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Thread: Your political beliefs

  1. #391
    New Member European_Samurai's Avatar
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    Greek Pontus (Black Sea)
    Macedonia region, Greece
    Nationalism, Strasserism, Metaxism
    Ioannis Metaxas, Otto Strasser, Eleftherios Venizelos
    Orthodox Christian
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    Preferred Political System:

    Democracy with some necessary authoritarian features

    Political and civil rights

    Free speech: Yes
    Freedom of religion: Yes with some prerequisites like banning islamic headscarfs and preventing sharia law
    Freedom of assembly: Indifferent
    Corporal/capital punishment:Against
    Universal suffrage: Against
    Compulsory voting: Yes

    Nationalism: Strongly Support
    Internationalism: Strongly Against
    EU-membership (only for Europeans): Strongly against EU
    UN-membership: Strongly Against
    NATO-membership: Strongly Against
    ZOG: Always against New World Order

    The Military
    Militancy (as in supporting military operations abroad):Strongly against
    Compulsory military service: Strongly Support
    Women in the armed forces: Strongly Support

    The Environment
    Environmentalism: Yes but I strongly dislike all these modern movements
    Urbanization: Strongly opposed
    Natural/unprocessed food production: Yes
    Animal rights: Strongly Support

    The Economy
    Welfare state: Yes
    Taxation: medium
    Economic System: National Socialism (according to Strasserism, not to Hitlerism)
    Public/Private/Other Ownership over industries: Nationalised industry, private small businesses
    Public/Private/Other Ownership over banks:
    National bank in public/private ownership: nationalised banks
    Healthcare (Private/Public/Other): public universal healthcare
    Education (Private/Public/Other): public education

    Social Conservatism.
    Political correctness: Strongly Against
    Degenerate media & entertainment: Against
    Religion: Orthodox Christianity and Hellenism
    Pornography: Strongly Against
    Abortion: Support, quality over quantity after all
    Prostitution: Strongly against
    Homosexuality: Indifferent
    (If voted - Same-sex marriage): Yes
    (If voted - Civil unions for same-sex couples): Yes
    (If voted - Adoption by same-sex couples): Yes, only for orphans
    Drugs / alcohol / tobacco: Legal with age restrictions, hard drugs banned
    Gun control: Strongly support
    Euthanasia: Yes
    Eugenics: Indifferent
    Racial integration / miscegenation: Strongly Against
    In a society without values and morality, be the samurai of your generation.

    "Revolt against the modern world" -Julius Evola

  2. #392
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    slavic, hellenic, romance
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    I think politic mostly depends of the population, you can't give a non religous governement in MENA, like you can't give europeans a governement like in China who makes one child policy. I think politic is a real science, and every politician are scientific

  3. #393
    Veteran Member Your Old Comrade's Avatar
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    All Politicians Are Bastards
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    Quote Originally Posted by tita View Post
    I think politic mostly depends of the population, you can't give a non religous governement in MENA, like you can't give europeans a governement like in China who makes one child policy. I think politic is a real science, and every politician are scientific
    Well.. Most politcians are definetely corrupt idiots, instead of scientists.

    Wake up and smell the coffee.

  4. #394
    Veteran Member Apricity Funding Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Your Old Comrade View Post
    Preferred Political System:
    Preferred Political System:
    Depends on the time, place, circumstance (TPC).
    I personally prefer a democratic republic, BUT this should be a 'hardened' democratic republic,
    which is protected from the subversion of multinationals, NGOs, foreign media, foreign states, etc.
    And I do not pretend that a democratic republic is the best form of government for every TPC.
    Depending on the TPC, I might support a more authoritarian state such as absolute monarchy or military dictatorship.
    I am always against totalitarianism. Old-fashioned authoritarianism may be acceptable depending on the TPC.
    I prefer de-centralisation, but level of centralisation depends on the TPC and type of state. Same with referenda.
    The justice system (jury or panel of appointed judges) will depend on the TPC.
    The rule of law must be strongly supported by the state, government, and society, and this will create a just legal system.

    Political and civil rights
    Free speech: Mostly supportive except for threats, incitement, possibly libel.
    More restrictions possible depending on type of state.
    Freedom of private worship: Mostly supportive except for forbidden cults.
    Freedom of public worship: Mostly supportive except for muezzin in non-Muslim countries.
    Freedom of assembly: Mostly supportive,
    though maybe much less supportive depending on the type of state.
    Freedom of the press: Mostly supportive,
    though maybe much less supportive depending on the type of state.
    Capital punishment: Strongly supportive for heinous crimes where there is no doubt,
    also for severe sex crimes, and also maybe for drug trafficking depending on the time, place, and circumstances,
    possibly for more types of severe crimes depending on the type of state.
    Universal suffrage: Strongly supportive but this depends on the type of state.
    Compulsory suffrage: Strongly opposed
    Aristocracy and the royal family: Somewhat opposed,,
    but depends on the time, place, circumstance, and type of state.

    Nationalism: Mostly supportive, national culture and patriotism should be strongly encouraged,
    our nation is good, but no ultra-nationalism ("other nations are bad").
    Internationalism: Mostly opposed, keep a minimal link to relevant international orgs,
    but I do not trust international or transnational orgs such as the EU, NATO, UN agencies, and world agencies (WHO, etc),
    because these undermine national sovereignty and self-determination, which I strongly support.
    I strongly support neutrality and good relationships with neighbours, other relevant states, and major powers,
    possibly the formation of regional trading blocs, which might become confederations.
    EU membership: Strongly opposed, I would have opposed joining,
    I would negotiate agreements with the EU for free trade, movement, police cooperation, etc,
    I would prefer to be Norway, Iceland, or Switzerland.
    But if the country is already a member,
    then I would lay the political groundwork for leaving while cultivating relations with neighbours to form a regional bloc,
    OR/AND I would work to reduce the EU's power and reform it to be a confederation of nations.
    NATO membership: Strongly opposed, I would have opposed joining,
    I like the old status quo with Sweden or Finland, I would prefer to be Switzerland or Austria,
    but if the country is already a member, then I would pull out like De Gaulle's France,
    OR I would reduce participation as much as possible, and reduce the foreign military presence as much as possible.
    ZOG: Strongly opposed, this does not preclude decent relations with Israel.
    Militancy(as in supporting military operations abroad): Strongly opposed
    Compulsory military service: Neutral, male military service should be encouraged,
    compulsory service depends on the time, place, circumstances, size of the population, military needs, etc.
    Women in the armed forces: Strongly opposed, no women in combat positions;
    armed, all-female, voluntary auxiliary units may be encouraged
    Military, police organisation: depends on the time, place, circumstances, and type of state

    The Economy
    Welfare state: Neutral, depends on the TPC.
    If no welfare state exists, then I would not create one unless the people and economy are ready for it.
    If forming a welfare state, then I would keep it as minimal but also as fair and decent as possible.
    If a welfare state already exists, then I would NOT cut any benefits, except for unpopular/controversial ones.
    I would keep benefits the same, but I would find ways to cut bureaucracy and other unnecessary costs.
    I would eliminate all welfare for criminal, problematic, or unproductive migrants and deport them.
    Taxation: Neutral, no oppressive or unjust taxation,
    taxes should be competitive with other countries: medium or low depending on the time, place, circumstances.
    I am against inheritance taxes, these monies were already taxed while the person was alive.
    Public ownership of industry: Mostly opposed,
    EXCEPT possibly for monopolistic industries/utilities such as electricity, water, public transport, telecom, maybe defence.
    There would be restriction on foreign ownership of major industries or the liquidation of major industries.
    Public ownership of banks: Mostly opposed, EXCEPT for the Central Bank.
    Ideally no Central Bank for the US.
    Land reform: Mostly supportive, everyone should be a private landowner ideally,
    everyone should be a property owner. The interests of the nobles and church should not be favoured in this area.
    Environmentalism: Supportive, environment should be protected within reason,
    strongly favour nuclear energy and clean incineration of waste (with local recycling, no burying garbage),
    as well as reasonably clean fossil fuels.
    No subsidies for wind and solar and electric vehicles, no Green agenda.
    Energy and fuel should be plentiful and inexpensive for civilisational vitality.
    Healthcare: preferably Public with a private option, but depends on the time, place, circumstances.
    Education: Public and Private, and an option for home-schooling where applicable.

    Social conservatism
    Political correctness: Strongly opposed
    Religion influencing politics: Neutral, depends on time, place, circumstances.
    Family values and basic religious values should be encouraged.
    Excessive secularism is harmful for society, but excessive religiosity may be counterproductive.
    Degenerate media & entertainment: Strongly opposed,
    should be restricted as much as the time, place, and circumstances will allow.
    Prostitution: Strongly opposed, no legalised prostitution or brothels,
    strong emphasis on disrupting human trafficking and sexual slavery/abuse,
    but otherwise minimal emphasis on punishing the prostitutes or clients (unless they commit other crimes)
    Pornography: Strongly opposed, harmful to society,
    should be restricted as much as the time, place, circumstances will allow.
    Abortion: Strongly opposed,
    should be discouraged and restricted as much as much as the time, place, circumstances will allow.
    If abortion is legal and widely accepted, then it should be gradually reduced (up to 10 weeks is ideal),
    and a more pro-life culture should be encouraged for a generation or two,
    until abortion can be banned entirely except for rape.
    Homosexuality: Neutral,
    civil marriage may be OK for the most liberal societies, but there should be no promotion of homosexuality,
    there should be no gay or lesbian adoption of children, and no gay surrogacy.
    Drugs: Strongly opposed, aggressive law enforcement needed,
    strong anti-drug propaganda, culture, and education, possible execution of drug traffickers,
    cannabis products ONLY allowed for debilitating painful conditions as an alternative to opiates.
    Alcohol, tobacco: Neutral, allowed but discouraged
    Gun control: Mostly opposed,
    but depends on the time, place, circumstances, and type of state.
    Assisted suicide/homicide: Strongly opposed,
    doctors should not cause death, this violates and undermines the entire profession,
    very strong opiates are available for dying people.
    Eugenics: Mostly opposed, opposed to abortion of disabled babies,
    would not introduce new sterilisation practices where they do not already exist
    Racial integration: Neutral
    Divorce: Neutral,
    no-fault divorce should be allowed but the terms should be more fair to men, and no alimony
    Immigration: Somewhat opposed, but may be strongly opposed in some circumstances;
    depends on the quality of the immigrants, and the needs of the nation and its native population.
    Depends on the time, place, circumstances

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