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  1. Could you post a picture of East Nordid (Corded) sample ?
  2. Could you post a picture of North Atlantid type (Part 2)
  3. Tuscans
  4. 'Giant' Step Toward Explaining Differences in Height Among People
  5. Italian phenotypes vs Spanish phenotypes
  6. Evolutionary processes like balticization or alpinization...
  7. Progressive Neanderthals?
  8. Polish racial type
  9. Women are attracted to men who have facial features similar their fathers
  10. The origin of the term East Baltid
  11. Could y ou post a picture of Racially Progessive characteristic
  12. Pontid type
  13. Grote Pier (Friesland)
  14. Should Aethiopids be classified as Orientalids, or vice-versa?
  15. East Alpinid type
  16. Size and Phenotypes
  17. College courses?
  18. Origin of Khoisanids
  19. Which subrace have heart face shape ?
  20. Can you spot Poles easily ?
  21. Out of Asia? Ancient ancestor of modern man walked Sahara 39million years ago
  22. Carleton Coon on Sasquatches
  23. Mystery skulls
  24. Which racial and ethnic group(female) has the largest breasts?
  25. Migrants from the Near East 'brought farming to Europe'
  26. What it's all about ''Vibe'' ?
  27. Lappoid/Uralid/Ladogan
  28. Give examples from diffrent parts of Greece?
  29. Chancelade Man
  30. Sardinians.
  31. Neanderthals 'Lived Fast, Died Young' Compared with Humans
  32. Europid Racial types and social organization
  33. Carletoon Coon on India
  34. The "Blacks" in the United States are a hybrid population
  35. on Gracile Mediterranean Sexual Dimorphism (Italy)
  36. Why you're interested in Anthropology
  37. Which country is the most ''Nordid'' looking ?
  38. "New" Racial Classification
  39. Nose diversity in Europe
  40. Which country is the most ''Mediterranid'' looking ?
  41. Which country is the most ''Baltid'' looking ?
  42. Which country is the most "Congoid" looking?
  43. Alpinids
  44. Hungarian plates
  45. What is the difference between Sinid and Tungid phenotypes?
  46. Dalsland(Sweden)
  47. Anthropology is not a science, according to the American Anthropological Association
  48. Hedmarkinger(Norway) 1870-1900
  49. Little guessing game for everyone...
  50. Which subrace/subtype defines each European nation
  51. Make your own anthropological map
  52. Buskerud(Norway)
  53. 'Find the €pean' Guess Game
  54. Phenotype and MBTI
  55. Which of these would fit in your country?(Norwegian female Handball player edition)
  56. a pigmented nordic??
  57. Out of Africa theory=bullshit
  58. Congoid girl with blue eyes
  59. Anglo Saxon England types
  60. Lappid and Ladogan
  61. Will "race" matter in the future?
  62. West Slavic, East Slavic and South Slavic looks
  63. Pontid are not an Eastern version of Atlanto-Med
  64. Is the "James Bond Type" a Nordatlantid type?
  65. proof in racial difference
  66. How to Measure Your Leg to Stature Ratio
  67. Did first humans come out of Middle East and not Africa?
  68. Dinamo Rīga hockey team
  69. White North Americans with American Indian Ancestry
  70. Megalithic Culture and classifications
  71. Split: regarding Hunnic influence in Europe
  72. If Nordids were more suited for the cold climate why is it that...
  73. What do you believe was the most common phenotypes among the first mtDNA N1a carriers in Europe?
  74. Are the Sami people Asian or European
  75. Spanish national lottery "innocent hands"...
  76. Pomeranians
  77. What Is Your Subrace?
  78. The Melungeons
  79. The Chechens(Noxchi)
  80. Degree of Sexual Dimorphism Between Populations
  81. Italians (continentals)
  82. A goldmine for classification nerds
  83. Lappland 1868
  84. Depictions of Illyrians and Other Early Balkan Peoples
  85. Latvians
  86. Russian Sectarians
  87. Geometric morphometric quantification of Sub-Saharan cranial variation
  88. Pictures of slavic/Greek/Romanian/Albanian brunettes?
  89. Taking Evolution into our own hands
  90. Why does (unreduced) Cromagnid morphology differ from Aurignaciod morphology?
  91. antarctica and arctic circle
  92. Portuguese people.
  93. Sicilians; Phenotypical diversity and resemblance to other groups.
  94. Mother tongue and facial expression - is there any connection between them?
  95. Average Faces From Around Europe.
  96. Average faces of European people.
  97. Austrians
  98. Livonians
  99. Digressions from March of Titans Thread
  100. Intro from David Keirsey's "Please Understand Me II"
  101. Latvians and Lithuanians
  102. Berbers
  103. Fertile Mammalian Hybrids
  104. Auvergnats
  105. Apricians, You Can Help!
  106. The Norwegians by Anne Senstad
  107. Who would pass better as European; Jennifer Beals, or Kaká?
  108. Currently, the most typical face on the planet...
  109. Greeks with Slavic influences.
  110. Unknown map
  111. Do you look like your mother, or your father - redone
  112. Nordid + Lappoid?
  113. Iberians: Which non-Iberian group do they look closest to?
  114. Atlantids among Balto-Slavs, Pontids among Celto-Germanics, is it possible?
  115. Where are Gracile Meds found, and what do they look like?
  116. Persians
  117. Headshape
  118. What exactly is olive skin?
  119. Pramen života (Slovakian or Czech film ?)
  120. Maltese people.
  121. Mainland Greeks.
  122. Aragonese under-18 football team.
  123. Hungarians and Romanians from Transylvania in anthropological light
  124. The (bogus) climate theory
  125. Who is phenotypically the closest to Greeks?
  126. Atlantid Vs. Atlanto Med
  127. wisdom tooth trouble
  128. I'd like to learn how to classify non-Europids
  129. Smaller titties in Europe?
  130. Do you consider strong/robust, or high cheekbones attractive?
  131. do you consider a strong jawline and a prominent chin attractive? (in either sex)
  132. Facial Reconstruction of Moora, Girl of the Uchter Moor
  133. Clubbed Thumbs
  134. Can you generally tell English and German people apart?
  135. People from Silesia, Southern Poland (Who they looks closer to-German or Polish ?)
  136. Slovaks
  137. Facial Structures of Men and Women Have Become More Similar Over Time
  138. Icelanders (Íslendingar)
  139. what is your opinion of mixing among ethnic-European groups?
  140. Reputable places to get my DNA tested?
  141. the phenotype atlantid
  142. The Last Carpathian Romanians
  143. Low-skulled vs. high-skulled
  144. Old Portraits from Valdres, Oppland - Norway
  145. Spaniards.
  146. New Human species discovered: The Denisovans
  147. Did Caucasoids directly give birth to Mongoloids?
  148. Atlantids
  149. Berbers in Algeria
  150. Your Features
  151. How to get into Personal Taxonomy Forum
  152. Subrace Personality stereotypes
  153. Which of these European groups overlap phenotypically with West Asians/Middle Easterners?
  154. Nordic, Alpine, Mediterranean definitions
  155. What race is this? (a sub-family of the Mediterranids, perhaps?)
  156. The people of Ireland
  157. Anatolians
  158. Arbëreshë people (Albanese people in Italy)
  159. What's your hair and eye color?
  160. On some Cape Verdean college colleagues of mine
  161. Flemish, Spanish and English from a XVII century group portrait
  162. Nordid hair?
  163. Greek foot vs Roman foot vs Egyptian foot
  164. Disappearing Finnic peoples
  165. Paleoatlantid and berid
  166. Piemonte (NW Italy)
  167. Lombardia (Northern Italy)
  168. Veneto (NE Italy)
  169. Emilia-Romagna (Northern Italy)
  170. Is the Nord Indid race a pure Caucasoid sub-race?
  171. A few questions about the European Europid sub-races
  172. The Lappoid race, and the Ladogans. Are they a sub-race of the Mongoloid race, or something else?
  173. Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste (NW Italy)
  174. Liguria (NW Italy)
  175. Euro-Asians - Anglo-Indians
  176. Trentino (Northern Italy)
  177. Friuli-Venezia Giulia (NE Italy)
  178. Calabrese Italians
  179. SW France - Aquitaine, Midi-Pyrénées, and Languedoc Roussillon.
  180. Racial engineering: how long would it take to create a new sub-race?
  181. Wallonia (Belgium)
  182. Flanders (Belgium)
  183. Bulgarians.. closer looking to Poles, Russians, or Greeks?
  184. What is it that makes people appear "rat-like"?
  185. Hungarians.
  186. Bosnians.
  187. Tuscany.
  188. Post pictures of pred. Faelids
  189. Macedonians
  190. Madeira (Portugal)
  191. Apulia (SE Italy).
  192. What is it that makes people appear "troll-like"?
  193. How common is dark hair among Germans?
  194. Abruzzo (SE Italy)
  195. Marseille (SE France).
  196. Where do Nordids fit?
  197. Liechtenstein.
  198. Can You Tell When Someone Is A Gypsy, From Their Looks?
  199. Can you tell when someone is white (i.e. a north-western European) by their looks?
  200. People of Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
  201. The Europid race
  202. Who count as a europoid?
  203. The Yorkshire stock
  204. what are the main subraces of europe?
  205. Which country has darkest people of europe?
  206. What is the most common skin tone in balkan?
  207. What is the diffrences between europid and europoid?
  208. West Asians vs North-West Africans...
  209. Redhead question
  210. what is the typical features of a pontid?
  211. People of Jutland fairest of Europe
  212. Neapolitans (Italians from Naples).
  213. Lithuanians.
  214. What is the diffrence between european alpinid and asian alpinid?
  215. Irish/British look closer to Scandinavians, Frisians/Flemish, NW French, Central or Eastern Euros?
  216. World of Averages : Europe
  217. One more. Northern Italian or Southern French?
  218. Sephardic Jews
  219. Modern girls are born to plump for pink 'thanks to berry-gathering female ancestors'
  220. Guess northern vs. southern Russia.
  221. Is Curly Hair Germanic, Celtic, or other...
  222. a nordic or a mediterranean beauty?
  223. What groups from the "Lord of the rings" do you resemble the most?
  224. Race of the Plutocrats?
  225. First Europeans Came From Asia, Not Africa, Tooth Study Suggests (2007 Article)
  226. Stephen Jay Gould accused of fudging numbers
  227. Eyes shapes
  228. Germans from Westphalia
  229. Moldovans
  230. Tribe meets white man for the first time.
  231. Do North Africans have any overlap with Europeans?
  232. What is your favorite physical anthropology book?
  233. looking for a detailed anthropology book and/or website with illustrations
  234. Ladini
  235. Where can ethnic Levantines pass in Europe?
  236. "Looking" European & Overlap
  237. Balearic islanders
  238. The Westralian stock
  239. Promote immigration of Eastern Europeans to southern Europe.
  240. Can you generally tell Poles and Russians people apart?
  241. Genetic distance maps of ukrainians
  242. Ancient Negroids in South Russia
  243. Is it true that the more bad nutrition you have, the more brachyephalic your head is?
  244. Average Height for males by countries.
  245. Number of races
  246. USSR racial types plates from 1970
  247. Georgians and Adygeans
  248. Italian-Americans
  249. Pigmentation
  250. Subtype cromgnoids in the balkans