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Thread: How Much More Bullying Can Poland Take From The EU?

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    Слава Путину! Я люблю Россию. Z
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    Default How Much More Bullying Can Poland Take From The EU?


    The Polish government have recently stated that the EU is building a Fourth Reich, following numerous threats of sanctions, fines, and condescending speeches against the conservative and right-wing Polish and Hungarian leaders by the EU bullies.

    Massive fines of Ł1million euros per day have now been imposed upon Poland as punishment by the Eurocratic bullies in Brussels and the unelected German EU President Ursula von der Leyen, and the fines will not be lifted until Poland obeys the EU rules and laws.

    The Polish government refuses to pay the harsh fines that the bullying EU has now slapped upon Poland after a big fallout between the EU and the Polish government over the rule of law and the role of the European Court of Justice in Poland. So now the EU is cutting funding to Poland.

    And senior members of the Polish government have recently been mentioning Polexit following the big fallouts with the EU, and have stated that they won't stay in the EU "at any cost."

    Here's a video clip from a few months ago of Guy Verhofstadt berating the Polish Prime Minister (Mateusz Morawiecki,) and condemning the Polish PiS (Law & Justice) government. Who the hell does the EU emperor Guy Verhofstadt think he is?! Nobody in Hungary or in Poland elected that Belgian megalomaniac to boss them around. The Polish government are right when they state that France and Germany break EU rules all the time - yet the EU never punishes or condemns France and Germany - because the EU is a protectionist racket for the economies of Germany and France and is dominated by them.

    A lot of pro EU supporters (Europhiles) keep demanding on social media for Hungary and Poland to be kicked out of the EU.

    Whereas Brexiteers and other European Eurosceptics like placing Polish and Hungarian flags in their profiles to show support for them in standing up against the EU bullies. We think that Poland and Hungary should kick the bullying EU out of their countries.

    Guy Verhofstadt is a megalomaniac and he behaves like the emperor of Europe. He should focus on the mass immigration and high crimes in his own EU state of Belgium, instead of constantly attacking the Polish and Hungarian governments who protect their borders and have low crimes.

    Some commentary about this in the 3 minute video below from a former Brexit Party MEP (Michael Heaver.)

    And as if the harsh Ł1,000,000 euros per day fine by the EU upon Poland over the ECJ and EU Rule of Law wasn't enough, now the EU has imposed even more fines of 500,000 euros per day on Poland because their elected PiS government refuses to shut down a coal mine in their country - even though Germany gets away with it.

    Here's a new video which was uploaded last week.
    Last edited by ♥ Lily ♥; 02-13-2022 at 02:06 PM.
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    Слава Путину! Я люблю Россию. Z
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    The Polish government have stated that the EU uses the language of threats and blackmail and is building a German dominated fourth reich. When the Polish government was then chastised by the EU over their use of language, the Polish government clarified that they meant: "Not a continuation of the third reich - but a continuation of the first reich."

    This is exactly what the British and other Eurosceptics across Europe have been saying for many years!! The EU is the Fourth Reich.

    After all the outrageous EU threats and blackmail towards the UK, Jersey, Switzerland, over the last 2 years, (all of which are independent and free nations that aren't governed by the EU and its unelected Presidents,) now Poland is being threatened and blackmailed by the bullying EU.

    Poland and Hungary are both financial beneficiaries of the EU, rather than big net contributors to the EU funds, which makes a Polexit and Hungrexit seem unlikely, but now that the EU is bullying and threatening them, and cutting the funding to Poland and imposing harsh fines upon them... the tide could change.

    Last edited by ♥ Lily ♥; 02-13-2022 at 01:38 PM.
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    Слава Путину! Я люблю Россию. Z
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    I remember on Brexit Day in the UK that a lot of people commented about Polexit as it was trending on social media in Poland.

    The EU pollls state that most Polish people want to stay in the EU, but I don't trust the EU's polls.

    The Polish democratically elected their conservative PiS government, but their government's interests conflicts with the EU's interests. And now that huge fines and funding cuts are being imposed on Poland, I wonder if a Polexit will be next.
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