If you click on the link above you can can this subgroup (R-FGC18215) of the Levite haplotype R-CTS6. The Ashkenazi Levites from Eastern Europe share the same subgroup with someone from Iraq and share an ancestor between 800 and 350 years before present with 95% probability. This is unusual because Ashkenazi Jews rarely share haplogroups with Middle Easterners, Jewish or Non-Jewish if the their MRCA is less than around ~1500 years ago. Typically Ashkenazi haplogroups split with Middle Easterners at least give or take a few centuries around 100 CE. This goes along with the Ashkenazi Tradition that they are descended from Jews brought to Roman Italy during and after The First Jewish–Roman War (66–73 CE) as well as the Bar Kokhba revolt (132-136 CE) (I have been studying Ashkenazis and Middle Easterners with very recent TMRCA and trying to predict how they may have happened what does everyone think about this?