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  1. How populist are you quiz.
  2. Preferred Immigrants?
  3. Teacher Kidnapped And Gang Raped By Her Former Students In South Africa
  4. Is book banning considered more liberal or conservative?
  5. UN's Global Compact for Migration Expands on Hate Speech to Criminalise Criticism of Migration
  6. Should the Vlachs have had a country?
  7. Monarchy or Republic?
  8. Why Some Jews Support The Destruction Of White Civilisation?
  9. Do you think global trade leads to job creation or losses?
  10. Post Prominent Anarchocapitalists of Your Country
  11. Nonsense & Sensitivity
  12. Localism
  13. Ron Paul - What Do You Think About Him?
  14. The rise of "nationalist-globalists"
  15. We Could Be Heading To WWIII, Global Tensions Escalate
  16. Smartest People
  17. How populist are you?
  18. ETHNIC & CIVIC NATIONALISM – Competition or Complementarity?
  19. Sargon of Akkad on Liberalism, Intersectionality & Immigration
  20. Do you support Sharia Law CONSIDERING CRIMINALS?
  21. Why Do They Call EVERYONE "Far Right??" Activists LIE
  22. Finally, a Karl Marx Anime
  23. Natural Resources and Communism
  24. The corruption of political language
  25. UN, MIGRANTS & SOCIALISM – Speculation Regarding Trajectory – CHAINSMOKE SERIES
  26. Glenn Beck knew about Soros
  27. Mentally retarded man who can't his shoes still able to appreciate Islamism
  28. Why Radical INDIVIDUALISM in a TRIBALIZING Society Wont Work
  29. The Danger in Killing Free Speech
  30. Far Left Media Is Dying Because Gen-Z Is Too Conservative
  31. Leftists Don't Get it... The World Is NOT A Safe Place
  32. Does this mean I have a bias towards Israel?
  33. most russophobic ex-warsaw pact country ?
  34. Aproveitem Os Últimos Minutos Antes do Fascismo Ser Implatado no Brasil
  35. Against The Intellectual Dark Web From The Right
  36. Changing street names for political reasons
  37. The Privilege of Louis C.K. (or why I reject the Leftist definition of "Whiteness")
  38. In Defense of Collectivism
  39. Is political correctness just politeness?
  40. Resisting Progressive Institutions (full)
  41. Another German Neo-Nazi Converts To Judaism ✡
  42. Why there are No Genuine Local Democracies in the West
  43. Open Border Imperialists
  44. Radical feminism promotes lesbianism in women
  45. The Politics of Starship Troopers
  46. Liberalism versus History: The Demise of Western Destiny
  47. Liberals and Big Cities
  48. On Monarchism and Democracy
  49. What is BioLeninism?
  50. On 'The Non-Aggression Principle'
  51. The Alt-Right Reformation Against Liberal Theocracy
  52. "Feel Bad Liberalism" How Corporate Social Justice Is a Scam
  53. Why Are Millennials Ignorant Childless Socialists?
  54. Question to Americans
  55. Immigration and poverty
  56. The Fate of Empires: Lessons From History
  57. The foolish migration rate in Sweden.
  58. a translation of an interresting french article about the so called kalergi plan
  59. The Social Strategies for Western Political Collapse
  60. Curious Bedfellows: The Neocon and Progressive Alliance to Destroy Donald Trump
  61. Jewish Holocaust wasn't the only one !
  62. Should all speech be free, or just certain speech?
  63. a question than i have ask on quora
  64. Why are most conservatives rambling idiots
  65. Make a post in favor of a/the sort of politics you are in fact opposed to..
  66. 1/28/2019 - Why the government fails
  67. Who is your favourite dictator ?
  68. U.S. vs U.K.;- My Country Is More Dysfunctional Than Yours
  69. Cultural Marxism Explained in 7 Minutes
  70. Karl Marx Planned a “Holocaust” for Europe’s “Racial Trash”
  71. The Guy Who Won’t Talk About Politics
  72. Advocating Nationalism
  73. Uninformed Jewish speaker advocates "nationalism"
  74. Who do you support, Israel or Palestine?
  75. Who do you support, Iran or Saudi Arabia?
  76. Many worldwide oppose more migration – both into and out of their countries
  77. Fox news puts up stupid propaganda of hezbollab in venezuela
  78. Why Reasoning with the Left is Pointless
  79. A Brief History of Communism and the Tyranny of its Politics | China Uncensored
  80. Ilhan Omar Was RIGHT About AIPAC
  81. Top 10 Anime Villains: #10 (Louis Farrakhan)
  82. Top 10 Anime Villains: #2 (Trotsky)
  83. Official Anarcho-Capitalist Anthem (VEVO)
  84. Racism is absolutely disgusting.
  85. Do you consider the Left/Right divide to be more economic or social/cultural?
  86. [Poll] Biggest Meme country in Europe?
  87. Top 10 Anime Villains: #1 (Stalin)
  89. European map of 'anti-Semitic' views
  90. On Frenemy Liberals and Closed Circles
  91. US, South Korea announce end to massive military drills
  92. The TRUTH About Hope Not Hate, Lauren Southern & Caolan Robertson
  93. Martina Navratilova sorry for transgender..
  94. POLL: opinion on Josip Broz Tito
  95. PRIVILEGE, Victim & Oppressor Culture: EXPLAINED
  96. Top 10 Anime Villains EXTRAS (Stalin's Deleted Scenes: The Aftermath, Sino-Soviet split, Neocons.)
  97. Why the Outrage? ‘Jewish Power’ Party Is the New Norm in Israeli Politics
  98. The Green New Cult and its Dubious Deal (A Look at the Unholy Utopian Order)
  99. Is Russia Poland's mortal enemy?
  100. What is your attitude against immigration (inside of Europe)?
  101. The Political Compass
  102. Who Else Is A Libertarian Capitalist Here?
  103. Which of the US 2020 presidential candidates do you hate
  104. Which political system would be the for corrupted Latin America thieve Iberian idealogies system.
  105. How Cognitive Dissonance Shapes White Liberal Attitudes
  106. Danish amateur Anti-muslim party gets assaulted by muslims in the ghetto
  107. Which country do you think is more honest?
  108. Muslim woman tells danish party leader he can't say anything about the Quran!
  109. What is a socialist exactly?
  110. The basics of subversion (practical politics)
  111. Turning the tables on the Left (Budapest speech + Q&A)
  112. Understanding the Societal Standard
  113. Baked Alaska is a Fraud!
  114. Food for thought: Rod Serling Was Prophetic With This Warning
  115. 55 Soviet-era jokes
  116. Gaslighting the White Normie
  117. Is this greatest election add ever?
  118. Do right-wing dictators like Pinochet and Suharto count as "fascist"?
  119. Am I alt Right or just Paleo Conservative?
  120. The Price of Prescience & the Fate of our Civilization
  121. The next Narrative will come from the Right
  122. If, for one term, you were the President...
  123. I'm going to the Virginia rally for life tomorrow !
  124. The importance of frustration valves
  125. Thinking with the power of the century
  126. Anti Europe is outdated.
  127. Do you agree with this map?
  128. Strange case
  129. Whats a true White Nationalist?
  130. Anywheres vs somewheres in practical politics
  131. 6 practical ways to deal with Leftists
  132. The Danger of Hysteria
  133. AIDS: From Freddie Mercury to Liberal Religious Dogma
  134. Two Arabs attacking Ataturk's Statue
  135. Ann Coulter Red Pills on single mothers
  136. Why does Big Business back the Left?
  137. Is Donald Trump the first Hipster friendly President?
  138. Trump Panders to His (((Base))) at the Republican Jewish Coalition
  139. IT IS OVER. IT BEGINS. – Ode To The West Wind
  140. It's Official: We're Living in the Prequel to 'Blade Runner'
  141. European Alliance of People and Nations
  142. The Philosophy Of The Dark Knight, with Greg Johnson
  143. The Clown World Meme and other Lazy Subjects for a Stream
  144. CBS 'Punch a Nazi" Show Incites Violence
  145. Top 10 Anime Villains: #7 (every Hideki Tojo of the world)
  146. Top 10 Anime Villains: #3 (every Mengele/Shiro Ishii of the world)
  147. MAGA vs MIGA
  148. Sanctuary cities don't want illegal immigrants
  149. The American Dream: A Monopoly of White Productiveness
  150. Are political & ideological conflicts barriers to like or love someone or something?
  151. Is Switzerland the only real Democracy on planet Earth?
  152. Had Sharon rather than Netanyahu continued as Israeli PM, could things have been different?
  153. Trump is Center Right, not Far Right
  154. Socialist OUTRAGED Says Capitalism Is BAD Because We Don't All Own Factories
  155. Replacement Migration EXPLAINED (Documentary 2019)
  156. Turkish media on the offense; Calls Rasmus Paludan a racist for criticizing islam
  157. Do you think fat shaming really helps people lose weight?
  158. Left/Right Test
  159. Me and My Mother: The story of Kader
  160. How Fascist are you?
  161. Can you have a liberal mind and a conservative heart?
  162. Top 10 Anime Villains: #4 (Karl Marx)
  163. F-Scale test
  164. LGBT + Neo-Nazi = "National Socialist League." (California)
  165. the jewish question
  166. Do I qualify as liberal?
  167. Which of the following things would you consider banning (or at least tightly restricting)?
  168. International Workers' Day - May 1st
  169. dark triad scale test
  170. Why do they come?
  171. Spekr Political Compass Test
  172. [Poll] Your country of choice if there was no ww2
  173. Patriotism came from the left.
  174. Do you think of social class as being permanent and essential, or a temporary situation?
  175. GoT is politically incorrect.
  176. Anti white lefty commits suicide
  177. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi World Order
  178. Enforced Egalitarianism
  179. Shouldnt nationalists like the communist east?
  180. Do European monarchies still have any purpose?
  181. What do you think about Freemasonry?
  182. Non-Christian conservative movements?
  183. Liberal Socialism and European Cultural Impoverishment
  184. Things that I actually with the Feminists....
  185. Islamisation of Europe
  186. transylvania = hungarian or romanian???
  187. The Social Strategy for Western Political Collapse - By VertigoPolitix
  188. Anyone else finds tribal organization very similar to modern?
  189. templar vs conquistador
  190. May resigns
  191. Operation EurAfrica Explained
  192. Sweden is going to ban runes and pagan symbols
  193. The Age of Horus
  194. Sonic the Hedgehog: The tale of anprim ingrates defeating a transhumanist Nietzschean industrialist.
  195. Truth
  196. Buzzfeed presents: Are you a Far-Right Extremist™️? (Know the Warning Signs)
  197. vegan wants to sterilize men
  198. What are you politically regarding economics?
  199. Poland & Hungary FIGHT the EU Migrant Redistribution Plan
  200. Why are American Turks so different from other Turks?
  201. The 70th Anniversary of Something Strangely PROPHETIC
  202. Social Rot of VICTIMHOOD & Microaggression Culture
  203. Sir Oswald Mosley interview from 1975
  204. What if Handmaid's Tale's World was reality? Pro or against?
  205. The Eerily Accurate Predictions of Cyberpunk 2020
  206. Terminated | Black Pigeon Speaks Interview
  207. Most politically ambiguous members of TA?
  208. A Modestly Priced Weapon - Our Controlled Press
  209. Waking to the Lie of Globalism
  210. Politico: Germany seeks common ground with China
  211. >The Far Left (Bernie etc) and politicians in general (in one IMG):
  212. Western Malaise and The Celebration of Mediocrity
  213. What Do the Oligarchs Have in Mind for Us?
  214. Great Awakening: The Power Of Seeing The Big Picture Of The [DS]
  215. Every Election Ever: Meet The Candidates (& Promises They WILL Keep). [Soros liked this. 👍] 👻🌍
  216. The KGB Agent Who Predicted EVERYTHING! With G. Edward Griffin
  217. Cuba or Israel: if you HAD to choose which one would it be?
  218. Which country is the biggest threat to the world?
  219. Elderly Journalist beaten by Antifa for helping gay man.
  220. Take your daily Red Pill
  221. What's REALLY going on?
  222. suicidal vegans
  223. The Group Responsible for All of Our Troubles
  224. What do you think of Volkstaat?
  225. Melanie Phillips writes an interesting article comparing Thatcherism with mainstream Leftism
  226. An interesting analysis of Liberalism
  227. Tooting Carmen's political beliefs
  228. the super rich and the end of western democracy
  229. This Isn't Normal: 20 Large Quakes Have Hit California Within The Last 24 Hours
  230. Richard Spencer appears on CNN: proves he is Controlled OP
  231. Is cultural marxism the final morph of slave morality?
  232. Hitler's fatal flaw
  233. W.A.S.P Thread
  234. What A Democratic Socialist Convention Is Like(in the US)
  235. Party Bros - American Democracy in Action
  236. "Authoritarianism is a rightist trait, but totalitarianism is a leftist trait". Discuss.
  237. Which of these two statements sounds more 'right-wing' to you?
  238. Which of these two statements sounds more 'left-wing' to you?
  239. Jim's stream: "White People's Give-Me-That" Party (Democratic Socialists of America).
  240. Hollywood Was Always Red: Rageaholic
  241. "Change My Mind" with Stephen Crowder.
  242. Why do many people conflate post-Marxism and post-modernism?
  243. Are you a Neo Con or a Paleo Con?
  244. Sharing research
  245. Behold the Liberal Alpha Male
  246. 2020 Election
  247. The Difference Between Alpha and Beta
  248. Political affination?
  249. How does Serbs and Greeks feel about Turkey approaching Russia? How does Turks feel?
  250. Are you for or against LGBT propaganda?