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  1. Three Neanderthal Sub-groups Confirmed
  2. Why are western people weird and eastern people normal?
  3. Classify Spanish footballer, Goal keeper from Sevilla's club
  4. which ethnic vibe these hair gives to you?
  5. Classify, Bulgarian actress.
  6. Irish, English or Dutch? #2
  7. These Hungarian students where can fit?
  8. Is broad face necessary associated with brachycephaly ?
  9. Classify Arturo Valls, spanish presenter
  10. Are East-Meds, Turanids and Lappoids considered European phenotypes ?
  11. How are common those women in United Kingdon (Britain)
  12. Who have more overlap with Italians? Croats of Hungarians?
  13. Eurobasket 2015: Spain team
  14. If Scandinavians are part Mongoloid, why are so many of them blond.
  15. What percent of each Southern European region can pass north of the Alps, Pyrenees and Danube?
  16. Would people agree with my divisions of Europe into the following seven groups?
  17. Stereotypical Roma/Gypsies
  18. You do not pass in Nordic
  19. because kurds have high frequency of haplogroup I2?
  20. H. J. Fleure On Possible Neaderthal Phenotype Survival In Modern Wales
  21. Which racial phenotype has the LEAST attractive facial features (or the ugliest features)?
  22. How do you classify Sami people of northern Scandinavia?
  23. Finnish people racial classification
  24. The five human races
  25. The look and DNA of Ancient Iberian La Braña
  26. What is the best skin color? ( picture )
  27. North Eurasians
  28. Australoid origin
  29. Who is whiter: North or South Koreans?
  30. Who looks more alike: Swedes and Romanians or Japanese and Vietnamese?
  31. How many languages do you speak?
  32. Algerian beauty
  33. guess me
  34. Post examples of actors/actresses who represent the average phenotype of your ethnicity/nationality
  35. Put in order from most to least phenotypically diverse: ethnic French, Cypriots, Iraqis
  36. Who have more overlap whit Hungarians? Sicilians or Ukrainians?
  37. man who passes as both black and white
  38. The darkness of southern French is VASTLY overestimated here.
  39. Classify French actress Elodie Varlet
  40. is my hair black or dark brown?
  41. neanderthals never died out!
  42. In which Eastern European country are gray eyes most common?
  43. Nordic girls are the most pretty ones
  44. Girls of Italian descent in World.
  45. Girls of German descent in World
  46. Would Marion Le Pen be considered the ideal beautiful European woman
  47. The look of Iberian Dama De Elche
  48. Irishmen from GAA (Top 20 Voted Best Looking by American Women)
  49. Girls of Hungarian descent in World
  50. Classify Crimson Guard - admin of other anthro forum lol:)
  51. First modern Caucasians
  52. Silvid, East Asian Mongoloid, Negroid or Caucasian which is the youngest of the phenotype?
  53. Are Turkish people in Anatolia racially Semitic, Mediterranean, or Mongoloid?
  54. Marco Frigatti another Italian that looks like Jew?
  55. Are Levantines white or not
  56. Which contemporary ethnic group do the original Indo-Europeans look like?
  57. Most genetically beautiful European sub-races (your opinion)?
  58. Post police mugshots from your country
  59. Brachycephaly in modern humans comes from Neanderthals
  60. Textile fabric in the Upper Paleolithic
  61. domesticated humans - how neoteny shaped modern humans
  62. Paracas Elongated Skulls: 3 D Facial Reconstruction
  63. an italian-Argentine that looks like a Jew..!
  64. Post photos of Caribbean Hispanics who can pass in Mexico.
  65. Were Turks in Anatolia once Indo-European speakers who adopted a Turkic language?
  66. What's the Cro-magnoid sub-race?
  67. Difference between Alpine-Med and Alpine-Pontid?
  68. Do Germanic Peoples like the Northern Germans and the Dutch have any Mongoloid admixture?
  69. Do North Atlantid females look like Megan Fox, Jennifer Connolly, Brook Shields, Terry Farrell, etc?
  70. What makes a human Anti-Western?
  71. East Asian Archaic Ancesrry and remains
  72. Most common phenotype in Quebec (French-Canada)?
  73. Classify These Four Portuguese Bullfighters
  74. Classify These Three Portuguese Bullfighters
  75. Who is whiter: Basques or Sardinians?
  76. Does she look more Italian or Central European?
  77. Classify this american singer
  79. Who is more Amerindian influenced: white Argentinians or Métis Canadians?
  80. who is more levantine?
  81. Examples of Native Bretons
  82. Classify guys from British Army
  83. Do more Southern Europeans look convincingly North European or Middle Eastern?
  84. Most common phenotype among French Cajuns from Lousiana
  85. Nightclub pictures (from Mexico)
  86. Are Sub-Saharan Africans really the "oldest race" of people?
  87. human race is bizarre in future
  88. What are your favourite phenotype?
  89. Do Madeiran Portuguese have SSA ancestry from slavery, vote yes or no.
  90. Post examples of Europeans, Asians or Africans with pseudo-New World phenotypes
  91. Do Italians usually look more British or German?
  92. Do Gulf Arabs look more similar to Pakistanis or to Syrians?
  93. Which of these do you consider Northern European?
  94. Mel Gibson: The Passion vs Apocalypto
  95. Why many S. Italian,Sicilians look exotic or Levantine phenotypes?
  96. Ethnicities your relatives get mistaken for/have been told they pass as.
  97. Who looks more alike: Swedes and Canary Islanders or Pakistanis and Sri Lankans?
  98. INDIGENOUS Mainstream Spaniards
  99. What is the difference you may notice? Gaúchos vs Paranaenses - One pic.
  100. INDIGENOUS Mainstream Portuguese People
  101. Finno-Ugric people
  102. Balaclava Phenotyping skills
  103. Beautiful Aryan Men
  104. What phenotype is Egon Krenz?
  105. The "Nord-Indid" phenotype.
  106. Laboratory session with Neanderthals
  107. Interesting question, do Greeks look more balkan than med?
  108. Most and Least Domesticated Ethnicities?
  109. Northern Italians (Trento) vs. Northern Portuguese (Braga)
  110. People from Badajoz, Extremadura (Southern Spain)
  111. In which Eastern-European country is the Alpine-med phenotype most common?
  112. Greek Jews (Romaniotes)
  113. So why are Italians whiter than Spaniards?
  114. Does looking Eastern European equal looking Slavic ?
  115. Where did Nilo-Saharan people come from?
  116. What do you think about this phenotype?
  117. Ethiopian royal family descends from King Solomon.
  118. Which Central Euro country has the highest percentage of east-alpinids?
  119. Top 5 most common sub-races in Slovakia?
  120. If all of Europe were one country, what would be the average phenotype?
  121. Brits do they pass better in France or Scandinavia?
  122. Dark Norwegian - where could he be from?
  123. Average Swedish Phenotype
  124. Average Dutch Phenotype
  125. Guess my ethnicity
  126. How common is to find Brown/Black Caucasians in Latin America?
  127. Lots of norwegians
  128. Amerindian Admixture World Wide
  129. Ethnicities, from your experiences, What do they often look, common features, hair color, eyes etc
  130. Yamnaya
  131. Scandinavians / Native Americans = Original Modern Humans
  132. World's Oldest Gravestone (60,000 BCE)
  133. Caucasian/Mongoloid split
  134. Please classify my father
  135. Classify Russian warrior
  136. Where do Czechs pass better: UK or Russia?
  137. Neanderthals = Dark Skinned
  138. White Indo-Mestizos
  139. Indo-European facial types
  140. Old Carleton Coon measurement photos with Maurice Tillet
  141. Latitude and Skin Type
  142. Which races are "coloured"
  143. Why do North American Amerindians look more caucasoid than South American Amerindians?
  144. Yaghan and Ache Indians of South America
  145. Turkic Avar and Vlach phenotypes of serbs.
  146. People of Northern Germany
  147. Swiss people/Schweizer
  148. I know every phenotype and its distribution in Europe
  149. Were the original Humans Negroid?
  150. Mediterraneans with green eyes
  151. Who is a typical British?
  152. Sun Irradiance-Skin Type/Phenotype
  153. Oldest Negroid skull
  154. New Neanderthal Child Reconstruction
  155. Guess nationality
  156. Post examples of Americans (White or Black) who look distinctly American
  157. Which region has the most MENA looking people... Portugal, southern Italy, or Greece?
  158. which looks closer to typical east asian phenotype....
  159. Ethnic Groups who have yet to evolue/adapt to their environment
  160. Where does the relationship between Finns and Turks come from,?
  161. Do you remember the first time you saw someone exotic?
  162. Why do some Irish, Scottish, and Welsh look like Mediterranid?
  163. Do The Japanese Still View Themselves As Racially Superior To The Han Chinese? Are They Right?
  164. Post ACTUALLY ATTRACTIVE Black Women.
  165. Earliest European Faces
  166. What is facial flatness ?
  167. Neanderthals defeated your whore ass ancestors
  168. IQ has dramatically fallen since Victorian era, civilization made us stupider
  169. Modern human BRUTALLY ASS FUCKED by Neanderthal thrusting spear
  170. Neanderthals ‘kept our early ancestors out of Europe’
  171. Neanderthals invented the bow and arrow
  172. Unidentified archaic DNA found in Aboriginal Australians, possibly Homo Erectus?
  174. Why are Ecuadorians and Peruvians short faced?
  175. Swarthy Serbs?
  176. Anatomical peculiarities of archaic humans illustrated + personal commentary
  177. Taurid examples
  178. High incidence of violence among early man at Sima de los Huesos mountains
  179. Body weight estimates for ancient humans
  180. Judeo-Aryans
  181. What facial features make europeans(south) look different from west asians?
  182. World chart of Neanderthal and Denisovan admixture
  183. Is it possible to have a caucasoid skull with mongoloid eyes?
  184. Bulgarians,Albanians and Proscel - Compare and contrast
  185. Classify Model
  186. Where is Robocop? Come back bro!
  187. What makes eyes look native?
  188. Are Nilotic people Homo Sapiens Idaltu survivors?
  189. Y-DNA and mtDNA tests
  190. Bulgarian artist & sculptor from the communist era.
  191. Saudis are Genetically similar to Syrians or Egyptians?
  192. Biggest human faces in the fossil record
  193. Is Myriam Fares a good example of how ancient Canaanites would have looked?
  194. Are many filipinos just linguistically Austronesian...but genetically not austronesian
  195. Anthropology TV central-southeastern europe
  196. Are Turkics and Native Americans "brothers"?
  197. Post examples of mestizos with Amerindian influenced cheekbones
  198. Considering phenotypes & genetics, Slovenians are most similar to...?
  199. What is a "true" Roma?
  200. Are Campanians the most Ashkenazi looking Southern Italians?
  201. Who look more similar Germans British Italians or Greeks Turks Spaniards
  202. HBO's "The night of"
  203. Could Britney Spears pass as fully British?
  204. Are Kurds closer to Balochis or to Greeks?
  205. Still the most comprehensive study on European pigmentation to date
  206. What did Natufians look like?
  207. Do you think Greeks look noticeably northward in appearance next to Sicilians?
  208. Did you think the average male face of Turkey can be look like this
  209. the average face of one of the smallest countries in the world were morphed this is Niue!
  210. Cro-Magnon closer to Bronze Greece ??
  211. Indoeuropeans are asians and not Vikings or Europeans
  212. Are Georgians closer to Kurds or to Circassians?
  213. Part I. Ethnicities where Tunisians pass outside of North Africa? Multiple choice
  214. Do these Ancient Greek frescoes look Northern European or Southern European?
  215. Kyphosis protected Neanderthals from degenerative joint disease
  216. Should hungarians be considered balkan/southern european?
  217. Fayum Portraits, who do they resemble the most?
  218. Why do some Mexican mestizos have a psuedo triracial look?
  219. Part II. Where the Tunisian phenotypes pass: European options only. More West Med or more East Med?
  220. Are Georgians the most Euro looking West Asians?
  221. Which traits cause an Caucasoid from Latin America to be seen as "Latino"?
  222. Passing as a weird looking white person
  223. Denisovans invented the needle
  224. Should Northeast and Southeast Asians be considered the same 'race'?
  225. Should Northern and Southern Europeans be considered the same 'race'?
  226. Should Pakistanis and Sri Lankans be considered the same 'race'?
  227. Is this Greek girl Cro-Magnon Type ??
  228. Who looks closer to what you perceive as the typical mongoloid phenotype
  229. Should Turks/Caucasians and Gulf Arabs be considered the same 'race'?
  230. Post examples of non-French people who look French
  231. Post examples of French people who look distinctly French
  232. What is your definition of "white"?
  233. Post examples of Northwestern Europeans who look Balkan
  234. Central Asian - The White Homeland ; The Urheimat Of The Caucasoid Race
  235. Classify primitive proletarian descendant homosexual wikipedia editor "DeltaQuad"
  236. What is more common: Pakistanis who pass in Sri Lanka or Japanese who pass in Malaysia?
  237. Post examples of Eastern Europeans who are absolutely unpassable in Western Europe
  238. Albanians: closer to Syrians or to Dutch?
  239. Top 10 ethnicities that most closely resemble yours.
  240. Quit whitewashing Levantines
  241. The Keltic Nordic type & the Baskid influence in Keltic Nordids
  242. People from my Home-county (Borsod, Hungary)
  243. Definition of "passing"
  244. Algerians are 22-24% Black/Negroid yet they so Caucasoid / Caucasian
  245. Have you ever been mistaken for something which you are not and what was it?
  246. What do Jarawas, Sentinelese and other Andamanese tribals llook more like?
  247. Paleo-Atlantid examples
  248. Are Kumukhs closer to Georgians or to Turks?
  249. Do these Kurds fit bettern in Europe or India?
  250. Nordid-Baltid Examples