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  1. Balkan Similiarity
  2. Have you tested Y-DNA, MtDNA or autosomal?
  3. Have you ever not, or been afraid, to do a DNA test in fear of what you might find?
  4. Why the thin hair?
  5. Bent Pinky Fingers
  6. My new results from Doug McDonald
  7. One of Earliest Farming Sites in Europe Discovered
  8. How come you are so good at genetics?
  9. Do you consider the Anatolian/Caucasian component European?
  10. How long does DNA last in saliva?
  11. Genetic kinship
  12. Genetic Predisposition
  13. Genetic Basics Question
  14. Do these women look white?
  15. Ancestry.com Autosomal Test
  16. Sex Hormone Regulation
  17. Ancient DNA from Mycenae Grave circle
  18. Free DNA Tribes SNP Analysis for Eurogenes Project Members
  19. My DNAtribes SNP analysis results
  20. ~Elizabeth~'s DNA Tribes SNP report
  21. Post Your DNA Tribes Results Here
  22. My(Graham) DNA Tribes Scores
  23. Orangepulp's DNA tribes results.
  24. AcadianDriftwood's DNATribes Report
  25. Patches' DNATribes Results
  26. DNATribes Results vs Eurogenes and Dodecad..
  27. to which population are you closest on DNA Tribes?
  28. My DNA Tribes results
  29. Sebastos DNAtribes results
  30. CircassianWine's DNAtribe results
  31. Olavsson's results from DNA Tribes
  32. Dr. McDonald Ancestry Results Thread
  33. Recessive gene evo, RE: blondes are superior.
  34. Which test to try out for a first-timer (Sweden)?
  35. Purple Eyes
  36. Norwegian immigration/migration history reflection in DNA ect..
  37. Sigur Ros - McDonald's Results
  38. Origins and evolution of the Etruscans’ DNA
  39. We're all related...to some extent.
  40. Long IBD shared segments of European ethnic groups with Poles.
  41. Out of Africa
  42. Ashina's DNA Tribes
  43. SometimesYes' DNA Tribes
  44. Indo-European origins.
  45. Test if you have an distant African Ancestor
  46. Dené–Caucasian languages
  47. Indo-European genetic signatures in an Orcadian and a Lithuanian
  48. BEAN Network
  49. About DNA tests
  50. Eye Color Inheritance
  51. Children with Blond Hair
  52. Hints of East/Central Asian admixture in Northern Europe
  53. Could I be partially Romanian or some kind of BS??
  54. Ancestry Painting HapMap3
  55. “McDonald BGA did anyone received 2 very different paintings”
  56. DNA Tribes Update.
  57. Fearless Leader's DNA Tribes results.
  58. DNA Tribes SNP Admixture Results by Population
  59. African admixture in Southern Europeans
  60. Video: How James Watson (and his peers) discovered DNA.
  61. Phenotype Genes
  62. Cracking Your Genetic Code (Nova)
  63. The sequence of appearing in the North Europe (and around) of the main Haplogroups
  64. How Is An Ethnicity Formed?
  65. Examples Of Admixture
  66. Freckles?
  67. The People of the British Isle's
  68. Western turks dodecad and eurogenes admixture results?
  69. Hemoglobin D in Ethnic British indicates admixture from the Indo-Pakistani region
  70. What Haplogroup did Blue eyes originate with?
  71. What is the South European(Mediterranean) component closest to?
  72. Balkan DNA
  73. Slavs in Norway?
  74. Levels of Circulating SHBG
  75. I found out Im either Arab or Jew (maternally)
  76. Genetically study about Slavic peoples
  77. Indian DNA in Russia.
  78. Mongoloid DNA in Central Asian Turkic and others ( Europeans, Non-Turkic )
  79. Scandinavians, closer to Ukrainians or Italians
  80. How did Sardinians remain so genetically isolated?
  81. High Mongolian DNA in Europeans/ North Caucasus
  82. Carribean Black DNA from Europeans, Asians (Chinese) , Amerindians, South Asian, Middle eastern
  83. Cilantro as a matter of taste PLEASE VOTE IN THIS STUDY
  84. About the internal genetic diversity in Iberia...
  85. AP2 is in Beta Mode
  86. Eurasian Chromo Painter Chunk Counts
  87. Stychians, Samartians, Sardiania ect ect..
  88. Genographic Project 2.0
  89. inquiring mind is a greek??
  90. How long does it take for melanin genes to kick in after a fair-pigmented population moves south?
  91. Will the population of the Azores start to adapt?
  92. In terms of appearance and genes, does the "midpoint method" work?
  93. Turks = Mongoloid mixed DNA shows
  94. Based on my Ancestry where would I cluster Genetically?
  95. Where is this Swedish coming from?
  96. Have you had genetic testing done? Why or why not?
  97. new genetic study on roma gypsies
  98. Are Iranians closer to...
  99. Iranians are genetically closer to...
  100. How many generations until an ethnicity is completley diluted.
  101. Aleuts
  102. What exactly is "noise"?
  103. Human Ancestry - Made Easy
  104. BGA results vs. Ancestry Composition.
  105. Family Summary According to Eurogenes: An Example
  106. Russian Northwest region of Russia (Pskov and Novgorod) is closer to the North-East Poles
  107. Do these DNA Tribe results seem weird for a half West Euro half Jewish?
  108. WhiteHorde's McDonald results
  109. How would you feel if...
  110. New Digest issue of DNA Tribes is coming
  111. What did I learned from my genetic Test?
  112. Which is more accurate, the McDonald Analysis or Eurogenes?
  113. Cypriots are Middle easterner?
  114. Professor Radman's elixir of youth
  115. Mc Donald results for Western Asians
  116. DNA Tribes SNP (excerpts)
  117. Where is the Thread on Roma Genetics from ButlerKing?
  118. Possible Richard III Discovery Sparks Controversy
  119. Who are the palest nation in Europe?
  120. Are Ashkenazi Jews Greek/Southern Italian or does their mix make them come out that way?
  121. Jackson's DNA Tribes Results
  122. Iberian DNA
  123. Turks are not more White or European than Amernians.
  124. Puerto Rican Gedmatch Results
  125. My Doug McDonald results
  126. Ethiopians 40 - 62% Caucasoid with no West African gene
  127. Partizan and iGENEA
  128. Is West Asian a European component?
  129. Genetics of different types of Jews
  130. Post Your Eurogenes K9 Reduced Size Chromosome Painting
  131. Am I part Hungarian or Slavic?
  132. Genetic diversity of modern horses
  133. Do you have a Simian Crease on your hand(s)? (The palmistry)
  134. WhiteHorde's Updated DNA Tribes Results
  135. Do you believe in Telegony ?
  136. Turkish Mongoloid DNA higher than I THOUGH.... there is correlation with Turkmen.
  137. Post Your Pigmentation Comparison With Nigerian Person
  138. Shetlanders wanted for DNA health 'Viking' study
  139. FairyPrincess' DNA Tribes Results
  140. Need help
  141. YDNA-12 DNA Test 39USD
  142. Azeris, Turkish, Turkmen haplogroup and genetic difference ( who's more closer ? )
  143. ysearch.org is offline
  144. Balding a Neanderthal gene?
  145. Are Tajiks who have more PIE admixture genetically more "European" than Albanians?
  146. Are Adygei white and European enough?
  147. Ancient Western Eurasian DNA
  148. Daughters more related to a father than sons.
  149. do you think i have a ashkenazi or balkan sephardi ancestor?
  150. I want to learn more about DNA and genetics! Help a newbie!
  151. Inherited Conditions
  152. You are what your grandparents eat
  153. Reconstructing Roma History from Genome-Wide Data..
  154. DNA Tribes 21-marker STR results (old)
  155. Azeris are a mixture of Caucasians, Iranians, Near Easterners, Europeans, and Turkmens Mongoloid
  156. 7eleven's mom's McDonald analysis results
  157. Sikeliot's new Doug McDonald results!!
  158. Genetics: Why many Native American don't look Asian.
  159. Why are there north Euro-like genes in northern India?
  160. [split thread] Biology and labeling.
  161. Mesolithic and Neolithic European mtDNA Haplogroups
  162. My new McDonald results
  163. Thai women have negrito mtDNA, this is explains why the need White cream.
  164. 'Jews A Race' Genetic Theory Comes Under Fierce Attack By DNA Expert
  165. Are light traits in Southern Europe due to the northern European admixture ?
  166. Genes Show One Big European Family
  167. All Europeans are related if you go back just 1,000 years, scientists say...
  168. Dna testing for jew and muslim
  169. Question about eye color
  170. Gaita's DNAtribes SNP analysis
  171. Angelina Jolie's 'Jewish genetic mutation
  172. Neanderthal love song
  173. If Indian/Paki didn't had South India admixture, would they look Persian, Iranic?
  174. Which European groups cluster with North Caucasus?
  175. Help me interpret DNA Tribes results :)
  176. Where Best Do I Land Genetically?
  177. Post your rarest SNPs
  178. new study says rroma gypsies maybe of high caste origin
  179. FairyPrincess's Father's Dr. Doug McDonald Results
  180. how is it possible that im related to Jackson's Dad?
  181. DNA testing 101
  182. Are Slovaks genetically closer to Lithuanians or Balkan Serbs?
  183. Turkish are not true Caucasoids nor true Turkic ( estimate central Asian admixture in Turks )
  184. Hungarians and others with elevated Asian or "Tatar" admixture
  185. Do you have the "Cuddle Gene?"
  186. JAXMAN's Autosomal Results From GEDmatch, 23andme and McDonald
  187. Important question What is the "heterozygosity"?
  188. Age Of IBD Segments Shared With Cousin
  189. Confused: Were Cumans Asians Mongoloid or Caucaosoid?
  190. DNA TEst reveals British Prince William has Indian Ancestry
  191. Rome spread Middle Eastern and North African Y DNA not Italian and European
  192. Human family tree Discovered through DNA
  193. New DNA evidence that Caucasians came to America 15,000-20,000ybp
  194. New DNA evidence Europeans migrated to America 15,000-20,000ybp
  195. Are Slavs the Real Aryans? Instead of germanics and Persians?
  196. Native Americans come from one family that migrated to America over 20,000ybp based on DNA
  197. Are White men better off with Asian women?
  198. serious and interesting Question for Europeans
  199. POBI British Isles
  200. Finns were NOT originally Uralic for sure.
  201. Where do the blonde haired kablye of north africa come from
  202. ADMIXTURE tracks Amerindian-like admixture in northern Europe
  203. Uncanny Portraits Visualize The Power of Genetics
  204. DNA Reveals a Surprise in Mario Lopez’s Past
  205. "dna inspection service"
  206. Germanic and Celto-Italic paternal lineage maps
  207. Adam and Eve DID live in Africa at the same time - but they probably didn't know each other
  208. Jews, Italians Share Genetic Links
  209. Ancestry Composition of White South Africans
  210. Is Austria more Slavic than Serbia genetically?
  211. Where did proto Indo Iranian speakers ancestry orignate
  212. light skin ancestral marker
  213. i found something can some genetic "expert" help me to inferre infos from it
  214. Pazyryk culture-Proto-Turks?
  215. Heavy European admixture in Morroco and Tunisia
  216. Sardine Neloithic Euro's, Finnish and Sami Mesolithic-Paleolithic Euro's
  217. Corded anyone?
  218. What? Romanians have the least gypsy blood??
  219. Genetics forum expansion
  220. Supposedly Euro light skin genes are popular in all Caucasins and exists in about all Humans
  221. Spatial Ancestry Analysis Help Needed
  222. All Meds, N. Africans, Balkaners (esp. Albos), Caucasus: what was your 23andMe Neanderthal score?
  223. Origin and ancient History of red hair
  224. Is Anglojew European enough?
  225. Origin of all Human hair colors
  226. Non- Europeans with higher blonde hair and red hair genes
  227. Theory: blonde hair origin Paleolithic Europe and possible main hair color of Euro's over 10,000ybp
  228. How come 23andMe doesnt break down East European countries?
  229. What are the adaptation advantages of a forehead boss?
  230. Post examples of how completely unreliable DNA tribes is
  231. Classify For Me Please!
  232. British ancestry almost all from Celtic and Germanic Conqueres
  233. mtDNA of Turkic Tatars from Volga-Ural region
  234. Some questions about genetics and composition of Europeans through out history
  235. Does a biracial child look less "nonwhite" when the mother is the nonwhite one?
  236. Origin of European Paleness(skin, hair and eye color)
  237. Gagauz people found to be genetically closest to Bulgarians
  238. Am I half Germanic or Slavic?
  239. 10,300ybp Y DNA!! and other DNA from America proves they are Native Americans ancestors
  240. Are Hazaras or Uyghurs more Mongoloid admixed?
  241. Spread of Germanic Italo Celts and R1b1a2a1a L11
  242. Are Ashkenazi Jews Khazars?
  243. What are Ashkenazis mostly descended from?
  244. The Scotch Irish aka Hillbillies one of the Greatest people in American history
  245. This map is correct ?
  246. Half of European men share King Tut's DNA
  247. Nepalese = Turanid of South Asia ( Y - DNA , mtDNA , Autosomal DNA , Mongoloid , Caucasoid )
  248. Scandinavians with Russian matches?
  249. Genetically Modified Babies
  250. As Europeans what foreign admixture do you see as superior for Europeans?