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  1. Askhenazi light european look
  2. External epicanthus Germanic/Scandinavian trait?
  3. Who do Syrians resemble more in appearance? Southern Italians or Pakistani Pashtuns?
  4. Rank these countries based on
  5. who do the roma resemble more punjabis/gujuratis/rajasthanis or iranians
  6. How Neanderthal became a Cro Magnon and Cro Magnon became a Neanderthal
  7. Keltic-Nordids are the highest form of human
  8. Typological anthropology
  9. Silvids have formed in Europe?
  10. Scythian cultural horizon was mainly Turanid?
  11. Chimpanzee vs Human traits
  12. Which phenotype is superior, Borreby or Brunn?
  13. Giant Skeletons:Real or Fake?
  14. Phenotype Across Scandinavia: The Final Settling!
  15. I'm going to make a calculator.
  16. Punjabi are white's of South Asian variation
  17. What's your bigonial
  18. Why do only Europeans have such a large variation of hair and eye colours?
  19. The Real, Actual, Honest-to-Goodness Alpine Race
  20. Atlantid vs. Nordomediterranid (nordo-med)
  21. How to combine faces ?
  22. Least recognizable Northern European group?
  23. Genetics of European Nations.
  24. Human jaw and face getting smaller, scientist says
  25. Why is the skeletal system of blacks so weak?
  26. The average height of European men has soared by 4.33in over the last century, a study has revealed.
  27. Classify the Swedish rowing team
  28. English, German and Russian World Cup player facial composites
  29. Does anyone knows how to get in touch with @Agrippa?
  30. If Germans and Northern Italians switched places over night would anybody even know the difference?
  31. Algerian or Iranian?
  32. The Compelete Spectrum of Europid Sub-Races
  33. Faces of half/partial Turks
  34. Who is whiter Albanians or Circassians?
  35. Did the Israelites come from Mesopotamia, or were they indigenous Canaanites?
  36. If "East Med" classification doesn't exist, then what is it really?
  37. Anglo-Saxon is not a classification
  38. Civilization thickens and weakens peoples hands. Primitive life makes them slender.
  39. Why do southern Italians have lower North European scores than Greeks on Dodecad/Eurogenes?
  40. What TA member has the highest Neanderthal DNA?
  41. Do Bosnians more look likeTurks or Gurians?
  42. Are Finnish people Aryan?
  43. The intelligence of Neanderthals
  44. Blondes 'to die out in 200 years'
  45. People from Miskolc (Hungary)
  46. People from Nyíregyháza (Hungary)
  47. Are Bulgarians darker than South Europeans?
  48. People from Debrecen (Hungary)
  49. Kabyle people
  50. Insert your skull height measurements here please
  51. Are there any visible differences between Norwegians and Swedes?
  52. Which South Slavs look similar to eachother?
  53. Was Turanid and Ethiopid classification pseudo-science? ( why call them europid ? )
  54. People from Sopron (Hungary)
  55. Turanid race. Is it really caucasian or mixed ?
  56. Portuguese and Spanish
  57. European type morphs I made
  58. Romance/Hellenic Creativity VS Germanic Discpline
  59. Neanderthal vs Cromagnid
  60. Your ear to ear top of the head measurements?
  61. The Elamites
  62. Who is lighter Romanians or Hungarians?
  63. Who is lighter Ossetians or Georgians??
  64. Faces comparison experiment
  65. Lundman's racial types of Dalarna, Sweden (most Cro-Magnid?)
  66. Samurai dwarfs and royal family
  67. endomorph vs mesomorph vs ectomorph
  68. Light pigmented southern Europeans
  69. Have you noticed how successful male actors usually have large heads and small bodies?
  70. How do I measure my head for a proper Anthropological classification?
  71. Who is more Lighter and whiter Abkhazians or Georgians?
  72. Your thoughts for "Hercules 2014" movie
  73. What are the main phenotypes found in Berbers?
  74. People from Győr (Hungary)
  75. What are the most aesthetically ugliest races in the world?
  76. People from Eger (Hungary)
  77. Eerie reconstructions show faces and diets of medieval men and women in Edinburgh graveyard
  78. People from the nordic country of North Italy
  79. Is The Mediterranean Head-Shape The Result Of Sub-Saharan African Admixture?
  80. Why are Italians considered southern European?
  81. Frankfurt Judengasse Jews
  82. How to identify a Jew or a Crypto-Jew?
  83. Is there more Central African ancestry in African Americans or Afro-Caribbeans?
  84. Photos from Northern-Greatrussian anthropological expedition.
  85. What should we call the "Classic Ashkenazi" phenotype?
  86. Which of these countries are similar to North Italy
  87. What is Atlanto Mediterranean
  88. Diversity among slavic peoples?
  89. The average Russian male doesn't look Baltid
  90. Which countries can Iraqi Jews fit best in?
  91. Are there Borrebys in the British isles?
  92. Phenotypical differences between Spain and Portugal.
  93. Your ideal head to body ratio?
  94. The most common Hollywood phenotype
  95. Pamirid examples
  96. Who is lighter Armenians or Turks?
  97. Are georgians , Circassians and Chechens Armenoids?
  98. Who is more lighter Circassians or Georgians?
  99. The Med - ? - Nordid Confusion
  100. Europo-Mongoloids with Mongoloid character
  101. Lapponoid examples
  102. Composite face of Turkish football players
  103. who is lighter Turks or Kurds?
  104. Composite faces from 2014 World Cup
  105. Classify me
  106. Uralid examples
  107. Post examples of people with pan-European phenotypes
  108. What are the Physical Differences Between Nordid and Med types?
  109. proportional distribution:
  110. Who is lighter an Englishman or an Irishman?
  111. Typical Russian
  112. Are Greek Mediterraneans Orientalid mixed 'East Meds'?
  113. The abundance of body hair is characteristic of what ethnicity?
  114. Where do Berbers originate from?
  115. why armenoids are the most hated subrace on earth?
  116. What are the features define someone as Germanic??
  117. Physical and psychological description of the Ainu by Arthur Savage Landor
  118. Estonians in the 19th century
  119. Southern Italian??
  120. Why are blue eyes more common amongst men than women?
  121. Portuguese vs. Bulgarians: Swarthiest?
  122. Who have more light hair (I mean onli hair color) Enlgishman or Irishman?
  123. Who have more light hair (I mean only hair color) Georgian people or Circassian people?
  124. The Real Native Europeans and the Amerindian Connexion
  125. Anthropological data about Bulgarians
  126. Eastern CM/ Balto-CM
  127. The Transylvanian Saxons
  128. Georgian sub ethnic groups and their phenotypes?
  129. Poll: Are Portuguese Europeans to you?
  130. borealization
  131. White A Synonym For Caucasoid - Non-White "Caucasoids" Have Non-Caucasoid Admixture. Do You Agree?
  132. Are Ossetians much lighter than Georgians or bit lighter than Georgians?
  133. Why can't Northern and Southern Europeans accept the superiority of Cromagnoids?
  134. what is the most common colour in England?
  135. Origin and definition of Proto-Caucasoids
  136. Ethnic groups/classifications
  137. Who are the most european looking non-european caucasoids?
  138. who has more Germanic influence in their looks: czechs or slovenians?
  139. Irish people look like more Mongoloid Siberians or Gurians?
  140. Who is darkest balkanian?
  141. Who is lightest Caucasians?
  142. Who is darkest Caucasian?
  143. Who is lighter Bosniaks or Gurians ?
  144. Who is lighter Bosniaks or Serbs??
  145. Are some Southern Nation more lighter than Northern Nation?
  146. Are some Southern Nation who have more light hair (I mean only hair color)than Northern Nation?
  147. Armenid examples
  148. Which country in Europe has the highest percentage of people who look pan-European?
  149. Amud's Faces From The Past
  150. Georgians- who overlaps
  151. Does the Armenoid type really exist in Jews, Levantines, Sicilians etc?
  152. How common are these looks in Portugal?
  153. Do Portuguese look closer to Moroccans or Norwegians?
  154. Swedes are non-Nordic
  155. Ancient swedish farmer came from the medierranean
  156. South Italians look more North African or French?
  157. Are Irish people Nordic?
  158. What is the oddest classification you've received?
  159. J.S. Bach was a Neanderthal
  160. How flat is the top of your head?
  161. Would more Greeks pass in Spain or in Armenia?
  162. Do Circassians look like more West Georgians or the Chechens?
  163. Your Rationalization of the Origin of Slavs
  164. What Are Your Taxonomy Pet Peeves?
  165. People from Budapest (Hungary)
  166. Does each side of your family think you look like their side?
  167. Blue-Eyes Have Overtaken Brown As Most Common Colour In the UK
  168. Proof : Romanian gypsies are white
  169. State which ethnic groups/nationalities can in an absolute majority pass as your own
  170. My Racial Observations Of The Balinese
  171. Post the European Countries from who have most blond percentage to who have less
  172. The Netzah Yehuda battalion, the Orthodox battallion of the IDF
  173. Why don't smart Jews look smart?
  174. cranial vault
  175. Moldovans, who do they overlap phenotypically and cluster genetically with?
  176. French Canadians and Cajuns
  177. Who is lighter Bosniaks or Circassians?
  178. Who is lighter Bosniaks or French people?
  179. : Are Bosniaks much lighter than Georgians or bit lighter than Georgians?
  180. People from Szeged (Hungary)
  181. People from Pécs (Hungary)
  182. People from Kazincbarcika (Hungary)
  183. People from Zalaegerszeg (Hungary)
  184. who is lighter Bulgarians or Georgians?
  185. People from Érd (Hungary)
  186. People from Békéscsaba (Hungary)
  187. People from Kecskemét (Hungary)
  188. For the Italians...
  189. People from Ózd (Hungary)
  190. "Late bloomers"
  191. The same race?
  192. Eastern Mediterranid examples
  193. People from Salgótarján (Hungary)
  194. Three ethnicities closest to yours in features/pigmentation respectively
  195. Post dark or swarthy, but quite Euro looking people
  196. Early European Farmer=Meds, West European Hunter-Gatherer=Nordids, Ancient North Eurasian=Alpinids?
  197. People from Esztergom (Hungary)
  198. People from Kaposvár (Hungary)
  199. Are cherkess people much lighter than Georgians or bit lighter than Georgians?
  200. Half-Asian, half-European people (Eurasians)
  201. A New Study About Ashekenazi Origins
  202. Who have more red hair Gurians or average French people?
  203. People from Veszprém (Hungary)
  204. People from Szombathely (Hungary)
  205. What would your phenotype be if you changed pigmentation?
  206. Interesting Observation
  207. How did the first Gypsies 1.500 years ago looked like
  208. are romani europe a unique race or generally southasian
  209. People from Hódmezővásárhely (Hungary)
  210. People from Székesfehérvár (Hungary)
  211. Guide to Hungarian phenotypes (by regions)
  212. Iranian Jews
  213. Are Australian Aborigines and Papuans related to Tamil people and Sri Lankans?
  214. Can you look "Jewish" without looking Levantine?
  215. What ethnicities can typical Ashkenazi Jews pass as?
  216. Are cherkessians much lighter than Georgians or bit lighter than Georgians?
  217. Unusual mixes
  218. Poll: Do You Agree Antonio Banderas Is "Too Hispanic" (Non-White) To Live In An Exclusive Address?
  219. New job for Sikeliot!
  220. Americans: Would you be able to distinguish US Amerindians from the Southwest from Central American?
  221. Post Greeks and Iberians with interchangeable looks.
  222. do balkan or eastern europeans think that gypsies are niggers?
  223. which was the average height of ancient germanic,slavs and celts?
  224. Cretan man Zeus look alike
  225. Any known sub-race or race taller than Dinarids, or this sub-race stay without competition.
  226. Examples of Non-Reciprocal Overlap between ethnic groups/nationalities
  227. What proportion of Mexicans and White Americans could pass reasonably well in each others' countries
  228. Who are french closest to genetically and phenotypically?
  229. Romani Europe Population Plate
  230. Portuguese and their supposed admixture
  231. Are all european children blonde?
  232. What is your skin color range, according to Von Luschan scale?
  233. Are British phenotypes superior?
  234. Tungusic people...
  235. Edge to Edge .vs. Overjet (Overbite as most know it)
  236. ))))---->> The original Greeks were genetically diverse blacks <<----(((((
  237. Do you think you look typical for your ethnic makeup
  238. Help me please!!!
  239. Noble Turanid type
  240. Scientist finally find, where the real arians lives
  241. Is having dark hair enough to proclaim someone "dark"?
  242. Most dolichocephalic and brachycephalic subrace in europe
  243. Magyar types
  244. Nordoid/Nordid examples
  245. Do they fit better in Bosnia or Lithuania?
  246. Jungian personality types and facial features
  247. Dinaric looking Keltic-Nordids
  248. Turano-Pamirid and Pamiro-Turanid admixtures
  249. Northern and southern europids
  250. what is the difference between hallstatt nordic and corded nordic?