View Full Version : Ethno-Cultural Discussion

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  1. How common is it for east asians to try to claim some physical affinity with latinos/hispanics?
  2. After white extinction?
  3. Capitalism destroys the white race.
  4. "Happy October 12" :D
  5. Who are the Czech people?
  6. Why do Englishmen seem effeminate compared to Americans?
  7. Homosexuality and right wing?
  8. The most xenophile nation?
  9. Yugo nostalgia statistics
  10. A classic WHO'S WHITE® episode (today with a spooky twist?). #spooktober 🎃
  11. The Death of Europe: Douglas Murray
  12. Jewish Demographics in the USA
  13. Who is closer to Europeans Mena or Turkics?
  14. Italians, do you feel closer to Slovenes or to Romanians?
  15. Which MENA nation has the closest connection with Europe ?
  16. Why doesnt North Macedonia/FYROM just unite with Bulgaria?
  17. Is it possible we might reclaim Constantinople in our lifetimes?
  18. How long would it take to reChristianize Anatolia?
  19. Is the Christian Galatian ethnos the sleeping giant of Anatolia?
  20. Support the Reconquest of Constantinople on Kickstarter & GoFundMe
  21. The Word for Horse, in Eight Northwestern Eurasian Tongues
  22. Apellative names in your country/language
  23. If Europe had been Muslim
  24. Two Jewish academicians on whiteness and native Europeans
  25. Most attractive race, Caucasoid aesthetics?
  26. Samnium pictures, archeological and historical insights
  27. If the Arabian Peninsula had been Calvinist
  28. who is more European - Mexicans or Tatars?
  29. Do Turkish people feel closer to Balkans or Central Asians?
  30. who do you feel closer to? Your linguistic relatives, or your neighbours?
  31. Baltic Germans
  32. who is more European -chileans or Tatars?
  33. Can anyone explain why Montenegro IQ is an entire standard deviation below rest of Europe?
  34. Could non-whites apply national-socialism?
  35. What would have happened if the Spanish Empire had lived through the industrial revolution?
  36. Whats Mussolini next plan after owning african lands?
  37. Do we have any Karaite Jews on this forum?
  38. Which monument is the most impressive of the world?
  39. Can i be accepted as a Jew?
  40. How to build a united Europe
  41. Do hispanic americans have a caucassian majority?
  42. What type of nose did you?
  43. Mexican vs Indian which is more Caucasoid
  44. Martial Arts founded by Pallava (Pahlava/Parthian) monk from South India
  45. Sardinian throat singing
  46. Why Europeans came to America
  47. Which Ancient Civilization Interests You The Most
  48. Who are Šokci and Bunjevci?
  49. Top ancestry groups in Boston area census
  50. Is East Europe poorer and less developed than Latin America?
  51. Indian-descended woman claims she could never marry an Indian man
  52. Can i consider myself amerindian?
  53. Where did Celts come from? Who were the Druids?
  54. Should Europe take in Turks/Kurds or Assyrians/Armenians?
  55. Sweden vs. Norway
  56. Germany's role in the ethnic cleansing of Armenians.
  57. Multiculturalism creates inceldom
  58. West Asian vs Middle Eastern naming controversy
  59. Regions of Pomerania & Prussia according to German 1858 book
  60. Black Beauties
  61. Armenians or Kalmyks. Who do you like the most?
  62. The Barents Euro-Arctic Region / Barents region
  63. Are Filipinos Hispanic/Latino?
  64. Are spanish gypsies more hispanic than dominicans?
  65. USA vs Australia
  66. From Babylon to Timbuktu
  67. " Is English a Slave Language? "
  68. Southern Europe picture thread
  69. Difference between Balkan and Western Liberal
  70. If Australia would've been colonized by the Spaniards?
  71. Belgium people (in general) are the most Western-European looking people?
  72. What is the minimal percentage of same ancestry to be member of a people ?
  73. Can latinos benefit from white privilege?
  74. Australoid vs Sub-saharan black
  75. Why has Scotland produced so many inventors
  76. More Caucasoid: North Africans or Pakistanis
  77. Which is closer spiritually/culturally to Scandinavia: Iberia or Georgia?
  78. Which country has more blondes?
  79. Who are more slavic? Hungarians or Bulgarians?
  80. How European are Gypsys on average?
  81. Which has been the most aggressively assimilationist country in the New World?
  82. What do you consider the difference between assimilation and integration to be?
  83. Are many users prejudiced when they replied to taxonomy threads of certain ethnicities/races?
  84. How many can pass in...
  85. Do you have a positive or negative view of Russia?
  86. Haha,it turns out that the Neanderthal genome they were using to test Europeans was from centralAsia
  87. Which of these two groups of nations are better?
  88. "You are what you are"
  89. Who are more obsessed with being European?
  91. How The Australian Continent plus New Zealand would be if they were Colonized By Portuguese_
  92. How New Zealand Would be If It Was Colonized By Spaniards?
  93. Can i consider myself amerindian?
  94. How do i know i have truly Jew/midsle eastern ancestry?
  95. Who are closer to European populations?
  96. Spreading amerindian genes into Europe
  97. Can this amerindian pass in Europe?
  98. why do people talk about native americans and east asians as though they are long lost brothers?
  99. What would Colombia be like had it been colonised by the Norwegians?
  100. The Educational System of the Byzantine Empire
  101. Would it be simpler if Europeans were all blonde and blue-eyed?
  102. Protestant Humanity and Protestant Equality are the greatest lies on Earth.
  103. Happy New Year!
  104. Social Darwinism
  105. Which of these 3 European countries contributed most to the world of science?
  106. Slavs related to Iranians?
  107. How much Northern European are Iberians? On gedmatch?
  108. European ancestry map created by Masastan
  109. Why eastern europeans/slavs become degenerate after moving to the west
  110. How can one integrate into Udmurtian culture?
  111. Can science make you live forever? Would it against GOD ?
  112. On average do we look closer to Europeans Middle easterns or South asians?
  113. Izhorians - Laag & Ymyyakhtakh must see
  114. Do bosnian etnicity exist?
  115. Transgender MMA Fighter Who Fractured a Woman’s Skull, Named ‘Bravest Athlete in History
  116. Indo-European, or Indian P (QR) vs Eurabian IJ & the United Federation of Planets
  117. Why is Pan Turkism has been somewhat a success in Turkey and Azerbaijan Republic?
  118. What are some ethnic groups that have "same" given names, but are completely unrelated?
  119. Real descendents of ancient Hebrews talk about the israeli occupation
  120. Serbian Slavs vs Bosniak Illyrians
  121. Argument about Gypsies and honesty and success
  122. Balkan hillbilly why not?
  123. Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kyrgyz and Turkmen
  124. Classical Balkan customs among the modern South Slavic peoples
  125. Why South Slavic autochtonists are ashamed of being identified as Slavs in historical medieval era?
  126. Who is the toughest Motherfucker on TA
  127. Am i amerindian enough can i say my race is amerindian?
  128. Mediterranean culture
  129. Gift Us Your Insight Regarding Dalits and Adivasis
  130. Countries in Europe Where Sorcery Is Still Commonplace
  131. The Majority of Peasants in Spanish Iberia Are Still Frightened by Blue Eyes, According to the AJPA
  132. Is 3% Sub-Saharan Africa enough to say the N word?
  133. When will Southern Europeans start caring about themselves?
  134. Is there such thing as genetic loterry?
  135. How are Syrian refugees perceived in Turkey?
  136. Are Balkan Slavs Slavicized Romanians?
  137. Should the Irish and the Scottishs be pigeonholed as Germanic?
  138. How Middle easterners and Europeans view Maghrebis ?
  139. Better division of Slavic groups
  140. What is the minimum looks level needed to get attention from women?
  141. Did you agree Euro admixture beautifies every ethincity?
  142. Question to American users, do you see me as American?
  143. Why do white hispanics seem so much more tolerant towards non-whites than other white people?
  144. Criticizing Migration = HATE CRIME
  145. Gendarmerie Ceremony in Burkina Faso
  146. Trump Winning on Both Fronts
  147. Parade of the 56th battalion. Thies, Senegal
  148. Russia destroyed Turkey!
  149. Are Serbs and Croats the same people?
  150. What is the relation between Semitic and Hamitic languages?
  151. Do Germans really descend from Ancient Assyrians?
  152. How to irritate Europeans with one sentence
  153. Are Northern Italian genetically closer to Iberians than southern Italians?
  154. Do Hungarians have a lot of Germanic influence?
  155. Heterosexual blurred in WC3, Tradwives
  156. Do you employ your profession outside your daily Job?
  157. What is meta-ethnicity of Spanish?
  158. What's the minimal amount of East Eurasian blood one must have to be considered Mongoloid?
  159. Mexicans mixing with Anglos .
  160. Are ethnic Russians native to Russia?
  161. Can this Mexican pass in Europe?
  162. Russia wants Constitution updated with Marriage Issue
  163. Translate Thracian language if you can :)
  164. [POLL] Are Balkan Slavo-Vlachs qualified to appropriate 2nd-5th century Roman history?
  165. Why do Europeans visiting the states seem to always don Athletic apparel?
  166. Are Turks physically stronger than Greeks but mentally weaker?
  167. Why do most latin americans have MENA DNA but most Spainards have hardly any?
  168. Do Spaniards like Italians?
  169. Are you prepper?
  170. Yamnaya Percentage by Nation
  171. Why were there no prominent Ottoman Bulgarians?
  172. 10th century Balkan & Anatolian Catastrophe
  173. Is ethnicity and culture same things?
  174. What do people with "Mixed" Mixes, identify as?
  175. Is Lebanese an ethnic background?
  176. Do Serbs hate Bosnians?
  177. How could anyone say the Irish weren't White?
  178. Do Armenians resemble Kurds more or Georgians?
  179. Which of the six countries do you feel closer to?
  180. Can italians really be considered European?
  181. Britain > Scandinavia
  182. JamesBond007 on Scandinavians
  183. What is the origin of Sredny Stog culture
  184. Indo-European world: cultures, languages, phenotypes, geography etc
  185. Why there's a lot beautiful men in Italy?
  186. Do you consider us americans to be culturally european?
  187. Are Macedonians the real Greeks?
  188. Have you gained any surprising insights on different cultures and countries while being on TA?
  189. Moors wannabe in America
  190. Italy and W.Balkans is much closer than people Think
  191. Why are bears in Europe so docile compared to our ones?
  192. Ethnic foods you want to try
  193. Chinese wet markets still operating
  194. How did serb and croat got their religion?
  195. R1a & R1b Anthem
  196. Which is more southern shifted Macedonians or Croatians?
  197. Romans and Sklavenoi did more harm to Greece than Turks did
  198. Who are the PUREST Germanics?
  199. Best Sense of Humor in Europe?
  200. The Irish have been through so much.
  201. Is Kris Jenner (the mother of the Kardashians) really Dutch/English/Irish/German/Scottish only?
  202. How much Asian genetics do Russians have on average?
  203. "Boring" Northern Europeans/white people
  204. Are Greeks darker than Spanish?
  205. Judeo-Christian world vs non-Judeo-Christian world. Forum members
  206. Europe imagined by True Europeans
  207. For non white members: Was colonialism a good thing?
  208. Where does this ‘German women are masculine’ stereotype come from?
  209. Ideal Map of Europe
  210. Jewish Israeli newspaper:''Mainland Greeks Genetically Diverged From Islanders in the Middle Ages''
  211. What makes a population indigenous to a specific piece of land ?
  212. Byzantine Empire: Greek or Roman/Latin?
  213. Which country is more feminist: Spain or Sweden?
  214. Cyprus, a white nationalist dream country?
  215. Europe just loves Bosnia
  216. Are Greek Islanders more related to Armenians/Iranians than Mainland Greeks?
  217. Is there any assimilated Gypsies?
  218. Greeks, Spaniards and their pigmentation
  219. Are Ghegs the real Albanians and Tosks just Greeks who speak Albanian?
  220. Denisovans and Neanderthals
  221. Why do Iranian women do a lot of makeup?
  222. Massageteans: Iranic or Turkic?
  223. Canada is partly Latin American
  224. What do you think about these peoples?
  225. Would you change your self-identification?
  226. Do you identify yourself with your ethnicity or nationality?
  227. What were the main languages spoken by your ethnicity throughout history?
  228. European Army? Can it happen?
  229. Whom do you feel closer to, Greeks/Persians or Dutch/Poles?
  230. Does a lack of masculinity lead to cultural self-hatred?
  231. Map showing how Rome viewed the world
  232. Are deep Southern Europeans descendants of West Asian settlers?
  233. Who do you feel closer to East To West edition
  234. Peoples of the Soviet Union
  235. Aromanians from Greece (Vlachs) are talking about their identity
  236. Are East Asians very cold calculating people?
  237. Would you rather be a religious Jew, or a Jehova's Witness?
  238. Hungarian last names
  239. Sirmium, Capital City of Balkans
  240. Balkan South Slavs and Romanians are NATIVES
  241. delete
  242. Roman road systems in Iberian Peninsula (Spain & Portugal)
  243. Why Balkanites are so alpha compared Western states?
  244. Similarities between Spanish/Portuguese and Arabic!
  245. White Nationalism History and Discussion Thread
  246. Atlantic Europe cultural similarities
  247. Ethnicity?
  248. Mennonites in Belize
  249. This person banned deportation of Migrants from Europe
  250. East Asians love classical music