SNPA Bibliography of Physical Anthropology
A comprehensive list of publications, incl. some unpublished materials, on the subject of Physical Anthropology (European and extra-European).

Legend of abbreviations:

Acta Morphol Nerd-Scand Acta Morphologica Neerlando-Scandinavica
AJPA American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Am Anthropol American Anthropologist
Am J Anat The American Journal of Anatomy
Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology
Curr Anthropol Current Anthropology
Eugen Lab Mem Univ London Eugenics Laboratory Memoir Series
Eugen Rev Eugenic Review
J Afr Hist The Journal of African History
J Anat Journal of Anatomy
J Egypt Journal of Egyptian Archaeology
J Hum Evol Journal of Human Evolution
JIES The Journal of Indo-European Studies
JMAA Journal of Mediterranean Anthropology and Archaeology
JRAI Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
MannusB Mannus-Bibliothek
Oriental Inst Publ Oriental Institute Publications
Papers Peabody Mus Arch Ethnol Papers Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
RPN Rudolf Pöchs Nachlass, Serie A. Physische Anthropologie, Vienna
SISK Skrifter, Institutet for Sarnmenlignende Kulturforskning, Oslo. Serie B: Skrifter
SNVO Skrifter utgitt av det Norske videnskaps-akademi i Oslo, I, Mat. Naturv. Klasse, Oslo
TIAE Travaux de l'Institut d'anatomie et d'embryologie, Faculty de médecine de Bucarest
Trans Am Philos Soc Transactions of the American Philosophical Society


Aichel, O.

Der deutsche Mensch (Jena, 1933)

Ammon, O.

Anthropologische Untersuchungen der Wehrpflichtigen in Baden (Hamburg, 1890)

Anderson, J. E.

"Late Paleolithic skeletal remains from Nubia". In F. Wendorf (ed.), The Prehistory of Nubia (Dallas: Fort Bugwin Research Centre and Southern Methodist University Press. 1968, pp. 996-1040)

Angel, J. L.

"A Racial Analysis of the Ancient Greeks: An Essay on the Use of Morphological Types" (AJPA, Vol. 2 N.S., No. 4, 1944)

"Skeletal Material from Attica" (Hesperia, Vol. 14, Issue 4. The American Excavations in the Athenian Agora: Twenty-Seventh Report. Oct-Dec 1945, pp. 279-363)

"Biological Relationships of Egyptian and Eastern Mediterranean Populations During Predynastic Times" (J Hum Evol, 1. 1972, pp. 307-313)

"Human Skeletons from Grave Circles at Mycenae. In G. E. Mylonas (ed.) Ho Taphikos Kyklos B ton Mykenon [The Grave Circle B at Mycenae (Greek)] Vol. I. Athens: Athenais Archaiologikes Etaireias, 1973, pp. 379-97)

"A New Measure of Growth Efficiency: Skull Base Height" (AJPA, 60. 1982, pp. 347-358)

Arbo, C. O. E.

"Den Blonde Brachycephal og dens Udbredningsfelt" (Foredrag holdt i Fællesmødet den 9de Febr. 1906)


Baker, John R.

Race (Oxford, London, 1974)

Bañuelos, M.

Antropología actual de los Españoles (Barcelona-Madrid, 1941)

Batrawi, A. M.

"The racial history of Egypt and Nubia. Part I. The craniology of Lower Nubia from Predynastic times to the sixth century A.D." (JRAI, 75. 1945, pp. 81-101)

"The racial history of Egypt and Nubia, Part II" (JRAI, 76. 1946, pp. 131-156)

Beals, K. L.

"Head Form and Climatic Stress" (AJPA, 37. 1972, pp. 85-92)

Beddoe, J.

The Races of Britain (London, 1885)

The Physical Anthropology of the Isle of Man (Bristol, 1887)

On the North Settlements of West Saxons (London, 1895)

Bennett, K. A.

"The typological versus the evolutionary approach in skeletal population studies" (AJPA, 30. 1969, pp. 407-415)

Bennington, C, and K. Pearson

"A Study of the Skull with Special Reference to the Congo and Gaboon Crania" (Biometrika, 8. 1911-1912, pp. 292-339)

Bertholon, L. and E. Chantre

Recherches Anthropologiques dans la Berherie Orientale (Lyon: Rey, 1913)

Biasutti, R.

Le razze ei popoli della terra (Torino, 1941)

Birdsell, J. B.

"Some Implications of the Genetical Concept of Race in Terms of Spatial Analysis" (Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol, 15. 1950, pp. 259-314)

"Preliminary Data on the Trihybrid Origin of the Australian Aborigines" (Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania. Vol. 2(2), 1967)

Blackith, R. E. and R. A. Reyment

Multivariate Morphometrics (London: Academic Press, 1971)

Böe, J. and A. Nummedal

Le Finnmarkien (SISK, Serie B, Oslo, 1936)

Brace, C. L. and K. D. Hunt

"Krapina, 'Classic' Neanderthals, and the Evolution of the European Face" (J Hum Evol, 8. 1979, pp. 527-550)

"A Nonracial Craniofacial Perspective on Human Variation: A(ustralia) to Z(uni)" (AJPA, 82. 1990, pp. 341-360)

Bray, Sir Denis

Ethnographic Survey of Baluchistan (Bombay, 1913. 2 vols)

Brennsohn, I.

Zur Anthropologie der Litauer (Dorpat, 1883)

Bryn, H.

Anthropologia Nidarosiensis: en proportions- og korrelationsundersøkelse av den trønderske befolkning (1920)

Møre Fylkes Antropologi (1920)

Selbu og Tydalen: en antropologisk undersøkelse av mænd, kvinder og barn i to norske indlandsbygder  (1921)

En nordisk Cro-Magnon type (1921)

Troms Fylkes Antropologi (1922)

Om isolasjonens betydning for racedannelser (1925)

Anthropologia Norwegica - 1. Det Østenfjeldske Norges Antropologi (1925)

Menneskerasene og deres utviklingshistorie (1925)

Die Menschenvarietäten Norwegens (1926)

Die Entwicklung der Menschenrassen (1926)

Der nordische Mensch: die Merkmale der nordischen Rasse mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der rassischen Verhältnisse Norwegens (Munich, 1929)

To varianter av den nordiske rase (1929)

Die blonden Brachykephalen in Norwegen (1930)

Homo Caesius (SKNV, #2, Trondhjem, 1931)

Die dolichokephale nordische Rasse (1932)

Norwegische Samen: eine anthropologische Studie (1932)

Norske folketyper: en antropometrisk-somatologisk typeundersøkelse av det norske folk (1934)

Bryn, H. and K. E. Schreiner

Die Somatologie der Norweger (Nach Untersüchungen an Rekruten) (SNVO, #1, Oslo, 1929)

Bunak, V. V.

Crania Armenica (Moscow, 1927)

"The Craniological Types of the East Slavic Kurgans" (Antropologue, T. X. Prague. 1932, pp. 270-310)

Buxton, L.H. Dudley and D. Talbot Rice

"Report on the Human Remains found at Kish" (JRAI, Vol. 61. Jan-Jun 1931, pp. 57-119)


Cabot-Briggs, L.

"A Review of the Physical Anthropology of the Sahara and its Prehistoric Implications" (Man, 19. 1957, pp. 20-23)

Cameron, J.

The Skeleton of British Neolithic Man (London, 1934)

Carey, J. W. and A. T. Steegmann, Jr.

"Human Nasal Protrusion, Latitude, and Climate" (AJPA, 56. 1981, pp. 313-319)

Carlson, D. S. and D. P. Van Gerven

"Masticatory Function and Post-Pleistocene Evolution in Nubia" (AJPA, 46. 1977, pp. 495-506)

Chantre, E.

Récherches Anthropologiques dans l’Asie Occidentale (Lyons, 1895)

Récherches Anthropologiques dans l’Afrique Orientale, Egypte (Lyons, 1904)

Clark, Edwin

"The Roots of the White Man (Part I): A Reply to Jared Taylor" (American Renaissance, Vol. 7, No. 11, November, 1996)

Collett, M.

"A Study of Twelfth and Thirteenth Dynasty Skulls Kerma (Nubia). " (Biometrika, 25. 1933, pp. 254-284)

Coon, C. S.

Tribes of the Rif (HAS, vol. 9, Cambridge, Mass., 1931)

The Races of Europe (New York: Macmillan, 1939)

The Story of Man (New York: Knopf, 1954)

The Origin of Races (New York: Knopf, 1962)

Living Races of Man (New York: Knopf, 1965)

Racial Adaptations (Chicago: Nelson Hall, 1982)

Coon. C. S., S. M. Garn, and J. Birdsell

Races: A Study of the Problems of Race Formation in Man (Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1950)

Corruccini, R. S.

"The Interaction Between Nonmetric and Metric Cranial Variation" (AJPA, 44. 1976, pp. 285-294)

Crichton, J. M.

"A Multiple Discriminant Analysis of the Egyptian and African Negro Crania (Papers Peabody Mus Arch Ethnol, 57. 1966, pp. 45-67)

Czekanowski, J.

"The Theoretical Assumptions of Polish Anthropology and the Morphological Facts" (Curr Anthropol, 3(5). 1962, pp. 481-494)


Davis, J. B. and J. Thurman

Crania Britannica (London, 1865)

Deniker, J.

Les Races de l'Europe (1899)

The Races of Man (London: Walter Scott Ltd., 1900)

Les Races et les Peuples de la Terre (Masson et Cie, Paris, 1926)

Derry, D. E.

"The Dynastic Race in Egypt (J Egypt, 1956)

Diebold, V.

Em Beitrag zur Anthropologie der Kleinrussen (Dorpat, 1886)


Ecker, A.

Crania Germaniae meridionalis occidentalis (Freiburg, 1863)

von Eickstedt, E.

Rassenkunde und Rassengeschichte der Menschheit (Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke, 1934)

Die rassischen Grundlagen des deutschen Volkstums (Köln, 1934)

"Rassendynamik von Ostasien. China Japan, Tai und Kmer von der Urzeit bis Heute" (Far Eastern Quarterly, Vol. 12, No. 2. Feb., 1953, pp. 204-206)


Falkenburger, F.

"La composition raciale de l’Ancienne Egypt" (L’Anthropologie, 51. 1947, pp. 239-250)

Fawcett, C. D. and A. Lee

"A Second Study of the Variation and Correlation of the Human Skull, with Special Reference to the Nagada Crania" (Biometrika, 1. 1902, pp. 408-467)

Finkel, D.

The Dynamics of Middle Eastern Skeletal Populations (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Oregon. 1974)

"Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of Middle Eastern Skeletal Populations" (J Hum Evol, 7. 1978, pp. 217-229)

Fischer, E.

Die Rehobother Bastards (Jena, 1913)

Fleure, H. J.

The Races of England and Wales (London, 1923)

Frasetto, F.

Note Anthropologiche Sulla Populazione del Bolognese (Bologna, 1932)

Fürst, C. M.

Zur Kranologie der Schwedischen Steinzeit (HKSV, #1, vol. 49, Stockholm, 1912)


Gates, R. R.

"A Study of Ainu and Early Japanese Skulls" (Z Morph Anthrop, 48. 1956, pp. 55-70)

de Geer, S.

"The Kernel Area of the Nordic Race within Northern Europe". In Lundborg, H., and J. F. Linders, The Racial Character of the Swedish Nation (Uppsala and Stockholm, 1926)

Gjessing, R.

Die Kautokeinolappen (SISK, #25, Oslo, 1934)

de Gobineau, A.

Essai sur l’inégalité des races humaines (Paris, 1853—55)

Göllner, H.

Volks- und Rassenkunde der Bevolkerung von Friedersdorf (DRK, vol. 9, Jena, 1932)

Grube, O.

Anthropologische Untersuchungen an Esten (Dorpat, 1878)

Guglielmino-Matessi, C. R., P. Gluckman, and L. L. Cavalli-Sforza

"Climate and the Evolution of Skull Metrics in Man" (AJPA, 50. 1979, pp. 549-564)

Guha, B. S.

The Racial Affinities of the Peoples of India (Census of India, vol. 1, part III, Simla, 1931)

Günther, H.

Rassenkunde des judischen Volkes (Munich, 1930)

Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes (Munich: J. F. Lehmann, 1934)

Kleine Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes (Munich & Berlin: J. F. Lehmann, 1938)


Haddon, A. C. and C. R. Browne

The Ethnography of the Aran Islands (Dublin, 1893)

Hannesson, G.

Körpermasse und Korperproportionen der Isländer (Reykjavik, 1925)

Hillson, S. W.

Human Biological Variation in the Nile Valley, in Relation to Environmental Factors (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of London, 1978)

Hooton, E. A.

The Ancient Inhabitants of the Canary Islands (HAS, vol. 7, Cambridge, Mass., 1925)

Indians of Pecos Pueblo (New Haven, 1930)

Up from the Ape (New York, 1931)

Houzé, E.

Les indices céphaliques des Flamands et des Wallons (Bruxelles, 1882)

Howells, W. W.

"Fossil Man and Origin of Races" (Am Anthropol, 44(2). 1942, pp. 182-193)

Cranial Variation in Man (Harvard University Press, June 1978)

Hrdlička, A.

"Certain Racial Characteristics of the Base of the Skull" (Am J Anat, 1. 1901, pp. 508-509)

The Natives of Kharga Oasis, Egypt (MCSI, vol. 59, #1, Washington, 1912)

The Races of Russia (Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1919)

The Old Americans (Baltimore: The Williams & Wilkins Company, 1925)

The Skeletal Remains of Early Man (MCSI, vol. 83, Washington, 1930)

Melanesians and Australians and the Peopling of America (City of Washington: The Smithsonian institution, 1935)

Hulse, F. P.

The Comparative Physical Anthropology of Andalusians and Cubans (Thesis in Widener Library, Harvard University, 1934)

Hylander, W. L.

"The Adaptive Significance of Eskimo Craniofacial Morphology". In Dahlberg, A. A. and T. M. Graber (eds.), Orofacial Growth and Development (Mouton, The Hague. 1977, pp. 129-169)


Imamura, Y. (ed.)

"Anthropometrical Tables on the Male Japanese and Surrounding Races" (Anthropological Reports, Niigata Univ., 35. 1964, pp. 207-226)


Jacobs et al.

"Pitfalls in the Search for Ethnic Origins: a Cautionary Tale regarding the Construction of "Anthropological Types" in Pre-Indo-European Northeast Europe". In Jones-Bley and Huld (eds.) The Indo-Europeanization of Northern Europe (Washington, D.C.: Institute for the Study of Man, 1996)


Kajanoja, P.

"A New Theory on the Biological Roots of the Finns". In Populations of the Nordic Countries: Human Population Biology from the Present to the Mesolithic (Proceedings of the Second Seminar of Nordic Physical Anthropology, Lund 1990. 1993)

Kajava, Y.

Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Rasseneigenschaften der Lappen Finlands (AASF, ser. A, vol. 25, #1, Helsingfors, 1925)

Kappers, C. U. A.

The Anthropology of the Near East (PAUB, no. 2. 1932)

Kappers, C. U. A. and L. W. Parr

An Introduction to the Anthropology of the Near East (Amsterdam, 1934)

Keita, S. O. Y.

"An Analysis of Crania from Tell Duweir Using Multiple Discriminant Functions" (AJPA, 75. 1988, pp. 375-390)

"Studies of Ancient Crania from Northern Africa" (AJPA, 83. 1990, pp. 35-48)

"Further Studies in Crania from Ancient Northern Africa: An Analysis of Crania from First Dynasty Egyptian Tombs, Using Multiple Discriminant Functions" (AJPA, 87. 1992, pp. 245-254)

Kitson, E.

"A Study of the Negro Skull with Special Reference to the Crania from Kenya Colony" (Biometrika, 1931)

Kossinna, G.

Die Indogermanen (MannusB, #26, Würzburg, 1926)

Ursprung und Verbreitung der Germanen (MannusB, #6a, Würzburg, 1928)

Krogman, W. M.

"Cranial types from Alishar Huyuk". In H. H. van der Osten (ed.), The Alisar Huyuk, Seasons of 1930-32, Part 111 (Oriental Inst Publ, 30. 1937, 213-293. 23. pp. 271-314)


Larsen, C. F.

Om Jædertypen (SNVO, #4, Oslo, 1900)

Trønderkranier og trøndertyper (1903)

Leakey, L. S. B.

The Fossil Races of Kenya (Oxford, 1935)

The Stone Age Races of Kenya (London, 1935)

Stone Age Africa (Oxford, 1936)

Van Limborgh, J.

"The Role of Genetic and Local Environmental Factors in the Control of Postnatal Craniofacial Morphogenesis" (Acta Morphol Nerd-Scand, 1970)

Lundborg, L., and F. J. Linders

The Racial Character of the Swedish Nation (Uppsala and Stockholm, 1926)

Svenska Folk- och Rastyper (1927)

Lundman, B. J.

Nordens Rastyper: Geografi och Historia (1940)

Dalarnas Folk - Typer och Härstamning (1948)

The Races and Peoples of Europe (New York: IAAEE, 1977)

von Luschan, F.

"Über eine Schädelsammlung von den Canarischen Inseln". In Meyer, H., Die Insel Teneriffe (Leipzig, 1896)


Maleš, B.

Antropoloska Ispitivanja (Belgrad, 1932)

Malhotra, K. C.

"Morphological Composition of the People of India" (J Hum Evol, 7. 1978, pp. 45-53)

Martin, C. P.

Prehistoric Man in Ireland (London, 1935)

Martin, R.

Lehrbuch der Anthropologie (2nd ed., Jena, 1928. 3 vols.)

Matiegka, J.

Crania Bohemica (Prague, 1891)

Merkenschlager, F.

Zur Volks- und Rassenkunde des Spreewaldes (Cottbus, 1933)

Mollison, T.

"Some Human Remains Found in the North Kurgan at Anau". In Pumpelly, R., Explorations in Turkestan, vol. 2. (Washington, 1908)

Montandon, G.

La Race, Les Races (Paris, 1933)

L’Ethnie Française (Paris, 1935)

Morant, G. M.

"A Study of Egyptian Craniology from Prehistoric to Roman Times" (Biometrika, 17. 1925, pp. 1-52)

"A Study of Predynastic Skulls from Badari Based on Measurements Taken by Miss B. N. Stoessiger and Professor D. E. Derry" (Biometrika, 27. 1935, pp. 293-309)

"The Predynastic Egyptian Skulls from Badari and Their Racial Affinities". In G. Brunton, Mostagedda and the Tasian culture (London, pp. 63-66. London: Quaritch, 1937)

Morton, S. G.

"Crania Egyptica" (Trans Am Philos Soc, Vol. 9. Philadelphia: John Pennington, 1844)

Murphy, John

"Racial Crossing and Cultural Efflorescence" (Man, Vol. 41, Jan-Feb 1941)

Musgrave, J. H. and S. P. Evans

"By Strangers Honored: A Statistical Study of Ancient Crania from Crete, Mainland Greece, Israel and Egypt" (JMAA, 1. 1980, pp. 50-107)

Myers, Ch. S.

"Contributions to Egyptian Anthropometry: V. General Conclusions" (JRAI, 38. 1908, pp. 99-102)


Nordenstreng, R.

"Origin, Growth, and Racial Components of the Swedish Nation" In Lundborg, H., and J. F. Linders, The Racial Character of the Swedish Nation (Uppsala and Stockholm, 1926)

Europas Männeskoraser, och Folkslag (Stockholm, 3rd ed. 1926)

Nordling, C. O.

"The Genetic Composition of the Main Race Groups in Finland". In Populations of the Nordic Countries: Human Population Biology from the Present to the Mesolithic (Proceedings of the Second Seminar of Nordic Physical Anthropology, Lund 1990. 1993)


Obermaier, H.

Fossil Man in Spain (New Haven, 1924)

Oloriz Y Aquilera, F.

La Talla Humana en España (Madrid, 1896)


Paudler, F.

Die hellfarbigen Rassen und ihre Sprachstämme, Kulturen und Urheimaten (Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1924)

Pearson, K. and A. Davin

"On the Biometric Constants of the Human Skull" (Biometrika, 16. 1924, pp. 328-363)

Peterson, R.

"The Greek Face" (JIES, Vol. 2, No. 4. Winter, 1974. 385-406)

Petit-Maire, N. and O. Dutour

"Holocene Populations of the Western and Southern Sahara: Mechtoids and Paleoclimates". In Prehistory of Arid North Africa (Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1987)

Pittard, E.

Les Peuples des Balkans (Geneva, 1920)

Pittard, E. and L. Reverdin

Etude de diverses series de cranes anciens de Ia vallée du Rhône (Valais) (Neuchatel, 1899)

Powys, A. O.

"Data for the Problem of Evolution in Man. Anthropometric Data from Australia" (Biometrika, 1. 1901, pp. 30-49)

Puccioni, N.

Antropologia e Etnografia delle Genti della Somalia (Bologna, 1931. 2 vols.)

Antropometria delle Gente della Cyrenaica (Florence, 1934)




Rainer, F. I.

Enquêtes Anthropologiques dans trois Villages Roumains des Carpathes (TIAE, #1, Bucharest, 1937)

Randall-McIver, D.

The Earliest Inhabitants of Abydos, A Craniological Study (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1901)

Retzius, G.

Crania Suecica Antiqua (Stockholm, 1900)

Finska Kranier (Stockholm, 1878)

Retzius, G. and C. M. Fürst

Anthropologia Suecica, Beiträge zur Anthropologie der Schweden (Stockholm, 1902)

Riesenfeld, A.

"Biodynamics of Head Form and Cranio-Facial Relationships" (Homo, 18. 1967, pp. 233-250)

"On Some 'Racial' Features in Rats, Dogs and Men" (Homo, 2. 1970, pp. 163-175)

Rightmire, G. P.

"Problems in the Study of Later Pleistocene Man in Africa" (Am Anthropol, 77. 1975, pp. 28-52)

"New Studies of Post-Pleistocene Human Skeletal Remains from the Rift Valley, Kenya" (AJPA, 42. 1977, pp. 351-370)

Ripley, W. Z.

The Races of Europe (New York, 1899)

Robins, G. and C. Shute

"Predynastic Egyptian Stature and Physical Proportions" (J Hum Evol, 4. 1986, pp. 313-324)

Rutimeyer, L. and W. His

Crania Helvetica (Basel and Geneva, 1864)


Saller, K.

Die Keuperfranken (DRK, vol. 2, Jena, 1930)

Die Fehmaraner (DRK, vol. 4, Jena, 1930)

Süderdithmarsische Geestbevolkerung (DRK, vol. 7, Jena, 1931)

Scheidt, W.

Die eiszeitlichen Schädelfunde aus der Grossen Ofnet-höhle und vom Kaufertsberg bei Nordlingen (Munich, 1923)

Die Rassen der jüngeren Steinzeit in N. W. Europa (Munich, 1924)

Alemanische Bauern (DRK, vol. 6, Jena, 1931)

Scheidt, W. and H. Wriede

Die Elbinsel Finkenwärder (Munich, 1927)

Schlaginhaufen, O.

Die menschlichen Skeletrester aus der Steinzeit des Wauwilersees (Jena, 1925)

Schreiner, A.

Die Nord Norweger (SNVO, no. 2, Oslo, 1929)

Anthropologische Lokaluntersuchungen in Norge; Valle, Hålandsdal, und Eidfjord (SNVO, #3, Oslo, 1929)

Anthropologische Lokaluntersuchungen in Norge; Hellemo (Tysfjordlappen) (SNVO, #1, Oslo, 1932)

Schreiner, K. E.

Zur Osteologie der Lappen (SISK, Oslo, 1935)

Crania Norvegica (Oslo: H. Aschehoug & Co., 1939)

"Bidrag til Rogalands Antropologi" (Oslo: Dybwad, 1941)

Crania Norvegica II (1946)

Anthropological Studies in Sogn (Oslo: Dybwad, 1951)

Schütte, G.

Dansk Folkekarakter (1928)

Schwerz, F.

Die Volkerschaften der Schweiz (Stuttgart, 1915)

Schwidetzky, I. (ed.)

Rassengeschichte der Menschheit (8. Lieferung. R. Oldenbourg, Munich. 1981, pp. 7-69)

Schwidetsky, I., B. Chairelli and N. Necrosov (eds.)

The Physical Anthropology of European Populations (The Hague: Mouton, 1980)

"The Influence of the Steppe People Based on the Physical Anthropological Data in Special Consideration to the Corded-Battle Axe Culture" (JIES, 8. 1980, pp. 345-360)

Schwidetsky, I. and S. Ramsaswamy

"Human remains from Punic shaft graves in Malta. I Physical anthropology" (JMAA, 1980)

Seligman, C. G.

Races of Africa (Oxford: Oxford, 1966)

Seltzer, C. C.

"The Racial Characteristics of Syrians and Armenians" (PMP, vol. 13, #3, 1936)

"A Critique of the Coefficient of Racial Likeness" (AJPA, 23. 1937, pp. 101-109)

Sergi, G.

Crani Preistorici della Sicilia (1889)

Specie e varieta umane (Torino, 1900)

Crani Antichi della Sardegna (Rome, 1906)

"Description of Some Skulls from the North Kurgan, Anau". In Pumpelly, R., Explorations in Turkestan, vol. 1 (1908)

Europa (L’origine del popoli europei) (Torino, 1908)

L’Uomo (Torino, 1911)

Crania Habessinica (Rome, 1912)

Le Origini Umane (Torino, 1913)

The Mediterranean Race (New York, 1914)

Smith, G. E.

"The Influence of Racial Mixture in Egypt" (Eugen Rev, 7. 1916, pp. 163-183)

Smith, S.

"A Contribution to the Study of the Modern Egyptian Cranium" (J Anat, L. 1926, pp. 121-130)

Stoessiger, B. N.

"A Study of the Badarian Crania Recently Excavated by the British School of Archaeology in Egypt" (Biometrika, 19. 1927, pp. 110-150)

Strouhal, E. and R. Reisenauer

"A Contribution to the Anthropology of Recent Egyptian Population. Part I. Anthropology of Abusir and Qift" (Anthropologie, Brno, I, no. 3. 1963, pp. 1-33)

"A Contribution to the Anthropology of Recent Egyptian Population. Part II. Regional Variability of Some Morphological Features" (Anthropologie, Brno, II, no. 2.1964, pp. 1-32)

ber die Längenmasse der längen Gliedmassenknochen der Bevölkerkung der nubischen Gruppe X" (Festschrift für Professor Saller, Stuttgart, 1968)

"Une contribution a la question du caractère de la population préhistorique de la haute-Égypte" (Anthropologie, 6. 1968, pp. 19-22)

"Evidence of the Early Penetration of Negroes into Prehistoric Egypt" (J Afr Hist, 12. 1971)

"Craniometric Analysis of the Late Paleolithic Population of the Wadi Halfa Region (Lower Nubia)". In Origin and Early Development of Food-Producing Cultures in Northeastern Africa (Poznan: Polish Academy of Science, 1984)

Suk, V.

Anthropological Notes on the Peoples of Carpathian Ruthenia (Brünn, 1932)

Suzuki, H.

"Racial History of the Japanese". In Schwidetzky, I. (ed.), Rassengeschichte der Menschheit (8. Lieferung. R. Oldenbourg, Munich. 1981, pp. 7-69)


Tamagnini, E.

Os Antiquos Habitantes das Canarias (CEAP, vol. 12, 1933)

Tappeiner, F.

Studien zur Anthropologie Tirols (Innsbruck, 1883)

Thoma, A.

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