On People’s Love for Science
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
April 22, 2017

I’m all for the scientific method which consists of

“systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.”

Some that claim to be in favor of science are really only claiming to be the “owners of the truth”, “os donos da verdade”, as we say in Brazil.

You can share dozens of articles published in highly respected, peer-reviewed, scientific journals that describe observations that were carefully measured and tested but that go against their cherished, commonly accepted hypothesis and they immediately discount it because in their minds the “science is settled” and you’re a troglodyte for not agreeing.

And yet, these people claim to be pro-science. They think themselves intellectually superior to those that question the dogma they prostrate before. They adhere to a reality created and reinforced by a mainstream media and academia which are both bought and paid for by those looking to further their own personal interests.

The same media and academia that have been proven wrong so many times before. Most recently in regards to the impact of fat on heart disease and the complete disregard for the medical benefits of marijuana. We now know that the food pyramid needs to be turned on its head and that things they deem harmful are actually medicine.

This is the same media and the same academia that told us Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and that the war would be quickly over. The same media that continues to promote a story that involves three buildings collapsing because planes collided into two of them.

If you’re into science, stop and question who you trust and who you believe. Consider all the lies that are being spun and consider reading and absorbing the science of those that are measuring and observing what goes against your most closely held beliefs.

Here is a link to a list of over 133 scientific papers published in peer-reviewed journals that describe the Sun’s role in climate change. Whether one disagrees is not as important as preserving the scientific method and taking new data into consideration. http://notrickszone.com/2016/11/21/t....uufo5JE9.dpbs

Peace. May this be of benefit.