Sheriff Joe Arpaio Calls Obama’s Birth Certificate a Forgery

Mar 02, 2012

by James Buchanan. Sheriff Joe Arpaio held a press conference today to announce the findings of an investigation of Barack Obama’s citizenship. The mainstream media showed up, but don’t hold your breath for the evening news to report on the biggest news story since 911.

Arpaio’s investigation determined that the green document, which Obama presented to the world in April 2011 as his long form birth certificate was NOT a scan of a 1961 birth certificate, but instead was a multi-layered forgery.

The investigation also found that “Records of Immigration and Naturalization Service cards filled out by airplane passengers arriving on international flights originating outside the United States in the month of August 1961, examined at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., are missing records for the week of President Obama’s birth, including the dates Aug. 1, 1961 through Aug. 7, 1961.”

This is extremely significant because it is believed that Ann Obama flew back from Kenya with Barack Obama Junior immediately after his birth on Aug. 4th, 1961. Isn’t it curious that decades of records are available except for that one particular week?

It is believed that Ann (Dunham) Obama traveled to Kenya in the summer of 1961 either traveling with or maybe chasing after Barack Obama Senior. By the time, Ann Obama decided to return to the US, she was too pregnant to fly since airlines did not want women eight months or more pregnant flying for fear they would have their babies on the plane.

Ann Obama was seen in Seattle in August 1961 just days after Obama was born according to this source.

It would make no sense -if Obama were born in Hawaii- for Ann Obama to leave her home with a baby less than a month old and fly to Washington state to begin a class. She had later always pawned Obama Jr. off on her parents whenever she didn’t feel like taking care of him herself. Why would she want a screaming baby with her, just as she was starting a college course??? This makes no sense.

It makes a lot of sense however for Ann Obama to leave a Third World country as soon as possible and to fly back to the US, and Seattle would be a likely stop on the way back from Kenya.

The often-annoying talk radio Zionist Bill Handel was arrogantly trying to belittle what Sheriff Joe Arpaio was doing. The truth is that Arpaio is one of the few Americans in any position of power with any guts. Everyone else, including the frequently-confused Handel and his stooges, just stand in the crowd admiring the “Emperor’s new clothes” while Joe Arpaio is the sole voice of reason willing to state the obvious.

The liberals in the mainstream media are so arrogant that they won’t even look at the increasing wealth of evidence suggesting that something is wrong with Obama’s citizenship from his fake social security number that won’t pass an e-Verify test to his willingness to spend over two million dollars on lawyers to fight off challenges to his citizenship, which could be settled by supplying official birth records from Hawaii –if he had any.

Obama most recently risked a “contempt of court” charge ignoring a subpoena from the state of Georgia in accordance with their new law requiring that a presidential candidate provide proof of citizenship. Obama failed to provide any official documents from the state of Hawaii aside from a print out (that was neither notarized nor stamped by any authority in Hawaii) of that green, multi-layered forgery he put on the White House website.

Because the mainstream media doesn’t cover the issue of Obama’s dubious citizenship, it “isn’t an issue” in the minds of the liberals and that’s the extent of their willingness to debate this issue.Liberals have always been cowards and they avoid the truth, the way a vampire avoids a crucifix.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s brave stand on this issue will hopefully wake up millions of Americans to this issue and encourage others to challenge Obama’s citizenship, rather than bluff his way through a second term should the election go his way.
