False!!! Iberians are not any particularly darker than populations within the same latitude in Europe, good examples are Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo. The same goes for the French. The Belgians ( my people ) and Luxembourgers are less blonde-haired than the Byelorussians, but have some of the fairest skin types in Europe ( higher frequencies of skin type 1! ) . While Dutch are just as blonde as Byelorussians or more. Germans and Poles are similar, no particular differences in pigmentation ( biggest differences are in face features, body build ). The British and Irish are as a whole less blonde-haired more brown-haired ( in the majority ) than the Baltic people particularly the Estonians and Latvians.However, they are paler-complexioned, more ruddy, more freckled and obviously more much likely to be ginger than Balts as well. The biggest difference is that Western Europe due to its financial and economical power in the world has attracted more immigrants from outside Europe who want to live there.