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  1. The 13th Warrior - exact hit in Slavic anthropology
  2. Northern Italians are similar to which of these?
  3. Why Ethiopians look the way they do.
  4. Nicolaus Kopernik was paternally a Pole
  5. which group is more Asian
  6. Who is lighter interes(me) or average French people?
  7. Hot? Yay or nay
  8. What is the main physical trait that distinguishes Europeans from other Caucasoids?
  9. What do you consider to be "light" for eye color?
  10. Pictures of White People
  11. No, it doesn't matter if some Europeans can pass as Middle Easterners/North Africans (or vice versa)
  12. Groups of Abruzzesi
  13. Who is more Mongoloid Northern Europeans?
  14. Do Northern Italians resemble more Germans, or Sicilians phenotypically?
  15. Bretons more like Welsh or like other French?
  16. Do British and French people really look that alike?
  17. who have more lighte hair(blond ,reddish) and more nordid types gurians or abkhazians?
  18. what are the main phenotypes in western iran?
  19. Post people with unusual body types for their phenotype
  20. Percent of Italians, Spanish and Greeks who pass in the other 2 places?
  21. The Dutch Are the Most Nordic People in the World
  22. The italians on this forum are ridiculous
  23. "Armenoid" in southern Italy isn't really Armenoid
  24. Are Chechens closer to Kurds or Bulgarians?
  25. Who have more red hair , Scottish or Irish people ?
  26. Is there a difference in look between different British people?
  27. Are Abkhazians much or bit lighter than Georgians?
  28. What ethnicity do the blond hair/blue eyes genes originate?
  29. Classify my paternal family members
  30. Environmental factors that led to physical traits
  31. Are azeri people white?
  32. Who is lighter West or North Georgians?
  33. The Faces of Saami people
  34. Why many Scots look like Mongols?
  35. Dinaric Iberians & Latinos
  36. Post examples of Mediterranean types found in Western Asia
  37. Who have more Pontid ------- Bulgarians or Gurians(west Georgians)
  38. Can we establish once and for all what "East Med" is?
  39. Why arent Italians considered Germanic?
  40. Which country has more natural blonds Poland or Italy?
  41. Do Norwegians and Swedes have Sami blood?
  42. Why Italians look Scandinavian?
  43. Why are hallstatt nordids considered nordic?
  44. Classify Nicaraguan National Army and National Police
  45. Estonians look more Mongols or Gurians?
  46. Who looks more European, Andrea Seppi or Nick Kyrgios
  47. I'm NEW - I have the best profile in the world! AMA
  48. Who looks more alike: Swedes and Maltese or Japanese and Malays?
  49. Afro-Caribbean
  50. Should the name of this section be changed to "Physical Anthropology"?
  51. Has anyone ever died from Jews sucking their blood?
  52. Which mother-daughter pair look more exotic
  53. who look more alike: scandinavian and Turks OR Malays and Guatemalans?
  54. New Information on the Red Deer Cave People?
  55. who look more alike: Scandinavians and Levantines OR Philippine and Brazilians?
  56. Why do Serbs look so Mycenaean?
  57. How did the body type or physical strength of the old Norsemen or Vikings look like?
  58. Who between them look closer to australian aboriginals
  59. Does Lithuania have pure East-Nordids?
  60. List the ethnicities you think look most similar to Italians
  61. who look closer to each other : Anglo Saxons & Iberians or Mesoamerican Amerindians & Central Chines
  62. Nicalandia .....could she pass for native amazonian???
  63. who looks more neolithic mongoloid
  64. What an Anthropology board SHOULD be.
  65. Tooth traits to determine ancestry
  66. which phenotype is aboriginal in turkey?
  67. Is Slovenia mostly blond like its border countries Italy and Austria?
  68. North Uzbeks so Mongoloid!!! much closer to Kazakhs, Kyrgyz than Uyghurs and Turkmen
  69. Berid phenotypes in the Dodecanese and Cyprus
  70. Mongoloid analogues of European Caucasoid subracial phenotypes?
  71. What % of Puerto Ricans and Dominicans in the US pass as African Americans?
  72. Deepest Hued Skinned Phenotypes
  73. Came across some interesting phenotype videos on YouTube.
  74. Diego El Cigala or Ricardo Arjona Who looks More European?
  75. Why do diaspora children look so much different than people back home?
  76. What's the difference between sub nordid vs north pontid ?
  77. List the ethnicities you think look similar to Greeks.
  78. The Origin of Mongoloid Traits and Phenotypes
  79. Do Mainland Greeks look more like northern Italians or southern Italians?
  80. When you think of SEAsian.....which of these 2 groups comes to mind first
  81. Ancient chin
  82. The Average Female Face In Different Nations.
  83. What is the most common pigmentation combination in your country?
  84. I wish I were...
  85. What is more common: East Asian-looking Turks or Northern European-looking Sicilians?
  86. Is the Negroid skull younger than the Caucasoid skull?
  87. Who looks more stereotypically Germanic/Northern European: Brits or Finns?
  88. are dravidians/veddoids not australoids?
  89. Do Western Hunter-Gatherers delimit balto-nordoid regions?
  90. how come the mediterraneans are skinny and cromagnids are strong?
  91. Negroid origins: Proto-Caucasoids+Pygmies
  92. Which famous people mostly represent you?
  93. What are the different beetwen Atlantid and North Atlantid?
  94. What is most different West/East turkey or North/South Iran ?
  95. people of east coast of arabian peninsula is more south asian or arab?
  96. What would they call this hair color in your country?
  97. Half Western, Half Eastern Euros
  98. The Borreby how frequent in the Czech Republic?
  99. How come they look SO Asian?
  100. Are there Italians that have dark hair?
  101. Is this nose big? (PICS)
  102. Poll: Is nordicism a bad thing?
  103. Countries with darkest skin colored people
  104. Iranians looks more Mexican or Spanish ?
  105. What people in Europe have the biggiest Noses?
  106. The story of Ishi
  107. Why are negroid people physically weaker than the whites with similar body-structure?
  108. Circassians look more : Gurians , Megrelians , Svans ,kakhetians or imeretins?
  109. Eyes - epicanthal fold or no?
  110. Who is more darker :Georgians or Bulgarians?
  111. Scottish people look more : Basques or Gurians??
  112. Who looks more alike: Finns and Cypriots or Punjabis and Tamils?
  113. Who is lighter Finnish or Scottish people ?
  114. What is your fingerprint pattern?
  115. Most robust Europeans?
  116. Are these Mallorcan kids?? LOL to Italic Roots
  117. Who is lighter North Italians(lightest Italians) or Gurians (lightest Georgians) ??
  118. haplogroup h (mtdna) is cro magnon?
  119. Tallest to Shortest Middle Eastern country
  120. Circassians look more : South Russians or georgians?
  121. Khoisan people are genetically the purest in the world
  122. First Americans
  123. Berbers of the Rif mountains (with pics)
  124. What % of (Southern) French have some Italian ancestry?
  125. Would italian Maria Elena Boschi would be a good representative of an European woman
  126. How many Turks are "white" ?
  127. Most leptorrhine?
  128. Georgians look more : Circassians or Turks???
  129. The red hair how frequent in your country?
  130. what ethnic groups come to mind when you see this picture
  131. what was the average height of cro magnon men?
  132. Extinct eye/hair colors?
  133. "Negroid" Welsh
  134. Which of These Do You Perceive as the Most "Stereotypical" German Look?
  135. Anthropological comparinson between Gheg Albanians and Greece
  136. What are the different between Germans and Slovaks?
  137. Biodynamics of the Europids - Egon v. Eickstedt
  138. Who do you think are "Aryans"?
  139. Differences in phenotypes between Slovenes and Slovaks
  140. who looks more like SEAsian
  141. Differences in phenotypes Hungarians and Greeks?
  142. mongoloid are cromagnid borealized and reduced?
  143. Post mostly Northern Europeans with naturally black coloured hair
  144. East Med examples
  145. 6 most frequent phenotypes in your country
  146. Who looks more alike: Swedes and Portuguese or Japanese and Thais?
  147. Where would the husband with Italian ancestry of my Relative (of pred. Spanish descent) pass?
  148. which haplogroup is bantu?
  150. North Italians look more : Germans or southern Italians?
  151. climate adaptation of caucasians?
  152. climate adaptation of caucasians?
  153. irano afghan vs nord indid
  154. nord indid vs gracile indid vs arabid
  155. Who do Germans resemble more in appearance: Finns or Italians?
  156. Unfair nature
  157. The Andalusians & their Mediterranean Neolithic derivation
  158. subrace/phenotype of aincent northern semites?
  159. New racial classification schema
  160. The Look of The Ancient Carthagian
  161. Who is whiter:Serbs vs Italians
  162. Who looks more alike: Spaniards, Italians and Greeks or Japanese, Koreans and Han Chinese?
  163. Where do the Ancient Carthagian pass? from (read first)
  164. The ancient Etruscans Facial type
  165. Who is lighter : Scottish or Polish people?
  166. Iraqi's with keltic influence
  167. Who looks more alike: Spaniards and Finns or Greeks and Persians
  168. Who is lighter Afghans or Iranians ?
  169. Balding in Ethnic Groups
  170. Greek Faces
  171. Who is lighter : Serbs or Albanians?
  172. What are the most common phenotypes in Switzerland?
  173. Classify half Sicilian/half Venetian journalist
  174. some questin about race?
  175. Are Filipinos more brown or tan skinned?
  176. Phenotype of this man from Ancient Pompeii? Terentius Neo.
  177. Who is whiter:Italians vs Bulgarians
  178. What eye colour is this?
  179. In average Pakistanis looks more Middle Eastern or South Asian ?
  180. In average Pakistanis looks more Middle Eastern or South Asian ?
  181. Out of Africa theory discussion
  182. I am 6 feet tall yet I am alpinoid
  183. Who is lighter : Spaniards or Armenians?
  184. I'm 9% Palestinian & 8% Druze
  185. Which country or region do you associate most with the Atlanto-Med type?
  186. arabs of hejaz a different stock??
  187. which people is indigenous in iraq?
  188. What were the main phenotypes among ancient Indo-European population?
  189. Iberians are NOT mostly Gracile Med
  190. Croatian people, what impression do they leave?
  191. who is most older ?
  192. Who is whiter : Coatians or Italians?
  193. 'First human' discovered in Ethiopia
  194. Whiter: Icelandic or Pakistani?
  195. Who is lighter:Kurds vs Pashtuns
  196. Australoid admixture compared to Pure East Asian...can you spot the differences by these pictures
  197. Oldest Human Fossil Found, Redrawing Family Tree
  198. The Romans and The Racial composition of the early Italic people in pre-Roman times
  199. Neanderthal Influence in Modern Europeans
  200. Who has more Bedouin admixture Libyans or Lebanese ?
  201. Who pass as the other more? between Swedes Greeks?
  202. Nose types- The Baskid and Roman nose, and Jewish nose
  203. Do Jews look more similar to dark Brits/Irish or to light Indians/Pakistanis?
  204. Who looks more Middle Eastern Turks or Moroccans ?
  205. Who is lighter : Azeris or Kurds?
  206. Which European ethnicities/sub-races have strongest facial hair growth and which have the weakest?
  207. this map it is correct ?
  208. Origins of the Human Races or physical Morphologies
  209. The living Races Of Man
  210. DNA evidence shows surprise cultural connections between Britain and Europe 8,000 years ago
  211. Ancient Skull: Human - Neanderthal mating
  212. Who is Whiter: Gurians or Gypsies?
  213. Post your Ancient persian look( Medes, pathers, Scythians, alans)?
  214. which haplogroup is more related to the Semitic people?
  215. What is your canthal tilt?
  216. Post extremely ubermensch phenotypes
  217. What ethnicity do these guys look and do they look related?
  218. Midface ratio
  219. Ancient fossils reveal diversity in the body structure of human ancestors
  220. “Significant Variation” Found in Skulls From Pre-Contact Peru
  221. My conlusion: Turks Appearance = Half Chinese
  222. Who is lighter : Khevsurians or abkhazians??
  223. Which regions in Italy and Spain can find Atlanto-Med?
  224. DNA from slave skeletons found in Caribbean
  225. Rank best pass as to worse: for the English "Bad news" Barrett. rep comment.
  226. Where could she fit or pass?
  227. Where could they fit? On Average? as Group: Rank 3 best fit
  228. Are we getting dumber? The reasons for decrease of the brain mass.
  229. Whiter: Pakistani or Cyrpusian?
  230. Whiter: Pakistani or Indian?
  231. Anthropology??????????....I need a long and detailed answer,that's informative?
  232. What is the difference between Hungarians and Croats?
  234. synthesized "E" sound of neanderthal via neanderthal hyoid bone shape
  235. Strong jawline among Italian women?
  236. classify this dark latvian
  237. Travel experiences
  239. Do Cretans, Dodecanese and Cyclades islanders look more like mainland Greeks or Sicilians/Calabrese?
  240. Yörüks in Turkey
  241. Who Looks more White: Ricardo Arjona or Marco antonio Solis
  242. Which country has the largest percentage of males who can be mistaken for females?
  243. Kabyle Berbers of Bejaia Province (Algeria).
  244. which culture exist in pre neolithic greece?
  245. Tsakonians and People of Leonidion
  246. Which non-Slavic nation has the most Slavic ancestry?
  247. I am glad to have found this forum. Anthroscape is an insane place and I read that here is better.
  248. Classify woman on video
  249. "Western" looking Greeks -- neither Slavovlach nor East Med!
  250. What is more common: Middle Eastern-looking Europeans or European-looking Middle Easterners?