This is a fertility (children per woman) map. We can see that All European countries have very low birth rate, same in Canada and Australia. I'm sure USA have little bit higher birth rate because of Afro Americans and Latin people.

On the other hands Muslim countries, together with Latin countries have high birth rates, Africans even more.

What can i say about my country. Georgia is on the brink of a demographic catastrophe. UN says georgian population will decrease to 2,5 million people, we have now 3,5 million. Population aging is already a problem. This can change ethnic picture. While Georgians have extremely low birth rates, there is Muslim Azerbaijanian minority with very high population growth. Soon Georgians can become minority in their country.

Some say this is affect of economic crisis which we had in 90th after soviet union collapse. But when i see Norway and Sweden have same demographic problem, i think that reason is not economic. Countries with poor and uneducated population have highest birth rates.
So maybe this is a post Christian culture crisis? But Japan have same problem, while Christian Latinos don't.

What we gonna do? Maybe this is normal and we are just preparing for better life, with high life expectancy or maybe we just gonna die under south onslaught?