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Thread: Happy Guy Fawkes/Bonfire/Fireworks Night to everyone!! 05/11/14

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    Слава Путину! Я люблю Россию. Z
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    Exclamation Happy Guy Fawkes/Bonfire/Fireworks Night to everyone!! 05/11/14

    Guy Fawkes/Bonfire/Fireworks Night.
    Remember, Remember, The Fifth of November....
    People shouldn't be afraid of their governments; Governments should be afraid of their people." V for Vendetta

    It's like gunfire going off here in Westminster City tonight as the non-stop fireworks are very loud!!

    This is the night (05/11) we remember Guy Fawkes and his conspirators who tried to blow up King James of Scotland after he forced a union between the crowns of Scotland and England and was the first ever King to call himself as King of Great Britain.

    Catholic Guy Fawkes wanted to blow King James, "Back to your Scottish mountains."

    King James of Scotland was one of the worst tyrants ever in Great Britain. James had a paranoia of Witches and Pagans, and authored a book called, "Demonologie'' (now in the British Library in London).

    In this book, King James authored that signs of a witch on people were birthmarks, moles, and the keeping of pets (familiars), and those who didn't survive drowning tests with their hands and legs tied, or pin prick tests all over their bodies. Hundreds of accused people who didn't survive the superstitious and religious torture techniques laid down by King James (and which he enjoyed personally attending to watch the torture trials to determine a persons supposed 'innocence or guilt'') were burned to death at the stake under Protestant King James of Scotland and Great Britain.

    King James also persecuted Catholics and Irish slaves heavily too.

    On Guy Fawkes night, we remember that Guy Fawkes and his conspirators didn't succeed in blowing up King James, the clergy, and the entire aristocracy in Westminster Houses of Parliament by having bonfire night.... although for many Brits, Guy Fawkes night is a good excuse for fireworks and a good party. (Many believe that Guy Fawkes was the best ever guy to step into the Houses of Parliament. xd)

    The English blockbuster film 'V for Vendetta' is about fighting against tyranny,
    with many messages to the audience about fighting against world tyranny and million mask anonymous marches.

    Guy Fawkes is seen as a dark and gothical character,
    an English legend who fought against a tyrannical, evil, and murderous King James of Scotland and Great Britain.
    Last edited by ♥ Lily ♥; 11-05-2014 at 07:19 PM.
    ❀♫ ღ ♬ ♪ And the angle of the sun changed it all. ❀¸.•*¨♥✿ 🎶

  2. #2
    Слава Путину! Я люблю Россию. Z
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    From Dorset, but live in the City of Westminster (Central London)
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    Great Britain
    Russophile. Brexiteer. Avoidance of WW3 and Nuclear War. Anti NATO. Anti WEF. Against Russophobia.
    President Putin (creator of a rising multipolar world.) Viktor Orbán, George Galloway
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    Protestant King James of Scotland/Great Britain and his stupid superstitious beliefs (which led to people being burned to death for having a mole, a birthmark, not surviving his torture tests, or for having a pet) along with the Catholic Bloody Mary, (the English people left until this Spanish descent fat Queen was removed from the throne for all her killings on the streets) were the most evil and wicked King, and the worst ever Queen, in the history of Great Britain.
    ❀♫ ღ ♬ ♪ And the angle of the sun changed it all. ❀¸.•*¨♥✿ 🎶

  3. #3
    Слава Путину! Я люблю Россию. Z
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    ♥ Lily ♥'s Avatar
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    From Dorset, but live in the City of Westminster (Central London)
    English, 1/8 Welsh, 1/16 Western Irish.
    Great Britain
    Russophile. Brexiteer. Avoidance of WW3 and Nuclear War. Anti NATO. Anti WEF. Against Russophobia.
    President Putin (creator of a rising multipolar world.) Viktor Orbán, George Galloway
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    One day I wish we will be free from this tyranny upon us and the English will have equal rights to our own government and parliament too, equal rights in votes, equal rights in student fees and healthcare. Guy Fawkes is an English legend, along with Robin Hood!
    Last edited by ♥ Lily ♥; 11-06-2014 at 10:34 AM.
    ❀♫ ღ ♬ ♪ And the angle of the sun changed it all. ❀¸.•*¨♥✿ 🎶

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