View Full Version : Ethno-Cultural Discussion

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  1. Which Balkan nation is the most legitimate Thracian successor?
  2. Ottoman/ Near Eastern influence in Balkans, from Least to most by country
  3. What does Nazi Ideology teach about Armenians?
  4. The Demographic Future of Europe by 2050
  5. Map of Indigenous New World Languages & Territories
  6. Who has more Ancient Greek ancestry: West coast Turks or North Europeans?
  7. Most normies in the Northeastern US call Hispanics "Spanish" now
  8. France has to decide what they want. Almost 10% of the country is Muslim
  9. For Non Italians: Why do you want to be Italian?
  10. What happened to Roman Aquileia?
  11. [POLL] Are you Tribal, Religious or Globalist?
  12. Country more "arab" which not "arab" ?
  13. "French Is Now the Fifth Most Spoken World Language—Thanks to Africans"
  14. Map of Vlach Migrations
  15. British will soon be colonized by india
  16. [POLL] Who would you like to Represent FUTURE EUROPE?
  17. indus valley civilization had direct relation with oman
  18. Do welsh feel closer to english than scottish and irish ?
  20. Kazakh language (Kek)
  21. What Y-DNA this INHUMAN guy?
  22. A study of the ethnic struggle in Bohemia and Moravia
  23. Untold West Slavic History
  24. The History of Germany: Every Year
  25. which country appeals more to you, Slovenia or Czech Republic ?
  26. Vandal ancestry of the Polans
  27. Will Hispanics Become “White” in the US in the Near Future due to Intermarriage?
  28. Celts in Poland
  29. Balkan definition
  30. Your favorite southern European country ?
  31. Albanians and South Slavs: identity partitions comparison
  32. russians and indians had common origin. proof !
  33. Which is your favourite ex austro-hungarian country?
  34. Panonnian Basin Appreciation thread
  35. Aromanians /Vlachs in ex-Yugoslavia
  36. Who's the most Slavophobic of them all?
  37. Should Middle Eastern Christians Be Given Priority Over Muslims (Immigration to the West)
  38. Italian members,how do you think about Spartacus?
  39. Illegal Migrants procured by EU Organizations
  40. Should Germany and Prussia unite again?
  41. What's the most misrepresented ethnic group in the anthrosphere?
  42. There were 15,000 Slavic people in Medieval Spain
  43. Why Georgians do not look Asian?
  44. Small white (Spanish) population still in the Philippines
  45. the region/state of your country you dislike/hate the most and why
  46. The Fall of Neolithic Europe
  47. What language do Kurds speak?
  48. Afro-Asiatic people and Arabs?
  49. How do Circassians feel about Russians?
  50. Are Chechens pro-Russia nowadays?
  51. Who do you prefer, Poles or Russians ?
  52. Bulgarians vs Romanians
  53. French vs English ?
  54. Trump threatens EU with Customs and Tariffs (Sanctions)
  55. Did you ever felt discriminated due to your ethnicity or origin place?
  56. 1826 map of World Population
  57. If your neighbor countries were others, other ethnicities
  58. Big Religion May Have Gotten Too Much Credit for the Evolution of Modern Society
  59. Should the Eastern Euro countries be ruled by a Western elite to improve it?
  60. What's your favorite Baltic country ?
  61. Was Saint Sebastian a Celt?
  62. Are Slovaks closer to Czechs or Hungarians ?
  63. Ask Bosniaks a Question about Anything!
  64. Origins of Hittites?
  65. Meta-ethnicity of Armenians?
  66. Which is the more intimate relationship, Brit Isles/Germany Vs Brit Isles/India?
  67. Controversy who is white
  68. EU's mission to Destroy Europe
  69. Migrant in Bosnia said "We are preparing for War"
  70. Fitness Expert Photoshopped Herself to Show Different body Standards Througout History
  71. Most MURDEROUS people of all time revealed in ancient DNA
  72. NAZI-Germany was destroyed because of this...
  73. Who are Middle Easterners?
  74. A Falcon Flies
  75. Genetic determinism is extremely real, and culture counts for almost nothing!
  76. Caucasus Turkish?
  77. Southslavs
  78. Northwest Europe vs Southeast Europe. Where would you rather live and where you were born?
  79. Within Europe would you prefer
  80. P. Van der Auweraert - A Man who fights for Migrants against Europeans!
  81. Map of ethnic Poles in 1918 compared to pre-1772 borders of Poland
  82. Nobody Visits This Country...Find Out Why
  83. Is it realistic for marriage to be a lifelong commitment/contract?
  84. Dutch, Germans building Houses for Pakistani Migrants in Bosnia
  85. watch a documentary about my ancestors!
  86. Map of Roman Genetic Legacy
  87. Roman Tunic preservation
  88. Armenians?
  89. Late arrival of Finnic-speakers to the Baltic Sea
  90. india will lead the world to greatness soon
  91. International Organisation for Migration in Bosnia ordering Rifles for it's Crews
  92. Surnames of Lusatian Sorbs of Germany
  93. Are Poles Central Europeans, North-East Europeans or they are just East Europeans?
  94. Found Krivich video on Youtube
  95. Entire Mediterranean World came with Anatolians (Turks)
  96. Judeo-Christian world. Which one is closer to you?
  97. No whites or men allowed! (Marvel said so)
  98. [POLL] ]Should Bosniensis Emigrate to Asia (Turkey) ?
  99. Masaman's Ultimate Ethno-Racial Map of 2019
  100. do you see northern half of France as NW Europe ?
  101. Why the first name 'Dick' is so popular in anglo world ?
  102. What is the situation of gypsies in Turkey
  103. Does living at southern latitudes impact the European diaspora's pigmentation & DNA?
  104. Neo-Ottoman European Muslim UNION
  105. East Germans returning to their Slavic Roots
  106. Can the Dutch be Re-Germanized?
  107. Who loves his mommy?
  108. British Isles
  109. Meet your hunter-gatherer ancestor
  110. Should America promote White South Africans immigration ?
  111. Jesus Christ is the Lord
  112. SOS... Jews need to understand one thing !
  113. Genetic determinism is true and cultural differences can be genetic
  114. In Israel, are European-looking Jews generally seen as more attractive than MENA-looking ones?
  115. Consolidated Origin Hypothesis of Western Balkan people
  116. Supernatural beings in Slavic religion
  117. Closed
  118. Is it wrong from me to wish the U.S was a Hispanic country?
  119. [POLL] Which is the most irritating nation on Balkans?
  120. Are Ethiopians and Somalians considered as Arabs?
  121. Wich one nation is the most powerful in the Balkan Peninsula?
  122. New Persian Empire?
  123. Illyrians are forefathers of I2 Slavs
  124. New Military Alliance on Sight
  125. Alpine Empire - alternate history vision
  126. Why did Nietzsche claim to be Polish?
  127. What are the Mediterranean countries, in your opinion?
  128. stronger Balkan influence, Slovenia or Hungary ?
  129. Thracians, what country assimilated the highest %?
  130. Which is your favourite neighbour country?
  131. Are the Serbians and Romanians cultural genetical anthropological brothers ?
  132. Serbian and Albanian Eurovision 2019 participants: the day and the night
  133. Why do mixed & 'sudaca' people (Brazilians, Colonial Latin Americans) obsessed with whiteness?
  134. Who had the greatest impact on Western Civilization?
  135. Weakest race of the XXI century?
  136. France doesn't belong to French! ? O.o
  137. stronger Germanic influence, Finland or Slovenia?
  138. [Alternate History] Ethnography of Eastern Europe Without Slavs
  139. Do Turks feel more cultural comradery with Levantines/Arabs or Central Asian Turkics?
  140. Eastern European Dna in the Iberian Peninsula, From the Goths ?
  141. Estonia,Latvia,Lithuania - more east or north Euro ?
  142. Spaniards feel more affinity with Cubans or with British islanders?
  143. Do Anatolian Turks feel more related to Kurds or Kazakh?
  144. Uralic masterace
  145. Ethnic conflicts?
  146. Which nation in the Balkans do you hate?
  147. Are Asians more intelligent?
  148. People with Gypsy roots?
  149. The Domination of Turkey and Their Delusional StolkhomeSyndrome
  150. How different would the world be if the Spanish had not discovered America?
  151. What do Turks think of Genghis Khan?
  152. POLL: Who is more Southern European?
  153. Romer's 1921 Ethnographic Map of North-Eastern Poland
  155. Ethnic Structure of Finland, Estonia, Latvia in 1834-1861 - German data
  156. British and Dutch opening hundreds of new Camps for Migrants
  157. Why do people still think Indians and Pakistanis are the same people/race?
  158. conquistador era iberian dna vs that of the modern spaniard
  159. Latvia or Estonia, which country has stronger Russian influence
  160. Apricity nation
  161. Muslim Circassians, who were they?
  162. Historical accuracy in HBO's "Chernobyl"
  163. Are Northern Macedonians mostly of Bulgarian origin?
  164. POLL!! What type of girls are the most dominant and independent?
  165. Germanic Build examples
  166. How are gypsies treated in Turkey?
  167. How do Turks feel about their history compared to their neighbors
  168. So Iranians feel closer Arabs or Indians ?
  169. Potatid + Steroid = Gorilla aesthetics
  170. Is Trump considered as a true american by US nationalists ?
  171. Pick your TRIBE (based on your dominant phenotype).
  172. How do Bulgarians and Romanians perceive each other ?
  173. Is Street Preaching more unique to the United States?
  174. Fearful elderly people carry 'anti-euthanasia cards'
  175. So what are the Turks?
  176. delete
  177. Dutch court allows family to euthanize incapacitated 80-year-old woman against doctor’s protest
  178. ITALY-DALMATIA-SPAIN-GREECE-PORTUGAL (Proud of South Europe)!!!
  179. Why were the Vikings strong in the British Isles but not in continental Europe?
  180. Irish and East Slavic - a secret connection (+ Irish/English comparison from my own eyes)
  181. Civic honesty around the globe 2019 study
  182. Which European empire had at the historical level more wars / battles won?
  183. Origin of Koreans?
  184. Language
  185. Im against Gender equality
  186. Northwestern European Populations G25 Results
  187. Is it hard for European men to date Muslim Arab women?
  188. Everybody blames the Jews but not the Britons
  189. What's More Important: Paternal Line or Majority Ancestry?
  190. Is White Genocide really a thing?
  191. Indians- Who were the worst rulers? Brits or the Mughals ?
  192. We must fight against the sionists
  193. The video that the sionist hate
  194. Great medium of your country..
  195. Which Germanic grouping is the best?
  196. (POLL) Which is the most badass balkan nation?
  197. "In many ways, France has acted as a bigger check on UK/US power than the USSR ever did". Discuss
  198. (POLL) Who's the LEAST aggressive Balkan nation?
  199. On scale 1-10 how important it is for you to be considered "White"
  200. Salty Albanians
  201. Ethnic map of the Balkans 1861
  202. Why do blacks talk back to the movie screen?
  203. Which European country is the most influenced by Greeks, in the cultural sense?
  204. Conditions to become an ethnic group?
  205. Upper Kolpa River Valley People.
  206. WHG, EEF, Natufians, CHG, ANE vs. modern populations
  207. Most Negroes seem to have English surnames...
  208. For those of mixed ancestry
  209. Could you classify fitness model Steve Cook?
  210. Classify Frenkie De Jong
  211. Where did the steppe admixture in ancient Greeks come from?
  212. Some Finno-Ugric Questions
  213. What are some personality traits of Lithuanians?
  214. How The North American Continent Would Be if it was Colonized by Spaniards?
  215. To whom do you feel closest, personally? Belarusians/Lithuanians or Greeks/Armenians?
  216. Lithuanians trying to save their culture...
  217. Greater old Slavic influence - Montenegrins or N. Macedonians ?
  218. Poles or Belarusians - who is closer to Balts?
  219. True Albanian patriot
  220. How to break down MENA ?
  221. Question to Western Slavs
  222. Humans are not meant to be monogamous
  223. I explain why genetic determinism is scientifically real
  224. West vs East vs North vs South Europe
  225. Which culture and lands interest you more ?
  226. Do you feel closer to Finns or Sicilians
  227. Germans lead the way in bodybuilding
  228. Do you feel closer to Han Chinese or Arabs?
  229. Which of these two groups are British Isles closer to?
  230. Which Indo-European group do you feel closer to?
  231. Why Romance speaking Europeans here don't call themselves Latin?
  232. Most quietly romantic countries?
  233. Is east Germany mentally and politically eastern european ?
  234. Do slavic looking people stare at each other abroad?
  235. Ethnic Map of Ancient Europe
  236. Map of Roman Europe 180 AD
  237. To Greek users: which of these periods do you prefer?
  238. Latin Europeans, who do you feel closer to?
  239. Key delusions of pan-Europeanists
  240. Why Some Greeks Here Got Offended When We Say Some Northern Italians aren't related to Greeks?
  241. Greece belongs to Western Europe?
  242. Europe in year 6 AD
  243. Kurds in Kazakhstan
  244. Why do only Europeans and East Asians develop ethno states?
  245. British men are SAVIOURS to female sex
  246. What is Slavic Paganism
  247. Do you consider some french citizens as non ethnics french and who ?
  248. Slavic Stereotypes in Western Media
  249. How did Slavs forget their Anti-Fascist Struggle
  250. Migration rates in european countries