The Anthropology of the Province of Møre

[SNPA translation from the Norwegian]


1. The investigation includes 1274 men, 21 to 22 years old, from the Province of Møre (District of Romsdal).

2. The average bodily stature was 170.8 cm. The province includes 4 district stipendiary magistrates, which are anthropologically very distinct:

  S. Søndmøre 168.1 cm.  
  N. Søndmøre 170.9 cm.  
  Romsdal 171.4 cm.  
  Nordmøre 172.3 cm.  

The populations of the inner fjords have everywhere the greatest stature (173.5 cm.). The living conditions are, however, the worst here.

The variation in stature between the different counties can only be explained as contingent on distinct ethnic origins. The stature increases everywhere as one moves inward from the coast. The stature similarly increases as one moves northward from Southern Søndmøre. In Southern Søndmøre is found a centre of radiation for small stature - 167 cm.-, in Akerø and Kvernes for great stature - 174 cm.

3. An outline of the most important bodily proportions is found in Table 9. The values found in the third row (Romsdal and Nordmøre) are characteristic of the Nordic race.

4. The population is consistently very light-haired and light-eyed. Only in Southern Søndmøre do we find a centre of radiation for dark hair and dark eyes. The mean values are found in Tables 10 and 14. The greatest numbers of blue-eyed individuals are found in the cities (76-82%). The number of light-haired and blue-eyed individuals normally increases as one moves inward from the coast.

5. If one calculates the sizes of the light and dark blocs ad modum Ammon, one arrives at 82% for the light bloc in i Nordmøre, and 74% in Southern Søndmøre, i.e. 18% and 26% for the dark bloc.

6. The average value of the cephalic index is 78.7, - in Southern Søndmøre is found a centre of radiation for brachycephaly, with an index of 81.4,; in Nordmøre is found a centre of radiation for dolichocephaly, with an index of 76.2. The curve has three peaks, one at 76, another at 78 and a third at 80. The stature of the dolichocephals is 171.5, of the mesocephals 169.8, and of the brachycephals 169.2 (see Table 49).

7. The morphological facial index of the entire province is 89.2. A centre of radiation for broad faces is found in Søndmøre, for narrow faces in Nordmøre. The brachycephalic districts of Søndmøre have a mean facial index of about 86, while the dolichocephalic districts of Nordmøre have a mean facial index of 92. Nordmøre has 86% of leptoprosopes, Søndmøre only 41% (see Table 42).

8. The nasal index of the entire province is 67.8. Leptorrhiny is most pronounced in Nordmøre. In Søndmøre there is a clear tendency toward mesorrhiny. Concave noses are found in about 23%, convex noses in 7.5%, and straight noses in 69.5%.

9. Correlations: An obvious correlation may be seen between small stature (155-168), brachycephaly, euryprosopy, mesorrhiny, dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin and nasal concavity. Similarly, an obvious correlation is seen between medium stature (166-170) and  dolichocephaly, leptoprosopy, dark eyes, dark hair, dark skin, leptorrhiny and nasal convexity. Finally, great stature (171-195) shows an affinity to straight nasal profile, mesocephaly, leptorrhiny, light skin, light eyes and light hair.

10. Main Section VII deals with the various bastardized forms which are found today in the Province of Møre. These are very characteristically distributed. There is a clear geographical parallelism between the various anthropological perculiarities. Wherever one finds many dark-eyed individuals, one also finds many dark-haired ones - many brachycephals, many euryprosopes, and small stature. The opposite applies to districts with many blue-eyed individuals, - here are found many blondes, many dolichocephals, many leptoprosopes, many leptorrhines, and great stature. In light of this characteristic geographical distribution, it is not possible to conclude that we are dealing here with local types. This remarkable state of affairs can only be explained as resulting from intermixture between at least two rather distinct ancestral types.

11. Main Section VIII deals with the anthropological character of these ancestral types. One of these must have been a Nordic, with a stature of about 175, blond, with a cephalic index of 77.5, and leptoprosopic. The other must have been rather small - 150 to 160 cm., black-haired, brown-eyes, with a cephalic index of 83, and strongly euryprosopic. Hence the ancestral brachycephalic type was likely not Lappoid. Probability dictates that it shares its ethnic origins with the Alpine race of Central Europe.