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  1. Have you ever had a serious/painful eye injury?
  2. Part of brain responsible for anti-Semitism identified
  3. Funny indian dating videos
  4. Are you right-brained or left-brained?
  5. It's happening! Rise of the Trumpenreich
  6. Pack of feral negroids viciously attack old man Trump supporters
  7. Mr. Garryson wins election in South Park!
  8. PAINT the countries with known foreign born relatives
  10. 🏆 My favorite member from X is..
  11. Is this you they are singing about Mortimer?
  12. Are you addicted to drugs?
  13. Who's your favorite non gentile?
  14. Magnolia
  15. Say No to CAPS LOCK
  16. Ask Robocop anything
  17. Ask anything about Hungary or Hungarians
  18. feel free to ask Root whatever you might
  19. Should I try to create a relationship with my "father"?
  20. Ask Dominicanese anything
  21. Happy Birthday Myathropologies!!! :)
  22. Left brain = northern or right brain = southern?
  23. what hair colour would you like to dye your hair?
  24. Name change?
  25. 10 things you didn't know about Hungary
  26. Ask Frank Gallagher
  27. Ask Casandrinos anything
  28. Ask Witness anything
  29. Ask Tobi anything
  30. Happy Thanksgiving!!!
  31. Ask Hrulj anything
  32. Emotion or logic. Which do you prefer?
  33. Would you rather die young or live to an old age
  34. Ask or Tell UG
  35. Is Putin now gonna rule the world??
  36. OK, I apologize to user @Dick
  37. BEST TA POST of the day/week?
  39. Happy Birthday уфтсъ!!
  40. Melki is another Baluarte's sockpuppet
  41. This pic will start war between Nordic and China
  42. Online test the reaction rate
  43. Top 5 Most Discussed Topics On TA?
  45. Are There Forums Or Websites That You Dislike?
  46. Is cooking grilling outside popular in your country?
  47. username: Arsene Wenger
  48. Ask MinervaVictrix anything
  49. Post your keyboard!
  50. That sucker just FEELS GUD.
  52. Identify the country by its map
  53. Rate 5 best world skylines
  54. Rank the following bands
  55. Apocalyptic Imagery: Petros Agapetos
  56. if Freddy Mercury became white, could off white TA posters follow his path?
  57. The best books for Nordicists and Anthrotards
  58. Do you often get banned from forums?
  60. Meet Robert Spencer
  61. Ask anything about Islam,MENA or me.
  62. Meet Robert Spencer - Director of Jihad Watch
  63. Ask cold.february97
  64. Did you put anyone in the ignore list?
  65. Best Advertisement ever!!!
  66. What is your highest level of education/ held degree? (TA Poll)
  67. Ask MysteriousWays Anything
  68. Card suits - which ones are used to play at your country?
  69. How do i find the old posts ? (archives)
  70. Last Christmas I gave you my heart Oneeye. but the very next day ....
  71. I hate... Philadelphians
  72. Who are the craziest female members at TA?
  73. Why is Orthodox Jesus so ugly?
  74. When will China or Asia contribute something to the world?
  75. "Neo Nazis" only to be applied to Germans
  76. Bosniaks of The Apricity identity crysis
  77. Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando Tapatalk
  78. Sensational Discovery - WATER ON MARS CONFIRMED!
  79. RIP In Peace, Etain
  80. South Korea is the plastic surgery capital of the world
  81. Ask Viriato anything
  82. Does having children today make you happy?
  83. What sentence describes your life?
  85. a couple of questions for female members
  87. I finally received Cristiano Viejo's pictures in my inbox.
  89. Is wendy suldaca considered andid?
  90. Southern Europe National Anthems Parody
  91. Must be a dream...
  92. Angry hapas of White Man - Asian Woman unions
  93. Do "raceplay" women actually exist
  94. If Hitler never existed
  95. What do you think of Tooting Carmen?
  96. People on the apricity that I would pay to watch debate
  98. About a dog...
  99. Merry Christmas to everyone
  100. Merry Christmas everyone - from Robocop
  101. Rate random Somali
  102. is this Ukrainian girl a jewish
  103. Two questions
  104. Italian heart & soul
  105. The world's most expensive properties that are currently on the market are revealed
  106. TA Awards 2016 - Kazimiera Style
  107. I do not have any troll accounts in this forum anymore
  108. Porn should be banned?
  109. TA Awards - JBoscherville Style
  110. dafuq
  111. Most under-appreciated members/unsung heroes?
  112. ♡ Happy New Year 2017 ♡
  113. Iberian Folk Metal = wannabe?
  114. What the fuck i was banned for?
  115. Crypto-nordicism
  116. Nordicism underlying in some Mediterraneans
  117. Nordicism underlying in some Mediterraneans
  118. A goodbye to this forum
  119. Best posts of the years
  120. American football players need to wear groin cups
  121. funny .gifs related to apricity topics
  122. Do this quiz!! Identify countries by shape
  123. What's your opinion of universal basic income?
  124. Women - masters of illusion
  125. Identify Movie from picture?
  126. Should Rainbowmimi dedicate her life to ending the plight of Afro Brazilians?
  127. Europe Prevails 2016: Croatian (Mirko CroCop) Warrior VS Iranian (Sharia Islam) Warrior; CROATIA WON
  128. Who will be the next couple?
  129. Tutorial preparing spaghetti...
  130. What kind of music is this?
  131. Were you bullied by Borreby?
  132. Would you consider yourself a 'normie'?
  133. Donald & Ivanka
  134. Everybody on Reddit should be FUCKING KILLED.
  135. What do you think of this anti-racist argument?
  136. Poll: Who is more Gypsy, Mortimer or a typical Irish traveller?
  137. Soundtrack for the European Reconquista 2017
  138. ITT I will post your Somali look alikes
  139. I hate being injured/sick
  140. Happy Birthday Ilma!
  141. The End.......
  142. This woman march thing against Trump
  143. Does diciplinary spanking have a place in a relationship?
  144. Sign a petition!
  145. Subhuman swarths rape Swedish girl on Facebook livestream
  146. Guantanamo guard converts to Islam after witnessing inmates' positivity
  147. Uneducated bums get in here
  148. Just to clarify...
  149. Negropolreby
  150. The Hard Truth
  151. what other countries would you want to travel to
  152. Who is this arab singer?
  153. Wadaad and his family BANNED from the US
  154. I found christ
  155. The revolution is not moving fast enough
  156. Mekihabaithor is a man.
  157. Do you know any narcissist or sociopaths? How you deal with them?
  158. Which are your favourite ethnicities on Apricity?
  159. How to properly raise children (visual education aid)
  160. Canada offers to Take Muslims that are banned under Trump Order.
  161. Your favourite commercials
  162. Found a pic of Ross's relatives in India
  163. Man I hate a shy chick
  164. Post Oldies Songs which you listen often
  165. Can your religion create these miracles?
  166. UC Berkeley Violent Protest MILO Yiannopoulos
  168. Women who don't obsess over their look
  169. Is emotional intelligence more important?
  170. Jakten på Odin
  171. @Rainbowmimi
  172. Encyclopedia Dramatica
  173. Turkey appreciation thread
  174. ☪☪☪☪☪☪ Turkey appreciation thread
  175. Captain Sweden strikes again :(
  176. How horny are you right now?
  177. Can you solve this puzzle in two moves?
  178. Hello everyone!
  179. So...
  180. The UK
  181. Ask JohnSmith Anything!
  182. Best Grammy's dress ever?
  183. Typical human thinking
  185. I'm bäk
  186. What is your chinese zodiac animal?
  187. Which Generation are you/do you relate to?
  188. ⚓ Being smart doesn't matter
  189. Casandrinos return tribute thread
  190. vampire vs werewolf. Your choice?
  191. Apricity ads
  192. This guy looks, sounds and acts like All-In
  193. YOU have an upper-class home? Take etiquette expert quiz to find out if you're truly posh
  194. The Apricitiy Site is attacked by hackers !
  195. Hello, guys.
  196. Have you ever been to or experienced jail/prison before? Share what it was like?
  197. Waist training abd back pain
  198. Test: How much does your worry WEIGH?
  199. Man who hit antifa becomes national hero - new Captain America
  200. Greece Economy Meltdown
  201. 🍄Soma
  202. What says Google about your username?
  203. Icelandic people are physical master race
  204. Are these US department stores high, middle, or low end to you?
  205. Hilarious images capture people taking instructions so literally they got the last laugh
  206. The Historical and cultural reason of why Iberians seem to be so "OWD" on Anthroforuns
  207. Lost some body fat recently - how voluptuous do I look?
  208. Which former USSR country would you like to live?
  209. Apology to the Greek users about all of the Slavic stuff
  210. What would have happened to Europe, if Turkey was admitted in EU by now?
  211. Friendships on the forum
  212. Could Russia or the UK of won WWII by themselves?
  213. What is your goal in life?
  214. Who is your biggest hero?
  215. Potty training for migrants
  216. If you could be another ethnicity which would it be?
  217. European Culture
  218. Happy marriages
  219. Your most favorite topics to discuss on TA? What are they?
  220. Recommend me some Science Fiction book
  221. Recommend me some history books
  222. Is Anthropology a borderline hard science?
  223. Was Napolean More Italian or French?
  224. How successful are you? test measures how accomplished you are
  225. I'm bringing TURTLENECK back
  226. Regions of otherwise similar countries that have little to do with one another.
  227. Any stamp collectors here?
  228. How to tell if an egg is rotten in SECONDS
  229. Can you decide which face matches each sculpture? Facial recogniziion software lets you find your
  230. People who deserved to die
  231. How do people usually react when you tell them where you are from?
  232. Giving my password away
  233. Holy Roman Empire Central Europe and European Empires.
  234. Can you solve this math problem? (Designed for 7 year-olds)
  235. Would you rather be
  236. Strange Email I am getting from dude
  237. Google tags Black couple as gorillas
  238. Curry Appreciation Thread
  239. This is what narcissism looks like
  240. Blacks taunts white guy because he fucked his mom
  241. 13 of the funniest Egyptian proverbs and sayings
  242. Today is a Beautiful Day in America
  243. Explorer Interrupts Mating Tortoises, Slowest Chase Ever Ensues
  244. Kurrrwa!
  245. Famous Apricity Members
  246. I respectfully ask that you not bang your cousin (at the least not your 1st cousin)
  247. Metal Musicians of The Apricity
  248. Scientist Believes DNA Test Will Finally Solve The Loch Ness Monster Mystery
  249. Hi! My name's John Dick.
  250. For the Women of Apricity,, Do you like Tall and Dark Men?