View Full Version : Politics & Ideology

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  1. Is the USA considered most conservative country in the West?
  2. Is supporting local business considered liberal or conservative?
  3. Why does it seem like China's the only Third World country that's acting aggressively expansionist?
  4. Country Club Communism
  5. How do you see left wing or right wing politics?
  6. Anti-Communism: About Those Who Fell Out of Favor with Communist Leadership
  7. Introducing... : The Western Social Credit System.
  8. Was i mistaken about communism? What is communism?
  9. Why is Angela Merkel / Germany / Sweden singled out for their libtard / woke policies?
  10. Do you discuss politics in real life? Do you find politics hard or annoying to talk about?
  11. Do you think that Hitler was a good politician?
  12. This is what the EU wants for the future of Europe....
  13. Isn't Republican vs Democrat one of the biggest psy ops ever?
  14. How National Socialism Rehabilitates Itself
  15. Thoughts on Biden's recognition of the Armenian genocide?
  16. Critical Thoughts on White Nationalism (Video)
  17. Snow White Problematic Sleeping Kiss
  18. Veganism debate thread
  19. I feel discriminated
  20. Do you support landlord cuckage coming to America?
  21. The economic impact of immigration
  22. Jamaicans want to be colonized again?
  23. The state prosecutor of Finland threaten by US sanction.
  24. Do Serbs Have Kanun law?
  25. Why isreal is the jewish ISIS
  26. Was colonialism so bad?
  27. Is the US more woke/culturally marxist than Western Europe?
  28. UK and Australia announce new trade deal
  29. How would you describe your overall political beliefs and worldview?
  30. In your opinion, which of the two would be more contemptible and hypocritical?
  31. Is Russia and China the good side?
  32. In your opinion, which of these two companies would be more socially aware?
  33. Instead of being arrested, why weren’t they mailed or phone-called by the police?
  34. Is real Nationalism dead forever?
  35. Are cereals commie breakfast.
  36. Post your favourite quotes
  37. Racism discrimination genocide?
  38. If there is a "White Genocide/Great Replacement" why we aren't talking about Gulf Arab genocide?
  39. Trump moved the Overton window to the left
  40. The best argument against SJW ideology
  41. How to win the culture war (my thoughts)
  42. Fascism Test
  43. Which country is overall more statist and collectivist: France or Germany?
  44. Which country is overall more statist and collectivist: Spain or Italy?
  45. Am I being racist when I think “If there were no refugees in my country, it would be better?”
  46. To what extent do you agree with any of the following three statements?
  47. I am not a racist person but the crimes that the refugees commit bothers me more.
  48. 10 laws of power
  49. Post your DozenValues Political test result
  50. Post three key revolutionary moments in human history
  51. Which country is overall more statist and collectivist: UK or Netherlands?
  52. Smarter people are skipping the VAX
  53. Which is preferable: low income but good services or high income but bad services?
  54. Disney spoof video perfectly captures wokeism cultural maxism.
  55. Does "every war in the world, or just conflicts" mean massive immigration toward Europe??
  56. Who is/was your favourite post-WWII leader of your country?
  57. Tooting Carmen's list of relatively benign dictators
  58. Is Pax Americana over?
  59. Which country is overall more statist and collectivist: Denmark or Sweden?
  60. Which country is overall more statist and collectivist: Wales or Scotland?
  61. Which country is overall more statist and collectivist: Mexico or Colombia?
  62. Which country is overall more statist and collectivist: Canada or Australia?
  63. Which country is overall more statist and collectivist: Brazil or Chile?
  64. Nihilism, Liberalism and Terror
  65. Why is the American "Alt-Right" distancing themselves from the confederacy and the U.S. south?
  66. I dont believe a country without faith in God has a future
  67. Indians Pakis Bengalis do their best to please old english masters ..
  68. Examples of dictators supported by both the West AND the Soviet bloc
  69. Is Hungary a free country?
  70. Organization of world's young leaders support the Big Reset
  71. Helicopters of Serbian army flying over Jarinje - Serbia is moving tanks towards the Jarinje/Brnjak
  72. German election tight; Merkel’s bloc eyes worst result yet
  73. Tunisia elects the first female PM in the Arab World
  74. Conflict between Polish and EU constitutions leads to a new crisis
  75. Overall, who'd you say is more united in terms of ideas and beliefs: the Right or the Left?
  76. Why isn't class politics recognised as a form of identity politics itself?
  77. Economically I'm ultra far left
  78. What is your opinion about several leaders of the world
  79. Will Whites really be a minority in the USA by the year 2050?
  80. Is it possible for seemingly opposite ideas to be actually just as reactionary as each other?
  81. Why Big Oil loves to talk about your carbon footprint
  82. Rank Metro Areas
  83. Red-green Finnish government wants more asylum seekers
  84. Greece’s Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis had a fiery exchange with a Dutch journalist
  85. Harkonnen rate my browride
  86. In your opinion, is the democracy vs dictatorship dichotomy a question of scale or absolutes?
  87. Once again Scandinavia is true to itself
  88. Being a traditionalist and homophobic is self-contradictory
  89. Future Anthem of the West
  90. List of countries that have had at least two female government leaders
  91. "The Realpolitiks o' Socionics: Nodical Dynamics"
  92. European left using the term "BIPoC"
  93. Mark Lane, the "anti-Zionist Jew" lawyer of Liberty Lobby and American Free Press
  94. What are the best places to move to for unvaxxed people?
  95. Which of these four hypothetical parties would you consider the most authentically "right-wing"?
  96. Which of these four hypothetical parties would you consider the most authentically "left-wing"?
  97. Does your country have far right groups like these people? How is their behavior?
  98. On Liberal Empathy
  99. The Inherent Evil of Democracy
  100. What is Cultural Marxism
  101. Nazi slavic russians ? It is an oxymoron..
  102. California Public School Marxists tried to teach kids to pray to Demonic Aztec/Yoruba gods.
  103. "Civil rights" and it's negative impacts on society
  104. Support of Nato membership in Finland
  105. The ultimate trend: dolls without a face
  106. Already 42% of young Polish men vote far right
  107. Is Europe in decline? Can Europe bounce back?
  108. Young lie
  109. Idi Amin telling it large
  110. Biden’s Ukraine war is about keeping Germany down
  111. What kind of ideology or political view would mine be?
  112. Where would you place me on the political spectrum?
  113. What is your opinion about dysgenics?
  114. Ukraine was counter purchased to Russian gas
  115. Where does this misconception of the US being so Leftist come from?
  116. Should Northern and Western European countries stop donating money to Eastern EU members?
  117. Why are liberals beoming authoritarian all of a sudden?
  118. Why does this influential, unelected globalist entity really exist?
  119. US gov’t knew NATO expansion to Ukraine would force Russia to intervene
  120. The limits of libertarianism
  121. Black pill opinion about war
  122. Russia-Ukraine war: The real prize is cutting Germany off from China's Eurasia plan
  123. China > Russia.
  124. Russia and China developing new currency
  125. The ironies of what is labelled "wokeness"
  126. Which Reich do you like?
  127. Why do people believe 9/11 was in "inside job"?
  128. You didn't see attack on Ukraine
  129. What Real Men Sound Like.
  130. Do women in Western world get paid less than men for doing the same job?
  131. Anita Bryant was Right: The gay agenda will stop at nothing to destroy our children!
  132. Hungary and Poland lose EU funding fight over laws
  133. The State of Britain in 2022
  134. Great Hungary !!!!! Orban again...
  135. Macron said he is opposed to legitimate defence
  136. Proof of the far-left bias of mainstream media
  137. Is it somehow more "left" to go to dark rooms?
  138. Why does the Left hate TFP symbols so much?
  139. Did the Jews hire Hitler to destroy Germany?
  140. British economy post brexit - how does it look?
  141. One of the wealthiest counties in the United States is also heavily Evangelical Christian!
  142. Historical First in Northern Ireland Sinn Fein Largest Party
  143. Why are you proggressive if you love dildo butt monkeys entertaining children?
  144. "On key economic issues, 'far right' regimes were to the Left of today's Labour and Dems." Discuss.
  145. Davos: "We must recalibrate freedom of speech"
  146. How "woke" are different European countries? Please compare to Canada
  147. Western media admits the western economic downfall
  148. MIC Catalan identity movement - Moviment identitari català
  149. Hungarian politician is talking about the new world order
  150. Ivan Pernar: difference between Russia and USA
  151. I'm thinking of writing a book or essay called "The Postmodern Assault On Objectivity And Truth".
  153. Languages at war: Ukraine versus Belgium
  154. Gaslighting leftist socialist pedo child rapist porn peddler teacher arrested.
  155. List of non-white countries with low levels of corruption according to Transparency International
  156. List of pred-White countries with high levels of corruption according to Transparency International
  157. Are powerful conservatives hypocritical and liars?
  158. Why is the US systematically ranked as being more corrupt than the UK?
  159. Why is the gap in levels of corruption between Germany and Italy so substantial?
  160. List of neighbouring countries with severe disparities in levels of corruption
  161. Orange March in Benidorm
  162. Is the person or group criticising a country just as revealing as the country being criticised?
  163. What do people here think of Ayn Rand?
  164. Racism is absolutely disgusting
  165. Living with very left-winged parents... i need some help:
  166. The over-romanticisation of the concept of "community"
  167. Colombia: King of Spain sits through Bolívar's sword entry
  168. Is something possible Constantinopla returns to their original owners any day?
  169. [Poll] Would you go to war for your Nation?
  170. A statue of a (the) beast
  171. The assessment of communist crimes
  172. In your opinion, which of the two would be more contemptible and hypocritical? (Part two)
  173. Self reflection of ex-PM
  174. What do you think would have happened to Germany if Hitler had never been their president?
  175. Putin is not alone. Other dictators in the world.
  176. A “psychological vaccine”: Why prebunking is the best way to fight misinformation
  177. European ISIS brides
  178. Oppressed Jew Is Watching You
  179. Hungary in recent European crisis
  180. Reflections on 'conspiracy theories' :
  181. The EU funds a project against Islamophobia in Europe that is led by the Turkish power
  182. Russian atomic submarine connection to 9/11
  183. Have the Scots, Welsh or Northern Irish ever been complicit in British crimes?
  184. Vladimir Putin’s Vision of a Multipolar World An end to US hegemony?
  185. Alex Jones Show - Kanye West and Nick Fuentes
  186. Free Ilias Kasidiaris the E.U Political Prisoner
  187. Why Eastern Europe is not first world?
  188. Why the Left Must Destroy Free Speech – or Be Destroyed
  189. How much prevalent is this feeling in Eastern/Central Europe?
  190. Nice political song would you rather place it as left or right wing or none?
  191. Anti-Zionist Jewish community flying Palestinian flags in Jerusalem
  192. Polar opposites? How supposedly enemy/rival/opposite peoples/movements/ideas are actually similar
  193. NORWAY: Quran burner gets chased down by 2 females
  194. Countries that have always scored 1/1 (best score) according to Freedom House
  195. Which of the following leaders or regimes were/are dictatorships in your opinion?
  196. China is alt-right. Why don't Western alt-right people like China more?
  197. Will AI Stop Migration?
  198. Sick Ideology under the Rainbowflag
  199. What do people here think of Alain de Benoist?
  200. Why are right-wing men always searching for a celebrity father figure?
  201. 10 Reasons Slavs benefit from living in Western Countries
  202. India should be a part of China.
  203. Are Hungarians Turkic
  204. Conservative Governor makes it easier to employ children in her state
  205. CNN is the best news source
  206. My Speech for European Peace
  207. Neoliberalism killed the liberal dream
  208. JS Mill and the despotism of progress
  209. How would you describe me politically?
  210. Kicked out by my family for being too aware about France degeneration
  211. Le Monde reproduces Turkish map in which Greek islands supposedly voted for Kilicdaroglou
  212. Which forum members have become more left-leaning (or at least politically centrist) over time?
  213. Which forum members have become more right-leaning over time?
  214. The scar experiment and its political implication
  215. How European is Turkey?
  216. Serbia and Hungary signed several agreements to strengthen the partnership
  217. History is written by victors?
  218. Why do Slavic people always fight amongst themselves?
  219. Is Poland now full of fit Ukrainian women ?
  220. Russian Élites Think Putin’s War Is Doomed to Fail
  221. Fascism Defined
  222. From Plato to Hitler: The Ideological Origins of National Socialism
  223. "In capitalism, man exploits man. In communism, the opposite occurs". Discuss.
  224. Do people from Moldova want to unite with Romania?
  225. Biggest gaps in the world between neighbouring nations in terms of Human Development Index 2021
  226. Biggest gaps in Europe between neighbouring countries in terms of Human Development Index 2021
  227. UK vs Italy: Where would you rather live?
  228. Americans that are registered to vote: Who will you vote for president in 2024?
  229. Should the Netherlands shelter Boers/Afrikaners?
  230. Socialism and LGBTQ+ or abortion
  231. What is your opinion of liberalism?
  232. Almost all Neapolitans and many people from Emilia Romagna are disgusting.
  233. Elon Musk says progressive school has turned daughter into "communist" who thinks "any rich is evil"
  234. Estado Novo vs Third Reich
  235. Circa 1963, for people who are neither White nor Black, would South Africa or the USSR be better?
  236. "Eurslam", the new EU project!
  237. MIGTRAN, raising awareness among young Europeans about diseases transmitted by migrations
  238. Polish elections 2023
  239. The repaganisation of the West
  240. EU's anti-Muslim hatred coordinator
  241. Israelis Are Not 'Indigenous' (and other ridiculous pro-Israel arguments)
  242. Should Israel be recognized as a terrorist state?
  243. Pakistan willing to deport 1.73 million Afghans
  244. Project for a new American Century.
  245. A Message Against Hate
  246. Israeli ethnic cleansing of West Bank
  247. Was Catholicism a major reason why Salazar/Franco/Mussolini weren't as bad as Hitler/Stalin?
  248. Neutrality in Europe after 2022
  249. Leftist psychology and pathology
  250. Rightist psychology and pathology