Unless you where a leftist yourself you couldn't possibly have any hatred towards me enough to show anger, but you clearly demonstrate a racist perspective and knowledge of such concepts I mention (as well as an impressive hatred of Irish people), therefore I'm genuinely curious as to where you are coming from, what your motivations are and where you fault me. As to my own background, I don't see how that affects the validity or lack thereof of any arguments I make, if views are to be solely determined by interests there would be no truth or reason for discussion, that may be the reality existing, but it's surely necessary to adopt an antithetical pretense in the activity we are undertaking.
I know such views as you mention existed historically, but I have not seen them manifest at all myself. My kinsmen of the diaspora are surely measured all the same with they're Continental and Anglo brothers. My country is subjected to the same moral guilt, propaganda and pathological obligation to self-destruct as all others. In fact I would yearn for the age when such ideas where still held as the culture was still intact and the present threats did not exist, if I accrued the benefits of such a world I would gladly sacrifice my ability to speak on such topics, as it would not be necessary.