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  1. Which North African country is most, and least, Arabized?
  2. Are observations about racial types made by old anthropologists still valid?
  3. Classify young bomb shell Megan Turi (pics)
  4. West African Archaic Humans (Litvin?)
  5. Neoteny
  6. Where Did Non-Indo European Speaking Caucasoids Come From?
  7. People from Madagaskar
  8. Phenotype overlaps that are overstated in anthrofora
  9. Swede and Greek Cypriot who look alike.
  10. Atlantid types from Iberian peninsula to British isles
  11. Similarity between Kazakhs and Roma Gypsies
  12. Do you agree that most Italians..........
  13. Are red cheeks in East and Southeast Asia a feature unique to Mongolians, Tibetans and Bhutanese?
  14. Do most Lithuanians look more Polish, Scandinavian, Finnish, or East Slavic?
  15. Who's Andid and who isn't
  16. By appearance; FYROM Macedons are closest to? (Choose from poll)
  17. R Faroese & Icelanders genetically same or no
  18. What do people from the island of Borneo look like?
  19. Is it possible to differentiate a mullato's/mestizo's Euro parent from his Coloured parent just....
  20. Post South Euros and Ashkenazim who can pass as natives in Saudi Arabia
  21. Does Adolf Hitler looks Albanian?
  22. Classify my girlfriend (pics)
  23. Was Ancient Sumeria Indo European? Don't See How This Is Possible
  24. Are albanians stereotypically a dark people
  25. Phenotypes of Hunters and Farmers
  26. Best Morphing tools
  27. Which people/race have the following trait combination?
  28. Post examples of Western Europeans who are absolutely unpassable in Eastern Europe
  30. Racial types of Peloponnesus(Greece)
  31. who is lighter: Humgarians or Slovenians?
  32. Are those same trait combinations of face?
  33. Post pictures of pigmented Nordics
  34. CLASSIFY and guess nationality of this guy!
  35. Classify and GUESS nationality!
  36. CLASSIFY and guess nationality of this GUY!
  37. How Stereotypical American is Cordedwhelp?
  38. Guess nationality of these girls
  39. Greeks are taller than English..
  40. Classify and Guess nationality of this PERSON!
  41. What is the difference between Low-skulled and high skulled?
  42. In average who is lighter Pakistanis or North Indians ?
  43. 10 regions/countries most phenotypically overlapping with your ethnicity or nationality.
  44. Greek islanders phenotypes
  45. Greek and Greek Cypriot cast, racial types
  46. 400,000-year-old fossil human cranium is oldest ever found in Portugal
  47. Please post estimates for the following percentages
  48. Post examples of non-Swedes who look Swedish
  49. Greek Mainland phenotypes
  50. Post examples of the "neo-danubian" type
  51. What populations do these Irish (Gaeilge) singing young people resemble?
  52. click to edit
  53. DeepLineageBot
  54. Please post estimates for the following percentages (part two)
  55. Did the galleries of Iberians/Greeks and Italians from Italic Roots change your mind about them?
  56. What do you think is the most common eye color among redheads?
  57. Rank these countries by how dark the natives are from least to most
  58. World Atlas of Beauty
  59. Pigmentation of the Portuguese
  60. Physical appearance of ancient Scythians
  61. Facial index Europe map
  62. World IQ Map :)
  63. The Tungusic and Mongolian races
  64. Do all Southern Euros look Euro/white?
  65. Classify and guess nationality of these two guys
  66. Percent of blond hair among Ugro-Finns and their neighbours
  67. Morphs from Portugal
  68. Do children look ethnically more like the mother or father, typically?
  69. Which Southeast Asian group is PHENOTYPICALLY CLOSEST to Melanesians?
  70. Australoids As the Basic Asian Phenotype
  71. East/South East Asians have bigger eyes than (north) Euros
  72. Phenotypically Moroccans closer Egyptians or Yemenis ?
  73. Post pictures of 'WHITE' Russians
  74. The pigmentation of European gypsies by Carleton S. Coon
  75. In what order do these groups have the most/least Greek ancestry?
  76. What is Paleo-Atlantid Type?
  77. Who looks more common Italian? out of them trom New world with Italian ancestry.
  78. What is Atlanto-Pontid?
  79. Why do people think of Ashkenazi Jews as light?
  80. Guess his meta ethnicity
  81. Europeans: post individuals of other nationalities who could pass as native in your country
  82. Why some S. Italians have darker skin than some of us mixed..Like me & R. Grande should be darker
  83. Ancient tribal blood groups?
  84. Rh- as an Indoeuropean factor?
  85. Your face is probably more primitive than a Neanderthal's
  86. Post examples of British people (White or Black) who look distinctly American
  87. The double standards when it comes to Whites in Latin America versus other New World Whites
  88. Finno-Ugric peoples: more Turkic or Euro?
  89. Proof that age and facial hair can change classifications
  90. Human Being Map
  91. Post Irish and British phenotypes that CANNOT pass in the other country.
  92. Papuans or Australian-Aboriginals, who do you find more "stereotypical Australoid"?
  93. Are all Negritos closely related? Were they the first migrants out of Africa?
  94. Georgians vs Chechens - who look more European?
  96. Georgians vs Chechens - who look more European?
  97. Where in the Mediterranean would you find the most pseudo-mestizo looking people?
  98. Georgians vs Ossetians - who look more European?
  99. What is you definition of WOG and whom is a good example?
  100. Were Bumenbach and Jean Chardin right?
  101. Gypsy male and female
  102. Is Europe as a whole lighter, or darker, than most assume?
  103. So called "white asians" just after the winter when they should be the whitest...
  104. Os Japonicum - Os Ainoicum
  105. Post pictures of Russian Nordids either Male or Female
  106. Help determining my phenotype
  107. gracile med vs alpine
  108. A unbiased perspective from a European person in Afghanistan ( SHE BLENDS IN?!!)
  109. About Coon and Arab...
  110. Reclassify me
  111. How much Euro admixture it takes for a Mongoloid/Amerindian to grow full beard?
  112. Faces of the Hungarian national team.
  113. Role of R1a Carriers in Formation of Proto-Germanic Tribes
  114. Based on this what are your roots?
  115. Why do Europeans Look so Similar?
  116. What is the most accurate skin color chart?
  117. Post a Pic of a WOG in your eyes?
  118. Is Melania Trump's face similar to Proto-Indo-Europeans?
  120. Does the world view European Jews as Middle Eastern?
  121. Rank best to worse fit of these Iberians pass. Rep for comment.
  122. Using Brown and White Label to your advantage!
  123. Is this morph a good representation of Nord Indid?
  124. Yesterday humankind reached 7,500,000,000 people...
  125. Post modern Ashkenazim who look FULLY Levantine or Mesopotamian.
  126. Please post estimates for the following percentages (part three)
  127. Please post estimates for the following percentages (part four)
  128. The Living Slavs: Serbs, Croats and Slovenes.
  129. What's your most dominant phenotype?
  130. How much foreign ancestry do Levantines have
  131. Who look most different phenotypically: Ashkenazim, South Italians, or Greeks?
  132. Classify my skin tone color using Skin color chart. Feel welcome to post yours.
  133. Front National politician
  134. Which are Europe's swarthiest nations, ethnically?
  135. Are Germans as a whole blonder-haired and bluer-eyed than Poles?
  136. In 500- 1000 Years Humans will look South Asian and East Asian combo
  137. Do you believe in certain behaviour of certain phenotypes?
  138. The most attractive Europeoid race to you?
  139. Classify Eminem's mother.. Debbie Mathers
  140. Is Christian Bale mesocephalic or dolichoephalic?
  141. Anthropological data from Russia, SNG or former CCCP.
  142. The Celts and Iberians in Southern-west and central Europe
  143. American White Mutt Dilemma !!
  144. What is the difference between East Mediterranid and Gracile/West Mediterranid?
  145. Left-Handed People Are More Likely to Have a Slender Face
  146. Genetic Evidence Light Eyes/Hair Was A Mutation? Or Was It Mixing With White Aliens?
  147. Mizrahi Jews (Syrian, Iraqi, etc. Jews)-- where do their phenotypes pass today?
  148. Does the woman pass for white?
  149. Do PURPLE EYES exist
  150. Rasputin appreciation thread!
  151. Does anyone know how the Geto-Dacians really looked like for sure?
  152. Croatian Parliament/Government eye color statistics
  153. "European" Aethiopids
  154. .
  155. Blond hair originated from ANE, not from WHG
  156. Classify two iranian generals
  157. Olympia 1938 and the war of Axis against Greece.
  158. Who looks more alike: Portuguese and Italians or Brits and Swedes?
  159. Light skin and brown eyes/hair?
  160. Anthropological classification is a crime
  161. Why aren't Indians seen as white?
  162. Do you find people smilarly looking to you, more normal, more atractive than others?
  163. jshnxnnxn
  164. Physically which country is more homogeneous Iran Turkey or Morocco ?
  165. Filipinos....phenotypically closer to Melanesians, or more to Japanese?
  166. Papuans vs West Africans....who's "Blacker"?
  167. Media people are usually exotic?
  168. Anthropologist performs female circumcision on herself and is now an advocate for it...
  169. Genetically similar groups that look very different?
  170. Why do Southern Europeans smell so bad?
  171. Who is most Italian to you: a Corsican, a Maltese, an Ashkenazi, or a 1/4 Italian American?
  172. Men with widows peaks are considered superior to men without them
  173. Are Transcaucasians (South Caucasus) Brown?
  174. Are Georgians closer to Persians or to Chechens?
  175. Are Afghans and Iranians Brown or Olive?
  176. The Origin of Races (free book, read online)
  177. Please classify Colm Feore
  178. In which European nation are Armenoid types most likely to be found?
  179. Why do Southern Europeans look Nordic/Scandinavian much more often than the other way round?
  180. Why are people on this site so shit at Anthropology?
  181. Iranians are not white
  182. The truth finally revealed; an revelation never published about anthrotard...
  183. Craniometric Oracle for Europid Subtypes
  184. What is the "Classic med look"
  185. Do all "Arabs" have at least some Arabian ancestry?
  186. Who´s lighter : Georgians or Abkhazians??
  187. How come Central Europeans look somewhat closer to Northern than Southern Europeans?
  188. Classify me
  189. For you who is "whiter" dark hair/light eyes or light hair/dark eyes ?
  190. Who is lighter Turks or Caucasians(Armenians,Georgians,Azeris) people ?
  191. Help with Phenotype Oracle
  192. The Mediterranean sea...The barrier between It's populations
  193. Unibrow
  194. Earliest human fossil discovered in Morocco.
  195. Karsiyaka Izmir Women's Volleyball Team
  196. Which Theory of Origin do you believe in?
  197. Why do these Spaniards "Visigoths" preserve their appearance after mixing multiple times?
  198. What phenotype were early humans in your opinion?
  199. Delusional North Africans think are "lighter" or same as South Iberians, South Italians
  200. Karelians and Russians from Olonets district
  201. What is the subgroups of Turanid?
  202. There must be many Romani people who look "original"
  203. Jatts, Among The Most Primitive Low Caste People of South Asia! PROOF!
  204. Coon's "Borreby race" = utter horseshit.
  205. Most Iranians look semitic not indo-european
  206. Native americans aren't Mongoloids but europids both Genetically and Phenotypically
  207. About "exotic" White Americans
  208. Is it possible to look Jewish when you're only 1% Jewish?
  209. What makes Andid and Mayan noses different from med and Jewish noses?
  210. Faces of average and normall North Africans
  211. The typical North African look in Italy and France, Spain
  212. Are Macedonians the tallest of the Greeks?
  213. Northern European and Southern European compliment each other
  214. Let's talk about negative physiognomies/racial types in our lives.
  215. Are your ears attached or unattached?
  216. The Aryan Ancestry Of Europeans, Significantly More Than Persians/IndoAryans?
  217. Do Caucasoid/White race really exist?
  218. Greek Cypriots closer to Lebanese or Albanians?
  219. My personal classifcation for the Romanian Grishnack :Thread requested for it.
  220. Spaniards look more like my family in Ecuador than white Canadians
  221. What is the lowest amount of African ancestry that can still show phenotypically?
  222. Why do these Greeks look so Slavic?
  223. Classify Greek actress.
  224. Compare and contrast: Light haired and eyed Greeks and light haired and eyed Bulgarians.
  225. What Race Were the Greeks and Romans?
  226. Which european ethnicity has the smallest frames on average?
  227. Average people can't tell their ethnicity apart from different groups
  228. Rank these N. Portuguese as group Best fit to worse. Rep for comment.
  229. Are most Cro-magnons simply robust Nordics?
  230. Updated version: most swarthy Southern European nation/region.
  231. Why do Ecuadorians have chubby faces?
  232. How to tell strong sexual dimorphism in males apart from unreduced features?
  233. Did the average height drastically grown during the last 10-20 years in Europe and Asia?
  234. Would you start a conversation on races and genetic IRL?
  235. Who tends to be more nativist? Europeans or East Asians?
  236. Classify French Jewish mep
  237. Classify Cretan folk singer.
  238. the diversity of Upper Austrians
  239. I Travelled 25000 Km In Siberia To Photograph Its Indigenous People
  240. wtf is Taurid?
  241. How did the original North Africans looked like?
  242. Small Australoid admixture makes a man more alpha/manly/dominator! Proof!
  243. Why don't we discuss mongoloid and negroid subraces
  244. Stunning portraits of First Nations People of Alberta from 1910
  245. Are Haplogroups and Anthropology linked at all in anyway?
  246. The ethnic implications of green eyes
  247. South Asians Are Mixed Race, Would You Agree? The Vast Majority Of Them Are Mixed
  248. Why do forehead sizes vary so much?
  249. Original Caucasoids of India Appearance/R1a AryanInvasion (Politically correct "migration") Now TRUE
  250. Sicily born female politicians