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  1. Ainuid types in European Russia ?
  2. DNA links Native Americans with Europeans
  3. Non-euros, Do I look non european?
  4. Who is whiter Afghans, Syrians or Algerians ?
  5. Races with the largest/smallest eye shapes?
  6. Pontid, more eastern or southern european phenotype ?
  7. Ethnicities According to TA
  8. Do you think Greeks LOOK more Balkan or South Italian?
  9. Asian Eyes
  10. Classify me, please :)
  11. Is the Pamirid a type of Dinaro-Alpine Europid?
  12. Are Swiss Germans darker than Austrians?
  13. How percent of these Hungarians look Central Euro, Slavic, Balkan, North Germanic, Med or Western?
  14. Average Kenyan Phenotype
  15. What does the Typical Arab look like?
  16. Average Ugandan Phenotype
  17. I am Pontid but both my mother and father are Dinaromed. How can it be 🤔 ?
  18. Post examples of people from different races who can and cannot pass easily in Latin America
  19. Do I look Turkic?
  20. Classify Half White Half Indian (Marathi) - Nikki Bedi
  21. Who gets more Nordified in anthrofora: French people or Greeks?
  22. What is most numerous European phenotype?
  23. Do you consider South Slavs to have Asian, MENA influence in their phenotype?
  24. Male Height vs. % Steppe Ancestry in Europe
  25. Which Caucasoid peoples resemble Australian Aboriginals (Australoids)?
  26. Pan-European phenotype?
  27. Coon on the Swedes
  28. How South Asian do you LOOK? Range 1 -10
  29. Are Pontians racially superior to the Greeks?
  30. How Iberian do you look 1 -10!!
  31. Nordid and Mediterranid ARE NOT different types
  32. How Brazilian do you look?? 1 -10!
  33. What's the most common phenotype in the Portuguese?
  34. Why do people forget that an entire part of India, the people are of East Asian stock?
  35. Europeans Globaly
  36. Gluten intolerance is the true mark of the Nord
  37. Classify Persian royal mummy, Archmaenid period
  38. Should Pontic Greeks be considered European, Middle Eastern, or just Caucasian?
  39. How does one tell apart an Aztec from a Mayan phenotype-wise?
  40. Nordic is not a dipegmented Mediterranean, Southern Europeans are mixed with Nordic
  41. Classify this half angolan half south italian teenager living in switzerland
  42. Mongoloid British people
  43. Nordic substratum in the Atlanto-Mediterranean type
  44. What is more common: Finns who can pass in Sicily or Lebanese who can pass in Bahrain?
  45. How Italian do you look 1-10!!
  46. Gracile Mediterranid Examples
  47. How British/Anglo do you look?? 1 -10!
  48. How common is Dinarid in Britain?
  49. How NightClub Wog do you look 1-10 ??
  50. Classify me
  51. Classify Tarl Warwick
  52. Origin of Borreby, Baltid and Brünn
  53. Who looks more alike: French and Brits or Greeks and Bulgarians?
  54. Classify me again part 13143 jk
  55. Ball Heads Vs Horse Long Heads Vs Others
  56. Why do many people label blatantly mixed-race people as 'Black'? (Especially in the US)
  57. Turanid subraces
  58. Do Western Germans have darker features than Eastern Germans?
  59. Why is there so much Alpinid influence in British phenotypes?
  60. Would you be able to tell what European ancestry a mulatto has?
  61. Why Gracile Meds females are so beautiful?
  62. Do Papuans look Caucasoid?
  63. Hitler-Erdogan, why I think they share many similarities?
  64. What a "West-Baltid" truly is - OR: how to solve the "Baltid confusion"!
  65. To all dumb racist idiots: Why South Asians are Caucasoid, more than Central Asians , North Africans
  66. Post The Best Wog Germans You Can Find
  67. How common is Pontid in Italy?
  68. why are west europeans more robust or broad?
  69. What is the most common phenotype in Germany?
  70. What is the most common race in France?
  71. Is East Mediterranid eastern version of Gracile Mediterranid?
  72. Which of these ethnicities fit better in which place: Iberia, southern Italy, Greece.
  73. Becoming Yellow: a short history of racial thinking
  74. Is Anatolid = Armenoid + Pontid
  75. The stupid mix of anthrotardism and Nordicism that dominates Southern European-related threads
  76. Nordic-Iranian type
  77. Strangers Guessing Your Background?
  78. LEAST-classified race on TA?..
  79. The Mordvin/Moksha people.
  80. East Mediterranid = Pontid + Arabid. Is it true?
  81. What % of Finns do not have any Mongoloid admixture?
  82. Is Pontid depigmented and taller version of East Med?
  83. Turanid race
  84. Dolichocephalic Slavs and dolichocephalic Central Asians
  85. If neolithic farmer invasion never happened...?
  86. Classify and Guessify me, good luck! :) European Descent
  87. Classify my Grandpa (Egyptian)
  88. What is the most common racial phenotype in Mexico? I think it is Turanid.
  89. Classify Matthew Heimbach
  90. Classify me!
  91. What / Where can this guy pass as?
  92. What exactly is Turanid.
  93. What Phenotype would you guess me for?
  94. Classify my friend
  95. Forehead; Big vs Small
  96. ☆☆☆ Post People of Your Ethnicity / Ultimate Gallery Thread ☆☆☆
  97. Do Most people who are 1/4 black ("Quadroons", to use the tasteless antebellum term) Pass for White?
  98. Classify Turkish local politician
  99. Old nazi German map about races
  100. Classify Darya Klishina
  101. What exactly is East Med?
  102. In your country, does phenotype change more on an East/West or North/South basis?
  103. Classify Guy Fieri
  104. Which racial group(s) tend to have the longest limbs & shortest torsos?
  105. Does the Assyroid race exist? If so, what are some examples?
  106. Partially mongoloid types in Russia.
  107. Deniker on the Eastern (East-Baltid) and Vistulian (= ?) sub-races
  108. My phenotype
  109. Your face reflects your genome
  110. Some Very Random Pictures of Irish
  111. Dual Migration Created Genetic 'Melting Pot' of the First Scandinavians
  112. What are the eastern versions of North Atlantid and Gracile Med?
  113. Nordids - most vivid, virile and slowest-aging people on Earth
  114. Fenno Nordid
  115. according to 23andme, i had a 100% ashkenazi jew grandparent, is there a way to know additional
  116. Do phenotypes 'change' as one ages?
  117. Face of 9,000-Year-Old Teenager Reconstructed
  118. Face of Ancient Queen Revealed for First Time
  119. Classify Hungarian guy
  120. Do you believe in or agree with the out of Africa hypothesis?
  121. Classify me
  122. Post people who could pass as Cape Verdean.
  123. Which nordic types have dark eyebrows?
  124. Noses of elite in Europe
  125. Are there any tall Alpinid examples?
  126. In general, is it easier for 'lighter' ethnicities to pass as 'darker' ethnicities, or the reverse?
  127. (Poll) Which one do you prefer - fashion model girl or French princess
  128. In your city or country which interracial pairing is more common: White-Black or White-East Asian?
  129. Why is N-Euro's, Negroids and China Dolicocephalic
  130. Classify Half Colombian friend from colombia
  131. As a whole, do Filipinos and Indonesians pass better in Korea or Bangladesh?
  132. Are Assyrians more East-Med/Levantine or Armenoid shifted?
  133. As a whole, do Turks pass better in France or Yemen?
  134. As a whole, do Cypriots and Maltese pass better in Finland or Iran?
  135. What's the difference between Alpine and Borreby?
  136. Iraqi Jews (pure ones only)
  137. Light-skinned East Asians: Yellow, White, or Brown?
  138. Vigilance's Irano Nordoid / Nordoid Pashtun, Pakistani and South Asians thread
  139. your Master Nortn European Morph Collection
  140. Post non-Assyrians who look Assyrian?
  141. Linguistic - Religious Map of Europe
  142. Do I look Welsh?
  143. Benjamin Franklin's criteria on what european races were allowed to immigrate to USA
  144. doesn't the Arabid/Orientalid look similar to this "Armenoid"
  145. Most Europeans cannot pass for Ashkenazi Jews (not even as atypical)
  146. Can David Duke pass for Belgian?
  147. Where can this 'dark' Swedish woman pass in MENA?
  148. How similar are Baltid and Turanid?
  149. What race were the ANEs?
  150. Post broad nosed Europeans
  151. Cheddar Man - Reconstruction
  152. Can this rapper pass in North Africa?
  153. Some Turkish Genetic and History lessons to Turkophobe idiots!
  154. classify my wife
  155. Sorry for this troll thread, guys
  156. is it possible to know my caucasoid/negroid/mongoloid % or my ancestors living area?
  157. Since 'East Med' is not real, which Med type is really most common in Greece?
  158. Lappid Admixture in Sweden, Norway and Denmark
  159. Would this terrorist pass in your country?
  160. Which phenotype has the most diversity?
  161. Balkan Gypsies are not Australoid
  162. Does Southern Europe have any phenotypes "exotic" enough to be Arabian? If so, where?
  163. On Ashkenazim and Sicilians' phenotypes: people aren't getting what is being said.
  164. Slovenians look more Germanic than English people.
  165. Leväluhtid type
  166. DNA Results Of The Paracas Elongated Skulls Of Peru: Part 1
  167. What does this woman look like more?
  168. Can this man pass as Sicilian?
  169. 2 very interesting maps showing European genetic similarities
  170. Culturally and phenotypically, which countries are a hybrid of both Northern and Southern Europe?
  171. Guess him
  172. Guess origin
  173. Is Salman Rushdie's phenotype and skin color common among Kashmiris?
  174. Asian admixture in Europe (map)
  175. What ethnic group do you think may be most typical in the United States?
  176. Why Alopecia/Baldness is more common among Caucasoids?
  177. Classify me :)
  178. Which sub-race would have most chance to survive?
  179. Austria or England, Who is more Germanic?
  180. Cosenza females...or rather the most mysterious human beings on earth
  181. Italian vs Balto Slavic
  182. georgians and armenians dont look the same
  183. What does Atlantid-Pontid-Iranid cline mean?
  184. Balto Slavic vs Cypriot
  185. Does thiis Italian woman look more Albanian or Near Eastern?
  186. The Protestant countries were always superiour to the Catholic
  187. Do South Slavs typically look more like Poles/Russians/etc or South Italians/Aegean islanders?
  188. In Spain, how common is Atlantid and North Atlantid
  189. Post people that are said to look your ethnicity, but you don't think do.
  190. Do looks matter?
  191. Sicilian or not Sicilian looking"Best of"
  192. Palestinian vs Balto Slavic
  193. Are you from any 'low-confidence' region?
  194. Why do all wogs wanna pass as Italians?
  195. Where would this Armenian actor pass?
  196. Mediterranid sub-types. Are those predictions accurate?
  197. Are Kipchaks white?
  198. do girls like these beards???
  199. Where would this half Egyptian Jewish/half Ashkenazi Jewish singer pass?
  200. guys, are you an ass or boobs man???
  201. Do Czechs and Slovakians look more similar to Germans/Austrians, or to Russians/Ukrainians?
  202. A rare graphic showing the 'hierarchy of slavs' from German POV
  203. Classify my friend
  204. What is the best DNA ancestry test?
  205. Does this guy pass better in Poland or Calabria?
  206. Which Europid sub-type is Turanid closest to? Is it Baltid or else?
  207. my African Americans, UK Blacks, Carribean/Jamaican Blacks, Mulatto thread
  208. Is her phenotype common in Sweden?
  209. Ranking europe's regions
  210. Can he pass as Native in Poland?
  211. The Genetic Structure of Anatolia: From the Neolithic to the Oghuz Migrations
  212. How common are Baltid and Nordid types in Sweden?
  213. Does Steven Seagal look Sicilian ?
  214. Guess person
  215. Mediterranids and Nordids
  216. What is the most common phenotype among Western Europeans?
  217. Slavonian Croats
  218. Tunisian phenotypes: passable in Europe or too exotic? Vote please.
  219. How far east could Cliff Simon pass?
  220. Classify this Brazilian footballer/soccer player
  221. Is Turanid phenotype more frequent is Ukraine when compared to Turkey?
  222. I want to change my phenotype
  223. Classify ex Brazilian and Galatasaray football goalkeeper Cláudio Taffarel and tell where he fit in
  224. Classify this atypical blond Syrian
  225. Classify Hungarian girl
  226. Do we on anthrofora like to exaggerate the differences between Europeans?
  227. Classify Formula 1 legends
  228. Classify Formula 1 legends
  229. The Byzantine Empire was the most superior in over 1000 years
  230. Are Balkan people the most mixed in Europe?
  231. Classify Kim Kataguiri
  232. Classify Lebanese-Brazilian politician Gilberto Kassab
  233. Haplogroup I and height (map)
  234. Classify Brazilian national footbal team( CBF) coach Tite
  235. Which phenotypes are long faced Mediterranids and which phenotypes short faced Mediterranids?
  236. Genetic distance between Europeans: Autosomal DNA (map)
  237. Post famous natural redheads.
  238. RACIAL MAPS (in colour).
  239. What is the most common phenotype among Western Europeans?
  240. Do Scandinavians have more Mongoloid admixture than Slavs?
  241. my good looking, progressive, harmonious, Mongoloid people thread
  242. Why does Gracile Mediterranid phenotype have shorter face than the other Mediterranid types?
  243. Inbreed maps of Europe
  244. What exactly is Cappadocian Mediterranid?
  245. North European phenotypes
  246. Which Europid type is the closest to Iranid?
  247. Classify Zahn McClarnon
  248. classify primo carnera
  249. Post the first 3 people that come to your mind when you hear the word 'Celtic'
  250. Does Inspector Columbo look Sicilian?