View Full Version : Ethno-Cultural Discussion

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  1. What has Croatia gifted to the world?
  2. Asian caste system rank
  3. Israel vs Ireland vs Angola vs Vietnam
  4. In which ethnic area in Germany would you prefer to live?
  5. Amish moving barn using bare hands, inside POV
  6. How The Celts Saved Britain
  7. Pen Draco Insularis decrees anti-nordic doctrine :
  8. ‘Where is Balkan?’ by Slavoj Žižek
  9. Redneck vs Southern culture
  10. Top Beer Drinking Countries
  11. For non westerns, a french mulata, a white south american and an black american means Western.
  12. Belly of Beast:Pure Han chinese,Pei county people eating dog meat
  13. Hongwu emperor:Castrated half of Semu population, and Muslim's Stockholm syndrome
  14. Why does Nauru be able to suppress Refugees while white countries Can't?
  15. German, Japanese or Maasai? Who would you rather be?
  16. Qin dynasty is Austronesian Huaiyi(Dongyi branch)origin.Has nothing to do with Aryans
  17. Huaiyi people (Austronesian Dongyi branch people)Built Qin and Ming empires were warriors
  18. Nigeria BANS Diversity.
  19. Israel or Portugal?
  20. Huang chao The Yellow king ATE 200000 Jews,Arab merchants,destoryer of Tang empire
  21. Dongyi VS Baiyue,Why they are so different since they all belong to Austronesian family?
  22. White American society vs Latino society. Which one would you prefer?
  23. Armenian, Estonian or Kyrgyz. Who would you rather be?
  24. Did the lack of neolithic farmer dna contribute to a culture of barbarism among slavic peoples?
  25. USA vs Russia vs China
  26. Caesaris Oculis?
  27. Jews?
  28. Why do Englishmen hate Germans so much?
  29. Which neighboring country are culturally the most different from your country?
  30. Very detailed ethographic map of Asia [1887]
  31. Income and political views are fully genetic
  32. If Brazil had laws comparable to Jim Crow, would modern Brazilians look like modern Americans?
  33. Greek, Serbian, Romanian, Albanian or Hungarian?
  34. Loudest Europeans at restaurant table?
  35. Aryan, Semitic or Altaic?
  36. Based on this video of me, which ethnicity do I look like I'm from would you guess?
  37. Georgians and Georgia or Mongols and Mongolia?
  38. Russia or Japan? (POLLS)
  39. Georgia or Abkhazia, which one do you prefer? (POLLS)
  40. Russia vs China
  41. What of the big seven ethnolinguistic group do you identify yourself or feel closer to?
  42. Your favorite continent on Earth
  43. Orthodox Christian countries vs Buddhist countries
  44. A question to Austrian and German users
  45. Jewish, muslim and gypsy influence in brazilian black identity
  46. Uralo-Altaic vs Indo-European family.
  47. What does this pakistani-afghan language sound like to you?
  48. Rank neighboring countries by most to least similar culture/mentality to your country
  49. Sinosphere or Indosphere?
  50. What is the reason that rare to see mentally healthy brown member?
  51. How many Irish do you know?
  52. How much Jewish ancestry do Italians and Greeks have?
  53. Kazakhstan or Tajikistan? Pick one.
  54. assimilation by mixed marriage works better in north america than in france
  55. Antisocial beheviour and crime is totally genetic for twin and adoption studies
  56. Castilian vs Anglos
  57. Racial-cultural map and you.
  58. Which of these European ethnicities would you rather want to be?
  59. Lithuanians or Armenians?
  60. Non-Indo-Europeans in Europe.
  61. People of mix ethnic background attached more to one ancestry than the others
  62. Argentina vs Mexico: which culture appeals to you more?
  63. evolution of migration in france
  64. Who's MORE foreign In Europe?
  65. Slavic, Germanic or Romance worlds.
  66. Why Is India so undeveloped compare to Latm countries.
  67. What percent are Austroloids none homosapien?
  68. The most complexed Latinos?
  69. Southern Europe more corrupt than Northern Europe. True or not?
  70. Fertility rate in the world
  71. Mexico city or Madrid Spain
  72. Do these blonde mexicans pass better In Italy or Spain or England ?
  73. Why Slavs were not part of the ancient world of greeks and romans?
  74. "You're gonna lose this war!" -- Russian MP to UK
  75. Apart from Jews, who are the whitest middle easterns?
  76. Should the Spaniards invade Morroco
  77. Which Amerindian group has the highest ANE/West euroasian admixture and which has less?
  78. If Spaniards discovered Australia first
  79. Which country Is whiter to you?
  80. What do Europeans think of eatch other?
  81. Is it me or Mexico has more English looking folks than Spain?
  82. The English Language in 67 Accents
  83. The Inquisition
  84. Is USA more Amerindian or Scottish influenced, all things considered?
  85. Sub-ethnic divisions and conflicts within nations
  86. What defines ethnicity?
  87. Why are all Brazilian members here lefties?
  88. Gypsy population of Europe in 2100
  89. Which Spanish ethic group Is racially the lighest?
  90. Filipinos want to be Hispanic (Mexican) so bad
  91. % of babies born out of wedlock
  92. Did you agree lebanese and Jews are highly darkwash on this forum.
  93. What does "White race mean"?
  94. Are Roma People Indo-Aryans? Discussion between me and turbosat
  95. 'American English' based on the pronounciation of Ireland ?
  96. How has France as an Alpine country been able to accomplish so much?
  97. Symbols for ethnicities
  98. @rothaer
  99. Which S. European group Is the most WHG
  100. Most Germanic S.European population?
  101. Jews do claim us
  102. Are tusken raiders gypsies of Star Wars?
  103. Why is this forum so reductive about European ancestry in the US?
  104. Could Caucasus (Armenia or Iran) be a homeland for the first Indo-European language?
  105. What ethnic group is closer to your own in general?
  106. Mega-European Roman Era Calculator
  107. What two meat sources constitute for the majority of Greek cuisine (in Greece)?
  108. Why are central European countries quieter on average than the UK or the Med?
  109. Are we witnessing the end of the West?
  111. How many Spaniards actually migrated to colonial Mexico?
  112. It Is Accurate to Associate Horsemanship More With R1a or More With R1b?
  113. The most oriental Balkan country (including Greece, excluding Turkey)?
  114. Best and worst immigrants in your country?
  115. Turks vs Cyprus who are genetically closer to the Greeks ?
  116. Blue Bloods and Blue Collar have an unlikely kinship
  117. Question for Europeans ONLY: Would you rather ....
  118. Germanic brotherhood?
  119. Immerse Me in the Greatest of the United States
  120. Who are more Hispanic Filipinos or Ecuatoguinean
  121. Why do Russian citizens who are half-Russian identify as Russian...
  122. The Northern European Union
  123. What did the proto european meta ethnicities look like
  124. Are amerindians brown or black to you?
  125. Race and Ethnicity statistics
  126. Who are the Occitans?
  127. Common Sense VS Logic
  128. What percent of Spaniards are truly Nordic?
  129. Which S.European population Is ...
  130. Does anyone know what Hitler view was of Latin America?
  131. Do Lithuanians gain weight as easily as the Germans?
  132. Who is closer to the English?
  133. Do you take ethnicity into account when gauging someone's competence?
  134. Chicano Cholos on average how European as group?
  135. Do Mexicans and Filipinos look alike?
  136. Eiza Gonzalez PERFECT Mexican (MESTIZA spectrum)
  137. Divison of Europe north/south or east/west?
  138. Gypsys or Jews who are more acceptable to Europe?
  139. Balkan/East European country dance
  140. Which of these admixtures dilutes faster?
  141. JEWS went to colonial Mexico
  142. Why do some people think mixed blood people cant be attractive?
  143. Rate the Siberian woman
  144. Can American guess the nationality of Slavic language? (Poland, Ukraine, Slovenia, Serbia)
  145. True or false.
  146. With whom of their 4 heirs of Europe do you feel yourself.
  147. Culture appropriation IS WRONG!!!!!!!!!!
  148. Which of this 3 Latin American countries you like more?
  149. Jalisco Mexican women vs Russian women which Is more beautiful?
  150. Europeans : Whats your favorite Latin American country?
  151. West Eurasian & East Eurasian maps
  152. Do the culture of Gypsies have any Indian origin tradition or practice?
  153. Are East Slavs superior to other Slavs?
  154. Retirement age per country. Why Russian are so lazy???
  155. Wouldn't the world be better place If socialism was the main economic regimen
  156. Is Trinidad & tobago and Surinam the most diverse place in the world?
  157. Pred Euro mexicans (60-80 +Native ) are the most beautiful In the world.
  158. Is it just me or does Southeastern Europe have a record of spooky rulers ?
  159. Why are brunette European women seem the most philosophically intelligent of all women?
  160. Prussia
  161. Historical p3d0phi1ia in Turkey and other "Oriental" nations
  162. Amerindians' Migrations, Ethnogenesis, and DNA
  163. What the ethno-language family group do you belong to in Europe?
  164. Why are white people (of European descent) called "Caucasian" if Caucasus region is located in Asia?
  165. Your best vacation ...?
  166. Who are the Europeans with naturally darker, olive skin?
  167. Romanian vs Welsh Language, how close?
  168. What are your criteria and standards to consider a person white?
  169. Are East-European and Caucasian admixtures underestimated among Turkish people?
  170. What is the origin of these names?
  171. British Empire or Russian Empire/URSS Which was more multicultural/ethnic?
  172. Vote: Israel or Palestine?
  173. How much immigration was there in Western Europe at the beginning of the 20th century?
  174. The Term "White Turk" and What it Means.
  175. What's wrong with Zionism?
  176. Curious of a relatives background
  177. Should Denmark open its borders to unchecked immigration of japanese descended brazilians?
  178. Roma Flag
  179. World day of Roma language
  180. Are Freemasons evil or were?
  181. Isn't there a striking similarity betwixt Irish Celtic music and the Middle East?
  182. Old Roman Emperors - Chart
  183. Are Romani people related to Kurds?
  184. Italian Women Are The Pathetic Loser Females Of The World, Generally Speaking
  185. What If Germanics and Slavs migrated to Latin America Instead of Iberian?
  186. Do Europeans consider Latin America part of the West world?
  187. France is cheating and needs to stop cheating in competitive competitions.
  188. Which people do you think South Italians feel closer to?
  189. How do Italians think of Ancient Roman civilization?
  190. Iberian and Iberian Descent Pride
  191. What Is your favorite Latin American country and why?
  192. What prevented the Dutch language from gaining ground in Indonesia?
  193. Post an Anthro related vid
  194. Half European & Asian (woman)
  195. According to IllustrativeDNA my closest
  196. BASQUES ARE ARABS!! 😱😱😱
  197. Modern definition of "ethnicity"
  198. Spaniards did you like Mexico?
  199. Ethnically speaking why have so few Mexicans and central Americans migrated to the UK?
  200. How big is the influence of Greeks in the Eastern Mediterranean, genetically speaking?
  201. In your country, how common is it for people to do cuffs or high-fives?
  202. African identity in Europe
  203. Why have accents in Southern England declined more than accents in the Midlands and the North?
  204. Question regarding ethnic groups of Albanians, Romanians, Moldovans, Hungarians, and Greeks
  205. Hybrid Model for the origin of Indo-European languages
  206. CFG solves the problem of declining of White birth rates
  207. Black Race Descends From Brown Caucasoid Men Who Fled White Caucasoid Men
  208. Anthropologically speaking why do the most Mediterranean societies practice strict segregation
  209. 2 Mexican women vs 2 Slavic Russians which Is more beautiful to you?
  210. Who are the most genetically divergent Europeans?
  211. Ethnicities You "Vibe" With
  212. Were the Prussian junkers/nobility/gentry generally Germanic or Slavic genetically?
  213. If Turks are not white, what are they?
  214. Ethno-Cultural Maps of South America
  215. Only 2 white players in Argentina U23 among 22 footballers?
  216. chose a Croatian city
  217. Are indians asian or not??
  218. Are Cro Magnon people typically more democratic?
  219. Would you say that affluent people are less sociable and outgoing than poorer people?
  220. Between Spaniards and Croatians who are more Northern European shift or lighter as whole?
  221. Are people from "Anglo Saxon" countries more outgoing and gregarious than those from other countrie?
  222. Spaniard DNA In Mexico
  223. Are arubans Latinos?
  224. Is the blackness of Haiti due to massive blacks brought to the country or..
  225. Post the origins, meaning and geography of your forename and paternal surname
  226. Are Spaniards closer to French or Italians?
  227. Non-Brythonic admixture in Britannia
  228. Why are some nationalities more likely to "ghettoize" than others?
  229. Is Slovakia the most underrated european country?
  230. Anthropologically speaking can Scotland really be called a country?
  231. Is it just me or are working class/poor people generally funnier?
  232. Are south Indians quieter and more reserved than north Indians?
  233. Why are Black people not into Rock or general pop music?
  234. Differences between German and Hungarian women?
  235. Classics of ethno-nationalism, racialism, and eugenics
  236. Proportion of single people rapidly rising in the Arab world
  237. You think it's okay for Mexicans to hold white supremacy views?
  238. Such a lovely culture they are importing en masse to the UK
  239. Why is France so Alpine?
  240. Would you be against race mixing with a superior member of a race you deem inferior?
  241. Mexico or Israel which country has more European admixture In the general population?
  242. Why homosexuality was so prevelant In ancient Rome and Greece?
  243. Is It me or the Spaniards who went to Mexico were more Atlantid Influence than modern Spaniards?
  244. Now that a Jewish woman has won the presidency of Mexico
  245. Spanish colonization
  246. The whitest Mexicans!
  247. All Peruvians are equally the same....
  248. Why some light skinned mixed race people with obvious feature have the worst Off White Dilemma?
  249. I need to talk about this why do many people assumed ?
  250. Why are Scottish and Irish people less right wing than the English?