View Full Version : Dating and Relationships

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  1. Would you marry a leftist/progressive woman?
  2. you think this is legit?
  3. How to make a European feel more homey in America?
  4. Do you prefer women of your own ethnicity or foreign?
  5. Talking Sex Robots With Warm Genitals Will Be on Sale Next Year
  6. Small or Big Penis? (VIDEO)
  7. Can horsefaced men be "slayers"?
  8. Question only for Girls
  9. Girls who is your Apricity Heartthrob? Guys Who is your Apricity Sweetheart?
  10. Masculine vs Feminine Face shape. Long vs Short
  11. Are there any men here like me that can't separate sex and emotions?
  12. What is the youngest you would/would have considered getting married?
  13. Women: How would you feel if you found out that your handsome husband got a custom jaw implant?
  14. East Asian vs. Black men: Who's better looking facially on average?
  15. 10 Best Names That Make Best Husbands and Wives
  16. Male or female?
  17. Unexplained surge in number of men who want to share their girlfriends
  18. Albanians and Greeks and sexual relations
  19. Rate the average person of each race/ethnicity
  20. Are you attracted to people who resemble your parents?
  21. Do you often get pussy?
  22. Men: What would you do?
  23. Guys dines and dashes, leaves date with $163 tab.
  24. Museum of Broken Relationships: Zagreb, Croatia/Los Angeles, USA
  25. BRUTAL Dick Pill: Vaginas have special nerve endings for 8"+ cocks
  26. Red Pill on Normie Ratings
  27. What is love based on?
  28. Recommend your favourite quality dating/single sites to the TA community
  29. Do you agree with this guy's theory?
  30. 1939 Marriage Test
  31. The views towards you
  32. 5 Guys You Should NEVER Date
  33. the more I grow old, the more I want to bang any young non fat female I see around
  34. Would you marry yourself?
  35. The fact that Stears got a gf from this forum
  36. Girls: Are you still in love with the guy you lost your virginity to?
  37. Who is the more vulerable sex, in relationships?
  38. good looking ladies looking for husband
  39. Dating a Greek woman
  40. Brunettes vs Blondes
  41. When does "no" not mean "no"
  42. Beware of dating racial or ethnic self-haters
  43. How to get a girlfriend?
  44. Explosive temperament
  45. The concept of marriage is flawed
  46. The concept of "getting laid"
  47. Don't believe there's girl for everyone
  48. Are you seriously triggered/offended
  49. Should I send video to my crush?
  50. Reason why I can't get girlfriend
  51. Interracial: Asian men white women AMWF vs White men White Asian WMAF ( Eurasian, Indians ? )
  52. How to deal with social expectations?
  53. Instagram's favourite Viking: Norwegian Navy officer has the internet swooning
  54. Sex with an Attractive Woman vs. Eating Delicious Food
  55. We Only Fall in Love with 3 People in Our Lifetime—Each One for a Specific Reason.
  56. Would You Donate Your Organs To Someone You Love? 💕
  57. The future of dating and mating: OKCupid, meet 23andme
  58. How did you spend your Valentine's Day?
  59. Cheapest, uncreative pickuplines....?
  60. Real man fight for his woman
  61. Sudden Repulsion Syndrome: When One Tiny Thing Your Partner Does Spells Doom for the Relationship
  62. Im checking out this vietnamese chick on a other forum
  63. Most attractive race/nationality and/or racial mix?
  64. Post the profile of the significant other you seek or you have already
  65. Do you like gypsy guys?
  66. urope's first brothel where customers pay £100 an hour for sex with hi-tech DOLLS opens in Spain
  67. Is THIS the future of online dating?
  68. Men:Will u marry lady 10 yrs older
  69. What would be the opposite of the slutty schoolgirl?
  70. Do you like mongoloid features on women ?
  71. Europe's first brothel where customers pay £100 an hour for sex with DOLLS opens in Spain
  72. Promiscuous
  73. European vs. American women
  74. This Wednesday I might escape hell of inceldom
  75. Am I a selfhater?
  76. Do you find "cool girls" attractive?
  77. I Really Hope My Future Child Isn’t A Girl
  78. That's what im getting myselfi into.
  79. Why am i into hood boys?
  80. 18 years old, slept with 12 guys, slut or not?
  81. Women are now more likely to get married in their early 50s than their early 20s
  82. The agony of being TOO BEAUTIFUL to be faithful! Attractive couples are more likely to divorce
  83. Sex triggers an 'afterglow' that lasts two whole days - and helps to make relationships stronger
  84. Have you ever been a "racial traitor"?
  85. 'Opposites attract' is a MYTH: People who disagree with us trigger negative feelings that lead to re
  86. Controversial study claims monogamy may NOT be the best approach for human relationships
  87. Polish girl falls in love with indian man and marries him
  88. Why online dating doesnt work out for me?
  89. TA Members: how many kids you have?
  90. Make Mortimer slender again!
  91. I'd like to have a partner
  92. Why ugly men always attract the prettiest women
  93. Short guys are sub humans
  94. To White Men: What are your feelings if you had a daughter whom dated a minority?
  95. The Sacred Act Of Racial Purification, White/MENA Men With Indian/Pakistani Women
  96. @All TA woman
  97. How to accept fact that you will stay alone for rest of your life?
  98. I'm afraid of girls
  99. Gay priviledge
  100. I really love this girl
  101. Making Out With Other People
  102. Why Are Women Such Hypocrites?
  103. Who's closer to being straight: lesbians or asexuals?
  104. What would you say the most common mistake is....?
  105. 16 Online Dating Stories So Freaky You'll Want to Quit the Internet
  107. Women who do not wear hoop earrings will not make very good wives
  108. My boyfriend is wonderful and loving but he has a tiny penis
  109. FBI translator secretly married Islamic State leader
  110. How you gonna protect your women from LOVE JIHAD?
  111. Attractive people are less likely being racist
  112. Why you should stay single until you've met a man like this
  113. Would you be ok if your sister or daughter married a black guy?
  114. Uyghur Turk Mongoloid-Caucasoid intermarriage. Is it interracial ?
  115. Alpha/Beta = Nature or Nurture?
  116. Which Race Of Women Date/Marry Inter-Racially The Most? I Will Tell You
  117. Do you think religion breeds beta male providers?
  118. Your first crush ever
  119. Balding/Norwoodism
  120. What Love Looks Like Before and After 30
  121. Why its not always men who want a no-strings-attached relationship
  122. Would you marry your girlfriend if you found out she had sex with a undesired ethnicity?
  123. Why you should NEVER describe yourself as 'happy' or 'shy'
  124. Would you date/marry an Iberian person?
  125. How to forget the fail
  126. How many seconds or minutes are you sexually attracted to another person?
  127. How come men move on so fast after a break-up?
  128. Do you think Wendy Sulca is a virgin?
  129. I'm going to look for a Syro-malabar wife.
  130. Women and Beards
  131. Would you ever date a physically disabled person?
  132. Successful marriage depends on husband's attitude: Research
  133. How Would You Deal with the Baldness If Your Head Becomes Bald?
  134. Is your partner lying to you? Use the 'Columbo Method' from the famous TV detective to trick them in
  135. Do majority of women prefer white guys?
  136. How To Win Friends and Influence People
  137. Study reveals women have the best sex of their lives at 36 and over
  138. Family guys are alpha males
  139. The Ideal Sexual Body Type Around The World
  140. Wives are obligated by the Church to have sex on demand,and obey their husbands
  141. Is anyone who posts here married, and has children?
  142. Paris Hilton: 'I Can't Stand Black Guys'
  143. What IS sex addiction?
  144. My nephew texted me
  145. A Question For Female Users
  146. Ugliest possible part of woman body: Deformed toes?
  147. can gay men be alpha males too?
  148. Would you date a transgender?
  149. Turan blood refresh
  150. Which of these options do you consider as homosexual?
  151. Girl drove 2.5 hours to meet Chad Thundercock
  152. What sub-race is last person you kissed?
  153. Obsessed with ass, anal sex, and tight jeans/pants?
  154. I'd probably get laid more if I looked more Negroid facially
  155. Am I sick?
  156. this man rode a bike from india to sweden for love
  157. Do you know anyone who's gone from incel to stud post-highschool
  158. Jewish man blows his Indian wifes brains Out With A Pistol Then Kills Himself
  159. Women are sluts.
  160. Something has to be done about these hoes
  161. The secret to making up after a fight
  162. Which girl of the three large Euro ethnicities would you like to date?
  163. is love weakness for you
  164. Do you settle for anything less than a 10?
  165. Would you date a transsexual?
  166. 89% of men are aroused by female children.
  167. WESTERNERS: What kind of marriage you prefer
  168. How to get good traditional wife - by Varg Vikernes
  169. Can (nonsexual, platonic) friendships between 2 attractive persons occur?
  170. Blonde women are overrated.
  171. Now that, is how you write a Love Letter
  172. Gift ideas for girlfriend
  173. are there any societies nowadays where women are openly monopolized by hot guys
  174. Flitch of Bacon – an old British custom of rewarding a piece of bacon to a happily married couple
  175. Which spouse would you choose?
  176. Anal sex is cleaner than oral
  177. What race will you marry
  178. Is Asian "White Fever" in the West a myth?
  179. American PUA on Eastern European men
  180. New sex robots with "frigid" settings allow men to simulate rape
  181. The 1796 “perfect wife” experiment of Thomas Day took control freak to new levels
  182. Leftist hypocrisy toward women
  183. Deadly dueling for hand of maiden?
  184. Why women can't resist men sporting bushy beards
  185. Rate my beard
  186. Rate my biceps
  187. The "Appropriate Ages" For Marriage From Cultures Around The World
  188. "Beyond the Grave" Nuptial Practices From Around the World
  189. Nikola Tesla on Women - Why He Never Married
  190. Men want ambition-diggers
  191. Are you a gold digger?
  192. He had an affair...
  193. Wife of 39 years fails in divorce refusal appeal
  194. The Irresistible Lust Many Indian Women Have For Giant Big Strong White Men Like Me, Proof
  195. What makes a woman wife material?
  196. Worst heartbreak youve ever gotten over someone?
  197. Finally I established a contact on Gypsy dating site. But she doesnt speak English
  198. What do you think about dating girls/guys with tattoos and piercings?
  199. Patrice O'Neal Educates TA Incels On How To Get Laid
  200. What nationality do you find more attractive?
  201. Who should provide in a relationship?
  202. Example of "exclusively heterosexual" answers on Kinsey test
  203. Who gets more girls?
  204. Is this the reason some women fancy other women?
  205. why do you believe women need men to have a happy life?
  206. Do you have a "work spouse"?
  207. Would you ever swing?
  208. WADAAD!!!!! I WEEP FOR YOU!!!!!!
  209. Pomosexual, Menosexual, And 13 Other Sexuality Terms You Maybe Never Heard Of
  210. How the fuck do you reject a gay?
  211. Ladies, you've got competition
  212. How To Successfully Seduce A Woman You Are Dating Without Raping Her
  213. Any other white guys have an attraction to Indian and Black Women?
  214. Real Life Chronicles: The Real Story of Indian Cheating Wives With White Men
  215. Women don't care (much) about looks
  216. Thai ladyboys beat the crap out of Muricans xD
  217. Does Your Significant Other's Y-DNA Haplogroup Matter For Dating? It Does For Me
  218. I want to divorce my husband because of his Y-DNA haplogroup!!
  219. Songs that remind you of the girl you like or your GF
  220. Picky Bitch has 77 first dates and still not satisfied
  221. how to win over the girl I love?
  222. need help with this
  223. Would you date a rolezeira?
  224. "Help, I Can't Stop Hooking Up With Trump Supporters"
  225. Female Day Vs Incel Day
  226. Blatant Communication Issues
  227. Non-Whites question: Would you go out with a racist white person?
  228. When I visit my Indian in-laws
  229. Men Describe the Creepiest Girl They've Ever Met
  230. Cold or Emotional Women?
  231. 10 Reasons To Love a Finnish Man
  232. Melania Trump: the ideal wife, and female role model?
  233. In which age would you like to have a husband?
  234. How Sigmund Freud Tried to Break and Remake His Fiancée
  235. White Americans Are The Most Endogamous When It Comes To Marriage In USA
  236. Class and Dating
  237. Are there such things as objective standards of beauty?
  238. Tell us about your Dream Girl or Dream Man if you are female
  239. Marriage: Is the Sacred Bond a Result of Social Evolution or Deliberate Design?
  240. The truth about women
  241. We're just too clever to find a boyfriend!
  242. Husbands are happy with more gender equality, but wives are still divorcing them
  243. The Crusade To Destroy,Breed And Racially Purify SouthAsian Females/Civilization Begins Now JOIN ME!
  244. In which age would you like to have a wife?
  245. The crusade to purify european women with aryan sperm
  246. Golden Rules Guidline For European and MENA men for Breeding/Dating/Penetrating South Asian Females
  247. Is 3 weeks too soon to ask a girl out.
  248. How do you draw the line or difference between "date" and "hanging around"
  249. would you date bisexual woman ?
  250. Would You Have Children For The Sake Of Spreading Your DNA And Continuing Your Race/People?