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  1. andamanese people is the first inhabitants of india?
  2. Human Ancestors Had Diverse Body Structures
  3. Place these Gorals/Southern Polish mountaineers
  4. The Nobilid Race
  5. What is more common: South Asian-looking Middle Easterners or Middle Eastern-looking South Asians?
  6. Things to remember that are often forgotten about Middle Eastern and European typology!
  7. Which Southern-Northern Euro pair has the greatest distance phenotypically between it?
  8. Who is lighter Poles or Belarusians?
  9. Nordsinid/North Sinid examples
  10. Sentinelese people
  11. Post your version of the typical Egyptian phenotype.
  12. Classify spanish defense minister
  13. Atlanto-Med vs. Gracile Med.
  14. Ottoman-Selection: Why did the Ottomans not select Albanians and Greeks?
  15. balearic islands people have north african and semite admixture?
  16. East Europe is more blonde
  17. Old Kingdom Ancient Egyptians
  19. The True Celt Look
  21. Europe has no purity
  22. arabid vs north african berberid ?
  24. The theory of the darker or exotic types of North Italians Theory
  25. The Bankid Race
  26. straight hair is neanderthal ancestry?
  27. Classify this Italian Mafioso man And where could he pass?
  28. To what extent are Europeans genetically related to ancient Levantines?
  29. classify me
  30. What color does your skin tan?
  31. which people have skin more light?
  32. which face is best for women?
  33. Average Male Height in Europe
  34. Classify italian
  35. Classify Tunisian guy
  36. Does she have sicilian features?
  37. neanderthal = white people and homo sapiens = black people?
  38. Gunther was wrong!
  39. Ancient Yamnaya Indo-European People
  40. Classify SERBIAN university students!
  41. Do Japanese resemble Mongolians? And do they look distinct from other East Asians?
  42. Skin pigmentation Lebels, like white, brown etc
  43. Guess her age
  44. Who looks more alike Iranians and Turks or Algerians and Moroccans ?
  45. Do people in southern China ever resemble Filipinos and Indonesians? Cambodians?
  46. Classify this Puerto Rican
  47. Where can found Alpine-Mediterranids?
  48. Albania vs. Armenia which team looks more Europian ?
  49. Who's more Afram?Sikeliot or Wadaad
  50. Examples of Asian Phenotypes
  51. do i have a mesocephalic head?
  52. Not counting the Scandinavians, Russians - most Nordic people
  53. Are the poorest parts of Southern European regions phenotypically darker than wealthy areas?
  54. Cuman anthropology and genetic: mix of asian/european
  55. Maxilla is what makes a slayer
  56. German anthropology
  57. What is the difference between Italian and Spaniard phenotype?
  58. Rank best fit to worse for this Jewish person
  59. What can this Jewish pass better as? rank for rep comment.
  60. Average Height of East Asian men in the 1930s
  61. Classify young Serbian actor
  62. new racial classification?
  63. Find and point out Anthro differences between these 2 soccer players
  64. Harvard prfessor comes out against punctiated equillibrium psuedoscience that led to Out Of Africa
  65. turkey,armenia,azerbaijan and iran: who have more mongoloid admixture?
  66. Nords vs Slavs vs Meds: Which has longer limbs?
  67. Did White People Evolve From Black People?
  68. who is lighter chechens or gurians?
  69. who is lighter chechens or circassians?
  70. Fitzpatrick skin type test
  71. classify punjabi guy Rajbeer singh
  72. Classify this guy
  73. What are the most common phenotypes in your country's capital?
  74. who have more lighte hair(blond ,reddish) s gurians or chechens?
  75. Askhenzai jews and the Khazar hypothesis
  76. how look cromagnid in XXI century?
  77. Black Americans should be called white
  78. Average Bosniak Male Height
  79. which country have most neanderthal influence?
  80. Konya Turks, grey wolves
  81. what's your colour on this chart?
  82. r1b and r1a carriers from siberia have mongoloid traits?
  83. Prominent Brow Ridge ?
  84. High pitched voice theory Neanderthal
  85. How to get hunter eyes?
  86. In search of denisovans
  87. Classfy English/Welshman tom jones aganst Syrian actor Maksim_Khalil.
  88. Do you think Iraqis look more like levanties or Arabian peninsula
  89. Ancient mediterranean full of giants
  90. Palestinians Closer Moroccans, Iranians or Turks ? (pheno)
  91. I look more: Spaniard or more Scottish?
  92. blood type and human phenotypes?
  93. What si the diffrence bewteen Baltid and West Baltid?
  94. Copts..mysterious history
  95. Ear Size/Shape
  96. Gender bias in classification
  97. Nordics Responsible For Italian Renaissance and Ancient Rome?
  98. Phenotype and voice
  99. what European country do you think has best weather
  100. Most pure Homo sapiens sapiens?
  101. Classify these Guys
  102. Classify Albanians
  103. The Hungarians
  104. Ideal cheekbone shape
  105. Who looks more alike: Americans and Mexicans or Argentines and Bolivians?
  106. Are Russians the real turnian people of Europe?
  107. Neoteny is EVERYTHING, male prime is 14 years old
  108. Does this type Exist Native to British Isles?
  109. Croats of every type!
  110. Hungarians of every type!
  111. Best Fit to Worse: For this Arab guy. Rep for comment.
  112. Best Fit to Worse: For Her. Rep for comment.
  113. Do more Albanians or Greeks pass in Russia?
  114. Do I look Zambo or Triracial?
  115. Ainu people
  116. Circassian (Adyghe) women and children.
  117. Tatar
  118. Spaniard boy with natural purple eyes
  119. Neanderthals looked more "Human" than Australoids?
  120. Northern Europeans initially rejected farming
  121. Natural blue hair
  122. Turkish People
  123. what is gedrosian admixture?
  124. Lezgian people?
  125. How do you make those morph faces? Which software?
  127. Who looks more North East Asian
  128. Atlanto-Faelid examples
  129. South Slavs
  130. West Norwegian females, Bergen district
  131. Who looks more alike Iranians/Egyptians or Northen/Southern Indians ?
  132. The Classifications of the Living
  133. Nordicism Theory *Official Thread*
  134. which race is most robust? mongoloid or australoid?
  135. Can you comparing Caucasoid to Mongoloid phenotypes?
  136. How much % of Southern Europeans can pass as Non-Hispanic Whites?
  137. syrians and iraqis are more next with gulf arabs or caucasians?
  138. Where can this Jewish pass?
  139. Classify this well known Youtuber Italian American from Boston. And where could he pass
  140. Ape-like Irish
  141. Misconceptions about 'darkness' and hair, skin and eyes
  142. Who is whiter, African Pygmies or Australian Aborigines?
  143. Attractive dark Italians
  144. Future of Humans: Evolution or Devolution
  145. which these faces you associate with indo european?
  146. which group is more gracile?
  147. ...
  148. Are Easter Island statues Neanderthals?
  149. Sumerians race
  150. Classify Azerbaijani Türk soldier
  151. Scandinavians the first europeans
  152. Which of these hypothetical people would be more "European" to you?
  153. Who looks more alike Spaniards and Moroccans or Morccans and Iranians ?
  154. English And English-American Women
  155. can eye colour change with age like hair colour
  156. Austaloids+Arabs=Indians?
  157. Debunking the "Caucasoid" myth
  158. Pseudo-MENA phenotypes in Northern Europe
  159. The Ottoman Turks Physical Appearance
  160. Native Tribes of Patagonia
  161. Classify 'blonde' Sicilian guy and where could he pass?
  162. The racial composition of ancient Greece(Robert Charles)
  163. what is means mediterranean admixture in this map?
  164. IQ levels required for advanced society
  165. Pakistanis looks more 1 or 2 ?
  166. Will the idiotic out-breed the clever?
  168. Who is whiter Riffians or Syrians ?
  169. The Mysterious Indo European Mummies Of America :D
  170. Bosniaks and Greek
  171. Abkhazians /abaza people
  172. Erzya - Aryan people
  173. Why are borreby women so robust?
  174. Western European phenotypes
  175. Digit ratio and body type correlation?
  176. Brachycephaly is subhuman and incel
  177. Successful lighter skinned blacks breeding themselves white
  178. Unabrows
  179. Poll: Short Men
  180. New racial taxonomy - Uberid vs Incelid phenotype!
  181. Were Early European Farmers (EEF) Semitic (Or Proto-Semitic) Speakers?
  182. west asia(anatolian-caucasian) + red sea(afro asiatic) = arabs?
  183. Epicanthic fold genetics - confused.
  184. Irish Women - Main Phenotype
  185. Drunk slavs and where is their place in the European family
  186. Hungarian Women - Main Phenotype
  187. The Roots of Mankind - blood types
  188. Iranians closer Turks or Gulf Arabs ? (pheno)
  189. Blue eyes are evil series: blue eyes cause alcoholism!
  190. Classify these Irish and Spanish-Basque chick
  191. Pseudo-Gulf Arab and pseudo-South Asian phenotypes in Southern Europe.
  192. American Height By Region Or State?
  193. Are Circassians much lighter than Georgians or bit lighter than Georgians?
  194. Main phenotypes in Algeria
  195. What is his nationality? Can you guess?
  196. Does this female have negroid or lapponoid admixture?
  197. State the main types you see: New Yorker, Italian Sicilians and where they fit.
  198. Classify US Army sergeant and fitness instructor.
  199. Native American Tribe Morphs
  200. Classify Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen
  201. Main phenotypes these Hungarians from Vojvodina
  202. Who looks more Middle Eastern ?
  203. Classify Albanians
  204. Why won't swarthyman's butthurt allow him to admit to the solutrean influence on the americas?
  205. What percentage of Spaniards look Anglo/WASP?
  206. Hungarian people outside Hungary
  207. Classify this girl
  208. What do Ukrainians typically look like?
  209. Classify Italian-Sicilian American Franky The Wop and were could he pass?
  210. Classify her, Ashkenazi Jew that looks 'Italian, & were could she pass?
  211. Classify this Jewish guy and were could he pass?
  212. Are Brits and Irish the darkest people in Central/Northern Europe?
  213. Could this 100% Brit pass for Mexican?
  214. italians that look like hispanics in the US?
  215. Is Appearance a Reliable indicator of someone's Ancestry?
  216. Classify Bloom family
  217. Guess her ethnicity
  218. Which groups are more ethnically distinct: British/Irish or Spanish/Portuguese?
  219. Is this girl the essential Nordic Beauty in one pic?
  220. The Tongva indgenious people of Los Angels Basin and Southern Channel Islands
  221. The Phenotype of Criminals
  222. What's dark European And what's Exotic European
  223. Classify Willa Holland (Thea Queen from Arrow)
  224. What colour skin did Western Hunter-gatherers have?
  225. Students from FYROM
  226. Which group She passes and not pass from group and B. rep for comment.
  227. Guess countries of these Mediterrenean women
  228. which of these maps best Represents the invaders neolithic?
  229. Which Old World groups do Latin American "Zambos" overlap?
  230. The Ashkenazi Jews (video) Anthropology Zone
  231. Who looks more Middle Eastern Afghans or Tunisians ?
  232. blue eyes origin: ancient north eurasian or paleolithic?
  233. The Mother of all Baltids
  234. Cordeds typically have brown hair?
  235. Some questin???
  236. post these cromagnid types with have brown eyes
  237. The Med
  238. The Mediterranean in Europe Discussion.
  239. Post pics of North Italians that arent blonde and scando nordid
  240. In which Baltic country are people most Nordic-looking?
  241. Classify this Spaniard
  242. Early European may have had Neanderthal great-great-grandparent
  243. serious question about the origins of Alpine-sub race, other brachys and bronze age migrants?
  244. Are Italians a Germanic people?
  245. Height In The British Isles
  246. so you think julius chan looks more north east Asian then this native American woman
  247. Classify Swedish Doctor
  248. Is The South-German "Celtic" Type Actually A Surviving Neolithic EEF Related To Sardinians & Jews?
  249. Where the Huns White or Asian
  250. Classify Willa Holland