View Full Version : Genetics

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  1. My one on one comparisons with North Africans
  2. My Steppe K10 DIY Dodecad test results + post yours
  3. help interpreting my genetic results
  4. 23andMe got me buggin asf
  5. My new test results with my DNA.LAND 23andMe DNA file
  6. Canadian Métis (Apparently 1/4th Aboriginal)
  7. My mtDNA Wiki report: Proto-Slavic Corded Ware
  8. Haplogroup Nationalism
  9. DNA map of Ireland reveals the Irish have Viking and Norman ancestry and are far more genetically
  10. Are Sicilians closer genetically to Lebanese or North Italians?
  11. What am I
  12. Amerindian Mound-Builders and Kurgans from Eurasia.
  13. DNA of George Bähr (17th c. architect)
  14. Are Rusyns Magyars?
  15. I want proof that Eastern Africans are admixed.
  16. I bought myheritage test
  17. Proto-Indo-Europeans genetic makeup?
  18. Scandinavia was settled in multiple waves of migration just after the last Ice Age
  19. The Poll: Rh- vs. Rh+
  20. Face of the first Briton is revealed: DNA analysis shows 10,000-year-old man
  21. who else is left handed? tell us more about your left handedness
  22. Why is there alot of MENA on my Doug McDonald Chromosome Painting?
  23. Modern and aDNA samples pigmentation prediction (full listing)
  24. What race are the Dravidians?
  25. Neolithic British ancestry in Bronze Age Britain
  26. Did early Indo-Iranians have Mongoloid admixture?
  27. New 23andMe populations (Beta)
  28. Who are the purest Finno-Ugric people genetically?
  29. Arpad dynasty DNA (kings of Hungary & Croatia)
  30. Crusader Genetic Legacy In Iberia?
  31. Hello guys!
  32. Nobody studied yet the genes of Cosenza women?After more than 2000 years of Roman history!!!
  33. DIY Crispr - edit your genome yourself, at home!
  34. Arpad dynasty Mongoloid kings. R1a DNA is irrelevant without anthropological data.
  35. White Cuban DNA?
  36. Mongoloid R1a in Turkish comes from Mongoloid males mixing with Anatolian Europoid females
  37. What is the most likely scenario for R1b-M269
  38. Elongated skull DNA from Paracas, Peru
  39. What ethnicity is it ?
  40. A lot of genetic studies are jokes
  41. Most Asians have African mtDNA or Australoid Negrito maternal ? Japanese , Indians , Koreans ect ?
  42. Ancient british Isles DNA
  43. Which one are French people closer to? Turks or Moroccans?
  44. Eastern Finns: Bad habits or bad genes?
  45. Jesus Christ: The XX male?
  46. Are Indians truly Caucasoid?
  47. Cretan result modeled as mix of mainland Greek and Cypriot.
  48. Would you prefer having 1% SSA or 1% Australian Aborigines?
  49. Gedrosian admixture among Northern Europeans, Western Europeans and Eastern Europeans
  50. Best Model on GedMatch for Brits?
  51. Malagasy gedmatch results
  52. Celtic Vs British
  53. Ashkenazi MyHeritage results+GEDMatch results
  54. 23&Me V5 is now posible to uplaod on old Gedmatch
  55. New study on Iberian Peninsula genetics
  56. Mystery of the Vlachs and South Slavs
  57. Mitochondrial Eve is only 6,000 years old!
  58. Ancient DNA Is Rewriting Human (and Neanderthal) History - The Atlantic
  59. Mizrahi and Sephardi MyHeritage results + GEDmatch
  60. Haplogroup O from Mongol invasion ? from Turks ? or from Chinese ? in Central Asia, Middle east
  61. Half Hungarian half Berber Moroccan results
  62. 50% Palestinian Christian + 50% European = Ashkenazi?
  63. Myheritage country averages
  64. Any good genetic tests not owned by Jews?
  65. The Slavic Origin of Greek Macedonians
  66. Nabatea1(TheBedouin) Myhertiage results
  67. Nabatea1(TheBedouin) Wegene results
  68. Confused by GEDmatch results - please tell me what they mean
  69. Tosk vs Gheg vs Arbereshe PCA map
  70. Anatolian Turks 16.04% N, 3.77% Q
  71. Genetic Study On The Western Balkans
  72. Intro to Genotyping video
  73. Andronovo horse-riders crashed into India!
  74. A theory of Irish genetics :
  75. 23andme update WOW! What a joke!
  76. How small is statistically noise?
  77. How large is the Basque influence over Aragon?
  78. Caucasian element among the Balkanites?
  79. Ukrainian women 3x more Ancient than Ukrainian men?
  80. Exposing the nordicist lie.There is virtually no difference between North and South.
  81. British Beakers (Olalde 2018) on Gedmatch
  82. My mom 151 population results
  83. Who does the best DNA testing?
  84. Can someone explain this to me?
  85. Blood type as a (basic) tool ?
  86. Also can somebody explain to me this, too? (By the way: I'm not troll, I'm only curious)
  87. Are some populations genetically healthier than others?
  88. Assyrian MyHeritage results
  89. Is Oceanian a Negroid component?
  90. New Prometheause for free report
  91. Does anybody have Australia DNA tests?
  92. 500k geneplaza
  93. The Golden State Killer was found via DNA genealogy—and he won’t be the last
  94. Average Japanese are genetically 25% Southeast Asian!
  95. 24 geetics Ancestry Report for Mortimer proves my russian ancestry
  96. 4% Haplogroup K and 7% Haplogroup N in Cologne?
  97. 10 Shocking Results from DNA Ancestry Tests
  98. My gencove DNA results
  99. russian
  100. DNA: Japanese men rape Black women , North Chinese women, Korean women from the Japanese empire ???
  101. Has anyone purchased a test from an unauthorized seller?
  102. How do you convince older relatives to test?
  103. How come there haven't been a lot of genetic studies done on the Pennsylvania Dutch?
  104. Native Americans are significantly Eurasian shifted?
  105. Mortimer Skin Report
  106. Profileid is genetically Anglo despite having no English ancestry
  107. Which country has the highest Mediterranean admixture?
  108. Chechen and Circassian people have Arab origins...
  109. Which European component do you find most interesting?
  110. What percentage of SSA blood do you think Meghan Markle has?
  111. Ancient Germanic R1b-U106 chieftain from Slovakia on GEDmatch
  112. What is the steppe component in calcs?
  113. Spain or Italy: Which Is Better for Genetic and Biomedical Research?
  114. Males vs females phenotypes in one ethnicity
  115. About how much European ancestry Meghan Markle's mother has:
  116. Modern day natural selection
  117. English Anglo-Saxon vs Celtic DNA
  118. Are Spanish more related to Germans or Irish?
  119. Maghreb Jews
  120. Sterilisation of mulattoes in Germany: justified?
  121. DNA Land: regional averages
  122. MyHeritage: regional averages
  123. Gencove: regional averages
  124. GenePlaza: regional averages
  125. How Neanderthal are modern day humans?
  126. Study: Ancient Icelanders mix of Celtic and Norse ancestry
  127. Turkish diverse DNA proof they are a DNA of many different groups.
  128. The Area of WHG Northern Blacks i.e. mainly I-people.
  129. New Genetic Study Seriously Challenges Darwin’s Theory Of Evolution
  130. MyHeritage DNA testing service reveals 92mn user accounts have been breached
  131. Are Africans (SSAs and NAs) more human than the rest of modern humans?
  132. Northeast European admixture among Central and East Asians?
  133. Weren't Proto "INDO" Europeans South Asian plus European mongrels?
  134. Proto Indo European admixture =? ANE admixture
  135. Why Caucasoid/Europid traits are recessive?
  136. Which ethnicity is more likely to score everything on a DNA test?
  137. Guess Donald J. Trump's Ancestry composition
  138. Turks R1a is Mongoloids, extraordinary evidence yet again
  139. How come North Caucasians are genetically closer to Middle Easterns rather than Eastern Europeans?
  140. Purest Blacks and Mongoloids?
  141. Ripples on the surface. Surnames and genes in Sicily and Southern Italy
  142. Southern Europeans or Northern Europeans?
  143. Y chromosome haplogroup D2a1 is significantly associated with high levels of luteinizing hormone
  144. Alnortedelsur Updated Gencove Results
  145. New Ancestry DNA update help!
  146. Is it possible to determine who of the two identical twin brothers is a father?
  147. Black Death spread with the Indo-Europeans
  148. Turkic people's West Mediterranean, North Atlantic and Baltic admixture?
  149. Iranians or Saudis?
  150. There is NO British-Iberian connection.
  151. North to South, East to West, overall genetic distance?
  152. Why South Slavs from Dinaric Alps have low percentage of R1b?
  153. Non-mongoloid admixture of Turkic people? Does it come from Iranics?
  154. If Your DNA Information Is Being Sold, Shouldn’t You Make The Profit?
  155. A study argues that the European Jewish genome is a mosaic of Caucasus, European, and Semitic.
  156. Portuguese 23andme results!
  157. Who is genetically more different? Siclians and Iberians or British and Iberians?
  158. Northern and Eastern Europeans have more Neanderthal admixture than Southern and Western Europeans?
  159. Classify someone from these population
  160. French people. The most Proto Europid people, I guess.
  161. How To Strengthen Your DNA And Create Super Babies
  162. Turkey or the entire Northern Europe? Which one is genetically more diverse?
  163. Do these tests accurately predict "Arab" or "Near Eastern" admix or is it Mediterranean based?
  164. Correlations between ethnic toponymy and DNA
  165. Who has more NE Euro ancestry? Sicilians or Lebanese?
  166. My new Xcodelife Report
  167. DNA results 23andme and Gedmatch
  168. Lothar Matthäus MyHeritage results
  169. Albanians. Closer to Turks or closer to Ukrainians in terms of genetics?
  170. Robert Pires MyHeritage results
  171. Which other nation have more Turkish blood except for Turkic nations?
  172. How much Iranid influence do Kazakhs and Kyrgyzs have?
  173. Is it safe to assume that Yemeni is 25%> MENA / Arab Genetically?
  174. Genetic similarity of Tollense warriors (1250 BC) to modern populations
  175. IberoHellenic MyHeritage+GEDmatch results
  176. South Caucasian populations have had the same genetic profile since the Bronze Age
  177. Adygei people and genetics...
  178. DNA test dilemma....
  179. Ashkenazim Jews, Italians and Adyghe people.
  180. Is there more Turkish input in the Levant or Semitic/Levantine input in Turkey?
  181. 23andme v5 and gedmatch
  182. African Admixture Among Europeans and Northwest Asians
  183. Ancient and Medieval Estonian DNA
  184. Removing country from k36 mapping calculator question
  185. "Race is a social construct" - what that statement really means
  186. Altai people?
  187. New calculator - compare yourself with 33 populations
  188. Who is the most Neanderthal here?
  189. Post your Kurdish ancestry calculator (yourdnaportal)
  190. Altai people are slightly more Northern shifted than North Caucasians overall. How can this happen?
  191. Groundbreaking study reveals modern Southeast Asians descend from FOUR different ancient populations
  192. What is your favorite DNA testing service?
  193. Is it also worth doing ancestryDNA?
  194. When will LivingDNA.com start providing ethnicity estimates for data uploads?
  195. Which European ethnicity are Ayghe people closest overall in terms of genetics?
  196. Some claim, Altai people are blend of Iranic and Tungic (Northeast Asian) people. How true is that?
  197. K13/K15 and south german question.
  198. African admixture in Europe:
  199. What do you guys think of LivingDNA?
  200. How come North Caucasians are genetically closer to Middle Easterns rather than Eastern Europeans?
  201. Réunion GEDmatch results
  202. My parents' DNA Tribes results
  203. Does anyone have a reference for GEDMatch kits that are part Italian?
  204. Iberians or South Siberians. Which group is more Northern shifted overall on PCA chart?
  205. post your 23andme ancestry composition
  206. Northern Semites are genetically closer to Persians than they are to Southern Semites. Agree or disa
  207. Can Mediterranian/South European admixture cause blond hair and blue eyes?
  208. post your livingDNA results (if anyone has one)
  209. My grandma's MyHeritage vs GEDmatch vs DNA Land
  210. Which is the most Caucasoid ethnic group in the world?
  211. Questions based on my K36 mapping
  212. Guys, why MTDNA haplogroups are more scattered in disorder in comparison with YDNA?
  213. Lower Silesian German GEDmatch results
  214. Brits and Yugoslavs?
  215. Romani Dna Tests more Middle Eastern than Indian
  216. What does it mean?
  217. Do males get more of the Father's DNA to manifest in test results?
  218. Circassians or Central French: which one is more Northern shifted?
  219. DNA Results Range
  220. The results of a tunisian (me)
  221. Turkey, Adana. Population admixture results:
  222. Why are Assyrians genetically closer to Iranians than they are to Saudis and Bedouins?
  223. Mila Kunis is 96 percent Jewish - and dissapointed
  224. What were your main motivations for taking a DNA test?
  225. Can someone explain the Different Eurogenes tests on GEDMATCH, and what the results mean?
  226. Anyone do the Global25?
  227. My DNA Land Results
  228. Northern shift does not always mean lighter pigmentation. Am I right?
  229. Regression (progression) toward the mean
  230. Phenotypical similarity =/= genetic similarity. What do you think?
  231. Can anyone create a MDLP K23b PCA?
  232. British people: genetically closer to Russians or closer to Iberians?
  233. 23andme matches Jewish DNA to Iraq
  234. How German are you?
  235. Deleted
  236. How German are you in Eurogenes K13?
  237. Which European ethnicity is the least "West Eurasian" in terms of ancestry?
  238. new K47 calc added to yourdnaportal.com
  239. Post results of yourDNAportal MDLPK 33
  240. Why the children of the identical twin women that married identical twin men will be genetic SIBLING
  241. Germanic tribes
  242. Post your Global25 modern and ancient
  243. Asian SNP article
  244. How much SSA would an average Arabid score?
  245. French or Serbs. Which one is genetically closer to Finns overall?
  246. Guys, genetically speaking...
  247. Iranian DNA
  248. Why do people separate Germanic and Celtic peoples if they are almost identical genetically?
  249. 50k Year Old Girl Found to be 1/2 Neaderthal and 1/2 Denisovan
  250. Viking DNA from Sigtuna