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  1. Irish People Take A DNA Test
  2. Now I know, were antipatrilinealistic and antihaplogroupistic morons are coming from...
  4. National Geographic Genius Matches
  5. German-speaking Cimbrians from Lessina in Verona, Italy
  6. K36: Apricity Oracles
  7. Ancestry Test for South Asians
  8. First autosomal results for Wielbark and early Polish medieval!
  9. Genetic divisions of Europe mirror languages in 1100 AD
  10. PATRI-REALITY PROVED AGAIN (of course it was obvious since ever, but this is for TA-tards to absorb)
  11. MyHeritage DNA thread
  12. Genetic Comparison of Yamnaya and Modern Peoples
  13. Genetic results of Scythians and comparisons
  14. Post your 23andme Dopamine (rs4680)
  15. K36 Ancient 2.0 - focus on Iron Age & Bronze Age
  16. K36 Ancient 2.0 - Discussion Thread
  17. I2a-Din in 900s AD Poland
  18. What is a consistent quirk of your DNA results?
  19. Some Ecuadorian results I found on open sharing
  20. Ancient Egyptians on GEDmatch
  21. Archaic DNA Matches
  22. 23andme countdown??
  23. Which test now?
  24. SNPs for bad handwriting...
  25. Is your mtDNA uniquely Balkan?
  26. Autosomal Results of Turkics
  27. Y-DNA from Iron Age & Early Medieval Poland
  28. Do Germans are genetically more similar to Scandinavians or French?
  29. Bolivian-American GEDmatch results
  30. Autosomal DNA of Kazakhs, Turks, Hmong, Mongols
  31. DNA of Gypsy couples produces 100% White children. REMEMBER THAT !!!
  32. Amerindians are an ancient Eurasian race and closest to Central Asians
  33. Genetically 100% East Asians with more Caucasian features than Central Asian Turks, Native Americans
  34. Vasilyevka 3 (Ukraine mesolithic) in Eurogenes K36
  35. Myanthropologies DNA.LAND ancestry results
  36. 23andme French and German
  37. AncestryDNA vs 23andme when using GEDmatch
  38. Is there any PCA program where you can plot gedmatch kits in?
  39. Myanthropologies' MyHeritage results
  40. Post your GEDmatch eye color prediction vs your real, up close eye color
  41. I don't feel Iranic anymore
  42. What is the average percentage that British people score on 23andme for British and Irish?
  43. New Mesolithic Scandinavian DNA
  44. 28 new German neolithic and BA genomes on Gedmatch
  45. Why I-men are so furious and madly affraid of being blackish or swarthy??? I don't get it.
  46. WEGENE: Do you prefer salty snacks or sweets?
  47. Australoids are caucasoid admixed to a significant degree
  48. Why Red Hair And Blue Eyes Is So Rare, Plus 4 Other Surprising Facts About Redheads
  49. What eye color do you stereotypically associate with red hair?
  50. Who are Corsicans genetically closer to?
  51. "IE" got cucked by the N1c Asiatic Proto-Finns
  52. Do you consider Turks and Greeks a different race?
  53. Asia Minor on ftdna.
  54. Scythians and Sarmatians on Gedmatch
  55. New genetic testing on Caananites shows that Lebanese people are descended from the Caananites.
  56. Post your health reports from codegen.eu
  57. Greek Genetic Legacy
  58. Which ethnic group in Europe has the most Neanderthal admixture?
  59. How can I find out if I have "real" Greek ancestry?
  60. Classify Me?
  61. Classify Ethan and More Bradberry
  62. Indo-European greeks
  63. Can you be classified as 'Keltic Nordid' even if you dont have any Celtic blood?
  64. Could Indo-Europeans have spread by sea?
  65. Turks and Hazara are African, Blasian, Negroid, Melanesian mixed. GENETIC PROVES IT.
  66. Genetic origins of the Minoans and Mycenaeans
  67. Trump's new immigration bill favors white migrants.
  68. Is there Etruscan Y-DNA result anywhere?
  69. Ordered my 23andme test! Classify!
  70. Blue-eyed humans have a single common ancestor
  71. Ashkenazi VS Sephardic IQ gap
  72. "Yamnaya" admixture.
  73. Phenotype SNPs of ancient Minoans and Mycenaeans
  74. Northern influence in Greeks.
  75. Top 50 DNA Blogs according to Feedspot
  76. West Europe would no R1b if my ancestors were not handsome and Alpha
  77. Why I have little faith in these genetic studies
  78. Exact difference between Austro-Asiatic and Austronesian?
  79. Are the most of "Native Americans" just European LARPers?
  80. Aryan Invasion of India: Genetic Evidence
  81. WHGean admixture is overrated - otherwise we would be mulattos at beast.
  82. Dat Finns/Russians....
  83. Place to share GEDmatch kits
  84. Modeling Slavs as mixtures of >100 ancients
  85. Modeling Brits as mixtures of >100 ancients
  86. Genes vs Height Correlation
  87. Poland-Germany border, most interesting thing ever
  88. Modeling Greeks as mixes of ~250 ancient samples
  89. Amerindians cannot be Mongoloid; they and Australoids are equidistant genetically to East Asians
  90. South Slavic in the same category as Sardinian?
  91. Modeling Jews as mixes of ~260 ancient samples
  92. Despair cry for ancient DNA...
  93. Ancient Ancestry Reports
  94. K36 Ancient oracle - for free :)
  95. Myanthropologies ancient ancestry report
  96. How large a sample size is needed to we could get accurate results for a population?
  97. Why are Scythians still being associated with modern Europeans?
  98. Kosovar 23andme
  99. Ancient North Eurasian
  100. What's your DNA ancestry based on your photo?
  101. A question for autosomalotards and other racists.
  102. Ancient Egyptian genome paper
  103. @Kelmendasi just said this:
  104. Why Did 23andMe Tell Ashkenazi Jews They Could Be Descended From Khazars?
  105. Epigenetics between the generations: we inherit more than just genes
  106. In majority Balkanites are not Indoeuropeans...
  107. 40 Ashkenazi Eurogenes k=36 results
  108. Latest DNA study show that Myceneans and Minoans were Neolithic and non Indoeuropeans
  109. Are the Bushmen the most genetically distant ethnic group from the Western Europeans?
  110. Eastern Germans of Slavic descent or Western Poles of Germanic descent?
  111. New African Admixture in Iberia
  112. Another reason why duke'ists, autosomalists and RACIALISTS ARE MORONS.
  113. How many generations does it take to breed out dark hair color in Europoids?
  114. Haplogroup nationalism: Why people associate haplogroups with ethno-linguistic groups?
  115. Turkic peoples
  116. GEDmatch Tier 1
  117. Was Greek Macedonia a Greek teritory?
  118. Has anyone posted Native American genetic results?
  119. my gedmatch results and ancestry
  120. SNPs for premature greying, of the hair?
  121. MyHeritageDNA's separation of English from other British Isles nationalities
  122. Are you predisposed to neuroticism ? (Geneplaza) Post your results !
  123. Genetics of Peloponnesians.
  124. Antic egyptian / modern egyptiian / Copte
  125. I am new to this sort of thing
  126. Stupid Turk study. Nogais are 60-80% East Asian Mongoloid , not over 70% Caucasoid west Eurasian
  127. What are East and West Eurasian Admixtures?
  128. How Caucasoid are Mongolians from Mongolia?
  129. Genetics and Subrace
  130. Best DNA Companies with accurate results?
  131. What do you guys thing of this haplogroup atlas website?
  132. Anthropology Vs Haplogroup which do you believe more?
  133. Why are geneticists retarded when sampling Poles?
  134. Three Polish Ashkenazi GEDmatch results (Behar 2010)
  135. Is there any connection between handedness and hairyness?
  136. I1 haplogroup
  137. Two new Neanderthal DNA papers
  138. The Genomic History of Southeast Europe
  139. New dna test 7 years later
  140. Soviet-German K36 results
  141. Early Medieval Russian DNA
  142. Hazel eyes
  143. Pure Caucasoid is a " Myth ". Turks, North Africans are less Caucasoid than South Asians.
  144. Genes responsible for skin colour are pinpointed in a discovery that 'dispels a biological..
  145. Your personal opinion on Nordic vs Germanic
  146. Haplogroup J2 In The Indian Subcontinent Associated With Upper Castes
  147. Tianyuan can proof two things - at least make it more probable...
  148. are south italians closer to eastern europeans than to central and western one ?
  149. MDLP 22 Question
  150. Another obvious proof, that jewish genetics are not originaly israelitic.. (what is obvious anyway).
  151. Tollense Valley Bronze Age battle: ancient DNA
  152. Too Much Exercise Can Kill White Men, Scientists Find
  153. Tollense warriors PCA (1250 BC)
  154. Where did the Middle Easterners get their ANE admixture from?
  155. Post your genetically predicted place of origin
  156. DNA Health, Sports, Nutrigenetics, Skin & Ancestry - 24Genetics discount coupons
  157. Nordic Guanches debunked, autosomally most similar to modern Berbers
  158. Many High Caste South Asians are 50-55% European/MiddleEastern In Origin
  159. Pre-European Canary Islands DNA
  160. How Celtic is central Europe ?
  161. New study: Sexual orientation from facial images
  162. National Love Your Red Hair Day: 5 facts about redheads
  163. Should I be expecting some west asian on my Ancestry DNA results if so how much
  164. What is the difference between Eastern Alpinid and Western Alpinid?
  165. Have you ever seen this much unassigned dna in a 23andme report before?
  166. Ancient DNA from Belarus
  167. Not Caucasoid. ANE North Eurasian Admixture
  168. ANE admixture are Mongoloid and Caucasoid, FINAL CONCLUSION on Ancient North Eurasian admixture
  169. The real Caucasoid admixture in Mongols, Buryats, Tuvans is 0% , 3%, 1-5%, 4-7%, 9-17%
  170. Who is more Western Eurasian genetically?: Amerindians or Kazakh, Kyrgyz?
  171. Peterski's Ancient Affinity Maps
  172. Can someone help me trace my Mediterranean ancestry to Italy ??
  173. New study shows continuity of mtDNA in Iberia during the Bronze Age transition
  174. Ancient Avars plot with modern Poles?!
  175. Animal Genetics
  176. Descendants of Greeks in the medieval Himalayas?
  177. Irish DNA Atlas
  178. How Celts changed forever the Iberian population
  179. Calculate - Similitary with ancient genome - K36
  180. K36 - Where did your ancestors live?
  181. Recent Selection For Gentleness In Puerto Rican "Killer Bees"
  182. Insitome Black Friday $20
  183. What do yall think what my Phenytype is ?
  184. Pigmentation calculator
  185. Longobard DNA study
  186. My very odd MDLP World-22 results..
  187. 20 physical traits you may have inherited from a Neanderthal
  188. New study constates high exposure to violence in early Bronze Age Ukraine
  189. Europe's first advanced civilisations originated from TURKEY... DNA reveals
  190. Can a fenototype be transmitted for several generations?
  191. Lermontov is not Learmont!
  192. Genes for Skin Color Rebut Dated Notions of Race, Researchers Say
  193. Post your predicted GenePlaza intelligence
  194. How do Y-DNA and mtDNA lines change?
  195. Guess the Eurogenes K13 result
  196. What is the origin of brown hair?
  197. Post Eastern European Farmer Admixture (GenePlaza)
  198. PCA vs. Map of Polish regions
  199. Do you have the gay gene? Genes linked to homosexuality discovered by scientists
  200. Are modern Sicilians Descendants of Arabs?
  201. Facial hair growth on women of different races: Study by Javorsky et al. 2014
  202. My ancestors
  203. British DNA: Anglo-Saxon rule facilitated long-distance mixing (vs. endogamy of Celtic kingdoms)
  204. Balkan Cultural/Genetic Divisions
  205. King Tut DNA Lie Exposed. loool
  206. Your Coffee Metabolism
  207. Are Eastern Turks Proto Armenic?
  208. Post your Myheritage results
  209. Post your ANATOLIA_NEOLITHIC percentage on NEar East Neolithic k13.
  210. Does Veneto have Slavic influence?
  211. What is a good gedmatch calc. for finding eurasian ancestry?
  212. Guess someone with these GEDMATCH results
  213. Confirmed Melungeon descendant GEDmatch results
  214. Say, where can you contact McDonald to calculate your ethnicity for you?
  215. I got my calculation for MacDonald and you wont believe what he said XD
  216. Wildly disparate results for Egyptians on DNA tests
  217. Is race a social construct, and if so to what extent?
  218. My 24 Genetics results
  219. Which of the Genetic Tests is Most Accurate?
  220. White Southerner with Medeterranean Islander and Balkans results?
  221. Ragnar Lothbrok DNA?
  222. Is it possible that I have some Vlach ancestors
  223. Surprise as DNA reveals new group of Native Americans: the ancient Beringians
  224. Vojnik's Geneplaza results
  225. DNA from Ice Age Baby Uproots Native American Family Tree
  226. What percentage of people tested come to learn they are adopted or a love child?
  227. Unusual looking Ashkenazi
  228. Post your eyes!
  229. How we have different races.
  230. How Genetics Proves Creation VIM Years Ago...
  231. Linking Yenisei Kyrgyz to modern Kyrgyz R1a1a1b2 and R1a1a1b2a
  232. If You Have "Wrong" Haploprovenance, Do You Do Some Applicable Stuff...???
  233. Europeans Genetically Unchanged For The Last 36,000 Years
  234. My GPS Origins results.
  235. Answer to: "I'm German, but my German DNA doesn't show up on a DNA test"?!
  236. Angles, Saxons and Jutes who didn't Migrate
  237. Discovering my ancestry has made me despise Jews even more
  238. 25% Broadly NW Euro with 23andme
  239. Could it be possible that my mediterranean ancestry is mixed?
  240. Papuan/Denisovan as signal of ANE ancestry
  241. The 'founding fathers' of Europe: DNA reveals all Europeans are related to a group from Belgium
  242. Does anybody's dna results differ alot from your parent's results?
  243. "How DNA Testing Botched My Family's Heritage, and Probably Yours, Too"
  244. The Dravidianization of India
  245. Have you ever heard of a case where someone changed some views of their's after taking a DNA test?
  247. Asian Hun and Srubnaya admixture in the Hungarian Conquerors
  248. Ancient humans avoided inbreeding by networking
  249. South Slavs Native Balkan VS Slavic
  250. Moorish genetic legacy?