readers. We can be contacted at If anyone wants to share their personal stories, we’d love to hear those too.

    Baldwin: Thank you.

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    School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
    Todd Starnes

    By Todd Starnes
    Published September 17, 2010
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    A Massachusetts school district has apologized to parents after a group of schoolchildren participated in midday Muslim prayers during a field trip to a Boston-area mosque.

    The incident occurred in May when a social studies class from Wellesley Middle School toured the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, one of the largest mosques in the Northeast.

    Parents were told their children would be learning about the architecture of a mosque and they would be allowed to observe a prayer service. But the students wound up being given a lecture on the Prophet Muhammad, and some boys participated in a midday prayer service.

    The field trip was videotaped by a parent whose child was on the trip. At one point, the video shows a spokeswoman for the mosque telling students, “You have to believe in Allah, and Allah is the one God, the only one worthy of worship, all forgiving, all merciful."

    Attorney Rob Meltzer represents the parent, who asked not to be identified. He’s launched an investigation into the incident and says he may consider filing a lawsuit or complaint against the school district.

    “Personally, I was appalled,” Meltzer told FOX News Radio. “We are obviously very concerned about how much control parents were given and the lack of informed consent.”

    The sixth graders were also reportedly told that jihad is a personal spiritual struggle that has nothing to do with holy war, and girls on the field trip were told that Islam is pro-women.

    “Islam was actually very advanced in terms of recognizing women’s rights,” an unidentified mosque spokeswoman says in the video. “At the time of the Prophet Muhammad, women were allowed to express their opinions and vote. In this country, women didn’t gain that right until less than a hundred years ago.”

    Dennis Hale, a spokesman for Americans for Peace and Tolerance, which has been critical of the mosque, told Fox News Radio that the students were then instructed on how to pray during the midday service.

    He said mosque officials separated the group by gender and invited male students to join traditional Muslim prayers. The video shows young boys bowing and prostrating themselves – with their heads touching the floor. At no point during the event did any school teacher or school official intervene.

    But the Muslim American Society of Boston told the Boston Globe that no one asked the students to participate in the prayers.

    “Certainly in our tours we do not invite kids to take part, but if someone wants to come and pray and take part, we shouldn’t prevent them,” the group's president, Bilal Kaleem, told the newspaper. “It’s more an issue with the school.”

    But Hale says the mosque was engaged in proselytizing. “You can easily imagine what would have happened if a Catholic priest had taken some kids from a school to teach them about Catholicism and have them take communion without telling the parents,” he told Fox News Radio. “The furor would be visible from outer space.”

    On Thursday, nearly four months after the incident, the Wellesley School District sent a letter to parents apologizing for what happened.

    “I extend my sincere apologies for the error that occurred and regret the offense it may have caused,” Superintendent Bella Wong wrote in a statement provided to FOX News Radio. “In the future, teachers will provide more clear guidance to students to better define what is allowed to fulfill the purpose of observation.”

    Wong explained the field trip was part of a course titled, “Enduring Beliefs and the World Today.” It included a visit to a synagogue and a mosque – along with a gospel music concert and a meeting with representatives of the Hindu religion.

    She acknowledged that five students participated in the midday Muslim prayers, and she confirmed that a parent videotaped the incident.

    “It was not the intent for students to be able to participate in any of the religious practices,” she wrote. “The fact that any students were allowed to do so in this case was an error.”

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    Is the United States today a de facto shariah state? A close look at recent events points to some alarming conclusions about the tenets of shariah law taking hold in our once-proud constitutional republic and the unwitting, unequal application of existing U.S. laws. The result is that when it comes to religious expression, Muslims now enjoy more freedom of religion and speech under our Bill of Rights than non-Muslims. Equal protection under the laws of our country holds for Muslims far better than for non-Muslims. Several recent examples illustrate this point.

    Christianity Suppressed

    In October, students at a Chattanooga, Tennessee high school were told that their longtime tradition of praying at practice and before games would no longer be allowed. The school superintendent had called an end to prayer at all school functions following a complaint from the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

    In July, students visiting the Supreme Court from an Arizona Christian school were stopped by police as they bowed their heads and quietly prayed for the justices. The students were standing outside the court building to the side at the bottom of the building steps. They weren't blocking traffic, but an officer abruptly approached them and ordered them to stop praying immediately.

    Four Christians were arrested in June for disorderly conduct at the Dearborn Arab International Festival after handing out copies of the Gospel of John. The four had stationed themselves five blocks from the festival and did not actively approach anyone, but instead waited for others to approach them. Still, police officers confiscated their video cameras and led the four Christians away in handcuffs to shouts of "Allah hu Akbar" from Muslim bystanders.

    In June of 2006, an instrumental rendition of "Ave Maria" was banned at the Henry Jackson High School graduation in Everett, Washington. Despite Justice Samuel Alito's protests, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to consider whether the case was an example of censorship of student speech.

    In direct contrast to the above incidents, which limit Christian prayer and expression, numerous examples exist of special accommodations for Muslim activities and religious practices. These indicate an adherence to a separate and distinct policy for Muslims that mirrors the supremacist requirements of shariah law.

    Islam Accepted

    In the State of California, 7th-grade students at Excelsior Middle School in Discovery Bay, California adopted Muslim names, prayed on prayer rugs, and celebrated Ramadan under a state-mandated curriculum that requires instruction about various religions. In 2006, the U.S. Supreme Court again declined to hear legal challenges by concerned Excelsior parents, who complained that the instruction was actually religious indoctrination and that Christianity and Judaism were not given equal time and exposure. The curriculum has been upheld as appropriate multicultural material.

    After Carver Elementary School in San Diego absorbed Muslim students from a defunct charter school in September 2006, a special recess was provided for the students to pray, classes were segregated by gender, and pork was removed from the school menu. A teacher's aide at the school led children in prayer and was provided with a lesson plan allotting an hour of class time for Islamic prayer. In essence, Muslim students alone were privileged with public school time to practice their religion at an additional cost of $450,000 in public funds and a loss of instruction time.

    In May, students at a Wellesley, Massachusetts middle school visited a local radical mosque and participated in a prayer session. Parents, who gave signed permission for students to visit the mosque, were not informed in advance that students would also be bowing to Allah and listening to lectures on Islam. Surprisingly, teachers did nothing to intervene as students participated and a mosque spokesperson denigrated Western civilization while glorifying and misrepresenting Islam, even falsely referring to the greater rights of women under Islam. Astonishingly, this occurred in a state that has prohibited the sale of Christmas items, including red and green tissue paper, at a school store and forced firefighters to remove a "Merry Christmas" sign from their station.

    Over the last few years, the University of Michigan, a taxpayer-funded school, has provided separate prayer rooms and ritual foot baths, requiring bathroom modifications costing over $100,000, for Muslim observances.

    At Minneapolis Community and Technical College, where religious displays, including those for Christmas, have been strictly prohibited, foot-washing facilities are being installed using taxpayer dollars after one student slipped and injured herself washing her feet in a sink. Director of Legal Affairs and President Phil Davis justified the disparate treatment of Muslims, explaining, "The foot-washing facilities are not about religion; they are about public safety."

    Muslims periodically block the streets of New York City, prostrating themselves in the middle of roadways and sidewalks undisturbed by police and other authorities. The resulting traffic jams are ignored, the double- and illegally parked vehicles are free of citations, and law enforcement officers are nowhere to be seen. Surely, practitioners of other religions or groups planning similar gatherings would be required to obtain permits for such an activity. Reportedly, the police have been ordered not to interfere with the Muslim prayer spectacle.

    These special accommodations for Muslims effectively elevate the Islamic faith above that of Christians and Jews, reinforcing the message of the Koran -- "Allah proclaims Islam over all other religions" (48:28), "Islam will dominate other religions" (9:33), and "Islam does not coexist with other faiths" (5:51). Muslims are required by the teachings of their faith to conquer and subjugate non-Muslims and Ensure worldwide submission to Islam -- "The believers must make war on infidels around them and let the infidels find firmness in them" (9:123).

    Under Islamic shariah law, Christians may not even speak to Muslims about Christianity nor provide them with any literature about Christianity. With the recent arrests of Christians in Dearborn juxtaposed with prostrate Muslim worshipers in Manhattan (where a mosque is planned at Ground Zero at the same location where a church will not be rebuilt), it appears that the principles of Islamic supremacy and prohibitions against Christian proselytizing have begun to gain traction in America.

    Meanwhile, Christianity in America is withering as Bible study is eradicated in public schools, crosses are removed from the public square, and "winter holidays" replace Christmas celebrations. Remarkably, as Christianity is being dethroned and denied public expression, Islam is being unabashedly and openly promoted in what has been a Christian country for over two hundred years. It is truly remarkable that as American students chant prayers in Arabic in California's classrooms, Christmas music and graphics that refer to both Christmas and Chanukah are prohibited in New Jersey.

    Censure of Non-Muslims

    Further, the First Amendment, free-speech rights of non-Muslims are being curtailed amidst the demands of Muslims who operate under few constraints. While non-Muslims are self-censoring out of fear and being shut down by authorities, Muslims enjoy almost unfettered rights to speak out.

    For example, leading up to the 9th anniversary of the Muslim attack on 9/11, Pastor Terry Jones of Florida announced that he would burn the Koran in protest of the proposed Ground Zero mosque. Not only was Jones's life threatened by Muslims, but an Obama administration official asked him to cancel his plans. New York Governor David A. Paterson commented in response to Jones' threat: "More and more, particularly this year, I feel that the memory of those who were lost is being disrespected." However, Paterson did not criticize the Muslim threat on Jones' life, nor the plan itself to build a mosque over the remains of the victims of Islamic terrorism killed on 9/11.

    While Pastor Jones was punished by the loss of his mortgage and insurance and was presented with a bill for $180,000 for security by the City of Gainesville, Muslims avoided any public opprobrium even though twenty innocent people around the world died during Muslim protests against Jones. Like the response to the Danish Mohammed cartoons years earlier, the Koran-burning activity was suppressed and censured as disrespectful to Muslims. It was even compared to the burning of churches and synagogues. Yet Muslims who threatened violent reprisals against Jones were not warned that attempts to curtail First Amendment rights and even mayhem, assaults, or murder would not be tolerated and would be punished to the full extent of the law.

    In another instance of free speech rights violations, when New Jersey Transit Authority (NJTA) worker Derek Fenton burned a Koran near Ground Zero on 9-11, he was promptly removed by authorities as much for the perceived insult to Islam as for his own safety. The very next day, he was fired from his job of eleven years.

    In October, NPR reporter,Juan Williams was fired for expressing on Fox News a fear shared by the majority of Americans in a post-9/11 world -- his discomfort about being on a plane with people who dress as conservative Muslims. Thanks to pressure from CAIR, a Hamas-supporting, extremist-linked organization, Williams was punished for this thoughtcrime and, without first talking to Williams, an NPR spokesperson broke the news on Twitter. Ironically, CAIR spokespersons are regular guests on NPR programs.

    Cartoonist Molly Norris was forced to disappear after declaring April 20 "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day." Norris ignited a religious firestorm with radical Islamic cleric Imam Anwar al-Awlaki publicly ordering her execution. Under FBI recommendations and at her own expense, Norris went underground, changing her name and identity. She is no longer publishing cartoons at the publication where she has been a regular contributor.

    Freedom of Speech for Muslims

    Whereas Norris was forced to enter a witness-protection program in response to a fatwa against her, Islamic leaders enjoy unlimited freedom to spread their messages of hate within the United States. Some even receive protection at taxpayer expense, as did Feisal Abdul Rauf, an Egyptian-American Sufi imam who plans to build a mosque at Ground Zero. Rauf is closely associated with the Muslim Brotherhood and Muslim Brotherhood organizations, endeavors to supplant U.S. law with shariah, and refuses to condemn jihadist groups and terrorism. In addition, he refused to sign a pledge revoking the mandatory death sentence for Muslim apostasy, has encouraged U.S. government officials to negotiate with the terrorist group Hamas, and blames the United States for 9/11. Imam Rauf, who created the Shariah Index Project, which rates countries around the world on shariah compliance, has said that he believes in shariah supremacy.

    Tariq Ramadan, a highly controversial leader in the fundamentalist Muslim world and the grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan Al-Banna, visited the United States in April. As a keynote speaker at the Hamas-supporting Council on American Islam Relations and as a speaker before another Muslim Brotherhood organization, the Muslim American Society, Ramadan refused to condemn the shariah law provision that calls for stoning women for alleged improprieties or to denounce suicide bombing. Ramadan is suspected by U.S. intelligence of having ties to al-Qaeda. He espouses amicable messages of peace and respect when speaking with Western audiences, while endorsing Wahhabism and spreading hatred of the West to Arabic-speaking audiences.

    Even Muslims targeted by our own government for their crimes receive protection. Anwar al-Awlaki, dubbed the "bin Laden of the internet" and suspected of having prior knowledge of 9/11 by having met privately with two of the 9/11 hijackers, has been defended by the American Civil Liberties Union. After President Obama approved placing Awlaki on a government assassination list, the ACLU initiated a lawsuit against the U.S. government challenging the order to kill him. This despite Awlaki being on the FBI's Most Wanted List and his having met and corresponded with Major Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood assassin. He trained the Christmas underwear bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, and was the inspiration for Faisal Shahzad, the attempted Times Square car bomber. In a recent video delivered to CNN, Awlaki stated that Muslims are obligated to wage jihad against the United States.

    Nine years after 9/11, in contrast to protections enjoyed by Muslims, individuals perceived by Muslims to have damaged Islam in some way have been threatened, fired, and publicly censured. This development indicates how far we have come down the road to dhimmitude, a subservient status in relation to Muslims. Clearly, if Norris had organized a Draw Jesus or Draw Moses Day, her life would be very much intact. If Juan Williams had talked about his fear of fundamentalist Christians, he would still be an NPR host in good standing. Had Jones burned the Old Testament, twenty people murdered by Muslims jihadists would still be alive, his reputation would be untarnished, and his financial situation would be undamaged. Had Derek Fenton burned a copy of the Old or New Testament, it is unlikely that the NJTA would have taken any action against him.

    Islamization of America

    We are witnessing a transformation of American society in which Islam enjoys a privileged place among the country's religions. The sensitivities of the country's 3 to 5 million Muslims are considered above those of non-Muslims. Non-Muslims even assist sensitive Muslims in the weeding out of potentially offensive statements or actions that could be remotely critical of Islam or Muslims. Since 9/11, Americans have been well-trained not to talk about Islam and terrorism or to use the word "jihad." Publicly criticizing, voicing concern about, or even expressing fear about Muslim behavior or activities is forbidden. While other religions may be freely criticized, lampooned in cartoons, and denigrated by artwork, Islam is sacred, supreme, and beyond reproach.

    Every effort is made in the United States to accommodate Muslims and engage them in interfaith dialogue and community affairs. Muslims may pray openly in public -- on city streets and in airport terminals. Many U.S. government departments hold Iftar dinners to celebrate the end of Ramadan. The Ground Zero mosque will be built over the ashes of 9/11 victims, but the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church that was destroyed by Muslims will not. Non-Muslims enjoy no such privileges or special treatment in Muslim countries. They may not visit Mecca nor build churches or synagogues. U.S. forces stationed in Saudi Arabia are prohibited from wearing visible religious symbols.

    The foregoing examples, not exhaustive by any means, point to the fact that we are living under a de facto shariah law system in the United States today that has compromised the freedoms we have enjoyed under our Constitution -- freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press. Now, we no longer enjoy equal protection under the law. Our uniquely American virtues of tolerance and freedom have worked against us to produce intolerance and oppression. This has led to the stealthy introduction of shariah law and a climate in which criticisms of Mohammed and Islam are no longer possible without serious repercussions.

    Instead, claims of Islamophobia and anti-Muslim bias are rampant. Yet consider the following: the Muslim atrocity of 9/11, the attempt by the Nigerian Muslim Abdulmutallab to detonate plastic explosive in his underwear on a Northwest Airlines flight in 2009, the massacre of thirteen soldiers at Fort Hood by jihadist psychiatrist Nidal Hassan in 2009, the failed bombing of Times Square by Faisal Shahzad last May, the violent jihad plot in North Carolina planned by Daniel Patrick Boyd, the recent storming of a Baghdad church and murder of 58 Christians, the UPS plot to bomb synagogues in the Chicago area uncovered this past weekend, and countless other incidents over the past several years.

    It is not irrational and biased to fear practitioners of a religion who are trying to kill non-Muslims based on teachings from their religion's doctrine. Apologists for Islam whitewash these events, but Islamic teachings (Reliance of the Traveller, o4.9, p. 590) specifically state that a Muslim's life is worth three times that of a Christian or Jew and fifteen times more than that of a Zoroastrian. (The Consulate General of India, Jeddah lists indemnities for Hindus and Buddhists at 1/15 that of Muslims). When non-Muslims so much as express any discomfort with Muslims and Islamic ideology, they risk public censure, financial ruin, loss of livelihood, and even death. The United States is truly under shariah law when it is forbidden and a punishable offense to call out Islamic doctrine for what it is.

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