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Thread: Israel vs. Palestine Rebirth

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    Agnieszka Piwar: The Israeli army kills a Pole, and the president of the Third Polish Republic hides his tail

    Originally Posted by Agnieszka Piwar

    On April 1, 2024, the Israeli army fired rockets at a marked humanitarian aid convoy. The vehicle was used by World Central Kitchen (WCK) volunteers who delivered food to the Gaza Strip.

    Seven people died as a result of the attack. The victims included Palestinians, a Briton, an Australian, a holder of dual US and Canadian citizenship, and a Pole, Damian Soból , a resident of Przemyśl. The WCK authorities decided to suspend operations in the region.

    In the face of this terrible crime, Andrzej Duda's statement is shocking , as he omitted an important context regarding the circumstances of the Pole's death. The President of the Republic of Poland did not even mention the fact that a Polish volunteer died as a result of an Israeli attack . Therefore, in his entry there is not the slightest mention of condemnation of the murderers of our compatriot, not even a hint of indignation towards the criminals.

    Coward or opportunist?

    The President of Poland only made an effort to respond to the following words posted on social media.

    «It is with deep pain that I received the information about the death of volunteers from the World Central Kitchen organization, including a Polish citizen, in the Gaza Strip. My thoughts are with their loved ones. These brave people changed the world for the better with their service and dedication to others. This tragedy should never have happened and must be explained.»

    Andrzej Duda's attitude met with a strong response from Poles using Facebook. Here are some sample comments out of hundreds of similar ones posted under the president's statement.

    Rafał Sawicki: «Written as if they died crushed by a tree branch during a storm. Maybe it was worth mentioning who caused this tragedy? »

    Agnieszka Knawa Gwiżdż: «Mr. President, children are dying there, tens of thousands of children! Those who survived suffer unimaginably. Are there no brave politicians left in this world, people who will defend innocent Palestinians?! What is happening to humanity?! Cowardice, lust for power, greed, pure evil! Don't say you can't do anything! »

    Jacek Joniec: «Yeah…. Will you wave your toe threateningly? Because you won't dare to say anything publicly to the Israeli ambassador! »

    Krystyna Perzyna: «Do you express pain over the murder of a Polish Volunteer? Your silence, and thus acceptance of the Jewish genocide against the Palestinian Nation, as the head of the Polish state, makes you complicit in this murder and genocide of Palestinian children and civilians.»

    Maciej Mach: «Mr. President, let's not be afraid of this word: ISRAEL killed a Polish citizen.»

    Stanisław Adamczyk: «Explained? We know who is murdering defenseless Palestinians under the pretext of fighting Hamas. Netanyahu and his ultrachauvinist government. Long live free Palestine! Jews and Palestinians can live in peace. What has the Polish government done in this direction? Do you shamelessly burn Hanukkah candles? »

    Arkadiusz Piszczek: «Jews turn out to be the best students of Nazi Germans. The planned genocide against the Palestinian people can only be compared to the planned genocide committed by Ukrainians against Poles during the Second War in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia.»

    Mirosław Majkowski: «If the Russians fired at such volunteers... uhuhuhu, there would be a scream.»

    Danuta Skwierczyńska: «It is not volunteers who should change the world for the better, but trusted politicians whom nations elect. Volunteers only make their small contribution... Unfortunately, politicians often make decisions that protect their particular interests, thus betraying their oath to the sovereign. What are the chosen ones waiting for in times of danger? For this last moment of shedding blood - whether it's brotherly or rapacious neighborly? Delaying action, in my opinion, makes politicians complicit in all the tragedies in the country and in the world. »

    Tomasz Warmuz: «It is with deep pain that I received the information about the perfidious murder of a Polish volunteer by soldiers of the State of Israel, intended to discourage volunteers from continuing to help civilians.»

    Szymon Dawidowski: «A premeditated attack so that humanitarian operations would withdraw from Palestine.»

    Reading Poles' comments on Andrzej Duda's statement, I am impressed by the reaction of my compatriots who called the matter by its name and stood up for the persecuted Palestinians. At the same time, I feel ashamed and embarrassed watching the attitude of the president of my country.

    Is it possible that the commander of the Polish Armed Forces was unable to react decisively? Well, sometimes it can. For comparison, I will quote a fragment of his statement from a few months ago, which was published on the official profile of the Chancellery of the President (via: platform X, formerly Twitter).

    «The President of the Republic of Poland, @AndrzejDuda, strongly condemns the anti-Semitic slogans that appeared during yesterday's march organized in Warsaw. We, Poles, out of memory of those murdered during the Holocaust, can never agree to any manifestations of anti-Semitism in any form, and any signs of it arouse our deep indignation. In Poland, there is no consent to express hatred towards anyone. This is completely contrary to the values ​​on which the Republic of Poland is based.»

    What made Andrzej Duda so angry, apparently more than the killing of our compatriot? The president was outraged by banners expressing solidarity with the Palestinians from the Gaza Strip. Among the protesters in Warsaw was a medical student from Norway, who was carrying a handmade poster with the words "keep the world clean" and a drawn garbage bin with a symbolic Israeli flag inside.

    Poland has such a leader who bristles at the sight of slogans condemning Israel's criminal actions. At the same time, he turns his back on himself, issuing a half-length and mild statement when, as a result of an Israeli attack, a Polish citizen helping the persecuted Palestinians dies.

    Zionists are pushing for escalation

    The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reacted to the death of the Polish volunteer. Radosław Sikorski demanded explanations and specific actions from Israel. The Israeli side claimed responsibility for the attack, and Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman Daniel Hagari announced an investigation into the matter.

    Without waiting for the outcome of the investigation, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has already declared that it was a "tragic case of innocent people being unintentionally hit" by Israeli forces. The Israeli portal Haaretz has a different opinion , according to which the convoy with volunteers was shot at three times and the attack was not a mistake.

    Meanwhile, the Israeli ambassador to Poland decided to turn the tables and hit the Poles. Yacov Livne wrote a scandalous statement about this content on the X platform (formerly Twitter).

    «The extreme right and left in Poland accuse Israel of intentional murder in yesterday's attack, which resulted in the death of members of a humanitarian organization, including a Polish citizen. Deputy Speaker of the Sejm and leader of the Confederation, Krzysztof Bosak, claims that Israel is committing "war crimes" and terrorizing humanitarian organizations to starve the Palestinians. This is the same Bosak who to this day has refused to condemn the massacre committed by Hamas on October 7 and whose party colleague, a right-wing extremist, used a fire extinguisher to extinguish the Hanukkah menorah that we lit in the parliament in Warsaw. Conclusion: anti-Semites will always remain anti-Semites, and Israel will remain a democratic Jewish State that fights for its right to exist. Also for the good of the entire Western world. »

    It should be noted that we are talking about a country that, moments before bombing the convoy with volunteers, shot at another hospital in the Gaza Strip. What else is the "democratic character" of the Jewish state? On the same day, Israeli forces bombed the Iranian consulate in Syria.

    As a result of the Israeli attack on the Iranian diplomatic mission in Damascus, according to various sources, 6 to 8 people were killed, including the commander of the elite Al-Quds unit, Mohammad Reza Zahedi . The presence of the Iranian general in Syria was not accidental. Iranian soldiers are fighting Islamic State terrorists there. In this way, they not only help the besieged Syrians, but also protect Europe from the invasion of ISIS.

    In the face of the recent tragic events, the Ambassador of the State of Palestine in Poland also spoke. Below I quote the Palestinian diplomat's statement in full.

    «The Ambassador of the State of Palestine, Mahmoud Khalifa, expresses his deepest condolences to the family of Polish volunteer Damian Sobol and the other volunteers who died as a result of the cowardly Israeli terrorist act. The deceased were not indifferent to the fate of civilians in Gaza and went to provide humanitarian aid in the face of genocide and famine.

    Volunteers belonging to the American international organization WCK do not move without full coordination with the occupation army, they move in armored cars in a safe manner known to the occupation army, and yet the convoy became a direct target.

    This is an immoral crime committed by the Israeli occupation army. This is terrorism aimed at citizens, international organizations and countries providing humanitarian aid to our nation, which is a victim of the crime of genocide.

    The US position and repeated vetoes on the Security Council and international silence encourage Israel to commit more crimes. This situation must end and Israel cannot continue to be treated above the law.

    Israeli investigations are absolutely unacceptable because they are biased and protect their murderers. Israel, the occupying power, cannot be an assassin, lawyer and judge at the same time. For some, waiting for the results of the Israeli investigation means closing the files and hiding the killer. The crimes committed by Israel against civilians are not sudden incidents, but systematic Israeli policy for 76 years.

    It is necessary to activate the rules of international law and establish an impartial international commission of inquiry to investigate this crime and the murders committed by Israel against approximately 33,000 Palestinian civilians, many of whom died as a result of direct executions on the grounds of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza, where over 300 were killed doctors, nurses and patients at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza.»

    What can we - ordinary people - do in the face of these terrible crimes of the Zionists? Let's publish, let's publicize, let's exert pressure. Thousands of comments appeared under the scandalous entry of the Israeli ambassador. Platform X generated a message from this that read: “Readers have added contextual information that may be useful to others. The convoy was deliberately bombed three times. There is no question of an accident or mistake. The action was deliberate.”
    I CFG

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    Civil servants have expressed concern they could be deemed complicit in war crimes in Gaza if Israel is found to have broken international law.
    The UK is breaching international law by continuing to arm Israel, Rishi Sunak has been warned.

    Three former Supreme Court justices are among over 600 lawyers and academics who have signed a 17-page letter to warn the present situation in Gaza is "catastrophic".

    Three British ex servicemen deliberately murdered for doing a good thing. Have noticed that the word genocide is now being used in mainstream news here. Popular opinion is for a ceasefire.

    Both quotes from Sky News.

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    Israel used AI to target Gaza. Low level suspected Hamas operatives were targeted by this system allowing for 20 civilian deaths per strike.

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    Quote Originally Posted by -Scar- View Post
    Gaza is a small irrelevant piece of land which holds no significance for Jewish history. Which puts things into perspective that Israel removing their settlements and soldiers from there in 2005 was kinda the bare minimum for peace not the great deal Israel made it to be.

    I am sure Israel will dethrone the Palestinian authority at the risk of not having to deal with the rise of another militant group.
    Like, I said you're very well informed on the subject...

    Mearsheimer, with his decades of experience and high regard, can not match up to your wisdom and knowledge.

    Btw, because you're legitimately stupid, don't confuse the clickbait title with what Mearsheimer will talk about. He's being interviewed. This is not his show and so he doesn't choose what will be the title.

    You should really stop talking, dude. You know nothing. You don't know what the Israelis have said. You don't know about the Gaza Marine. All you have done is show ignorance. What you think is irrelevant. What the Israeli government thinks is relevant.

    You are now relegated to the virtual corner until you've shown you've taken at least an hour to learn about the conflict.

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    It looks as if the message Israel sent was understood.

    Other aid organizations aren't willing to risk their people's lives to feed Palestinians.

    By the end of all this Israel will no longer be able to use 'Holocaust credit' to deflect criticism.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham View Post
    Three British ex servicemen deliberately murdered for doing a good thing. Have noticed that the word genocide is now being used in mainstream news here. Popular opinion is for a ceasefire.

    Both quotes from Sky News.
    Your media must not be as controlled by Zionists (not many Jews in Australia). When Rachel Corrie was murdered in 2003 by an Israeli bulldozer not much was said. I certainly don't recall hearing about it and when an American is murdered in such a way it should be all over the mainstream news.

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    eek "Jared Kushner must have some incredible bodyguards to speak so openly like that."

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    "..."The State Department approved the transfer of more than 1,000 MK82 500-pound bombs, over 1,000 small-diameter bombs, and fuses for MK80 bombs", The Washington Post reported on Thursday, citing US officials..."

    Amid Gaza war, US approves supplying Israel with 1000s more bombs
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    One of the reasons Netanyahu is leveling Gaza is because of a multibillion gas field just off the coast of Gaza.
    Last edited by ~Elizabeth~; 04-06-2024 at 05:17 AM. Reason: multibillion, not trillion
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Frank Grimes View Post
    Well, in your few posts in this thread you've consistently proven yourself to be a well informed poster. My favorite insight was your belief in divine intervention.
    I was obviously being sarcastic in the magic thing, as you implied that every victory in Israel's side even before the American aid came by was just luck. 5 Arabs countries couldn't get a small piece of incompetent Israel in 1948. Also ground operation is not some sort of multivariable calculus for Israel to not be able teach it's soldiers.

    Anyways here are the pictures of nearly 250 Hezbollah soldiers since you were doubting the source;

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