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Thread: Great human inventions by country and chronological order

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dorian View Post
    We GrecoRomansIberians once did the mistake of civilizing these cave-dwellers ,I suggest we make an alliance with muslims to accelerate their takeover
    Quote Originally Posted by renaissance12 View Post
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    Quote Originally Posted by renaissance12 View Post
    This is the first 4004 microprocessor really working..with F.F. marked in the circuit.. only F.F. no other letters..

    F.federico F. faggin

    But there are 3 poeple with the credit for this invention

    Ted Hoff e Stanley Mazor , were not chip designer, .. but beans-counter of the company..

    But the really designer was only one.. THE GUY WHO DESIGNED THE MICROPROCESSOR WITH F.F. Letter marked on it....

    Faggin told many times that he was obbliged to mark F.F. letter on the first microprocessor ( 4004 - 8008 - 8080 ) in order to prove that ONLY him was the real inventor of the first commercial and working microprocessor..

    He didnt trust INTEL at all...

    The 4004, the world's first microprocessor, is signed with the initials F.F., for Federico Faggin, its designer. Signing the chip was a spontaneous gesture of proud authorship. It was also an original idea, imitated after him by others.
    Federico Faggin signed the 4004 because: • He was the leader of the design/development project of the first microprocessor, and brought it to its successful conclusion.
    Faggin did the detailed design work (logic design, circuit design, chip layout, tester design and test program development)
    for one time i agree with renaissance12 ,i have check the wiki page and yes frederico faggin is the inventor of the first processor of this kind,it's the same case for françois grenelle well fucked too :

    François Gernelle, 54, is the father of the first microcomputer, developed in France in 1973. "I could have been Bill Gates»

    In his apartment at the Chesnay in the Yvelines, François Gernelle

    says, " of course, I could have been Bill Gates. Three years before Steve Jobs in his garage in California, I had done the same thing in a cellar in Châtenay-Malabry (Hauts-de-Seine)."The hair graying, François Gernelle, 54 years old, is watching a funny maroon aluminium. From the inside, he takes out one of the 45 cards with chips, then shows the front of the device with multiple small switches. "My father was a caster and I asked him for a strong case. For the rest, I did everything, helped by two technical agents and a programmer. Then I gave him the name Micral, which means small in slang, " he said. Thus was born the first microcomputer in the history of Computer Science, in France at the very beginning of the winter of 1973. Yet François Gernelle cannot boast of being the inventor without being told: "Are you sure? We thought it was Andre Truong?»

    Unfair. On 13 February 1994, François Gernelle watched TF1's television news and heard a report on "the twentieth anniversary of the birth of the microcomputer". He's startled. "When I saw my former boss, André Truong, appearing on screen as the inventor, I said to myself: I must defend myself."André Truong has long played on ambiguity. Managing director of R2e, the company that employed François Gernelle during the creation of the computer, he took the opportunity to claim ownership of the Microal. It took more than four years of legal proceedings, paradoxically in the years (1994-1998) when the sale of computers exploded, for François Gernelle finally obtained, last November, from the Court of appeal of Versailles, the right to write on his CV: "I am the inventor of the microcomputer."Thirty years ago. Gernelle and Truong met in 1968 at Intertechnique, a Yvelines company specializing in computers for medical and nuclear applications. A young electrical engineer, François Gernelle inherited from his uncle Bernard Pouzols, one of the first television manufacturers at Philips, the taste for invention. And, as soon as he discovers the microprocessors, he proposes to the managers of Intertechnique to develop microcomputers. In 1972, he joined Truong, who had just created the company R2E, and there, during an appointment with a head of the Inra (Institut national de recherche agronomique) who was seeking to obtain a very inexpensive system of measuring and calculating the evapotranspiration of soils, François Gernelle had a genius idea: "I propose to make you a calculator for half the expected price."He goes to work, creates the first microcomputer, whose operation will be tested in the corn fields and under the watering holes of the Yvelines. You start to believe. But the bitterness will soon come to a story too beautiful to succeed. Today, despite his legal victory, François Gernelle remains bitter towards his former boss. "Why did neither he nor I make a fortune with my discovery? It is quite simply that one day in 1975 we missed the opportunity to found a monumental start-up," he said. Checkmate.It was in a bar in Los Angeles. Launched on the French market for the past year, the success of the Micral in several professional sectors (Agricultural Credit, Highway Paris-Chambery") had aroused the interest of Americans. "We were having a pot with Honeywell's boss who was offering $ 2 million for the purchase of the microphone and its Prologue software for the United States. For no reason,Truong asked for $ 4 million and Honeywell's boss, not too happy, left the table.»

    After Bull bought the company R2E in 1983, François grenelle let Truong set up his own company. Too late, Californians Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have already taken over the market

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