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Thread: INDOEUROPEICS - everything about Indoeuropeans (what doesn't fit to other threads).

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    Default INDOEUROPEICS - everything about Indoeuropeans (what doesn't fit to other threads).

    Yet another evidence/example, that mommies, grannies, greatgrannies,
    wifies, concubinies, aunties and other lifestock is irrelevant in identity
    matters, and that autosomal and percentage racists are retards.

    First there was the creation of a new way of life north of the Caucasus,
    a mobile form of pastoralism herding animals which had been domesticated
    in the near east and the horse which was domesticated somewhere on the
    Eurasian steppe. Once this new way of life had been developed, it had a
    tremendous expansionary potential due to the vast amount of land which
    was suitable for it. This is why polygamy was a good strategy for these
    pastoralists because, as they competed with one another to build the
    biggest herds and control the biggest territories, it allowed for a rapid
    expansion of their family groups.
    This is the context within which there
    was a need to bring in additional women from outside. The pastoralists
    in turn would have been able to offer the families of their Caucasus
    farmer wives a good bride price for them.
    Last edited by Rethel; 02-06-2017 at 11:32 AM.

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    a good wife costs a lot in commodities but it's worth the price

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    Ötzi wasn't pure Oldeuropean.
    He had IE-like EGH admixture!


    Darker blue and maybe orange.

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    Leonidas of Sparta, Constantine XI, Hampsicoras of Cornus (Sardinian Hero)
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    From the web :

    "Scientists analysing his DNA have discovered the Copper Age mountaineer's mother appears to have come from an Alpine family while his father came from much further afield."

    "This raises the tantalising possibility that Ӧtzi's parents met and had a fling in the mountains, as his father's genetic line is most similar to farmers' from Sweden and Bulgaria."

    "The 2012 Stanford study found Sardinians are Ötzi's closest relatives, rather than modern day Central Europeans."

    "Migrations in Europe after the Neolithic Age in which Ӧtzi lived, partially replaced G2a with other lineages, except in geographically isolated areas such as Sardinia."

    Non Auro, Sed Ferro, Recuperanda Est Patria (Not by Gold, But by Iron, Is the Nation to be Recovered) - Marcus Furius Camillus (Roman General)

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    And final dissdelusion of Finchurians,
    why do they are white, if they came
    from Manchuria and score 60% of N.
    This is why. White mummies.


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    Tuesday, February 21, 2017
    The great male migration

    The Goldberg et al. preprint that I blogged about late last year has made it into PNAS under a different title and with a few other changes (behind a pay wall here). The authors added a couple of lines about R1a and R1b, which is awesome because I think these markers are crucial to the Indo-European homeland debate, and also made the change from "horse-driven chariots" to "horse-driven wagons", probably as a result of my comment at bioRxiv (scroll down here).

    Based on archeological data, as well as ancient and modern Y chromosome data, the later migration from the Pontic-Caspian Steppe has also been hypothesized to be male-biased (5, 24–29). In particular, multiple large-scale studies of modern Y-chromosome data infer a rapid growth of R1a and R1b haplotypes ∼5,000 y ago (27–29). Similarly, Haak et al. (5) provide evidence that R1a and R1b were rare in central Europe before ∼4,500 y ago, but common soon thereafter. They also observe multiple R1b haplotypes in ancient Yamnaya individuals from the steppe. Populations in the Pontic-Caspian Steppe region, such as the Yamnaya or Pit Grave culture, are thought to have strong male-biased hierarchy, as inferred by overrepresentation of male burials, male deities, and kinship terms (26, 30). The region is a putative origin for the domesticated horse in Europe, and the culture is known for its use of horse-driven wagons, a potential male-biased mechanism of dispersal into central Europe (30).


    The signal of a large male bias holds when analyzing late Neolithic Corded Ware individuals and later Bronze Age Unetice individuals separately, with mean X-to-autosomal ancestry ratios in the two groups of 0.716 and 0.474, respectively. Ancestry and sex bias do differ between the groups, with a larger male bias and lower SP ancestry for the later Unetice, although the trend is not statistically significant (SI Appendix, Fig. S1B). Individuals from Bell Beaker archeological sites, a culture that overlapped with Corded Ware and Unetice but occurred over a wider geographic scale, show levels of X and autosomal ancestry suggestive of overall ancestry contributions and levels of sex bias that are similar to Corded Ware and Unetice, with mean X and autosomal ancestry of 0.28 and 0.56, respectively (SI Appendix, Table S7).

    Goldberg et al., Ancient X chromosomes reveal contrasting sex bias in Neolithic and Bronze Age Eurasian migrations, PNAS, February 21, 2017, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1616392114


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    And again something against
    autosomal or mt delusionists:

    Thousands of horsemen may have swept into
    Bronze Age Europe, transforming the local population

    By Ann GibbonsFeb. 21, 2017 , 12:00 PM

    Call it an ancient thousand man march. Early Bronze Age men from the vast grasslands of the Eurasian steppe swept into Europe on horseback about 5000 years ago—and may have left most women behind. This mostly male migration may have persisted for several generations, sending men into the arms of European women who interbred with them, and leaving a lasting impact on the genomes of living Europeans.

    “It looks like males migrating in war, with horses and wagons,” says lead author and population geneticist Mattias Jakobsson of Uppsala University in Sweden.

    Europeans are the descendants of at least three major migrations of prehistoric people. First, a group of hunter-gatherers arrived in Europe about 37,000 years ago. Then, farmers began migrating from Anatolia (a region including present-day Turkey) into Europe 9000 years ago, but they initially didn’t intermingle much with the local hunter-gatherers because they brought their own families with them. Finally, 5000 to 4800 years ago, nomadic herders known as the Yamnaya swept into Europe. They were an early Bronze Age culture that came from the grasslands, or steppes, of modern-day Russia and Ukraine, bringing with them metallurgy and animal herding skills and, possibly, Proto-Indo-European, the mysterious ancestral tongue from which all of today’s 400 Indo-European languages spring. They immediately interbred with local Europeans, who were descendants of both the farmers and hunter-gatherers. Within a few hundred years, the Yamnaya contributed to at least half of central Europeans’ genetic ancestry.
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    To find out why this migration of Yamnaya had such a big impact on European ancestry, researchers turned to genetic data from earlier studies of archaeological samples. They analyzed differences in DNA inherited by 20 ancient Europeans who lived just after the migration of Anatolian farmers (6000 to 4500 years ago) and 16 who lived just after the influx of Yamnaya (3000 to 1000 years ago). The team zeroed in on differences in the ratio of DNA inherited on their X chromosomes compared with the 22 chromosomes that do not determine sex, the so-called autosomes. This ratio can reveal the proportion of men and women in an ancestral population, because women carry two X chromosomes, whereas men have only one.

    Europeans who were alive from before the Yamnaya migration inherited equal amounts of DNA from Anatolian farmers on their X chromosome and their autosomes, the team reports today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. This means roughly equal numbers of men and women took part in the migration of Anatolian farmers into Europe.

    But when the researchers looked at the DNA later Europeans inherited from the Yamnaya, they found that Bronze Age Europeans had far less Yamnaya DNA on their X than on their other chromosomes. Using a statistical method developed by graduate student Amy Goldberg in the lab of population geneticist Noah Rosenberg at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, the team calculated that there were perhaps 10 men for every woman in the migration of Yamnaya men to Europe (with a range of five to 14 migrating men for every woman). That ratio is “extreme”—even more lopsided than the mostly male wave of Spanish conquistadores who came by ship to the Americas in the late 1500s, Goldberg says.

    Such a skewed ratio raises red flags for some researchers, who warn it is notoriously difficult to estimate the ratio of men to women accurately in ancient populations. But if confirmed, one explanation is that the Yamnaya men were warriors who swept into Europe on horses or drove horse-drawn wagons; horses had been recently domesticated in the steppe and the wheel was a recent invention. They may have been “more focused on warfare, with faster dispersal because of technological inventions” says population geneticist Rasmus Nielsen of the University of California, Berkeley, who is not part of the study.

    But warfare isn’t the only explanation. The Yamnaya men could have been more attractive mates than European farmers because they had horses and new technologies, such as copper hammers that gave them an advantage, Goldberg says.

    The finding that Yamnaya men migrated for many generations also suggests that all was not right back home in the steppe. “It would imply a continuing strongly negative push factor within the steppes, such as chronic epidemics or diseases,” says archaeologist David Anthony of Hartwick College in Oneonta, New York, who was not an author of the new study. Or, he says it could be the beginning of cultures that sent out bands of men to establish new politically aligned colonies in distant lands, as in later groups of Romans or Vikings.


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    The great male migration
    take place right now, full of J, E y-dna genes

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    "The Caucasus has never been a linguistic spread zone, it is much more like the Pacific Northwest in N America or like the highlands of Papua New Guinea with fragmented 'relict' ethnolinguistic groups all interspersed, similar to Yunnan and montane SW China, NE Siberia around the Okhostkh and Japan, or the foothills of the Himalayas in S Asia. Ethnolinguistic groups, especially relict ehtnolinguistic groups, accumulate there due to the weakness of intergroup competition; the losers of cultural evolution take shelter there. Its no surprise that cultural and genetic diversity gradually accretes in these regions, leading to a complex patchwork that is misleading as to the suitability of these places as source regions for ethnolinguistic and sociocultural expansions. The North European Plain, the valleys of the Great rivers in China, India and Mesopotamia, the fertile highlands of Iran and Anatolia, the Mediterranean basin, the Mississippi basin, and of course the Steppe and Siberia--these are linguistic spread zones, where the sociocultural dynamics are much more winner-takes-all and intergroup competition is much more intense. Indeed, the relict zones tend to be dominated historically by complex societies that exerted control from the spread zones; powerful states emerge in the spread zones more often, with stronger and more articulated forms. So of course the picture is much more homogeneous there through deep time, whether culturally or genetically. So its really quite normal that large areas of the steppe were periodically dominated by single Y chromosome lineages, with sharp boundaries between cultures. The cultures from which the spread originated may have genetic diversity, but the descendant, expansionist cultures may have been subject to intense sociocultural bottlenecks from intergroup competition prior to expansion that create the odd and non-random distributions we see here."

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