I just stumbled upon this after looking for info about The Times. I didn't expect such things to appear in a 1882 newspaper... let alone The Times:

The 23 January 1882 edition of The Times included a report of a speech made at Burton upon Trent by Sir William Harcourt, then Home Secretary. Into this speech an unknown prankster inserted the parenthetical observation that "The speaker then said that he felt inclined for a bit of fucking".

The piece read:
I saw in a Tory journal the other day a note of alarm, in which they said “Why, if a tenant-farmer is elected for the North Riding of Yorkshire the farmers will be a political power who will have to be reckoned with”. The speaker then said he felt inclined for a bit of fucking. I think that is very likely. (Laughter). But I think it is rather an extraordinary thing that the Tory party have not found that out before.
—The Times, 23 January 1882