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Thread: As a christian do you support modest dressing?

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    Default As a christian do you support modest dressing?

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    "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep." (John 10:10-11)

    Quote Originally Posted by tropicalslavic View Post
    As a woman I find those pretty curly haired tan Mediterranean men with muscular asses hard enough to resist. I can't imagine how much worse this would be if I was a man.

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    Yes. Not in the Islamic sense but as shown above. Trousers (not too tight !) can be used as well. But I demand a certain modesty and decency from men as well.
    Last edited by The Lawspeaker; 10-27-2018 at 05:19 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawspeaker View Post
    Yes. Not in the Islamic sense but as shown above. Trousers (not too tight !) can be used as well. But I demand a certain and decency from men as well.
    agree. men too.
    The Roma spirit, free and strong, In every heartbeat, in every song.
    Through fields and forests, roads unplanned, They roam the world, a nomad band. Beautiful women, heroic men, In the Roma, life’s magic begins again.

    "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep." (John 10:10-11)

    Quote Originally Posted by tropicalslavic View Post
    As a woman I find those pretty curly haired tan Mediterranean men with muscular asses hard enough to resist. I can't imagine how much worse this would be if I was a man.

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    You can't expect people in Australia to wear long sleeved shirts or pants all time during the summer, no thank you.

    I do think people should put effort into their appearance though.

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    I don't mean to sound relativistic but it really does depend on the situation and the culture sometimes. We have to be good witnesses for the Lord but at the same time we have to be pragmatic. I think both genders need to be careful not to show disregard for their sexuality through their clothing, as it is something that we believe is something to be kept pure. But at the same time we should strive to look attractive in a modest sense, as we Christians also value beauty and this should lead us to glorify what he has given to us.

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    Yes because dressing modestly (i.e. with decency and propriety) is biblical, but unfortunately this word is one of the most misused and misunderstood, both among Christians and non-Christians alike. Modesty in a biblical sense denotes orderliness and propriety but it is not only restricted to one's manner of dressing. It is also not an exclusively female issue, although the Bible does specifically address the need for women to dress modestly in repeated instances. However, the same teaching would apply to men as a matter of logic and principle. Also, modesty extends to one's behavior. Paul uses the same word to denote the qualities men need to have to be overseers, i.e. respectable, of good behavior. Another word that is often used in the Bible, and goes hand in hand with modesty is humility. Humility is being free from pride and arrogance. If one could reduce its meaning to a single Bible verse, it would be 2 Corinthians 10:17: "Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord". As Christians, we know that in our flesh we are inadequate (i.e. we are sinners), but we also know who we are in Christ; it is through his blood that we become righteous.

    Now many of those who dislike the concept of modesty do so based on their understanding of it as the equivalent of prudery, simplicity, repression, constraint, blandness or ugliness. Some believe modesty means strictly covering certain body parts, others that one must mimic those monks living in poverty. On the other end of the spectrum, there are churches that dictate what can be worn in terms of style, length and coverage, and those rules obeyed with the greatest of lawyerly care; some churchgoers treat them like checklists, adopting the minimal they can do and the most they can get away with. And sadly, despite those dress codes, many churches today are nothing but fashion shows where people go to show off their "modest" clothing and gossip about what others wear. In reality, while modesty does entail covering some skin, doing so does not automatically qualify one as such. A woman can still be provocative and boastful in a pair of jeans, for example, eventhough their length and coverage may comply. In contrast, a woman wearing a knee-length skirt or a 3/4 sleeve can be more modest than the former, despite the difference in coverage level.

    Modesty, in a spiritual sense, comes from within. Get the internal right, and the external will follow. Originally, the first humans, Adam and Eve, did not wear any clothing. They were naked and unashamed, including and especially in the presence of God, because they were in a state of perfect holiness. And they were in a place free from sin -- there was no vulgarity, no lewdness, no exhibitionism and so forth. After they disobeyed God however, they started to feel shame, and covered themselves with fig leaves and hid from Him, in an effort to conceal what had really happened. But their shame arose first and foremost not from their bodies per se, rather from the internal awareness and acknowledgment that they had broken God's covenant. Unlike before, they were afraid to be seen as they were, because they knew they were not what they ought to be. Their nakedness felt too revealing and too vulnerable, so they tried to close that gap by covering and presenting themselves in a new way. God Himself created new garments for them out of animal skins. This type of clothing was symbolic, as the Bible says "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins". The shedding of innocent blood was also a foreshadowing of the blood of Jesus that would be shed to cover our sins and "clothe" us in righteousness.

    Ultimately, God ordained clothes to witness to the glory we have lost, and it is an act of rebellion to throw them off. This is why Christians frown on public nudity today. But there are other ways to be immodest, while still being fully clothed. The Bible mentions women adorning themselves in "gold, pearls and costly attire". Rich women in antiquity used clothes and what was at the time expensive finery to arrogantly declare their high status, their value and identity. In contemporary terms, this would be the equivalent of being overtly "flashy". At the same time, the Bible does not mention specific clothing a Christian should wear, but refers to qualities - e.g. "she girds herself with strength", "strength and honor are her clothing", "adorning themselves with good deeds" etc. In the end, it's not so much about what we wear, but how and why we wear it, and of course, how we carry ourselves (in it). If it screams "look at what I can afford" or it is an invitation to mentally undress, then it's probably not the most inspired choice. Immodesty attracts immorality, while modesty attracts righteousness.

    Another thing that the Bible mentions is to dress according to gender. Now there has been a huge debate among Christians on whether this means that women should only wear skirts/dresses and men only pants. But here again, rather than focusing on a specific item or style of clothing, it's the overall impression that counts. Men didn't always wear pants, in antiquity they often wore tunics or togas and robes - the Bible actually makes references to male skirts; even today in some cultures men wear kilts. The point the Bible makes is that women should embody femininity, while men should be unmistakably masculine. Today, this would translate to avoiding the androgynous, unisex or "non-binary" look. A woman can still exude femininity in a pair of pants, and there are plenty of pants with specifically feminine cuts.

    Finally unlike popular opinion, modesty doesn't mean one cannot be fashionable or dress according to contemporary trends. It doesn't mean one must "dress like the Amish", "like grandma" or "like a Puritan" (although you certainly can, if you want to). Christians often like to fade into the background, making Jesus center stage. This is why they don't like to be flashy, and have their clothes distract from their message. Sometimes though, dressing in a modern fashion gives other people a sense of personal identification with the message; teens and young adults for example are much more likely to take to modesty if they don't perceive it as a huge limitation of their personal expression. Needless to say a clean, kept, pleasant appearance can make a huige difference and have a positive impact on others. Many Christians are, in fact, concerned with fashion nowadays. There are many Christian fashion bloggers, Christian fashion ministries, there is even a Christian Fashion Week. Some churches will frown on fashion, though it is not necessarily sinful. The Bible also mentions fashion in a positive context, e.g. in Proverbs 31, the wife of noble character is clothed in fine linen and purple, but also with strength and dignity"; the woman in Songs of Songs has beautiful earrings and strings of jewels, etc. God made this world beautiful and full of colors, patterns and textures. The sky and the oceans, the grass and trees, the mountains, the seasons, the snow... Fashion too can be an expression of beauty; it is, in many ways, an art. For many Christians, fashion is faith based; a Christian can be well dressed and modest at the same time; he is aware that it is not the clothes that make him. Modesty is an attitude of the heart, a statement of holiness about one's entire life; a part of being a "living sacrifice", pleasing and acceptable to God.

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    Yes I support that. But I support every ones human being free will.

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    Blondes, Guns & Stars and Stripes
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    Great post with substance and lots of content.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thordis View Post
    Yes because dressing modestly (i.e. with decency and propriety) is biblical, but unfortunately this word is one of the most misused and misunderstood, both among Christians and non-Christians alike. Modesty in a biblical sense denotes orderliness and propriety but it is not only restricted to one's manner of dressing. It is also not an exclusively female issue, although the Bible does specifically address the need for women to dress modestly in repeated instances. However, the same teaching would apply to men as a matter of logic and principle. Also, modesty extends to one's behavior. Paul uses the same word to denote the qualities men need to have to be overseers, i.e. respectable, of good behavior. Another word that is often used in the Bible, and goes hand in hand with modesty is humility. Humility is being free from pride and arrogance. If one could reduce its meaning to a single Bible verse, it would be 2 Corinthians 10:17: "Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord". As Christians, we know that in our flesh we are inadequate (i.e. we are sinners), but we also know who we are in Christ; it is through his blood that we become righteous.

    Now many of those who dislike the concept of modesty do so based on their understanding of it as the equivalent of prudery, simplicity, repression, constraint, blandness or ugliness. Some believe modesty means strictly covering certain body parts, others that one must mimic those monks living in poverty. On the other end of the spectrum, there are churches that dictate what can be worn in terms of style, length and coverage, and those rules obeyed with the greatest of lawyerly care; some churchgoers treat them like checklists, adopting the minimal they can do and the most they can get away with. And sadly, despite those dress codes, many churches today are nothing but fashion shows where people go to show off their "modest" clothing and gossip about what others wear. In reality, while modesty does entail covering some skin, doing so does not automatically qualify one as such. A woman can still be provocative and boastful in a pair of jeans, for example, eventhough their length and coverage may comply. In contrast, a woman wearing a knee-length skirt or a 3/4 sleeve can be more modest than the former, despite the difference in coverage level.

    Modesty, in a spiritual sense, comes from within. Get the internal right, and the external will follow. Originally, the first humans, Adam and Eve, did not wear any clothing. They were naked and unashamed, including and especially in the presence of God, because they were in a state of perfect holiness. And they were in a place free from sin -- there was no vulgarity, no lewdness, no exhibitionism and so forth. After they disobeyed God however, they started to feel shame, and covered themselves with fig leaves and hid from Him, in an effort to conceal what had really happened. But their shame arose first and foremost not from their bodies per se, rather from the internal awareness and acknowledgment that they had broken God's covenant. Unlike before, they were afraid to be seen as they were, because they knew they were not what they ought to be. Their nakedness felt too revealing and too vulnerable, so they tried to close that gap by covering and presenting themselves in a new way. God Himself created new garments for them out of animal skins. This type of clothing was symbolic, as the Bible says "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins". The shedding of innocent blood was also a foreshadowing of the blood of Jesus that would be shed to cover our sins and "clothe" us in righteousness.

    Ultimately, God ordained clothes to witness to the glory we have lost, and it is an act of rebellion to throw them off. This is why Christians frown on public nudity today. But there are other ways to be immodest, while still being fully clothed. The Bible mentions women adorning themselves in "gold, pearls and costly attire". Rich women in antiquity used clothes and what was at the time expensive finery to arrogantly declare their high status, their value and identity. In contemporary terms, this would be the equivalent of being overtly "flashy". At the same time, the Bible does not mention specific clothing a Christian should wear, but refers to qualities - e.g. "she girds herself with strength", "strength and honor are her clothing", "adorning themselves with good deeds" etc. In the end, it's not so much about what we wear, but how and why we wear it, and of course, how we carry ourselves (in it). If it screams "look at what I can afford" or it is an invitation to mentally undress, then it's probably not the most inspired choice. Immodesty attracts immorality, while modesty attracts righteousness.

    Another thing that the Bible mentions is to dress according to gender. Now there has been a huge debate among Christians on whether this means that women should only wear skirts/dresses and men only pants. But here again, rather than focusing on a specific item or style of clothing, it's the overall impression that counts. Men didn't always wear pants, in antiquity they often wore tunics or togas and robes - the Bible actually makes references to male skirts; even today in some cultures men wear kilts. The point the Bible makes is that women should embody femininity, while men should be unmistakably masculine. Today, this would translate to avoiding the androgynous, unisex or "non-binary" look. A woman can still exude femininity in a pair of pants, and there are plenty of pants with specifically feminine cuts.

    Finally unlike popular opinion, modesty doesn't mean one cannot be fashionable or dress according to contemporary trends. It doesn't mean one must "dress like the Amish", "like grandma" or "like a Puritan" (although you certainly can, if you want to). Christians often like to fade into the background, making Jesus center stage. This is why they don't like to be flashy, and have their clothes distract from their message. Sometimes though, dressing in a modern fashion gives other people a sense of personal identification with the message; teens and young adults for example are much more likely to take to modesty if they don't perceive it as a huge limitation of their personal expression. Needless to say a clean, kept, pleasant appearance can make a huige difference and have a positive impact on others. Many Christians are, in fact, concerned with fashion nowadays. There are many Christian fashion bloggers, Christian fashion ministries, there is even a Christian Fashion Week. Some churches will frown on fashion, though it is not necessarily sinful. The Bible also mentions fashion in a positive context, e.g. in Proverbs 31, the wife of noble character is clothed in fine linen and purple, but also with strength and dignity"; the woman in Songs of Songs has beautiful earrings and strings of jewels, etc. God made this world beautiful and full of colors, patterns and textures. The sky and the oceans, the grass and trees, the mountains, the seasons, the snow... Fashion too can be an expression of beauty; it is, in many ways, an art. For many Christians, fashion is faith based; a Christian can be well dressed and modest at the same time; he is aware that it is not the clothes that make him. Modesty is an attitude of the heart, a statement of holiness about one's entire life; a part of being a "living sacrifice", pleasing and acceptable to God.
    The Roma spirit, free and strong, In every heartbeat, in every song.
    Through fields and forests, roads unplanned, They roam the world, a nomad band. Beautiful women, heroic men, In the Roma, life’s magic begins again.

    "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep." (John 10:10-11)

    Quote Originally Posted by tropicalslavic View Post
    As a woman I find those pretty curly haired tan Mediterranean men with muscular asses hard enough to resist. I can't imagine how much worse this would be if I was a man.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mortimer View Post
    Ultimately it's the woman's choice but as a cultural christian I find this very beautiful type of dressing (and imho also an attractive one).

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    Mort, weren't you at a strip club like a week or two ago
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