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    Quote Originally Posted by silver_surfer View Post
    You might not know but in this year Delhi state elections, BJP suffered the heaviest lost. They only managed to get 3 seats out of 60, the rest 57 went to AAP(Common Man's Party). You should be well versed with Indian politics before having such claims. BJP, described as a "hindutva political party" by itself (vaguely) and by leftists (very explicitly) has recently risen in popularity. Under their PM candidate N.Modi, who is seen as a threat to the rights of the Abrahamic minorities due to reasons like agenda of "ghar wapasi"(Converting Muslims and Christians to Hinduism), "valentine day"(Their sister party RSS oppose by saying that it is against the Indian culture) "10 kids brigade"(In order to maintain their majority status, every Hindu family should give birth to 10 kids).
    Who gives a shit whether Modi tries to bring Christians and Muslims back to Hinduism... He is far better than most Muslim rulers of India in the past, and yes, I do not expect any Indian ruler to be even remotely close to a European one.

    While the agenda of PM Modi is exclusively development and "pride in motherland", the political history of his party and his personal history can't be ignored. He is seen as a controversial figure even though the exact nature of his past or the party's is NOT well established. Every person has their own version of the story.

    Because Religion is important to people in India, therefore in a Democracy it gets exploited to get votes. BJP vaguely caters to the Hindu Right fringe groups, and Congress caters to the Muslim minority, hoping to unite their votes in the threat of a common enemy vastly more in numbers than their own minority. The Idea is only if 20% of the 70% of Hindu-majority are religiously motivated to get BJP into Power, then the Congress must counter it by catering to the 20% muslim-minority. To level the playing field. Eventually it boils down to the Hindu vs Muslim debates with historic events (some going back to 100's of years) taken as some sort of a justification to explain the modern-day political scene.
    The Muslim minority is not even 15% kiddo! You lose...

    And eventually, every debate boils down to the vaguely defined and often misunderstood term "The Idea of India". Left claims it is synonymous with the idea of "secularism". Right claims it is synonymous with the idea of "hindutva" which they define as "claiming loyalty to your motherland irrespective of religion".
    They are both correct!

    Overall, you cannot deny that the Hindus are the most successful group in Yankeeland, can you?

    How do Muslims, both from India and outside of it, compare???

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    Quote Originally Posted by zarzian View Post
    Yea I tried to stay away from words like "a few at the top", "anglo-american elite', or "globalist" or "bankers" or "zionist" because many people would just label me a conspiracy theorist and would disregard anything I said, but Yea I didnt mean imperialism as in the older model but the one perpetrated by the......... ILLUMINATI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Well who benefits from these wars or useless endeavors. They dont improve my life much. Mind you we have our own natrual resources here. We dont even need to do business with the old world. Oil is the new currency these days. My government though is a problem. For us here and for the country as a whole in world politics.

    I wouldnt worry. America wont be around for ever and most likely wont be around a century from now. America has done more to weaken the western world than help it. Its degraded europe culturally or contributed to that happening.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wadaad View Post
    Beth Nahrin
    Well it does sound better than Zoomalia, wouldn't you say?

    Beth Nahrin is our indigenous term for "Mesopotamia" (which is Greek). It means literally, "home between the rivers", or something like that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wadaad View Post
    You think you are jews to have an equivalent of their zionist movement?
    No. Jews are far smarter than Assyrians, and unlike Assyrians, Jews can actually think like adults. Muslims can too. Assyrians used to be capable of thinking like adults in the past, but no longer.

    I was merely describing a scenario in take say, 50-300 years from now, once humanity has exterminated all Muslims, and the Assyrian diaspora resettles in Assyria. When that happens, we may no longer speak our Neo-Aramaic languages. Times will be different then for all of humanity, but one thing is certain: the turd world will be gone, and humanity will finally be free from you shit peoples.

    What then Wadaad? Yeah that's right The real and very sad tragedy here Wadaad, is that you somehow believe Muslims are these invincible super warriors or something. The West is holding back against you miserable towelheads, either because they're Christians (and therefore influenced by turn the other cheek mentality), or because despite their atheism, they're raised in secular humanist (really actually Christian) values and similar pacifistic lingo. Had the West been Islamic and you brown folks been Christians, believe me, they would've exterminated you without thinking twice about it.

    No one will miss Muslims on their extinction day. You Muslims are a burden to us all and we can't wait until you're all gone from this planet. We'll rejoice the day we won't have to think about "radical Islam", "moderate Muslims", "brown people" and retarded shit like that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wadaad View Post
    Unlike yourself, my dislike of jews does not stem from envy of their success...
    No of course not. Such an original freethinker like yourself obviously has serious and legitimate historical grievances with Jews; you don't dislike Jews like every other Muslim knucklehead who hates Jews because his religion indoctrinates him to hate Jews. No, not you Wadaad; you're too noble for such ignoble feelings. Unlike the rest of us mortals, you actually have valid reasons to dislike Jews, ain't that right?

    What the hell have Jews done to Somalia anyway for you to dislike them? Get the fuck out of here with that shit man, you Somalis have no dog in this fight! It's not like Somalia wouldn't be a shithole if you Somalis were Christians; Eritrea and Ethiopia, while arguably not as bad as Somalia, are shitholes too, and they have far more Christians than Somalia (what is it in Somalia, 99% Sunni?).

    For your information, I actually don't hate Jews. I even admire several of them for their wisdom, contribution to culture and science, and so on. There are plenty of good and productive Jews who have rejected Zionism and that International Jewry cabal, like Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein and also other Jews who are fairly apolitical but good people, like Carl Sagan, Jim Steinman and so on. These are just a few off the top of my head. There's plenty more Jews like that.

    Unlike you, I stand with a man when he's right and depart from him when he's wrong, as Abe Lincoln once said. I don't "hate" Jews simply because they're Jewish. That would be racist, and I'm not as racist as you are, that's for sure. But I do recognize the evil of Jews, just as I recognize their better traits and other positive aspects.

    And let's also be honest here Wadaad: you hate Jews because they've insulted the honor of all Muslims. Jews are bigger and stronger than you Muslims, and you know it; that's how worthless and useless you "1.5 billion Muslims" are, that a nation of 15 million Jews can totally outcompete you. Quality before quantity sure has a new meaning when comparing Jews to the mentally semi-retarded Muslims. And it upsets Muslims like yourself, because you're all mental midgets anyhow, whereas the Jews explain the universe to the dumb Goyim.

    My problem with Jews is their political elites, which are pure evil. I agree with Voltaire, Wagner and Hitler on that part:

    “They [the Jews] are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race.” — Voltaire

    “The Jew is the demon behind the corruption of mankind.” — Wagner

    “The personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew.” — Hitler

    But unlike you Muslims, good stuff can actually come from Jews. Jews are like that parasitic Venom symbiote in Spiderman: gives you a lot of strength and power, but also eats up your soul. With Islam and Muslims on the other hand, it's all about eating up your soul and poisoning your civilization. At least some good qualities come out of Jews, whereas with you Muslims, it's all misery and mayhem.

    So Jews definitely have their qualities, unlike you mud/Muslim people.

    And I don't do envy btw; I'm too manly for that silly womanly shit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wadaad View Post
    Zionist movement was christian first and then allocated to Euro jews. It is a western concept and project that you are not part of, nor will Assyrians be capable of replicating it
    Well there are more Assyrians in the West now, than there are Assyrians in the Middle East. It took Jews 2000 years to recreate Israel (actually 2700 years if you wanna get picky). Things will go a lot faster now because you know, we have the internetz.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wadaad View Post
    (as much as you denied it in the past it is good to see you acknowledge the similarity with the Muslim Iraqis
    I've never denied it? When I began discussing this stuff (like in early 2008, on Flashback Forum), I was under the impression that Iraqi Muslims and so on, were actual Arabs (because they really, really look different from us Assyrians; they're much uglier if anything, and that's not to say all Assyrians are beautiful; Assyrians can be very ugly too, but Iraqi Muslims have that certified we're-all-untermenchen-ready-for-the-gaschamber look Hell even you Somalis are prettier than Iraqi Muslims ). Then someone pointed out to me that the Arabs from the peninsula didn't completely change the demographics of the Middle East. I looked it up, and it seemed to be some truth in it.

    Now, had I been dishonest like you, I'd still say they have no ancestry from the ancient Assyrians for ideological reasons (and you're all about ideology Wadaad; always have been; it's one of the reasons you're a dishonest guy). The truth is that modern Assyrians are very much so (and pretty much entirely, save some minor Armenian ancestry), legitimate descendants of the ancient Assyrians (although modern Assyrians certainly are quite dumbed down in comparison), and, while there's some significant legitimate descent from the ancient Assyrians in modern Muslim Iraqis and other Middle Easterners, they're simply not Assyrians. A good analogy would be: the rest of the Middle East is about as Assyrian as for example, modern British are Scandinavian (they too have some Viking ancestry, but that doesn't mean modern Scottish or English folks are genetically the same as Norwegians).

    Quote Originally Posted by Wadaad View Post
    need I mention honor killings occur in your 'christian' community but is absent from Somalis
    Yes please do? It's not like we have honor killings anyway. There might be some occasional Assyrian husband going mad and killing his wife, but stuff like that happens also among Europeans:

    Unlike Kurds, we don't have a strongly rooted honor killing culture, and unlike Kurds and Somalis, we don't mutilate the clitoris of our daughters. So don't even go there, if you don't wanna embarrass your own animal people.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wadaad View Post
    Calling Somalia a shit hole is laughable when Assyrians have not produced anything to compete with...please tell me what Assyrians have done to look down on Somalis
    Well, for one thing, we aren't responsible for Somalia

    And besides, even Syria and Iraq now, despite being torn to pieces by ISIS, are actually more preferable to live in than in Somalia. That's epic fail Wadaad, total epic fail

    Do you really believe that if we Assyrians were given independence in the 20th century, that our country today would look like Somalia? Nigga please (and don't start crying over me calling you the N-word; take it like a man, don't be a mangina about it). At worst, an independent Assyria would look like Armenia, and at best, it'd be like one of the more liberal oil gulf countries, but better.

    Don't for a second flatter yourself by thinking we Assyrians are as useless as you Zoomalis. Most Assyrians truly are incompetent idiots, but they're still far above your chimp level.

    We Assyrians are in the situation we are in, because our Muslim neighbors are persecuting us. You Somalis are the most failed nation on earth, and that's entirely your own doing. It's not the same ballpark. You Somalis truly suck, whereas we Assyrians weren't given a fair shot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wadaad View Post
    Your so called Assyrian empire (which is hardpressed to be associated with y'all anymore than the macedonian slavs would be with Alexander the Great) is a remnant of the bronze age, is that what you're proud of?
    Yes, trust Wadaad the OWD clown, who also happens to be an authority on genetics, to decide whether or not modern Assyrians are the legitimate descendants of the ancient Assyrians. What would I do without your expertise?

    And for your information, Late Bronze Age Middle East, was actually a better place to live in (in spite of the lack of modern technology and all the Assyrian cruelty) than present day Somalia. At least there wasn't famine in ancient Assyria. Even Gypsies are better than you Somalis.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wadaad View Post
    Somalis were critical in the Indian ocean chapter of the Silk and Spice trade as recent as the 1500s. You were dhimmis then too
    Dhimmi is higher on Mary's race ladder than Somali

    And what's so bad about being dhimmi anyway? I think it's awesome to be dhimmi: you don't have to risk your life in bullshit wars you don't believe in, and you get to exclude black slaves from entering your gene pool because they're Muslims and you're not. Of course from your Somali perspective, dhimmis are bad to you, because we dhimmis are allowed to discriminate you Somalis and exclude your shitty nigger genes from our gene pool, but from the Assyrian POV, it's great to be dhimmi, and get this: Assyrian Negroid free and Mongoloid free racial purity, is largely thanks to dhimmitude. Assyrians are the real evolutionary winners in rejecting Islam and going dhimmi. It's the big Assyrian fuck you to the entire Muslim Middle East, that we'd prefer to live in poor socioeconomic conditions, endure social discrimination and recurring persecution; all that, rather than participate in Muslim culture and become quarterniggers. Now that's pride right there, son. We Assyrians maintained our ethnic integrity and preserved our racial purity, whereas the rest of the Middle East became sandniggers, literally.

    And let's face it Wadaad, you hate us Assyrians because in Assyrian culture, it's shameful to allow our daughters to marry Somalis. Every Assyrian parent (not just the fathers, but also the mothers) would go bananas if their daughter came home with a Somali boyfriend. It's of course the same among Muslims Arabs, but they're not as honest as I am about it, therefore you kiss their ass because like most mainstream people, you prefer lies over truth.

    And that's something you should be ashamed over, that at the end of the day, you're a dishonest and very dishonorable man.
    Last edited by EliasAlucard; 04-12-2015 at 11:13 PM.
    “What had I thought I was, a righteous partner to the judges and executioners of Paris who strike down the poor for crimes that the rich commit every day?” — The Vampire Lestat, p. 135

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    Beth Nahrin is as indigenous as "الولايات المتحدة" is a direct translation of a foreign (this case the Greek "Mesopotamia") toponym...It would serve Assyrians better to come up with an indigenous name for their supposed homeland.

    I stopped reading after you went into fantasy mode (4th paragraph onwards).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wadaad View Post
    Beth Nahrin is as indigenous as "الولايات المتحدة" is a direct translation of a foreign (this case the Greek "Mesopotamia") toponym...It would serve Assyrians better to come up with an indigenous name for their supposed homeland.
    Sure, but it still sounds better than Zoomalia

    Quote Originally Posted by Wadaad View Post
    I stopped reading after you went into fantasy mode (4th paragraph onwards).
    Oh be a man and tell it like it is: you got real butthurt after I penetrated that black hole of yours with my 2 cm penis.

    Fact of the matter is, you Muslims will be exterminated within the next 100 years, and I'll be rejoicing and popping popcorn when that happens
    “What had I thought I was, a righteous partner to the judges and executioners of Paris who strike down the poor for crimes that the rich commit every day?” — The Vampire Lestat, p. 135

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wadaad View Post
    I stopped reading after you went into fantasy mode (4th paragraph onwards).

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    Africa should just be nuked and the raw materials collected.

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