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  1. Who do the Lebanese resemble more? Greeks or Gujaratis?
  2. Faces of Our Ancestors
  3. Province of Bari, Apulia, Italy
  4. New idea
  5. Secular Change of Cephalic Index of Croatian Medical Students
  6. what are the differences between baltid and borreby?
  7. Proto-Indo-Europeans(Aryans)
  8. What Race Were The Original Q Haplogroup Carriers?
  9. Georgians: Which of these places can they fit? Check all that apply (multiple choice).
  10. Exeter Chiefs rugby team from Exeter, Devon, Southwest England
  11. Most Attractive Meds (POLL)
  12. Post Ethiopians and Eritreans who can pass in the Arabian Peninsula.
  13. Polish national football team, which goalkeepers/foootballers look the most distinctly Polish to you
  14. Bani Lam Bedouin tribe of Southern Iraq
  15. which eye area looks more european-white?
  16. Jews/Semites are mainly Neanderthal according to Arber
  17. Pure Hallstatt-Nordids from Southern Europe
  18. Where would you place these people
  19. SUTTEE
  20. Keltic Examples
  21. Any studies looking at both IQ and cranial index? Post your cranial index, head circumference and IQ
  22. Pigmentation-wise, what distinguishes Northern and Southern Europeans more?
  23. What's your shoulder widht (bi-deltoids)?
  24. differences between Poles and Germans
  25. Robust but small boned?
  26. Some words have been around since at least the ice age
  27. Who fits better in Sicily - Serbs or Albanians?
  28. Which look more alike: Iberians to French or Romanians and Bulgarians to Ukrainians?
  29. Berberid a sub-type of Nordic
  30. Nubian mummy hair study
  31. post your anthropometric measurements
  32. What are the differences between alpinids and baltid
  33. Is Silverknight atypically white for his ancestry?
  34. Silverknight thinks he's white?
  35. What is your skull type?
  36. The Racial Composition of the Japanese Olympia Team of 1936
  37. Are Whites With Sloping Foreheads More Primitive?
  38. how i get westafrican genes
  39. Cro-Magnon!
  40. Girls Handball Teams by Country
  41. Haplogroup hierarchy Superiority
  42. Differences between Ancient Romans and Ancient Greeks in appearance.
  43. Main phenotypes among Hasidic Jews
  44. Which European countries have the highest percentages of natives who can pass outside Europe?
  45. Atypical Euro looking population of non-Euro nations; answer YES or NO for my estimations
  46. Khoisanid race - San people
  47. Are EuroAsians really homo sapiens sapiens?
  48. Councillors from Birmingham, West Midlands, England
  49. Celtiberians: Problems and Debates......................yes, probably not celtic
  50. Hominin DNA baffles experts
  51. Psychoanalytical observation of the alpignid race soul
  52. Humans are Pig-Chimpanzee Hybrids
  53. Average Human in 2050?
  54. Egyptians are not descendants of Arabs
  55. Baskid vs Dinarid
  56. In 1882 Anatolian Turks was considered Mongolian - Caucasian variety by anthropologist Henry Keane
  57. Is this typical North Pontid?
  58. Reconstruction of ancient alpinoid skull
  59. Real australoid-weddoid Indians
  60. What phenotype comes to mind when you think of different European ethnicities?
  61. Measure your forehead
  62. Ethnicity within your geographic region that looks LEAST like yours.
  63. Italy or Hungary
  64. Who is whiter, the nihilist or Szegedist?
  65. What are Modern Germans?
  66. Albanians or Bosnians: Who is Overall Closer To Turks?
  67. Neath Rugby Team, South Wales
  68. Where else could these Albanians pass?
  69. Some Euros are Whiter Than Others, Really?
  70. Racial view in America
  71. Is there a distinctly Jewish phenotype?
  72. Why do Dinarids
  73. Bulgarian Pontid models
  74. skin whitening cream
  75. Danes are the most Nordid/Germanic people in Europe
  76. Which European Ethnic Groups Are Ashkenazi Jews Most Admixed With?
  77. Who is the most progressive TA member?
  78. Gigolo and The Nihilist two apricity superpowers?
  79. Northern-Southern mixes
  80. Hungarians of Nordic type:
  82. The truth
  83. North Africans vs Spaniards (the only important question in this $5$$&&$·" Forum)¿What do you think?
  84. North Africans vs Spaniards vs mexicans
  85. Would they fit better in Czech republic or Ukraine?
  86. Reconstruction of 5,500-year old "Stonehenge Man"
  87. Does Danish Actor Mads Mikkelsen Look Like Tollund Man (Mummified Man).
  88. How much different are Sub-Saharan Africans from Eurasian populations?
  89. Roma Gypsies falsification claims (for asing)
  90. Germans of Nordid Type.
  91. Origin of caucasoids
  92. Origin Of Mongoloids
  93. Indian States From Darkest to lightests in skin tone
  94. rank indian states by sharpest features
  95. Indian States Ranked By Hair Texture
  96. Where, Geographically, Best Represents The Average European Phenotype?
  97. Personality Descriptions for Each Phenotype
  98. Clasiffy Serbian "Quens of nightlife"
  99. Mystery early human revealed by DNA data
  100. Why Is Haplogroup Q Associated With Nomadic Groups?
  101. The Germans are not racially pure
  102. Are Hungarians racially most heterogeneous nation in Europe?
  103. Who is whiter?
  104. Who is Whiter, Karl or Dombra?
  105. Who is whiter, Dp93 or Szegedist?
  106. Who's better looking Goobyski or Madonna?
  107. Alpine Influence in High Romans
  108. Who's Whiter?
  109. Most to least phenotypically alike: US-Mexico, Spain-Morocco, Greece-Turkey or Russia-China?
  110. Sicilians, Cypriots, Greeks -- Which one looks most different from the other two?
  111. Guide to Spanish phenotypes (by regions)
  112. Which countries and ethnicities can Cape Verdeans pass for?
  113. What did Paleolithic/Mesolithic Europeans look like?
  114. Mulatto Phenotypes
  115. South-med "Saharid" examples
  116. Where would those Kabyle Berber fit best South Europe , Caucasus or Levant?
  117. Subnordid vs Baltid
  118. Was Agrippa the king of anthropology?
  119. Poles are the most Slavic looking Slavs
  120. Do you view South Slavic nations as Slavic?
  121. Can the typical half indio's 'Balanced mestizos' pass for Turks ??
  122. CM influence in Men
  123. Native americans from Eastern Canada (Algonquian-speaking people)
  124. Eye Color List
  125. Which ethnicity is best modern proxy for the Neolithic farmers?
  126. Are redheads the true Übermensch?
  127. Spaniards VS Japanese: Who Is Whiter?
  128. Who is more "Eastern," AngloJew or MrSwan?
  129. East African AMAZING EYES
  130. If Gypsies cant be Indian why Siddis can be African (asing logic)
  131. Is SSA REALLY dominant in phenotype?
  132. Southern Italians and Palestinians
  133. Post a picture representing the average phenotype from your Ethnicity/Country
  134. what is the most common jewish phenotype
  135. Greeks, Jews and Southern Italians are Equally white in genes/phenotype
  136. berbers white, and came from iberia
  137. Most "Slavic" looking non-Slavic ethnicity?
  138. Egyptians: Which ethnicities can they pass for best?
  139. My thoughts on the departure of Gypsies from India
  140. m estimation about percentage of light hair and eyes in Europe
  141. SHORT VIDEOS: Turkic, mongoloid genetic impact on Romanian people (Kipchaks Cumans Ottomans)
  142. Classify average Romanian Skinheads and White Power protesters. (Short protest video)
  143. WTF is Mtebid?
  144. Support for celts coming out of iberia
  145. Are all human races precisely same in capabilities? YES or NO
  146. Ashkenazi r1a comes from levant
  147. Most Leptoprosopic (long-faced) European Ethnicity.
  148. Blue eyes increasingly rare in america...and europe, as well.
  149. Are these eyes Green or Hazel-Green?
  150. Indians are dumb (got just 81 IQ), mostly because of Veddoid/Australoid features or dark skin ??
  151. nordic face
  152. baltid face?
  153. Blue eyes, red hair are NOT decreasing.
  154. Most common European phenotype
  155. Does this face show higher than average testosterone?
  156. Atlantids are superior in every way
  157. List of Whitest European Countries
  158. Are Ukrainians darker than Romanians. Or are they equally? Examples posted.
  159. енисейская - jenyiszeji típus (amerikanoid) - yenisei type
  160. On a scale of 1-10 how dark-skinned are you?
  161. In which modern country would Cleopatra according to this reconstruction fit best?
  162. Why do most Italians have blue eyes and blond/red hair if they are southern European?
  163. Who is Whiter Berbers or Pashtuns?
  164. Other than Ethiopia, where can Ethiopians pass best?
  165. Who is whiter Indians or Yemenite ?
  166. TA members bullshits
  167. Who is more Über
  168. Who is Whiter Circassians or Cypriots ?
  169. Modern Phenotypes That Resemeble Neanderthals
  170. Will someone add alpines, dinarics etc. to this gallery?
  171. Are northern arabian of Kurdish and Iranian origins ??
  172. San are not oldest people in world. Nor do they originate in africa.
  173. How common is dark hair among pure 100% Germans?
  174. how common is dark eyes among Germans?
  175. Aren't Circassians the lightest Caucasians?
  176. What percentage of each Balkan country looks "Slavic" influenced?
  177. Half Algerians half Euros
  178. What height was your tallest documented ancestor?
  179. Who´s Whiter : Circassians , Chechens,Avars ,Lezgins, abkhazians or georgians?
  180. What is the most common phenotype you see on a day to day basis?
  181. Who's whiter: Neanderthals or Cro-Magnon?
  182. What percent of CYPRIOTS pass in each of these places?
  183. Why Are Alpines Slurred?
  184. алтае-саянская - szajáni - sajanid
  185. Is Dinaric considered a meta-ethnicity?
  186. examples of exotic racial mix
  187. What Subrace where most of the first white Americans from the U.S?
  188. "If every single Southern European is White, then so are many Middle Easterners". Discuss.
  189. Whites, how do you identify yourself first? Answer Poll
  190. Blonde TV reporter => where she pass?
  191. Why the Hypocrisy regarding Med and Nordic?
  192. Which Phenotypes are the Most Common in Your Country?
  193. Who´s lighter : French people or Croatians?
  194. Turks = 55% Greek
  195. Spanish footballers and Greek footballers - compare and contrast
  196. am i white?
  197. Can This Be True?
  198. "Roman" vs "Greek" vs "Jewish" nose -- what 'classification' do they fall under?
  199. My racial calculator results (serious)
  200. Most non-slavic looking slavic country?
  201. Kazakh phenotypes from Mongolia
  202. What is the PROPER usage of the term "East Med"?
  203. Female Phenotypes of the Indo-European Speaking World
  204. Greatest Classical anthropologist?
  205. Are Black Women Stronger?
  206. The Finno-Ugrians (Carleton Coon)
  207. Why Italians look German?
  208. Norrbotten mutts
  209. Name 3 phenotypes you would NOT want to be
  210. National rugby teams
  211. Eurobasket Slovenia 2013/Greece,Spain,Italy-compare and contrast
  212. Non-Horn Africans who look like Horn Africans .. post them!
  213. Who is Blacker/More Yellow
  214. The Mediterranean race in Central Europe, N.N. Cheboksarov
  215. Blonde female MEPs from across Europe
  216. do baltids really exists?
  217. Your Personal Subracial Divisions
  218. Atlantid just means Nordo-Mediterranid
  219. Atlantid just means Sexy
  220. Who is more discriminated Blacks or Romas
  221. Do you look phenotypically different IRL
  222. Who these people resemble the most?
  223. Coolest phenotype?
  224. Progressive traits and feminine sexuality
  225. Incas belonged to the Andid Race.
  226. British Nordids (not including Keltic Nordids)
  227. Are this kids like croatians?
  228. Which countries/ethnicities/nationalities look out of place for their location?
  229. List the 10 ethnicities in order you perceive closest looking to your own.
  230. Who's Whiter: Swedes or Polar Bears?
  231. Which country is most distinct from northern to southern extremity; France, Spain, Italy, or Greece?
  232. Are Pontids and Atlanto-Meds interchangeable? Can they pass in one another's lands?
  233. Who looks the most like me?
  234. Where do (Aurignacian) Redheads fall on the Nordo-Med spectrum?
  235. The 16th-Century Myth Of Giants In South America
  236. How much does pigmentation matter in determining taxonomy.
  237. Who are the purest Slavs racially?
  238. Who do you think mainland Greeks overlap more with: their northern neighbors or Southern Italians?
  239. asiatic alpine
  240. Which countries have the most Atlantid types?
  241. Are gingers good looking?
  242. There is no "Cro-Magnid" race
  243. Celts of Western Alps
  244. Who is more white/European? Irano-Nordoid or swarthy Mediterranids?
  245. Der Untermensch World map
  246. Who are whiter, swarthy Poles vs swarthy Bulgarians?
  247. who's Whiter?
  248. Which phenotype(s) do you think are the most good looking and attractive?
  249. Specifying nationality of persons often misleads racial classification
  250. NOW FOR REAL : Is the physical anthropology we have here on theapricity pseudo-science or science ?