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  1. Who is more Nordid: Portugese, Spaniards, South Italians, Greeks or Turkish?
  3. Racial Contribution of the Iberian peninsula - Physical types & DNA maps i
  4. Celts & Germans
  5. Who looks more alike Moroccans/Egyptians or Iranians/Turks ?
  6. What's the difference between Atlantid and North-Atlantid?
  7. Are the Rohingya people Bengali?
  8. Are Finns and Estonians classified as East-Nordids?
  9. Germanic / Celtic
  10. How many of Greeks and Turks can pass as Arab?
  11. khoisan people is mongoloid mixed? for me yes
  12. Iranians closer Egyptians or North Indians ? (Pheno)
  13. Why do Jews tend to store fat on their faces and upper legs rather than their stomachs/arms?
  14. Is it normal for someone whose part Ashkenazi Jew to have darker skin?
  15. Why do people keep assuming these are the same race????
  16. Nose Profiles!
  17. Which "Arab countries" have the most Arabian ancestry, and the least?
  18. What color is this hair?
  19. Classify Arthur Tomaszewicz from Russia or Ukraine
  20. Racial friends and racial enemies
  21. Were could yh
  22. Were could this Ashkenazi Jewish from America (US) pass more?
  23. Where are square jaws more common??
  24. Classify this guy
  25. Why do some British look Eastern European?
  26. which group, dravidian people is genetically closest ? arab people or southeast asia people?
  27. What do Atlantids and Nordids have in common?
  28. Croatians from Osijek-dedicated to Bjelouška
  29. The look of the 8,000 year old Iberian hunter gatherer La Brana (Video)
  30. delete
  31. Classify Lily C. Raisa
  32. photographic recreation of the most famous Iberian
  33. Sumerians/Akkadians
  34. How do iberians look ?
  35. Aryan Whites VS. Swarthy Sub-Nords
  36. Classify Ian Hecox
  37. Classify John Bradley-West
  38. south asian people is most mixed people in world?
  39. For how many generations, does a Jewish phenotype last?
  40. Why are Berids so common in Greece?
  41. which people is most gracile? iranians or maghrebis?
  42. People from Galicia (Northwest Spain)
  43. Where are there more "Iberian" looking people; Northern France, Southern Italy or Greece?
  44. Spain (and Europe) Private school vs public school. Substitution ethnic images
  45. Why some people don't tell it's origens?
  46. Classify this handsome guy
  47. Guess a group of students
  48. gypsies are dark skinned caucasoids not australoids
  49. sardinian people is neolithic people, but haplogroup paleolithic?
  50. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - the missing link between Nords and Baltids
  51. Do you consider average ROMANIANS as white people?
  52. Biological Purpose of Romantic Love
  53. CUMAN MINORITY VIDEO from KUNSÁG (Cumania) region of Hungary
  54. Southern Europeans (Iberians, Italians, Greeks etc...) are the most Caucasoid Peoples on the World
  55. Strong CUMAN-TURKIC identity & culture in Kunság region Hungary(Documentum film of the Turkish TV!!!
  56. which the difference of arab phenotype and west asia phenotype?
  57. which phenotype is most common in iran? iranid or armenoid?
  58. Do most ethnic French Canadians have Nordic features?
  59. Babylonians
  60. Are SLOVAKS more similar to balkanic slavs or Western Slavs? (swarthy people ratio)
  61. Do Czechs look more like Germans or Poles?
  62. Can you consider Serbians as whitepeople? 90% of them have black hair and eyes with olive skin tone.
  63. Common features and phenotype of Arabian gulf people ( Khaleeji Arabs )
  64. Do Mulattos With A White-Father/Black-Mother Combo Have Different Characteristics Than The Reverse?
  65. gracile = homo sapiens and robust = neanderthal?
  66. Most common phenotype among Macedonian Turks in video?
  67. Hair colour in Ireland
  68. Classify Serbian protesters (VIDEO)
  69. Was Budapest a Jewish city? 1/4 part of the Whole city was Jewish, Over 90% of downtown disctricts
  70. Please classify me
  71. Anadolid examples
  72. The genetics of freckles.
  73. Who are the swarthiest Germanic people?
  74. which is the origin of indid type?
  75. People of Alicante (South Spain)
  76. Serbian university students
  77. Which country/region/ethnicity has most bald men?
  78. What Arabic Speaking Groups overlap most with Assyrians beside North Iraqis and Northeast Syrians?
  79. phenotypically speaking, with who do japanese overlap the most?
  80. Which of these two sets of politicians looks more South Euro - the Swedes or the Lebanese?
  81. Do you agree with this definition of Pan-Aryanism(or Pan-Caucasianism) ?
  82. explain this shit
  83. Are Italians considered whites in the US?
  84. Do I look like a balanced mestizo or an indomestizo
  85. What are Gypsies considered in the USA for race
  86. What are the phenotypical differences by region in Romania?
  87. The only Aryan ethnicities in the world today are;
  88. Video from the worlds blondest place, 99% blonde
  89. ancestral of european people
  90. which impact levantines and greeks have in catalans and balearics?
  91. Classify this Andronovo guy and this Yamnaya guy
  92. Why these guys are perceived as blond in souther Europe, but barely as light brown in N. Europe?
  93. Are Greeks white?
  94. which phenotype is most commom in iraq?
  95. which provinces of spain have people most dark?
  96. Small bones?
  97. taurid(dinarid,armenoid) not is race and yes one adaptation of mountains?
  98. bantu expansion and haplogroup r1b,is related?
  99. genetically,northwest india people is more iranian(indo aryan) or south asian(dravidian)?
  100. Skin tone map
  101. In your opinion; where is the greatest amount of Atlantid & Atlanto-Med population?
  102. so what is the evolutionary benefit of body hair?
  103. sindhi people and baloch people is the same people? genetically and origins?
  104. Are Iberians the absolute Euromulattos?
  106. Which of these three specific places has more exotic outliers: Madeira, Calabria, or Crete?
  107. Guessify
  108. I think indians are caucasians, do you agree?
  109. Are Nord Indids In India Really The Same As European Nords?
  110. Rainer Knussmann: Vergleichende Biologie des Menschen (Comparative Human Biology)
  111. German, Dutch, English or Irish? (3 people)
  112. which haplogroups have indus valley civilization?
  113. Which are the most robust Africans?
  114. North-Africans and Middle Easterners (physical differences)
  115. classify these two skin colours
  116. Early European Farmers = robust Armenoids/Meds?
  117. Please classify galician woman
  118. Senators from different regions of Spain
  119. American obsession in 1940's & 50's with Atlantid & Nord Atlantid look as; perfect look of a MALE.
  120. Famous Ashkenazi Jewish rabbi's
  121. Do you want user BLOGEN like eyes? (With video) ???
  122. iraqi people look more levantines or iranians and turks?
  123. Balkan Borreby examples
  124. Are north americans Cromagnoid?
  125. What group overlap more phenotypically and culturally with Amerindians: Polynesians or SE Asians?
  126. Jewish phenotype
  127. The indigenous population of Iceland
  128. Southern France (Regional Counceil of Midi Pyrenees) vs. Northern Spain (Parliament of Aragon)
  129. Russian (ethnic) english german, who are the lightest ?
  130. Negroid Faelid mixes
  131. Azeris of Baku
  132. phenotypes in iraq
  133. 'First Peoples' PBS series
  134. What leads people to believe that Jews are a distinct race and not part of a religion?
  135. Greeks vs Portugueses. Who are the darkest?
  136. What did ancient North Eurasians look like?
  137. Spaniards vs Bosnians
  138. Why there is so much difference between Spaniards, Portuguese, Greeks and their neighbors?
  139. SCOTS vs UKRAINIANS, who are the blondest?
  140. Can you tell the difference between Germans and Italians?
  141. Which of these two sets of politicians looks more South Euro (part 2)? The Brits or the Turks?
  142. Were The Elite/Founders Of Ancient Greece/Rome(Italy included) Really All Nordic?
  143. Can you tell the difference between Hungarians and Arabs?
  144. Do jews tend to have bigger thighs compared to nonjews?
  145. Northern Italians looking more Georgians or Circassians in skin color?
  146. The superiority of the Nordic race and the contradiction of interracial couples
  147. Guess three blond men
  148. FUCKING UGLY!!!!
  149. Is there any East or SE African ancestry in New World Blacks?
  150. Do south Slavs overlap more with east or west Slavs?
  151. Italians vs Albanians, who have the most continental features?
  152. Leaders of Serbian political parties
  153. Classify a Portuguese women + were pass thread...
  154. pakistani people is part of mediterranean race?
  155. Classify this Italian from Napoli
  156. AngloJew's Theory Of A Quadrilateral Racial (Phenotypal) Continuum
  157. More to least similar looking Rank for: Sicilians
  158. Do you have stereotypes for other European nations?
  159. Which Romance-speaking people look most similar to Romanians?
  160. Which one looks more "germanic" to you?
  161. Cuman (turkic) minority video from Hungary (VIDEO 4min)
  162. Who looks more Turkish?
  163. Nasion and phenotypes
  164. To what extent do you agree with the following sentences?
  165. Who's darker? Italians or Greeks?
  166. which is more common in pakistan? nord indid,indo brachid or gracile indid?
  167. Too Much Research To Waste
  168. Who are lighter?
  169. Who have higher amount of dark hair and eyes, French or South Slavs?
  170. Why do Itallic Roots users claim Catalans and Basques are not Spanish, when...
  171. Where is turanid most common in arab speaking countries?
  172. Are dinarids and alpines adapted to the same environment?
  173. Nerdid type
  174. Who looks more alike? Danes/Swedes and Portuguese/Greeks or Lebanese/Syrians and Omanis/Yemenis?
  176. How many generations for a phenotype to change
  177. What countries have the most pan-european look?
  178. Classify this woman
  179. which region of europe have most arab + north african component in your population?
  180. Classify a politician that doesn't care.
  181. which of these two countries have most haplogroup e1b1b frequency?
  183. Netherlands/Dutch people - The Land of Faelids (Faelidlands)? LOL
  184. The so called mediterranean race.
  185. origin of Mediterranean race
  186. My First Map about Phenotypes (LOL) - Not yet finished :D
  187. South Mongoloid types
  188. Classify this Colombian female
  189. Classify these Portuguese
  190. Riddle:) What racial type is this morph? front view and profile
  191. Classify this Sicilian guy and were could he pass...?
  192. why people think Northen Italian are sort of nordic?
  193. Why do Blacks age so well ?
  194. Racial composition of Italy -Physical types & DNA maps (Update)
  195. ----
  196. Mixed Jew who looks 100% Ashkenazi?
  197. Classify this Sardinian man and where could he pass?
  198. Considering phenotypes; Are Austrians closer to Hungarians or Germans?
  199. Paleo-Sardinian/Berid facial type
  200. East-Asian & Caucasian mixed people
  201. Classify Tracy Spiridakos' father
  202. Greeks vs. Spaniards, who are lighter and who look more bordeline?
  203. Which lady looks like ape
  204. Post people who can pass in every "Arab country".
  205. Is Israel (Israeli people) THE WHITEST country/population in Middle-East & Asia without a doubt?
  206. What is Anthropology?
  207. Hook Nose = Roman Nose; beauty and nobility?
  208. average spaniard woman is atlantid
  209. Classify.
  210. Can Iberia be roughly modeled as a 50/50 mix of Sardinians and Scots?
  211. Why did ancient Egyptians had extreme long heads?
  212. Does Media hold society and people on a leash?
  213. Jesè Rodriguez
  214. Classify Indian family
  215. Why is the beard often lighter than hair color ?
  216. which version of me looks more euro?
  217. Most diverse European countries
  218. Spanish hockey team (Female)
  219. Post examples of archetypal upper-class faces from your ethnicity/nationality
  220. Post examples of footballers who represent the average phenotype of your ethnicity/nationality
  221. Racial Tendencies in Humans
  222. Which group looks more Lebanese: Tunisians/Algerians, Armenians, Turks, or Iranians?
  223. We live in a white mans world.
  224. How common is the "European-like" look in Afghanistan, Northern Pakistan, Tajikistan?
  225. Are Romanians so dark? Romanians vs. Bulgarians.
  226. What kind of nose is this?
  227. Post examples of stereotypical versus genuine averages of your ethnicity/nationality
  228. The Generation of Y.O.L.O.
  229. Can you classify mixed-race individuals?
  230. Why do many North Africans look "White" if they have a good amount of African ancestry?
  231. Serbs ethnicity
  232. please, what main amerindian traits?
  233. Syrians: What countries and ethnicities can they pass as?
  234. Who are the purest descendants of the ancient Israelites?
  235. What Ethnicity Do Albanians Look Most Closest To?
  236. Does north euro type exist in Iran?
  237. A new GUIDE map by Dweller23
  238. Where is the snub nose most common?
  239. Classify spanish women
  240. Swedes who look Atlantid
  241. The blonde Spaniards are mostly Borreby, Subnordid, Faelid or Hallstatt?
  242. Veddoid race ?
  243. what people have larger heads?
  244. What you yourself think you look like and what have you been guessed as in your country?
  245. Rank Best to Worse Fit: for this Indian (north Indian)
  246. There is no such thing as race, race is a social construct.
  247. Do Northern Italians look more like Southern Germans or like Southern Italians?
  248. Are Turks European?
  249. Could this Mohawk Canadian woman pass as white in USA?
  250. Three Neanderthal Sub-groups Confirmed