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  1. The secret life of Mrs Beeton
  2. "Research Links High Sex Drive To High IQ, But Brainiacs Still Have Less Sex Than Everyone Else"
  3. "This is what porn does to your brain"
  4. The Countries With The Most Chimneys (Smokers) In 2017
  5. Drinking causes cancer by permanently damaging genes and breaking up DNA, study finds
  6. Feeding your baby water could be FATAL
  7. British woman now carries her “heart” around in a backpack after an AMAZING life-saving surgery
  8. Which Position Do You Like To Sleep In At Night?
  9. Non Smokers - Could You Date A Smoker?
  10. Pregnant women who eat up to NINE eggs a day have babies with higher IQs, study suggests
  11. Top 10 Most Obese Nations (%)
  12. Qi Gong or Yoga
  13. From Quacks to Quaaludes: Three Centuries of Drug Advertising
  14. The 9 signs low levels of this key mineral could be ruining your life
  15. Give Up Soda It’s dangerous, says Dr. Joseph Mercola.
  16. Science confirms: Inflammation is the underlying cause of almost ALL disease
  17. Man Ruptures His Throat By Stifling A Sneeze
  18. Gaining weight made me lose weight
  19. LGBTQPABCDEFG Where will it end?
  20. Why do we gain weight in winter? Breakthrough study reveals..
  21. Severe gum disease could lead to one of the deadliest and most vicious forms of cancer
  22. More than 90% of receipts contain dangerous chemicals linked to infertility, autism and type 2 diabe
  23. The United States Has The Most Athletic and Olympic Champions
  24. Mother reveals how her breast milk turned bright PINK after she ate beetroot for lunch, as a snack,
  25. Breakthrough as scientists discover skin cancer 'cure' that can also shrink killer kidney tumours
  26. An Inexpensive Solution To repair and prevent the damage caused by diabetes and high blood pressure
  27. Drinking milk or eating beef could cause rheumatoid ARTHRITIS, scientists warns
  28. Have you ever known a white person who was diagnosed with sickle cell disease?
  29. Bananas and cinnamon, the secrets to a good night's sleep without the sleeping pills
  30. Do you suffer from any of these health issues?
  31. Why Do We Sneeze? It’s how your nose and brain reboot. Never try to suppress it, says Dr. Mercola
  32. Ovarian cancer link to paternal genes
  33. Very specific smell among south asians.
  34. How to Lose Weight? Man Spends 20 Minutes in the Gym to Lose Weight
  35. Lesbians in Russia
  36. Does anyone here have Celiac disease? If so, do you experience...
  37. Simple urine test could measure how much our bodies have aged and even reveal how long we have left
  38. Do you believe black people look younger than white people at the same age?
  39. Should Bobby Martnen live permanently in a gym?
  40. Good night
  41. Can exhaustion cause stomach pains?
  42. How hard would you have to punch someone if your hand is bruised?
  43. Losing your life savings boosts your risk of an early death by 50%, concludes 20-year study
  44. How an ancient Chinese medicine is being used to 'cure' facial acne
  45. If you could stay looking one age forever what age would you choose?
  46. Never pee 'just in case'..top tips for a healthy bladder
  47. More than half your body is not human
  48. Cellphones Strongly Linked to Cancer — New Study Reproduces Government Findings
  49. The best butt-building workout EVER?
  50. Older fathers have uglier children
  51. Artificial sweeteners increase diabetes risk by up to 500%
  52. Treat pain by being hungry? New study suggests that hunger shuts off our perception of pain
  53. The Thyroid and Gut Connection
  54. Does your body hurt all over a lot of the time?
  55. Dangerous Bloodsuckers - Dr. Mercola on how to avoid ticks and remove them if they get you
  56. Doea anybody use blind typing?
  57. A cat, who almost lost all of his nine lives after developing cancer sees her tumour shrink with
  58. Spicy foods and constipation
  59. Exhaustion
  60. Tomorrow I will get drunk
  61. Why does alcohol make you sleepy?
  62. Is it possible to catch an STD without having sex?
  63. Doing Everything Right To Be Healthy, But Still Feel Wrong? It’s imperative to rid your body of heav
  64. Could This Be the End of Chemo? Ground-breaking study shows it’s the treatment, not the cancer, that
  65. Doctor explains how fasting can completely reverse type 2 diabetes
  66. Read this anytime you think you’re not good enough
  67. What do you think of Riley J Dennis fatophobia Video
  68. Is there a limit to what a plastic surgeon would be willing to do?
  69. Place a Lemon Near Your Bed, And See What Happens Next
  70. What are your hobbies?
  71. Fruit can hydrate you more than water can
  72. The very sophisticated & rapid change our blood cells go through when we spend time in the mountains
  73. Why does drinking alcohol or sugary drinks make us thirsty?
  74. Wounds heal faster when you get enough sleep
  75. Add Years to Your Life, No Gym Required
  76. The top 11 foods you should stop eating to avoid inflammation
  77. Do your elbows crack or pop the first time you move them in the morning?
  78. What happens when you don’t have the right gut microbes to digest the nutrients in your food?
  79. Why you MUST eat a pot of yoghurt every day! it boosts health in surprising ways
  80. The difference between the common cold and the flu
  81. Anyone sick of this word " Autistic " being used?
  82. Use This Technique To Help Friends Or Family Who Are Feeling Down
  83. Research Shows What Digging In The Dirt Can Do For Our Health
  84. New Study Reveals Why It’s So Important To Hug & Hold Your Babies
  85. 9 Unexpected Triggers Of Diabetes
  86. An Infographic That Shows The Healing Power Of Cat Purrs
  87. 11 Commonly Used Chemicals In Shampoos That Are Detrimental To Your Health
  88. Do Parasites Rule The World By Using Our Bodies As Hosts?
  89. Spiritual warrior within
  90. Loud music and depression could both trigger dementia by ageing the brain prematurely, studies find
  91. Goldman Sachs Analyst: Curing Patients Not A Sustainable Medical Business Model
  92. Does your origins determine what you can do?
  93. How Ambient Music Helps You To Concentrate (According To Science)
  94. The Scientifically Proven Benefits Of Sleeping In Total Darkness
  95. Who runs?
  96. Many cases of “dementia” are actually side effects of prescription drugs or vaccines, according to r
  97. Vodka haters I love Salads
  98. There is a 'second BRAIN' located in the bowel: Scientists discover it synchronises your intestines
  99. Six ways you suck the life out of your liver
  100. Drinking baking soda could help cure cancer study finds
  101. Do You Know the Signs of a Brain Tumor?
  102. Do you wear glasses?
  103. Do You Know Chronically Unhappy People? Travis Bradberry on 10 of their habits which can be lethal.
  104. How kindness makes your life better
  105. Not getting enough sleep can raise your risk of depression by 80%
  106. The hidden health dangers of microwave popcorn
  107. The Dorito Effect: on deceitful food flavoring that makes you eat things you normally wouldn’t eat
  108. Schizophrenia may be more prevalent away from green spaces: Danish researchers
  109. Having more than two children can significantly damage a mother's health
  110. Watch: Why modern humans need to fast
  111. Eat right to feel good: Your diet affects your gut bacteria, which then influence your health
  112. I think I'm getting sick
  113. Cutting your calories by just 15% can REVERSE aging
  114. Wash Your Brain Every Night
  115. Shin splints?
  116. Tummy trouble? A mango a day could be the best medicine of all because they relieve digestive proble
  117. Being unfit is just as bad as diabetes in terms of being at risk of cardiovascular disease
  118. The Violence-Inducing Effects of Psychiatric Medication
  119. Want to remember your dreams? Study says foods rich in vitamin B6 help you remember your nighttime
  120. Study: Teens should run a mile every day to prevent depression
  121. Tips for reducing your risk of breast cancer at any age
  122. I gained weight
  123. Study Finds Having Your Tonsils Removed May Increase Your Risk Of Developing 28 Types Of Disease
  124. The neurocognitive effects of lacking sleep: How being tired all the time is literally killing you
  125. How Long To Nap For The Biggest Brain Benefits
  126. Music for jogging, push ups/gym, martial arts/combat/mma
  127. Sharp pain in chest
  128. Unkle Dojo speaks...
  129. Eating too late suspends the body’s repair work; sleep is also vital
  130. My extremely bad hairloss
  131. Eating a balanced diet could cut risk of cancer death by 65%: Researchers admit they were 'shocked'
  132. No toothpaste can compensate for bad bacteria in your mouth:
  133. Feeling the first signs of a flu? Load up on probiotics
  134. They’re Loaded with Disease-Causing Pathogens and Viruses. Get them out of your home
  135. New Study Shows What Disrupted Sleep Does To Your Mental Health
  136. Is sex a primitive thing?
  137. Some Guys Decide to Have Their Penises Removed, But Most Doctors Won’t Do It
  138. Feeling fresh? Handheld 'stink scanner' can tell you if you have body odor in just ten seconds
  139. Do you make any dietary adjustments in the summer time?
  140. Average person waits 24 days to change their bed sheets
  141. For The Want Of A Natural Migraine Remedy, A Tragedy Could Have Been Avoided
  142. Do you feel your age? How old do you feel on the inside?
  143. Tea found to prevent fat storage in the liver, lower blood glucose
  144. Beware: US salmon may be crawling with Japanese tapeworm, say scientists
  145. What were your early signs of Psoriatic Arthritis?
  146. Let's do a juice cleanse
  147. Forest Therapy: How Spending Time In The Woods Can Heal Your Mind, Body & Soul
  148. Studies Show What Happens To The Human Body When We Walk Barefoot On Earth
  149. 12 Signs of celiac disease you should never ignore
  150. Workout routine thread
  151. Ditch Your Sunglasses and Sunscreen
  152. Mum issues sun cream warning after children are burnt despite wearing SPF 50
  153. I hate wearing sunscreen or any kind of cream or any kind of lotion. Is there someone such as I am?
  154. Can neither tan nor burn?
  155. My skin is too oily. How can I make it drier?
  156. 16 Facts About Migraines: A Debilitating Headache Made Worse
  157. Putting it bluntly: If all bees die, humanity will soon follow
  158. Is your brain getting enough blood flow? Natural ways to improve brain circulation
  159. When will you die? new blood test could reveal how long you have left to live
  160. Sex addiction IS a mental-health disorder, declare World Health Organization
  161. Chemotherapy breakthrough:
  162. Madrid woman, 30, dies of poisoning from cleaning products after spending two hours scrubbing her ki
  163. Why night shifts are so dangerous: Study uncovers direct link between shift changes and diabetes, ob
  164. Were YOU born in the last 6 months of the year? it means you’re less likely to be obese
  165. Babies should be fed solid food from just 3 MONTHS major study concludes
  166. 5 things that can ruin your summer (and how to avoid the repercussions)
  167. Top 10 ways to avoid ever getting cancer in the first place
  168. What is your current height & weight?
  169. Tanning response vs. pigmentation. How correlated are they?
  170. My teeth are sensitive
  171. Watch out: That new Walmart cantaloupe was developed by Monsanto
  172. Your blood group determines whether you will be attacked by TICKS
  173. Are your hands always cold? If so, you may need more muscle mass
  174. Aerotoxic- The inconvenient truth about mysterious illnesses caused by ‘bleed air’ on aircraft
  175. Why you should Keep your blood sugar in check... even if you're not diabetic
  176. What serie I should watch?
  177. swollen lymph nodes after barber?
  178. Everyone should have a medical emergency trauma pack
  179. The Baking Soda Cure For Almost Everything
  180. Poor people are fatter than richer people - and THIS is the reason
  181. Could your Toothpaste give you type 2 diabetes?
  182. 1st world countries have the highest cancer rates
  183. Cancer rates today 100 times higher than in Ancient Egypt
  184. 12 reasons to stop drinking cows milk
  185. Mind blowing documentary on food and health
  186. Why are amerindians and other mongoloids intolerant to lactose?
  187. What's the heaviest and lightest you've ever weighed as an adult?
  188. Keep AWAY from the cornflakes:
  189. Armpit odor is an indicator of overall health, according to research
  190. When couples touch, pain is reduced
  191. Phthalates found in plastic food packaging linked to chronic disease
  192. I walked for 5 miles today and know my left knee hurts
  193. Creepy life-threatening parasites straight out of science fiction – only they’re real
  194. ”Sugar Crash,” Irish documentary details the havoc that excess sugar consumption is causing for the
  195. How would you rate your own personal hygiene?
  196. GENIUS brain function can be spontaneously unleashed in humans without any apparent cause
  197. An apple a day keeps the wrinkles away: Compounds found in the fruit protect you against aging skin
  198. Did the Dental Profession Just Admit That brushing and flossing are ineffective?
  199. Hair transplants
  200. The simple optical illusion that could help to diagnose autism in seconds
  201. Why you should NEVER pop or pick at a pimple in the...
  202. Study Suggests Cancer Is a Metabolic Disorder Rather Than a Genetic Disease
  203. What is the most common body type for men?
  204. Youthful-looking fitness fanatic stuns social media by revealing her age
  205. These are the different types of naps – learn which one to take depending on your health needs
  206. Dr Gabor Mate on childhood trauma
  207. Just missed a sale! :(
  208. Investments and stocks
  209. If obesity is so deadly, why do I see so many old fat people?
  210. Bored with your life? - move to Altai
  211. A Short Overview of Kuru, its Discovery and Pathology
  212. When early 20th century fertility treatment reached an extreme: goat gland transplants
  213. Death map of the world: Major report
  214. I didn't eat for three days so i could be lovely
  215. I drank 10.3 liters of diet soda today
  216. The definition of obesity has changed!
  217. Processed meat 'linked to breast cancer'
  218. The ‘Father of American Neurology’ Prescribed Women Months of Motionless Milk-Drinking
  219. Mental Health Problems for College Students Are Increasing
  220. started to do pushups
  221. Ruth Bader Ginsburg looks very ill...
  222. Soaring antidepressant use is turning our waters into a 'drug soup'
  223. Do i look morbidly obese?
  224. Should I skip breakfast if I'm not hungry?
  225. How often you need to shower, according to science
  226. Not all obesity is the same: There are many types which derail metabolism in different ways - which
  227. Rosemary water boosts your memory by 15% and 'turbo charges' the brain, scientists claim
  228. Why do I feel so (mentally)shitty when I get sick
  229. Why skinny people die of 'fat' diseases - and fat people can be healthier than you think
  230. Breakthrough drug slashes chances of ovarian cancer returning with two thirds
  231. Middle-aged people have MORE cancer-causing mutant cells than normal ones, shock study reveals
  232. Key to a perfect tan? Do it every OTHER day: Scientists discover..
  233. Have you ever drank until you vomited and passed out?
  234. Drinking kills more than all illegal drugs combined
  235. Which is better to be taken along with an antidepresant for relieving depression: Xanax or Klonopin?
  236. Zinc deficiency during pregnancy linked to autism in babies, study says
  237. How old were you when your hair started going grey?
  238. Woman's Bedding not Washed for 100 Years
  239. Global shortage of life-saving medication
  240. Have you ever used Modafinil or other study drugs?
  241. Groundbreaking study reveals that heart disease is an early indicator of vitamin C deficiency
  242. Why you should SUCK your baby's dummy to clean it: Scientists say it strengthens your child's immune
  243. Silicone breast implants increase arthritis risk 600%, stillbirth risk 450% and skin cancer risk 400
  244. How to stop bleeding almost instantly
  245. Is 60 the new 50? Is 30 the new 20?
  246. Becoming a Skinny Bitch part 3
  247. Are Eastern European more inbred than Western Europeans?
  248. How To Wake Up Earlier?
  249. Skin Cancer Deaths By Country
  250. Are human beings biologically capable of going over 1 year without sleep?