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Thread: Mutual Intelligibility of Slavic Languages

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simargl View Post
    Can someone post some text in Kajkavian?
    Namera je da ov portal pokrije cijeli kajkavski kraj i da se saki dan na njem pišeju vijesti z sakoga kraja. Od toga do se rodil pak do toga do je vmrl i se zmed toga. Od Buzeta v Istre de se govori mešung čakavsko – kajkavski pak se do Pitomače vu Podravini. Isto tak mi je želja da se saki čovek, teri ima potrebu, javi i napiše nekaj na ljubljenomu jeziku. More to biti popevka, priča ili obična vijest o tomu kaj se toga dana dogodilo vu gradu ili selu. Znam da bu ov portal izazval mnoge diskusije i raspravljanja. Nič zate. Bolj da pišeme i svadime se, če treba, na kajkavskomu nek da nam vmere.

    Misel tera mi je vu glavi je da saki piše onak kak se navčil od svoje matere.
    Razdeli buju išli tak da bu prvo cijeli kajkavski kraj, pak pokle toga ideju županije, pak opčine i gradovi i onda buju sela i mesta tera pripadaju pod nekteru opčinu ili grad.

    Veliko veselje bi mi včinili ljudi teri se baviju z jezikom da se uključiju i nekaj napišeju. Jedino, prosim lepo , kaj bi to bilo na kajkavskom jeziku.

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    Quote Originally Posted by leapfrogger View Post
    Namera je da ov portal pokrije cijeli kajkavski kraj i da se saki dan na njem pišeju vijesti z sakoga kraja. Od toga do se rodil pak do toga do je vmrl i se zmed toga. Od Buzeta v Istre de se govori mešung čakavsko – kajkavski pak se do Pitomače vu Podravini. Isto tak mi je želja da se saki čovek, teri ima potrebu, javi i napiše nekaj na ljubljenomu jeziku. More to biti popevka, priča ili obična vijest o tomu kaj se toga dana dogodilo vu gradu ili selu. Znam da bu ov portal izazval mnoge diskusije i raspravljanja. Nič zate. Bolj da pišeme i svadime se, če treba, na kajkavskomu nek da nam vmere.

    Misel tera mi je vu glavi je da saki piše onak kak se navčil od svoje matere.
    Razdeli buju išli tak da bu prvo cijeli kajkavski kraj, pak pokle toga ideju županije, pak opčine i gradovi i onda buju sela i mesta tera pripadaju pod nekteru opčinu ili grad.

    Veliko veselje bi mi včinili ljudi teri se baviju z jezikom da se uključiju i nekaj napišeju. Jedino, prosim lepo , kaj bi to bilo na kajkavskom jeziku.
    why do you guys speak ekavian lol Alpine Serbs

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simargl View Post
    Can someone post some text in Kajkavian?
    For example:

    Kajkavian is spoken from 1:17

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    Quote Originally Posted by Feiichy View Post
    For example:

    Kajkavian is spoken from 1:17
    If I heard those men from Dubravica anywhere else I'd think they're Slovene lol.

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    ''The Kajkavian area of Croatia is bordered on the northwest by Slovene language territory. It is bordered on the east and southeast by Shtokavian dialects roughly along a line that was the former division between Civil Croatia and the Habsburg Military Frontier; in southwest along Kupa and Dobra rivers, it persisted in ancient (medieval) contact with Chakavian dialects.

    Kajkavian is closely related to Slovene and Prekmurje Slovene in particular. The speakers of Prekmurian are Slovenes and Hungarian Slovenes who belonged to the Archdiocese of Zagreb during the Habsburg era. Higher amounts of correspondences between the two exist in inflection and vocabulary.

    Dialectogical investigations of the Kajkavian dialect had begun at the end of the 19th century: the first comprehensive monograph was written in Russian by Ukrainian philologist A.M.Lukjanenko in 1905 (Kajkavskoe narečie). Kajkavian dialects have been classified along various criteria: Serbian philologist Aleksandar Belić had divided (1927) the Kajkavian dialect according to the reflexes of Proto-Slavic phonemes /tj/ and /DJ/ into three subdialects: eastern, northwestern and southwestern.

    Kajkavians now include 31%, i.e. 1,300,000 of Croatia's inhabitants, chiefly in northern and northwestern Croatia. The mixed half-Kajkavian towns along the eastern and southern edge of Kajkavian speaking area are Pitomača, Čazma, Kutina, Popovača, Sunja, Petrinja, Martinska Ves, Ozalj, Ogulin, Fužine, and Čabar, with included newer Štokavian enclaves of Bjelovar, Sisak, Glina, Dubrava, Zagreb and Novi Zagreb. The southernmost Kajkavian villages are Krapje at Jasenovac; and Pavušek, Dvorišče and Hrvatsko selo in Zrinska Gora (R. Fureš & A. Jembrih: Kajkavski u povijesnom i sadašnjem obzorju p. 548, Zabok 2006). All three Serbo-Croatian dialects collide[what is this supposed to mean?] between Karlovac and Ogulin.

    The major cities in northern Croatia with prevailing urban Kajkavians are chiefly Zagreb (old central city, Sesvete and V. Gorica), Koprivnica, Krapina, Križevci, Varaždin, Čakovec, etc. The typical and archaic Kajkavian is today spoken chiefly in Zagorje hills and Medjimurje plain, and in adjacent areas of northwestern Croatia where other immigrants and Štokavian standard had much less influence. The most peculiar Kajkavian archidiom (Baegnunski) is spoken at Bednja in northernmost Croatia.

    Most other Croatian speakers know of Kajkavian as the metropolitan dialect of Zagreb city, where a half of citizens (nearly 300.000 ones) now widely use the "zagrebečki" speech (a half-Kajkavian koine) for their private communication at home and on street (using a Štokavian speech in official sites only).

    Moreover, in the central city of old Zagreb and in satellite towns Sesvete and V. Gorica, up today persist at least 7,000 Kajkavian elders speaking old "Agramer" archidiom who understand the official standard but can hardly speak it. Also the coastal Čakavian immigrants in Zagreb or elsewhere in northwestern Croatia quickly transform to Kajkavians in one generation: their non-standard accentuation is subequal to Kajkavian, with many connecting archaisms in vocabulary. The best adaptable are the transitional northern Čakavians from northeastern Istria, Cres, Vinodol, and Pokupje accepting well Kajkavian in few years.

    Other southeastern people who immigrate to Zagreb from Štokavian territories often pick up rare elements of Kajkavian in order to assimilate, notably the pronoun "kaj" instead of "što" and the extended use of future anterior (futur drugi), but they never adapt well because of alien eastern accents and ignoring Kajkavian-Čakavian archaisms and syntax. ''

    Kajkavian phonetics

    Vowels: /a/, /ɑ/, /ɛ/, /e/, /ə/, /i/, /ɔ/, /o/, /u/
    consonants: /b/, /ts/, /tʃ/, /d/, /dz/, /dʒ/, /f/, /ɡ/, /ɦ/, /x/, /j/, /k/, /l/, /ʎ/, /m/, /n/, /ɲ/, /p/, /r/, /r̝/, /s/, /ʃ/, /t/, /v/, /z/, /ʒ/

    Letter or digraph




    a /a/ Kaj buš? What do you will?
    a /ɑ/ Ja grem v Varaždin. I'm going to Varaždin.
    b /b/ Kaj buš ti, bum i ja. What will you, i will to.
    c /ts/ Čuda cukora 'ma v otem kolaču. There is a lot of sugar in this cake.
    č /tʃ/ Hočeš kaj ti povedam? Would you like me to tell you?
    d /d/ Da l' me ljubiš? Do you love me?
    dz /dz/ Pogledni dzaj za hižom! Look behind the house!
    dž /dʒ/ Kda nam pak dojde to vreme, kda pemo mi v Medžimurje? When will this time come again, when we will go to Medjimurje?
    e /ɛ/ Moje srčeko ne m're bez tebe! My heart can not go on without you!
    e /e/ Moj Zagreb tak imam te rad! My Zagreb, I love you so much!
    e /ə/ Ja sem Varaždinec! I'm a Varaždinian!
    f /f/ Cveti! Cveti, fijolica lepa! Blossom! Blossom, beautiful violet!
    g /ɡ/ Smrt po vse nas dojde! Na koncu, v grabi smo vsi. Death comes for us all, at the End we are all in our graves!
    h /ɦ/ Ljubim tve čobice mehke. I love your tender lips.
    h /x/ Naj se hurmati, kak nekšni hrmak. Don't fool around, like some baffoon.
    i /i/ Kdo te ima? Who haves you.
    ie /jɛ/ Liepa moja, daj mi se osmiehni, ker ti imaš najliepši osmieh na svietu. My Beauty, give me one smile, because you have the most beautiful smile in the world.
    j /j/ Hej, haj, prišel je kraj, nikdar več ne bu dišal nam maj. Hej, haj, End has come, to us May, never again whould it smell .
    l /l/ Ja sem včera v Zagrebu bil, kda sem dimo išel, solzicu sem pustil. Yesterday I was in Zagreb, when I went home, tear had drop.
    lj /ʎ/ Tak malo dobroga, v življenju tu se najde. So little good, in life is there to find.
    m /m/ Molim te kaj mi oprostiš. Please forgive me.
    n /n/ Znaš kaj? - Nikaj! You know what? - Nothing!
    nj /ɲ/ Ja samo nju ljubim. I love only her.
    o /ɔ/ Idemo na morje? Are we going to the sea?
    o /o/ Ja sem samo tvoj. I'm only yours.
    p /p/ Upam se, da me još imaš rada. I hope, you love me still.
    r /r/ Vjutro se ja rano 'stanem, malo pred zorju. I woke up early in the morning, a little before dawn.
    r /r̝/ Prešlo je prešlo, puno ljet. Many years have passed.
    s /s/ Popevke sem slagal, i rožice bral. Songs did I compose, and roses did I pick.
    š /ʃ/ Ja bi ti štel kušlec dati. I whoud like to give you a kiss.
    t /t/ Kajti: kak bi bilo da nebi nekak bilo, nebi bilo nikak, ni tak kak je bilo. Because: how would it be if it wouldn't be like this, it would be nohow, and not like this as it is.
    u /u/ Nikdar ni tak bilo da ni nekak bilo, pak ni vesda ne bu da nam nekak ne bu. Never had been that has not been nothing and nohow, so it will never be that somehow would it not be.
    v /v/ Vrag te 'zel! Devil has taken you away!
    z /z/ Zakaj? - Morti zato? Why? - Maybe because?
    ž /ʒ/ Kde delaš? - Ja delam na železnici. Zakaj pitaš? Where are you working? - I'm working on railway. Why do you ask?

    Standard Croatian
    Oče naš, koji jesi na nebesima,
    sveti se ime tvoje,
    dođi kraljevstvo tvoje,
    budi volja tvoja,
    kako na nebu tako i na zemlji.
    Kruh naš svagdanji daj
    nam danas
    i otpusti nam duge naše,
    kako i mi otpuštamo dužnicima našim,
    i ne uvedi nas u napast,
    nego izbavi nas od zla.

    Literary Kajkavian
    Otec naš, koj si na nebesi,
    sveti se ime tvoje,
    dojdi kralestvo tvoje,
    budi vola tvoja,
    kak na nebu tak i na zemli.
    Kruha našega vsagdašnega dej
    nam denes.
    I otpusti nam duge naše,
    kak i mi otpuščamo dužnikom našim,
    i ne vpelaj nas vu skušavanje,
    nego oslobodi nas od zla.

    Japek naš ki si v nebesaj,
    nek se sveti ime Tvoje,
    nek prihaja cesarstvo Tvoje,
    nek bo volja Tvoja,
    kakti na nebi tak pa na zemlji.
    Kruhek naš vsakdaneši daj
    nam denes
    ter odpuščaj nam duge naše,
    kakti i mi odpuščamo dužnikom našim,
    ter naj nas vpelati v skušnje,
    nek zbavi nas od vsakih hudobah.

    Kaj bum? - in Kajkavian: What should I do?
    Kak je, tak je; tak je navek bilo, kak bu tak bu, a bu vre nekak kak bu!
    "Nigdar ni tak bilo da ni nekak bilo, pak ni vezda ne bu da nam nekak ne bu." - Miroslav Krleža (quotation from poem "Khevenhiller")
    Kaj buš ti, bum i ja! (Whatever you do, I'll do it too!)
    Ne bu išlo! (standard Croatian: Ne može tako, Neće ići, Slovene: Ne bo šlo, "It won't work!")
    "Bumo vidli!" (štokavski: "Vidjet ćemo!", Slovene: Bomo videli, English: "We will see!")
    "Dej muči!" or "Muči daj!" (štokavski: "Daj šuti!", Slovene: Daj molči, English: "Shut up!")
    "Buš pukel?" - "Bum!" (jokingly: "Will you explode?" - "I will!")
    Numerous supplementary examples see also by A. Negro: "Agramerski štikleci"
    Another major example – traditional Kajkavian "Paternoster" (bold = site of stress): Japa naš kteri si f 'nebesih nek sesvete ime Tvoje, nek prihaja cesarstvo Tvoje, nek bu volya Tvoja kakti na nebe tak pa na zemle. Kruhek naš sakdajni nam daj denes ter odpuščaj nam dugi naše, kakti mi odpuščamo dužnikom našim ter naj nas fpelati vu skušnje, nek nas zbavi od sekih hudobah. F'se veke vekof, Amen.

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    Quote Originally Posted by leapfrogger View Post
    If I heard those men from Dubravica anywhere else I'd think they're Slovene lol.
    Yeah, one Slovene guy told me this sounds very Slovene-like But even Kajkavian has diverse sub-dialects, some are closer to Slovenian while some are further apart.

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