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  1. Trolls are actually highly intelligent
  2. Would you be in favor of allowing weapons in Western Europe?
  3. A Funny Critique Of The Attacks On Kanye West For Being Pro-Trump
  4. Plane crash in Micronesia
  5. 22 million, not 11 million, undocumented immigrants in US
  6. So it’s true: Republicans really do hate women
  7. The Dutch identity: Do average citizens of the Netherlands consider themseves historically "German"l
  8. Muslims Discriminating Against Laura Loomer & Faith Goldy In Canada
  9. What do you think of the Chris/Shannan Watts murder case?
  10. 1/4 of children born in the UK are born to immigrant mothers
  11. Half of Children in California have a foreign born parent
  12. Senator Bernie Sanders calls for New World Order and global socialism
  13. Who do you believe - Anita Hill or Justice Clarence Thomas?
  14. What do you think liberals will accuse Ginsburg's replacement of?
  15. Catholic majority in Northern Ireland predicted by 2021
  16. Utilising social spending to fight poverty Ranking by country
  17. White Liberalism is Dying
  18. Are You A Twitter Nazi?
  19. What should be the conditions to get the nationality of a country?
  20. Elizabeth Warren 1/1024th Native Lol
  21. Rapeugee Sets Fire To German Girl
  22. Globalist Nationalists
  23. "Diversity and Multiculturalism" - real versus ideological definitions
  24. Are introverts more right-wing?
  25. Anti-Censorship Apps
  26. Bombs sent to leftest
  27. The Globalist Agenda Explained
  28. "Cool Clocks Cesar;" Why The So-Called #MAGABomber Cesar Sayoc Is A Heroic Inventor
  29. The Dark Side of Hollywood
  30. Rapeugees Gang-Rape 18 Year Old In Germany
  31. I'm against Transgenderism
  32. Teen titan fans what you think about starfire casting ?
  33. What should the drinking age in America be?
  34. United States vs United Kingdom Which country is more infested by the left?
  35. Scottish Tourist Assaulted In Melbourne Australia By Muslim Taxi Driver Police Do Nothing
  36. Our people are not perfect, but our culture is superior to others
  37. Story of Western Convert to Islam
  38. Should bastards have the same legal rights as the legitimate?
  39. How is This a Thing? 2nd of November 2018
  40. How many Senate seats do you think Republicans will have after the midterms?
  41. How do you feel about Daylight Savings Time?
  42. Liberals are now trying to have illegal aliens be considered vote
  43. Do you think George Soros is funding the migrant caravan that is trying to invade America?
  44. The truth about slavs being racist and hating refugees
  45. "You'll NEVER Guess Why My New Patreon Banned Me" (Pettibone)
  46. "Antifa Got Me Banned from America to Destroy My Life and Marriage | Jack Buckby"
  47. Police shoot knife-wielding man in Bourke Street
  48. Anti-Psychiatry: Against Forced Psychiatric "Treatment" - Abolish the Mental Health Act
  49. 100 years of the end of the First World War
  50. Forced Diversity is NOT Our Strength
  51. Negro women have more testosterone...
  52. Why are the Americas so violent?
  53. Marijuana - Psychopharmacology - How Canabis acts on the brain
  54. Drugs: Psycho-Phamacology of Psychoative Drugs
  55. Pro Islamic thugs protest Israel at Rutgers U.
  56. Is revolution sometimes justified?
  57. Communism, but only for White people
  58. Lisa Haven is being shadow banned on YouTube
  59. Decadence of the african american community.
  60. Refugees
  61. Thousands of French protesters clash with police
  62. Genocide:70 million FEMALES die
  63. Sentinelese tribe
  64. War USA vs EU which would be stronger?
  65. What is your view on the concept of "intersectionality"?
  66. George Soros's Open Society Foundations to pull out of Turkey
  67. Connecting Russia with Alaska
  68. On the Plurality of Civilisations
  69. Stupid dogmas and myths that unite both Left and Right
  70. Fedor Konyukhov has gone to the sixth circumnavigation
  71. Virginia teacher fired to refusing to use "correct"pronouns for trans student..
  72. very interesting topic
  73. 6 dead, including 5 young teens, in stampede at overcrowded nightclub on Italy’s coast
  74. How did we get to this point that white nationalism is non-mainstream on this forum?
  75. Test of Knowledge About Europe Before You Register?
  76. Stand with French People against the ongoing assault.
  77. In case anyone wondering, Muslims can marry Christians or non Muslims.
  78. Who wants to move and where to.
  79. How is This a Thing? 3rd of December 2018
  80. Female paedophilia getting common
  81. We Have Reached Dystopian Levels of Censorship. The List From The Last 90 Days
  82. If you tolerate this than your children will be next .
  83. How the Globalists Stole Our Home
  84. Another Round of Deplatforming
  85. prince charles
  86. Oh so this is why France banned DNA paternity tests!
  87. The Left is Losing On Youtube, Conservatives Dominating
  88. Excellent Doc on South Africa by Swedish team.
  89. Europe for Everyone, Asia for Everyone, America for Everyone, Africa for Everyone
  90. Can you use a picture or MEME to simplify your POV about immigration?
  91. Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index 2017 for EU countries
  92. Ability to create kids without opppsite sex
  93. RAPE STATS: Why do Northern European countries have such crazy high rape stats ?
  94. "But she IS a stupid woman!"
  95. The Guardian Supports Doxxing
  96. EA Got Woke And Went Broke, Stock Price PLUMMETS
  97. Tik Tok: the Nazi App
  98. The Beginning of the End for Facebook
  99. Patreon Takes MAJOR Hit After Banning Of Sargon of Akkad
  100. Black S. African Police commissioner blames whites because blacks steal and are thieves.
  101. What is the most progressive and feminist country in Europe?
  102. the Star of Bethlehem
  103. Why are there riots in France but not in Germany?
  104. Mizzou official: Asking a smaller woman on a date violates Title IX
  105. Textbook Trump Derangement Syndrome
  106. AI Generated Faces Bullshit
  107. California organizers cancel Women's March due to 'overwhelmingly white' participants
  108. Climate Change professor beats up Girlfriend...
  109. How complex is eye color in humans??
  110. Leaked Louis CK Comeback Set
  111. All Hell Hole countries are black and Brown, why?
  112. The War on Kids
  113. The West, Modernity, and Symbolism a chat with Jonathan Pageau
  114. What do you think of MGTOW?
  115. Amazing Livestream with Jesse Lee Peterson and Jean Francois
  116. The False Morality Of "The Majority"
  117. Canadian/Italian idiots vanish in Burkina Faso
  118. The Pussification of the American Male
  119. When Hitler ordered the destruction of Germany
  120. Another liberal couple murdered in a foreign country
  121. America's Great Wall
  122. 91 members and 1250 guests, with 61 spiders
  123. Am I related to Columbus?
  124. 'Father of DNA' James Watson Stripped of Honors Over More Ugly Racism Comments
  125. MPGA videos
  126. Message to American voters
  127. El Chapo 'paid $100m bribe to former Mexican president Peńa Nieto'
  128. Which sanctions were more unfair: those against South Africa or those against Cuba?
  129. Men pressure women for ANAL sex after watching porn
  130. What are the worst message boards you have encountered?
  131. Gillettte 1989 vs Gillette 2019
  132. Immigration after Brexit ?!
  133. We Are Caught In A Regressive Dystopian Future, There Is NO Escape
  134. PC Ads, Rightwing Comedy & More – Discussion with Porridge
  135. Fake News Journalists Are Going To Get People HURT Or WORSE
  136. Disturbing: Child Drag Queens
  137. Scientists to reduce the population on the planet (Scientists killing people)
  138. They are not even hiding it
  139. Let's debate on the double nationality
  140. Poll : about the nationality
  141. Israel to Host Summit for Europe's Emerging Nationalist Bloc
  142. It is necessary to take away European women all the rights and give them to mens?
  143. Update From Roger Stone
  144. United States vs Russia which country has done more damage to humanity?
  145. The Right to Use Social Media
  146. 1000 Journalists Laid Off - Fake News is Dying
  147. Why Mainstream Journalists Just Don't Get the "Learn to Code" Meme
  148. Why they hate PewDiePie
  149. The Right to Use Social Media
  150. CF: I’m Back: Gillette ad, Learn to Code, Covington & More…
  151. Why the West Is So Broken
  152. Three of the BLACKEST PILLS of All
  153. Welcome to the Literal Nanny State
  154. Mass Hypnosis and Trigger Words
  155. They Admitted Social Media Is Programming Us
  156. Mass Mind Control: There's a Reason It's Called 'TV Programming'
  157. Glitch in the Matrix II, The Origin of the Intellectual Dark Web
  158. The Privacyless, Freedomless Smart City of 2030 the Elite Are Engineering
  159. Why have Journalists Become So Hated?
  160. Revenge of the Talentless
  161. Bankers and Wankers
  162. Then they came for the memes.
  163. Ray Vahey talks Bitchute’s Banning on Indiegogo
  164. 10 Questions About the Culture War
  165. Something VERY Strange is Happening in the Minds of the Masses
  166. Bilderberg and the Digital New World Order
  167. The Great Game – Revisiting The Board & Players – CHAINSMOKE SERIES
  168. TradStream: Bitcoin vs. Bartering, Satanic Unity and the Rise of Fake Traditionalists
  169. Rewriting History– 'Progressive' Cultural Obliteration – CHAINSMOKE SERIES
  170. Semiogogue - CHAINSMOKE LIVESTREAM .
  171. Autopsy of a Dead Coup
  172. Why Cossacks have similar culture like Circassian?
  173. What will british do after Brexit ?
  174. New Moral Outrage: Shane Dawson’s Conspiracy Theories
  175. They Ruined YouTube
  176. How I Know We’re Winning
  177. The current times: worse then Weimar Germany
  178. YouTube Advertisers Flee Over Pedophile Scandal | America Uncovered
  179. Pedogeddon
  180. How is This a Thing? 25th of February 2019
  181. Russia’s westernmost synagogue rebuilt 80 years after Kristallnacht destruction
  182. Book Burning Begins – Greg Johnson Censored From Amazon | TAP After Hours | NWG | TGO
  183. Gab Dissenter Tutorial: The Comments Section of The Internet
  184. Polish-Belarusian Commonwealth
  185. History of the Sorbs
  186. are you preserviationist?
  187. How geography doomed Africa
  188. How is This a Thing? 4th of March 2019
  189. Tim Pool Obliterates Twitter’s Censorship Rules
  190. What should be the future of Alaska?
  191. Medical Establishment Fuck-Ups: Intersex Interventions (YT vlog account + ABC News report)
  192. Migrants banned from Finnish schools and daycare centers after multiple child rape cases
  193. City welcome sign with islamist woman in hijab shot to pieces by enraged Swedes
  194. Denmark: One in five migrants say rape is woman’s fault
  195. Finnish President: “Some who have sought protection in our country have created insecurity through i
  196. Youtube, Facebook Will BAN and CENSOR Alternative Media Eventually
  197. Major Chimp Out Against Dude with Trump Hat.
  198. Poland 1992 vs. Poland 2022
  199. The Real-Life Consequences of Leftist Indoctrination
  200. YouTube CEO Talks About Removing Ben Shapiro From YouTube
  201. Twitter Makes MAJOR Changes, They Will Backfire
  202. Irish PM Leo Varadkar brings male partner to meet Mike Pence “the face of anti-LGBTQ hate in America
  203. Russia - A military giant, an economic dwarf
  204. Was Ukrainian 2001 census falsified?
  205. Recent immigration to the EU
  206. Which is your favourite Jewish country?
  207. New Zealand bans military style and semi automatic guns
  208. i have find stats on the rape wave in europe on an isralian website
  209. Rejecting Asylum Claim, U.K. Quotes Bible to Say Christianity Is Not ‘Peaceful’
  210. Is youtube trying to piss off billions of people or is there there a political agenda ?
  211. Do you believe random sexual assault or rape stories?
  212. Poles are returning from the UK
  213. Facebook Bans White Nationalism and White Separatism
  214. We're a generation of men raised by women
  215. Are conservatives dumber? According to science, they are!
  216. Europe's south and east worry more about emigration than immigration
  217. The New World Disorder - Global Population Crisis
  218. World Autism Awareness Day
  219. Periodic Insanity - Ep. 28 - Earthquakes are white supremacy
  220. Periodic Insanity - Ep. 27 - Got a loicense for that self-luv?
  221. Censorship and Speech Laws HILARIOUSLY Backfire On Far Left
  222. University of Kansas Offering Course on 'Angry White Males' This Fall
  223. CURIOSITAS & COMEDY – Nags, Scolds & The Great Renaming
  224. Periodic Insanity - Ep. 25 - Prohibition by the backdoor
  225. Periodic Insanity - Ep. 26 - Multiple standards
  226. CALI liberal verbally assaults elderly man wearing MAGA hat
  227. Someone posts from Austria
  228. Portland Police Quitting En Masse
  229. Obama In Germany: Europe Has Achieved Pinnacle Of Human Well Being
  230. Obama In Germany: Europe Has Achieved Pinnacle Of Human Well Being
  231. Obama In Germany: Europe Has Achieved Pinnacle Of Human Well Being
  232. Best movie scene ever?
  233. Do I think like a Baby Boomer?
  234. Progressives Will Surrender to Nazis
  235. Islam vs LGBT
  236. Could the Honkler Meme be a sign from God?
  237. Protests in Western vs. Eastern Europe
  238. Supermajority for Poland's right after 2019 parliamentary elections?
  239. Ex-Muslim: “Swedes will lose Sweden in 50 years”
  240. Islamists arrested after plotting to massacre kindergarten full of children in France
  241. Teen Vogue vid: Sex doesn't exist and Gender is whatever you want it to be, boo. :)
  242. Poland's Dark Image
  243. "Travel Warning" for "People of Color" in a Republican State
  244. Notre Dame Cathedral on Fire
  245. Corruption Perceptions Index
  246. Ukrainians seek a better life in Poland
  247. Scandinavia continues to lead the world in press freedom
  248. Richard Spencer seems effeminate
  249. Third of Europeans know little or nothing about Holocaust
  250. Why Gen Xers are important