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  1. Sicily born female politicians
  2. Can we stop pretending North Africans/Levantines are Arabs?
  3. Why mixed niggas still having black voice?
  4. Turkey U20 Women's Basketball Team
  5. Which ethnic group is most and least prone to balding?
  6. Would Greeks in general pass better in Iberia, Bulgaria or Levant?
  7. Rate this hysterical Turkish female
  8. Which girl is more Nordic Germanic?
  9. Pigmentation/Melanin Violence Theory? Darker Skinned People Are More Violent? Lower IQ?
  10. Post examples of non-South Asians who look South Asian
  11. Post examples of journalists who have an average phenotype for your ethnicity/nationality
  12. Are Germans more likely to have OCD?
  13. Venetians: a small gallery of politicians
  14. Blackest Africans
  15. Red Nordic vs White Nordic
  16. At which point do Europeans start considering a skin color to be dark?
  17. Only redheads are indigenous to Europe
  18. Only redheads are indigenous to Europe
  19. Classify Kurdish Artist (Painter) Please
  20. Udmurts, white or not?
  21. Mixed Race Mutt Caucasian Indians Among Worst Performers In The Olympics, They Even Look Pathetic!
  22. Classify these very Europoid looking Taiwan aboriginese ( Are they Jomon ? )
  23. Which European group has the LEAST Slavic looking phenotypes?
  24. Girls looking whiter than men
  25. Post pictures of Polish Nordids either Male or Female
  26. How many races are there?
  27. Does Poland have the highest percentage of Blonde/Fair hair in Europe?
  28. Where in Western Europe Serbs could pass as native?
  29. Do most New Worlders have at least one African ancestor in the last 500 years?
  30. Who is whiter Pakistanis or Moroccans ? (2)
  31. Classify me? (female)
  32. Why are Albanian singers so exotic?
  33. Bible says Canaanites were wiped out by Israelites but scientists just found that...
  34. Neck size thread
  35. The Greeks from C.S. Coon, The Races of Europe, Chapter XII, section 14
  36. The Mediterranean Race in Arabia, C.S. Coon, The Races of Europe
  37. Does Taxonomy have any Scientific Basis?
  38. Stereotypical Greek look.
  39. Post pictures of Brunns and Keltic Nordids who are not of British origin.
  40. Which non-Arab regions could Saudi Arabians fit in best, ignoring clothes and cultural garb?
  41. Post examples of Europeans (or European descent people) with a standard FAIR pigmentation.
  42. Classify me, please. Jews made me worse
  43. What primarily causes many Filipinos to have dark skin?
  44. Light eyes on predators and dark eyes on cattle.
  45. Hollywood favors more whites than anything
  46. Are short people more likely to have gracile faces?
  47. Can you classify a friend of mine
  48. Which of the following groups are white?
  49. Classify this!
  50. What proportion of North Indians can pass as regular West Asians/Middle Easterners...
  51. What was phenotype/sub-race of proto-Indo-Europeans?
  52. GiCa Analysis of Tourists she has contacts at her new work
  53. Sikeliot's thoughts on all of the Greek and Turkish arguing on here.
  54. Catalonian Capoids
  55. How much of Europe could Iranians fit in convincingly? How many? And where? Or do they not pass?
  56. What is your butt type?
  57. Check out this Serb's eyebrows
  58. Paleo-Sardinian examples.
  59. With more complete options which region of Southern Europe is darkest with the most exotic features?
  60. The Alpinid race - a variation of the Mediterranid race
  61. Width-wise, which race possesses the 'widest' facial or skull taxonomy measurements?
  62. Ghegs lighter than South Slavs?
  63. Aryans & Blondism
  64. How the hell is it possible for noses to have Andid influence?
  65. Classify a good friend
  66. Do all Iberians looks the same?
  67. Why dishonest people keep saying here that neolithic/EEF ancestry is a sign of race-mixing?
  68. "Indians are mixed race"
  69. Classify these two Cretan Greek musicians
  70. Classify Székely people
  71. Classify this guy (not so simple)
  72. Palestinian phenotypes: could any of them pass as any kind of European, or too exotic?
  73. Guys and girls from Vyatka (Kirov) Russia
  74. Anthropological variety among Modern Hungarians
  75. "Greece have more light eyes than both Spain and Italy"
  76. Pakistani cricketers of Punjabi descent(Past and current)
  77. Classify me please :)
  78. Are protruding high cheekbones a mongoloid trait?
  79. Classify and Place Girl
  80. Post examples of dark-haired Northern Europeans who still look distinctly Northern Euro
  81. Photo Comparison, Which People Look The Most Imposing? Europeans vs Other Europeans vs SouthAsians
  82. Which ethnicity have higher mongoloid influence, Finns or Turks?
  83. Non-black hair and non-brown eyes %/number in the world?
  84. Who, all things considered, should be considered the closest foreign "kin" of southern Italians?
  85. What am i classified as please?!
  86. Post people you thought they were part Afram
  87. Veddoid race have NOTHING to do with the Australian aborigines, Onge Andamanese, Negrito, Papuan
  88. Origin of IndoEuropeans And The Original White IndoAryans Of The Cental Asian Steppe
  89. Ancient North Eurasians, Eastern Hunter Gatherers and Lappoid Phenotype
  90. Darker Brits how common?
  91. Is this Saudi Arabian guy pure or racially mixed?
  92. Ancestry of Asiatic/Asian Alpinid-Alpinoid from Turkic regions
  93. What Is Wrong With The People In This Forum Section?
  94. Question for nordicists?
  95. What's your hand length?
  96. The Galactic Status Of Our Planet And Decline Of Europeans WorldWide
  97. Would it be possible to change one's phenotype; face structure etc...?
  98. How would you classify GOD? What phenotype is "he", or race? (For believers)
  99. Being Aryan And The Swastika Is Not Exclusive To India! This Is Fact!
  100. Who are the most athletically built Australoids?
  101. Original White Slavic/Baltic Looking Warrior Steppe Aryans
  102. What are the differences between western and eastern alpinid/alpine phenotype?
  103. IS it more Acceptable for a Man to have Large Nose Vs. a Woman?
  104. Rachel Dolezal looks a lot like Angela Davis from BLM
  105. Post 1/4 ,1/8, 1/16 etc. mongoloid people here
  106. Who is whiter Kabyles/Riffians or turks ?
  107. What does Typical Brazilian look like?
  108. Classify Me
  109. Average Russian faces from the Streets. (short 10min video)
  110. Asian-looking Western Europeans
  111. Who were the Elamites?
  112. Dogs asking Liberals; Is it racist if German shepherd notice that Bulldog is of different race?
  113. Italians with Roman features
  114. Classify Seleucid prince
  115. Most robust phenotypes of each "race"
  116. Examples of caucasoid/mix and not can pass for euro
  117. What do Romani People (pejoratively called Gypsies) look like to you?
  118. Mongoloid taxonomic subdivisions
  119. Rohingya with blue green eyes, hazel eyes, light eyes
  120. Reddish hair shades and the Proto-Italo-Celtic speakers
  121. Dinarics make good Vampire Halloween Custumes.
  122. Ancient Greece Is Nordic, Final Proof
  123. The Sudetian race
  124. The Ryazan type in Russia
  125. Classify and place me please.
  126. classify my friend please ?
  127. Fascist Italian And Nazi UFO's , The Most Significant Events In Modern History
  128. Lundman or Coon : who is right ?
  129. Mummified Scythian head
  130. Indid = Irano-Afghan ?
  131. The best taxonomy of Indian races ?
  132. How Much have Phenotypes Changed?
  133. What is more common: Danes who pass in Portugal or Koreans who pass in Burma?
  134. AlpiniSed or AlpiniZed?
  135. Classify Aussie rugby player of Samoan descent Christian Lealiifano, and where can he pass?
  136. Is square face beauty just an hollywood stereotype?
  137. Who on the whole looks more Nordic: White Americans or White Australians?
  138. Rohingya phenotypes : Ancient Aryan Caucasian race with gray eyes, hazel eyes, blue eyes, green eyes
  139. Dominant phenotype in Romania?
  140. Sexual Selection and Subrace Stabilisation
  141. Main Races and Sub-Races
  142. she look like more georgian or more N.caucasian?
  143. she look more georgian or N.Caucasian Abkhazian
  144. Ancient Teeth Push Back Early Arrival of Humans in Southeast Asia
  145. There is more to race than just pigmentation
  146. Which science is closest to old anthropology today?
  147. Is wide nose an OE nose?
  148. Which of these nations do you consider part of the Middle East?
  149. Does upturned/celestial nose shape belong to only Europeans?
  150. Meghan Trainor could easily pass for Italian-American
  151. Racial Division
  152. Where Mediterranid/Atlanto-Mediterranid type originated?
  153. Unfamous Aframs are 95% dark skinned.
  154. Were Early Turkic peoples Mongoloid?
  155. Post examples of people you think look like the stereotype for each race
  156. Beautiful portraits of the proud chiefs and leaders of the Sioux
  157. Can majority of North Africans pass as multiracials in South America?
  158. Are Brachycephals better listeners, and Dolichocephals better observers?
  159. What is the average height of modern Europid types?
  160. European people have a large phenotype diversity. Right?
  161. Catalonia is white! Spaniards are like Moors!
  162. Greek/Saka/Scythian/Bactrian Domination Of Ancient NorthIndia And Their Modern Descendants
  163. Italians Look Like Arabs, Cannot Avoid This Fact Any Longer, We Are MENA
  164. Some Non Punjabi Jatts
  165. Classify my friend
  166. Mordvins descend from carpathian goths.
  167. Hungarians. What your impression about them?
  168. Which part of the British Isles has the strongest Mediterranean influence?
  169. Crossing the Alps in the Neolithic age - Did Ötzi have Swiss relatives?
  170. How Asian Hungarians actually are?
  171. Bosniaks, Serbs and Montenegrins Tallest people in Universe
  172. the Palestinian Christians are the purest israelites
  173. If Roma/Gypsies are of Punjabi origin why don't they look Punjabi?
  174. Southern Italian American --Typical Look IS THIS!!
  175. Classify my father.
  176. Andamanese peoples
  177. Egyptians of Palestinian origin
  178. [Theory]Egyptians and Amerindians are phenotypical interchangeables
  179. How MENA do you Look?? 1 -10
  180. Alpine Med = Berid?
  181. Find Erdogan!
  182. edit...
  183. How Southasian do you look?
  184. Post examples of British and French people who do NOT easily pass in each others' countries
  185. Is this the most interesting European phenotype ever?
  186. How rare is your individual look or individual facial phenotype?
  187. Classify Tommy Vercetti
  188. Asian eyebrow
  189. Who is most mixed: North Africans, Middle Easterns or South Asians?
  190. Do Black people have better teeth?
  191. Who differs most phenotypically: Mainland Greeks, Cypriots, or Sicilians?
  192. The Elite Of Ancient Greece/Rome Were Not Nordic Phenotypes
  193. Is "Epicanthic fold" a positive trait?
  194. The Desired Beauty For "Bollywood Males/Females" Resembles The Average Southern European
  195. Biasutti's and von Eickstedt's PDF ?
  196. Are German people racially closer to Northern Europeans or closer to Southern Europeans?
  197. Classify Brian Limmond "Limmy"
  198. German Anthropology study on Chechens (1929)
  199. Do East Asian and White mixes produce the most supreme women??
  200. Which contributes more to the phenotypical difference that DOES exist between S. Italy & Greece?
  201. Facetopo a topographic map of your face
  202. Are "Atlanto-Med" and "Pontid" corresponding types?
  203. Did coon consider most slavs Neo Danubian
  204. Books about Racial Anthropology you own
  205. Is the Ladogan type mainly Caucasoid
  206. Anthropological types of the population of the USSR
  207. Euro races
  208. Classify Disney Princesses
  209. Settle this for me and Lavrentis: Are there more Slavic looking people in south Italy or in Greece?
  210. Portraiture of Egyptian Pharaohs
  211. Eurogenes k15 map. need help.
  212. Volga Finns : Neo-Danubian, Ladogan, Sibirid... ?
  213. Prehistoric Fossils Dating Back 9.7m Years Could Rewrite History Of Where Humans Came From
  214. Questions about the ''berid'' phenotyphe.
  215. My k36 results map
  216. Post pictures of phenotypes that are usual for your place where you live
  217. The Kura-Araxes Culture and R1a-Z93
  218. Classify me
  219. Is there a certain amount of MENA input that Europeans can have before it shows?
  220. Ancient Greeks were Nordid ?? Statues say NO
  221. The race of ancient Greeks (and Romans)
  222. The Biggest Minds of Northwestern Europe were Mediterraneans
  223. Hungarians (updated version, but only the first page have pictures)
  224. Classify Actor Tyler James Williams
  225. Footballers from Bergamo (Lombardy)
  226. What are the principal phenotype differences between (native White) British and French people?
  227. Negroids are the least diverse race on the planet
  228. Why do some Arabs look more whiter then a greeks, Armenians or Sicilians?
  229. Classify me and where do I pass
  230. Coon and the Mediterranean race
  231. Dalo-Falid = Brünn ?
  232. What about Northern/Western Poles ?
  233. I have no idea what i am, please help
  234. Most diverse European ethnicity in terms of phenotype?
  235. Is your blood type Rhesus Positive or Negative?
  236. Classify me
  237. What are 'Strandid' and 'Tydal' types ?
  238. How Asian are Uralid/West Turanid/East Baltid/Lappoid types?
  239. Convince me whites/Caucasoids are not sub-animal monkeys
  240. In the future will Russia be the most Nordid country in the world
  241. Classify these Kutchis (Gujarat, India)
  242. Czekanowski's map on racial types of Poland
  243. Which population is the closest to Albanians in terms of phenotype on average?
  244. Classify my moms dad
  245. Place these Slovenes
  246. If new Human Species would appear/evolve, would you forget our races and feel threatened?
  247. TA Albanian height
  248. Eastern Europe, Siberia... what a mess !
  249. Place these Croats
  250. White/Europeans with olive/brown skin