View Full Version : Dating and Relationships

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  1. Is it gay and-or lesbian?
  2. Cuckolds - should they be told the truth?
  3. #NoSex movement against men
  4. White men- the only good men in world
  5. Why do you care about race mixing if
  6. What were the names of your crushes?
  7. People from where do you think would be the easiest for you to date and which would be the hardest?
  8. Any guys here ever got tinder matches?
  9. What are good, free dating apps/sites for someone looking to find a woman interested in marriage?
  10. How to find a date without using social media?
  11. Women Want Love, Men Want Respect?
  12. Is polygamy inherently wrong, or is it just a violation of Western cultural norms?
  13. Did you get your crush's cell phone number in high school?
  14. Did you have the same crush throughout high school, or did you have many different crushes?
  15. Have you ever had a crush on someone who was dating someone else?
  16. Have you interacted with your high school crush since high school?
  17. How irritating did your high school crush find you?
  18. Mona Lisa isn't all that pretty: She loses points for her 'manly' face AND double chin, according to
  19. Τhe biggest age gap you've ever had in a relationship was..?
  20. Do you think love has a season?
  21. What are some good ways to get back in touch to people I went to high school with?
  22. What is the origin of the 'hook up' culture and how popular is it? (Catholic vs Prostestant)
  23. Do I have a chance with Asian girls?
  24. Ladies in STEM jobs depressed
  25. Wife must fulfil hubby’s SEXUAL deaires
  26. Is it wise to start a family in your early 20s?
  27. Getting someone's number experiment - Alpha and Beta ways
  28. Indian men mil wife for money
  29. Feedback from a female friend about my dating character
  30. Are girls more likely to date a boy if he has sisters?
  31. Can a relationship that starts in middle school actually ever work out in the long run?
  32. How to matter and to be treated better if you are ugly
  33. Do you believe that being ugly will be a choice cause someday?
  34. Struggles within Ethnically Mixed Relationships
  35. I used facebook to announce that im seeking a woman
  36. I found out who my rival likes...should I spread it around the school?
  37. .....
  38. Which of these ways can more efficient to eliminate potential rivals and take attention
  39. Why am I asked where I am from as a pickup line?
  40. women: does smoking cigarettes make guys more or less attractive to you?
  41. Local College assistant caught having sex with Politician influenced Businessman
  42. #metoo has gone full retard Part 2
  43. Your oppossite gender?
  44. Is your significant other not showing interest in your culture a valid reason to be turned off?
  45. who is whiter - nw euros or ne euros
  46. do u use tinder?
  47. hav u ever done the booty bop on a first date?
  48. How jealous are you?
  49. Who is the cutest Greek member?
  50. 7 Ways to Strengthen Your Relationship
  51. Who is the cutest Spaniard/German member?
  52. Do you agree that the dynamics of 21. century's relationships have killed the epic side of love
  53. need help with this baby thing
  54. Who is the cutest Assyrian member?
  55. Would you marry a Hijabi woman?
  56. Is it too bad to have a Chubby face and thick neck for men
  57. A true man is WHOREMONGER
  58. What type of eyes do you find most attractive?
  59. What do you expect in a partner?
  60. i need special advices because i do a specific phenotype and an genetical dating research
  61. Do every straight male needs a woman to spend his life near/with her?
  62. Why middle Eastern girls are not popular among mens
  63. Are Bosnians the most open to intermarriage of all Eastern Europeans?
  64. If an opposite gender person has similar facial features with you, is it attracts you?
  65. Germany: Man stabs pregnant woman, kills unborn child
  66. Do you think will it be more sensible for ugly men to date with artificial intelligence?
  67. What is more important, inner or outer beauty?
  68. Chivalry: A Muslimah's views
  69. passionate or calm girl ?
  70. Do female volleyball players have the most beautiful look?
  71. Your best way to get to the girl?
  72. Why people think that liking one asian guy mean that i have asian fetish
  73. Do any TA women want to meet up with Mortimer?
  74. about what i desire and their different axis
  75. What European phenotype/taxonomy do you most often get hit on by with the opposite sex?
  76. White men can't be incel
  77. What do thou think about European ancestry males that are taking non-european ancestry females?
  78. What do you guys think of so called "niceguys"?
  79. Asian women dont prefer white men
  80. Is it okay if a girl had many boyfriend's but she is still Virgin
  81. Can you guys share any clauses with me for a checklist to have a succesful date?
  82. Are you ass man or boob man?
  83. Med women are amazing
  84. Is mental illness the leading cause of loneliness among men
  85. Which European phenotype produces the best looking milattos?
  86. Slavic men are as attractive as salvic women
  87. Is it because of height that people think that asian women look better than asian men
  88. Ethnic group who are open to dating north west European are popular
  89. Who is your mother's greatest Crush of all time?
  90. Who do you ship on apricity ?
  91. Do you ever had crush on someone on apricity?
  92. Do anyone from apricity had crush on you
  93. med women thread
  94. What should i consider for try to meet and date with a Turkish person
  95. serious dating,values,ethinicity and politics please read and answer
  96. Lack of sex is making me too agressive and irritable
  97. Do girls prefer guys who are skinny over those with a medium build?
  98. Chinese Incel Rapper Disses White Sexpats
  99. different sociological angles and the metaphysical cords theory
  100. Welcome to the Applecity Dating (The FUTURE Is Here)
  101. How does a Love Calculator work?
  102. Rate me out of 10
  103. Opinions?
  104. fuck the dating norms! girls of under 20 could you hypotetically date me?
  105. >F*cebook Dating
  106. Compilation of Asian women putting down their own men
  107. Should sex with a robot be considered cheating?
  108. Have you been loved?
  109. In my waking phantasies, I have made love to more Black women than..
  110. Post your favorite romantic ballads
  111. Is this singlet okay for a straight man?
  112. Can anybody find me somebody to love?
  113. How many times have you married in your life?
  114. Relationship Status poll
  115. Me and a younger woman?
  116. Can you list all possible reasons why I have never had a girlfriend
  117. Shouldn't women be held accountable for when men commit suicide?
  118. Asian man argues that caucasians are physically inferior to mongoloid men
  119. Girls would you date a smoker?
  120. I’m in love with this girl from class
  121. I am starting to fall for a woman on TA
  122. The Rigid, Proper and Crude: Flirting and Courting Customs from Centuries Ago
  123. There are so many cute arab girls at my school
  124. Thick or thinner lips?
  125. Never cry over a woman
  126. Why are you an incel?
  127. Do you think im "weird" and that is one of the reasons why girls dont like me?
  128. Do Indian men prefer Indian women or Non-Indian women?
  129. Most Women don't care about Money
  130. How tall are you and what height would you prefer your spouse/partner to be?
  131. What are some indications that you should give up and forget about ever dating or kissing
  132. OkCupid to partner with 23andMe
  133. Red Pill Thread
  134. what did you think about that?
  135. New experience with my GF
  136. single men. how to date a woman
  137. Why Do Good Girls Like Bad Guys?
  138. You Know You are Dating a POLISH Man When...
  139. wich countries they are if i take her as reference
  140. Sorry nick Jonas
  141. Have you ever written and delivered a love letter?
  142. I Want It All
  143. Love in 21 century
  144. Which girl would you choose?
  145. If I had a son with a chinese wife?
  146. What to do if you stop seeing someone you like
  147. QUIZ: Is He Cute or Is He Just Tall and White?
  148. Should men be allowed to have more than one wife?
  149. The song for our first date
  150. Dating amongst different cultures
  151. what economic level change in the male/female dating/seeking approach
  152. Should men pay the bills fully or separately?
  153. At what age did you lose your virginity, and what is the normal age to lose it where you live?
  154. Would you marry a single mum/dad?
  155. Have you ever been friendzoned?
  156. the way forward lads
  157. Are most women hypergamous?
  158. Porn movie selection
  159. Describe your ideal partner
  160. The Convoluted Way We Talk About Sex, Dating, and Romance
  161. This Is Why Women Really Don’t Want To Date Single Dads
  162. Would you abort or give away your down syndrome kid?
  163. To be loved
  164. How to find a Swedish woman?
  165. How this date rape wristband can tell if your drink has been spiked
  166. Please give me a Finish woman
  167. Men and Women Can't Be "Just Friends"
  168. women's unrealistic expectations of men
  169. My first date with Germanin
  170. italian or turkish girls???
  171. Pole flirt with Indian women
  172. Hey!! Where are all the single men at lol!!
  173. "Shy Boys IRL" (A Male Incel/Loveshy/PUA Documentary) (w/Jim's voiceover)
  174. This forum need to attract more female members
  175. Which boi would you choose?
  176. Which girl would you choose?
  177. Have you ever made love to an older man?
  178. Have you ever made love to an older woman?
  179. being french,anglo-speaking in the dating pool
  180. What are your thoughts on older women dating younger men?
  181. Pick (and classify) a New York Times twink. (trigger warning: Euro twinks)
  182. Are you part of the "hookup culture"?
  183. girl beaten up by boyfriend
  184. White Nationalists from Western Europe and the Anglo countries: question
  185. What is the difference between Northern European women and Southern European women, personality wise
  186. Whats a real man to you?
  187. Is it possible to find love if you have never been kissed past my age or is it over?
  188. do women like these beards???
  189. Do any guys here get tinder matches?
  190. Is there someone who ever had a crush on me?
  191. Are redhair women more attracted to brunette men than blond women to brunette men?
  192. Is there someone who ever had a crush on me 2
  193. Any TA girls into brothers?
  194. Would you approach the other gender in public and how?
  195. Will they date him for his money?
  196. women of TA could you help me on this very serious topic
  197. guy breaks his girlfriends face
  198. kill all men
  199. russian or turkish girls??
  200. Have you ever on a date before?
  201. post your ideal hair/beard style
  202. Here's what women think of short men
  203. guys, what is your ideal female body type???
  204. Who is your apricity crush ?
  205. What would be the best part of the US for me?
  206. Documentary Series: "(IGN) Geek Love" (all eps.) (w/Jim's voiceover)
  207. Does he look autistic? Also rate his looks
  208. Here's the reason why you're a single virgin loser
  209. Fav sex position?
  210. ...
  211. How do men feel when they cuddle with a woman?
  212. Refugee robbed me today...
  213. women. what is your ideal male body type??
  214. Deleted thread
  215. The ideal body type for men and women !
  216. I wish that just one female on TA would have a crush on me
  217. Can a man be submissive in a relationship?
  218. Women are also infidels; Increasingly.
  219. Who do you find more attractive: rugby players or soccer players?
  220. what can men do???
  221. Should the state pay child support??
  222. Bullies are sexier, more popular and have more dates
  223. How would you react if one of your parent come out as gay/bisexual?
  224. Briffault's Law
  225. Is there a point in getting married and having children?
  226. "Couple Tries an Open Relationship for a Month." (w/Jim's voiceover)
  227. Monogamy in Mediterranean Europe vs Northern Europe?
  228. which nationality should join??
  229. Have you ever dated someone outside of your race/color?
  230. Do most women prefer tall men, even if they aren't good looking?
  231. Central European Women vs. Mediterranean Women, what do you prefer?
  232. Jim's stream: MALE INCELS ARE RISING UP #thotnocide (/r9k/iller, incel political party, glossary)
  233. Ladies: Would you like to be BREADWINNER
  234. Are you turned on by bad breath?
  235. When was your latest date?
  236. Question for girls
  237. would yall niggas smack a bitch
  238. Do you ever find that all girls on Tinder seem completly the same?
  239. Since when did casual sex become a common and acceptable practice?
  240. Is It Possible to Fall in Love With Someone You Have Only Met Online?
  241. Woman complains about dating a 40 year old...
  242. Relationship with single mother
  243. Im such a unlucky guy
  244. Should a guy who is ugly, fat or brown be talking to girls
  245. my ex has a son
  246. solution to the incel question
  247. For Newworlders: Which race or ethnicity have more goldiggers in percent?
  248. Arranged marriage is not available for me
  249. why does the Manosphere exist?
  250. Rate Ugandan woman