Quote Originally Posted by Jon Snow View Post
...and this is where your particular brand of "liberalism" goes off the tracks completely and loses all credibility.

You claim to stand for equality. In my eyes, this is a noble goal--I too believe that nature does not produce "superior" or "inferior" races, and that granting unearned privileges on the basis of race, gender, or religion is wrong. (I also happen to believe that multiracial societies are inherently fraught with conflict and anger, but that is tangential to my point.)

Despite your claim to equalitarianism, however, you roll your eyes at the very thought of a white Westerner suffering any form of discrimination or prejudice. As I say, this is where you lose all credibility, in light of the fact that whites are the victims of widespread, active, institutional discrimination in the US and most other Western nations.

Liberalism has directly led to the following:

- Affirmative action programs, which discriminate on the basis of race, denying white (and Asian) students the opportunities they've rightfully earned. Liberals claim that AA is designed to level the socioeconomic playing field; but under AA policies as they stand, a wealthy black student is significantly privileged over a white or Asian one that grew up in poverty.

- Racial quotas, which have become endemic in the workforce, especially in government positions. This has led to the hiring of "diversity consultants", "sensitivity trainers", and a myriad of other useless make-work positions, in addition to privileging non-Asian minorities over whites and Asians in hiring. Diversity is now an end unto itself, and in many cases an appropriately "diverse" employee will be more highly valued than a meritorious one.

- Anti-white racism has become mainstreamed in Western culture. For the most recent example of this, look no further than Django Unchained, a movie in which a black slave in the American South escapes and then spends the entire movie killing white people. Those white people were "racists", of course, so they deserve to die; but the racism displayed by Jaime Foxx, the lead actor, and other black celebrities like Dave Chapelle (both of whom have made jokes about how wonderful it is to see white people murdered on-screen) is seen as perfectly acceptable.

- There is an enormous double standard insofar as advocating for one's racial group--or even taking pride in its history--is concerned. While most groups are lauded for their efforts to do the aforementioned, any white person who expresses an inclination towards racial pride or consciousness is called names like "racist", "bigot", etc. Recently, a university student named Matthew Heimbach proposed the formation of a White Student Union, modeled after the thousands upon thousands of similar organizations that exist for other racial groups on campuses all around the country. Mr. Heimbach was absolutely eviscerated by the media--social commentators wasted no time in vociferously opposing his proposal, ascribing motives to him that he simply didn't have and denying him the most basic rights afforded to others.

I could go on, but the above points will suffice for now. So why is it that liberals are so enamored of the obvious falsehood that whites are somehow unfairly privileged in the modern West? From where I'm standing, quite the opposite is true.
I agree with a lot that you said, and I think you summarized how I feel better than I did myself, but I do not hate other people because of their race. I find that to be entirely ridiculous.